[Contentless] ITT you post right now [ASAP] your current thought [Brains][Thinking][Personal][#44] (999)

634 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-10374 04:37

Electromagnetic waves travel infinitely in space, even some random TV broadcast from the 1960s is still traveling along in the universe waiting to be picked up.
Imagine if we get technology to pick up these signals in the incomprehensibly far future, and those guys get records of life as of now. Fucking imagine if someone doxxed me online or spread lies about me, that information spreads throughout the cosmos infinitely, forever. What if they find the lies and I'll never be able to send truth to them? My entire person will be remembered for the rest of time for something I'm not. Scratch that, even the activity of me normally is archived in waves never to be rubbed away, who knows how many deathly embarrassing facts about me are etched in space. What if, in the future, massive companies or hell just retards wanting to kill time start compiling every bit of information they can find about humanity in older eras? What if its not even just waves, what if they come to predict the movement of every single atom and therefore predict every atom's history, and start developing simulations of how they would organize themselves throughout time, atom-to-atom in exact detail. They would reconstruct every aspect of my fucking life, every time I fapped they could watch from every angle, every fucking movement of my brain they would have full understanding of, more understanding than I could ever hope to. I feel so fucking powerless against this, they will know every detail about my life and my inadequacies and failures, I will be documented in the most comprehensibly complete form to be mocked for the rest of time. Children will browse an exact atom-to-atom recreation of the world I think of as the entirety of existence, my entire life and therefore each of my failings permanently recorded and never to be eroded. Failure that I might not even understand or remember and failure that I wish desperately to be wiped clean will ALL exist forever and ever, documented in totality.

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