This is my language teaching thread!! It's true! It's true! (721)

1 Name: Anonymous : 2007-03-05 15:18 ID:Tg9qORd+

Hi, loving everyone!^^ I'm 19years old, a Japanese Otaku.
I'm a high school graduate who is preparing for another chance to enter a college.(This is called "Rounin" in Japan, a masterless Samurai is also called "Rounin".)
I made every effort to enter college, but college refused me, because I couldn't read/write English well.

So, I want you to speak to me easily, and point out my wrong.
You can ask me everything! I'm not a grim person.^^ I love you all.(^ε^)
come on! come on everybody!

Do you think this sentences childish?

I like WWE,progressive rock. thanks for reading

257 Name: 205 : 2007-05-15 02:31 ID:nOEmVrfV


To be a ladyboy you have to dress as a woman, I think.

Man, what is this thread even about anymore?

258 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-15 13:13 ID:Heaven

A ladyboy is a shemale. But I thought that was mostly Taiwan...

259 Name: 211 : 2007-05-16 03:30 ID:Mjfb71Eu

Oh, sorry. See, >>251 was horribly attempting to be me, just check what name he went by. I got a little irritated. I wasn't trying to be insensitive. I support gay rights and stuff like that! =/

Okay, let's work on your English!

>>thanks for god!!

It should say:
"thank God!!"

When referring to a single god like there is only one god, then you capitalize the word God.

Other than that, there's no real explanation. "Thank God" is just a common phrase.

>>Come my college.

Should say:
"Come to my college.

When you are telling people to go or come to a specific location, you say "Come to ____." or "Go to ___." where ___ is the location.

The exceptions to this are when you say "Go there." or "Come here." (People don't say "go here" or "come there" because "come" means "go" except it's used when you're there at the location already you're telling the person to go to.) Other than that, you always use the word "to" after come or go.

You can also say "Go over there." or "Come over here." It's usually used when the person is really far away from the location you're talking about but there are no real rules to it. You can use it anytime you want!

>>and where the roads are so narrow.

You don't need to add "where."


That's it! Your English is really good! There was one other thing but I won't bother with it because it doesn't HAVE to be a mistake.

260 Name: 211 : 2007-05-16 03:48 ID:Mjfb71Eu

211 here! Let me add something about "go" and "come."

When you're talking about the future or are telling somebody to do something in the future, "come" usually means that you'll be there and "go" usually means you won't. For example:

Bob: Come to the concert.
This implies that Bob will be at the concert.

Bob: Go to the concert.
This implies that Bob won't be at the concert.

When talking about the future, sometimes people mix these up, so you can't always be too sure!

Also, I was sort of wrong about "go over there" and "go there." There are better times to say each one, but it doesn't matter too much. Generally, you will use "go over there" more.

For come, though, that doesn't matter. =) People mix "come over here" and "come here." Usually though, when you're talking on the phone and you want the person to come to your house, you'll say "come over here."

261 Post deleted by moderator.

262 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-17 16:18 ID:W+Jh1Fqx


"Go here" is too used. Normally when you're pointing at a map or similar.

263 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-17 18:31 ID:962sGjWj

A "nigger" is a complimentary term for a black man, but only if he is stronger than you.

264 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-18 04:32 ID:Heaven


Someone ban this guy, please. People will literally kill you for saying that.

265 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-18 20:06 ID:Heaven


Someone ban this guy, please.

266 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-19 02:17 ID:Heaven


Same person.



267 Name: 1 : 2007-05-19 02:35 ID:Heaven


268 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-19 15:33 ID:9SDW6X+2

269 Name: 1 : 2007-05-24 11:24 ID:Heaven

Why so much sadness
Why no peace....

270 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-24 18:17 ID:Iul7ughQ

Breaking the unspoken rules and bringing this thread back to the top.

271 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-24 19:19 ID:TSaZIj+q

( ಠ_ƣ) I say, good show! Say "No" to trolls, wot wot?

272 Post deleted by moderator.

273 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-25 04:30 ID:j9AtCJQl

Nigger isn't a really bad word these days. Ever since the niggers themselves started using it, it has seemed pretty tame, and no worse than "spic" or "jap".

274 Name: 4 : 2007-05-25 10:30 ID:LQpPbjR7

1, what do you think of the JSDF? The Jieitai?

275 Name: 1 : 2007-05-25 12:02 ID:Heaven


What happened?? I thought everyone ran away because my English was so terrible.

They should be more expanded! Because our neighbors are so dangerous, it cannot be avoided.
The first thing we should discuss is a fact that one nation interferes with another.

276 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-26 01:13 ID:WguOyJlj


An Asian guy with (presumably) heavily accented English coming up to some some black guys and saying "'Sup all my niggers"?

More likely they'd laugh their asses off.

277 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-26 14:03 ID:5jXytSKm

"ahh, kamisama! watashi no atama ni ono ga arimasu."

"Oh my God! There's an axe in my head."

278 Name: 1 : 2007-05-26 15:13 ID:Heaven

ahh, kamisama ≠ Oh my God

nante koto da! ≒ Oh my God

279 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-26 15:22 ID:rwqfBmsi

"yuube no mae ni onna no hito ni naze au ka shirimasen deshita"

I didn't know how to meet women before last night

(my Japanese homework assignment: write what you learned this weekend)

280 Name: 1 : 2007-05-27 01:26 ID:Heaven

"yuube no mae" sounds strange!! "sakuya(昨夜) made(まで)" or "sakuban(昨晩) made(まで)" are(is?) better.

So, you have your Japanese homework...I also have my French and Italian homeworks. Good luck for us!

Now, I'm studying hard so that I won't be inferior to other countries' students in study. Someone gives me a plenty of time, pleesee.

281 Name: 1 : 2007-05-27 01:37 ID:Heaven

I'm sorry, I forgot to write whole sentence. And I think "how to meet" means "douyatte au ka". Doesn't it?

"yuube made onna no hito ni douyatte au ka shirimasen deshita"
"sakuya made onna~"
"skauban made onna~"

BTW, does "meet" mean "make love" or something?

282 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-27 02:26 ID:pfR7+UDX

Hmmmmmmmn, this whole thread is very cute, I think ^^ apart from the trolls, but any thread is going to have trolls. Anyway, I don't really have anything useful to say about all of this, but I'm enjoying reading it all ^^~

283 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-27 02:36 ID:cJcVVj+g

is everyone here asian?? and learnt english???

284 Name: 1 : 2007-05-27 04:03 ID:E45T6MpB

I noticed that I must thank for 211. Thank you very much and I'm sorry for my laziness.
I read your all postings. It's very good information for me to study! Thanks!
You said you live up north in the United States. So, when I go to the United States to study, please play with this asian blockhead.(I have real "block head". hahaha... I really envy people who aren't Asian. I wanna give you a part of my face bones.)

Thank you for the upload! To tell the truth, I missed downloading in >>240. So, these days I read novels written by Roald Dahl. It's not easy to find interesting comic books.

Thanks for information! And you know, I'm not a fag.

I hearty thank all people who posted(and will post) here!!

285 Name: 1 : 2007-05-28 00:24 ID:H2IKyWLF

Happy birthday to me. Happy birthday to me. No one celebrates my birthday, but I'm still fine. Happy birthday to me. Now that I'm 20 years old! Happy birthday. This year's aims are getting a good grade in all subjects, and preparing for studying abroad.

I wanna more practice "output" in English.(Though I'm taking an oral communication class, I don't think it's so effective)

286 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-28 02:11 ID:MrYL93y3

Yay Happy Birthday.

287 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-28 03:50 ID:rwqfBmsi

20 years old should be a happy day. Because now you can call yourself "hatachi". You can only do that for a single year!

Since you can legally drink now, you should offer to buy drinks for younger students. Maybe you can make friends that way.

288 Name: 1 : 2007-05-28 09:20 ID:3X6bAld8

I'm so glad to hear that, 'cos I've long wanted to be cute.

Thanks, men! >>286 is the second, and >>287 is the third person who said to me "happy birthday". Even my mom hasn't said so (´;ω;`)ブワッ

When you have your birthday, do you hold a party every year? I never did that.

Yup! I'm twenty years old! Boku ha hatachi desu! J'ai vingt ans!
Yeah, I want more friends! So, I had better start training to drink a lot. I ordered "Baileys Irish Cream" on the Internet a short time ago. Do you know that?

I felt bad today, so got home early than usual. It's 18:20 now. Now I'm alone and will start studying in analysis. The test is near!!

289 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-29 03:10 ID:3qrQlagM

イヤ!! 誕生日を逃っちゃった? オソーイ! お誕生日おめでとう御座います!!


290 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-29 03:10 ID:3qrQlagM

イヤ!! 誕生日を逃しっちゃった? オソーイ! お誕生日おめでとう御座います!!


291 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-29 03:42 ID:rwqfBmsi

> I ordered "Baileys Irish Cream" on the Internet a short time ago. Do you know that?

Mmm... I think I've had it. The creamy alcohol is the best kind. Kahlua is good, too.

I also like hard lemonade. Actually, generally I only like creamy and sweet alcohol. It's kind of embarrassing. The other guys say I drink the girliest drinks.

292 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-29 04:27 ID:rccTH6sz


Haha, I get that as well... since I don't really like beer. I like either mixed drinks, or hard cider.

I've never had Bailey's, but I've had similar cream alcohols. It's too sweet and rich to drink straight, but you can make awesome milkshakes with it. :)

293 Name: 1 : 2007-05-29 12:23 ID:PFOETTnd

Today, I drank "lejay creme de cassis". My sister sent it to me for celebrating my birthday.... but I don't think it tastes good.(Sorry, but I'm glad to be given it)
I cannot wait for the Baileys' arrival! If I should habitually drink it, I would become a diabetic.


> イヤ!! 誕生日を逃っちゃった? オソーイ! お誕生日おめでとう御座います!!

Thank u! And don't mind it! It's still inside the range of a time difference.

> 二十歳ね?信じられない。インターネットに居るのに、僕がいつも最も若い。

Why cannot you believe I am twenty years old? You mean that my postings are too childish? Yeah, that's right. I agree with that.

Lemonade is not popular in Japan.(BTW, I like a pronunciation of "Lemonade") Someday, I'll try it.

> The other guys say I drink the girliest drinks.

That's not bad, rather good!! Attaboy!

Hey, I thought that an otaku had never drunk. So the recent postings are new to me!

294 Name: 1 : 2007-05-29 12:26 ID:Heaven

If you want, I'll correct your Japanese.(It's a celebrative message, so I thought the correcting is impolite)

295 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-30 01:24 ID:rwqfBmsi

> Hey, I thought that an otaku had never drunk. So the recent postings are new to me!

I'm not as much an otaku as I used to be... I came out of my hole, so to speak. But I still go back to the otaku world sometimes and fawn over Konata. And what's more, I'm not scared to admit it anymore.

"Hard lemonade" is just a lemon-flavored alcohol. But Japan has better drinks than lemonade. That means Calpis and Pocari Sweat! Those are the summery drinks that lemonade ought to be. Mmm... the thought of Calpis makes me thirsty, actually.

296 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-30 01:45 ID:Heaven



297 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-30 10:15 ID:Heaven

I'm too fond of Pocari Sweat, but none of the Asian shops I've seen so far in my town sell it, especially not the powder version. I prefer that one as pre-bottled Pocari is too intense for me, I prefer diluting it to more than twice as weak.

298 Name: 1 : 2007-05-30 12:21 ID:Heaven

I never met a person who likes Pocari Sweat (in Japan), though its commercial is famous for the actress. In my opinion it is drunk when people catch a cold.
I prefer Aquarius to Pocari Sweat. Aquarius is also made in Japan. According to the page below, it is saled in 15 countries(Asia and Europe). Its flavor is weaker than Pocari, so it'll be your favorite!!

Calpis! I like it! Needless to say, it often uses as a metaphor of Semen!

Okay. stay tune!!

299 Name: 1 : 2007-05-30 12:55 ID:knCghPSa


In such a situation, "イヤ" sounds strange. "ウソ?!" or "しまった!" is appropriate.


"誕生日を逃しちゃった?" is right. "誕生日を逃しっちゃった?" is wrong.


It seems like you said to me "You are late".
So, I think "遅かったか… orz" is right.




There is nothing wrong, but are some unnatural terms.


Are you a woman? If not, you shouldn't use "~ね".


First, an expression "インターネットに居る" sounds strange in Japanese.
Second, an adverb "いつも" shouldn't use there.
Third, "最も" is a little strict here.
Considering these points, this sentence would be said like this:
more frankly, いつもネットしてるのに、僕が一番若い。

In addition to that, you meant that on the Internet you rarely see people who are younger than you, didn't you? If so:
"滅多に~ない" means "rarely".

If you have never seen people who are younger than you on the Internet:



Maybe you wanted to say "Yes, please". But "はい、どうぞ" is arrogant in Japanese.
"はい、(よろしく)お願いします。" が適切かと思います。


300 Name: 1 : 2007-05-30 13:01 ID:knCghPSa


301 Name: 297 : 2007-05-30 14:26 ID:Heaven

Let me put it this way: I don't like Pocari Sweat because of its flavour, although I don't mind it. It could taste like week-old de-fizzed cola and I'd still happily drink it. I like the effect it has on my ability to think straight. It usually clears my head straight up when I'm tired and can't focus. Most drinks, even when diluted, don't quite have an as good effect on me. But then again I've never had any Calpis etcetera. Just various non-foreign sportsdrinks (and similar) of the purchased as well as home-made variety.

By the way, when I said that Pocari Sweat was too intense, I didn't just refer to the flavour. I'll definitely get my friend to get me some Aquarius, the next time he's in Japan or at any good import-shops. If I can't find any here, that is. Thanks for the tip!

302 Name: 1 : 2007-05-30 15:10 ID:Heaven

I'm sorry, I had some mistaken ideas.

Does Pocari have an effect of clearling your head?? Ok then, I'll buy it now! Now I'm studying for a math exam, and will study all night. So, it's good timing! Yaaaaay!!
I hope you get some Aquarius! But you'd better not expect so much. It's almost the same as Pocari.

By the way, your English is so cool! My destination is your English!

It is difficult for me to use "as", as well as many Japanese people. As well it makes many idioms! I cannot use "as"!

303 Name: Anonymous : 2007-05-30 15:12 ID:Heaven

Thanks for the lessons!
I wanted to say 'even on the Internet, I'm always the youngest.' I'm 19, but my birthday is in October. All of my friends are older than I am.

304 Name: 297 : 2007-05-30 15:25 ID:Heaven

Eh. My English is rather shoddy, actually. I too need to up my skills.
And regarding the Pocari - you might want to dilute it. Just maybe. I don't know. Depends on the needs of your body. I get the best effect if I have every other small glass as diluted Pocari Sweat, and the other one water.

305 Name: 1 : 2007-06-02 16:32 ID:zamz9vFe

Long time no post! Excuse me for my long silence.

It's my pleasure!
Okay, I translated it into Japanese:
'インターネットにおいてさえ、いつも僕が一番若い' or 'インターネット上でさえ、~'.

So, we are the same school period in Japan! But you may be a 3rd semester student, aren't you. I'm still 1st semester student, because I was(or even now) flunk out and lost 1 year.

Then, let us study together! :)
Thanks, 297 and Pocari!! I managed to pull off the exam.
And I think no one in Japan dilutes Pocari :) Me either. While no one doesn't dilute Calpis.

Another tip:
'Hiyashi ame'(ひやしあめ) is Japanese traditional drink. Maybe most of the young Japanese people don't know it. I aquired it when I stayed my grandma's house. She said she'd drunk it since her childhood.
It's made of ginger and starch syrup, so the taste is sugary and hot, but it's got cold.(It's difficult for me to express the taste.)
Without fail, I remember my grandma when I drink it.(Though she is vigorous.)
So.... maybe it reminds you of Japanese good old days. Please drink it with imagining Japanese straw thatched roofs and fields and kids who wear women's loose trousers with a drawstring around each ankle(in Japanese: もんぺ).

306 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-02 17:43 ID:Heaven

That sounds interesting. I will give it a shot.

307 Name: 1 : 2007-06-03 01:21 ID:geZLNtuT

(I'm sorry for my selfishness. I noticed that I wrote only about myself. I know that is not funny for all of you. I'm sorry.)

I got the idiom "give it a shot/whirl". Day by day, I become smarter..... I fear my wiseness.(Though it's not so good even in japan)

By the way, three months have passed since I set up this thread. Three months ago, I never thought that I would pass the entrance exam, and I would be a flunk out one more year. That's strange....

You know, I am a student of Department of Material Sciences. I heard that my college is one of the world's most eminent organization.
I say this because nobody has pointed out! I wanna be praised! I wanna be praised!!(Even though only professors are great, and we students are not at all. I know it)

Am I disgusting?? I'm sorry, I'm poor at boasting of myself.
And it's just a drunken idea.(It's still Sunday morning! I'm really a drunkard...)

308 Name: 1 : 2007-06-03 01:27 ID:Heaven

> Three months ago, I never thought that I would pass the entrance exam, and I would be a flunk out one more year.

This sentence is really strange! Hahahaha...

> Three months ago, I never thought that I would pass the entrance exam, and thought that I would be a flunk out one more year.


> Three months ago, I never thought that I would pass the entrance exam, and I wouldn't be a flunk out one more year.

The latter is logically correct, I think :)
Because there are two negative words!

309 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-03 02:32 ID:rwqfBmsi

The second one shouldn't use a comma because it's all included within the "I never thought" clause.

310 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-03 02:32 ID:rwqfBmsi

(It sounds a little weird otherwise.)

311 Name: 1 : 2007-06-03 03:52 ID:Heaven

Then what should i do? please tell me!!!!!

312 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-03 03:58 ID:rwqfBmsi

Here's a simple version:

"Three months ago, I never thought that I would pass the entrance exam and not flunk out again."

313 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-03 04:00 ID:rwqfBmsi

Hey, >>1, want to hear a very silly thing that just happened?

I have so much luggage in my extremely tiny dorm room, I crammed things everywhere at the beginning of the year...

Now I am packing, and I discovered the comforter I had put in my closet! I went all winter without a comforter because I thought I didn't have one!

314 Name: 1 : 2007-06-03 04:25 ID:Heaven

Ah! Thanks!
"I never thought that I would pass the entrance exam" + "I never thought that I wouldn't flunk out again" = (your sentence). Is that correct?

It's not a silly thing. What a lucky man you are! If I can find bookends which I must have brought to my apartment, I will slam the door shut!
By the way, what is the comforter? You mean a pacifier?

I hate people who shut the door noisily. But I can't complain about it in front of them. Because I'm yellow. I'm truly(racially) yellow. Alas....

315 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-03 06:20 ID:rwqfBmsi

You don't say "I'm yellow" to mean "I'm a coward" anymore. That's 1950s slang.

A comforter is a kind of blanket. I was sleeping without a blanket in winter (in Minnesota!).

316 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-03 06:21 ID:rwqfBmsi

And, your reading of my sentence is correct.

317 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-04 01:38 ID:gqZURbhT


Yes, but otherwise the pun wouldn't work.

Also, his flunk out sentence, while not perfectly grammatically correct, sounds fine to me.

318 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-04 14:52 ID:Heaven

That only works if you subscribe to the idea that some asians are "yellow" in color. I'm too much of a color nazi to accept such pathetically inaccurate labels. Gimme a wavelength or five, and I'm happy.

319 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-08 02:30 ID:QmwPxg7F


Pacifier? HAHA! No, a pacifier is a device you put in a baby's mouth for it to suck on. I'm sure you've seen one of those before.

320 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-09 19:41 ID:Heaven


321 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-14 10:38 ID:QtXrTowY

Age to spite the vile spamtrolls

322 Name: 320 : 2007-06-16 21:33 ID:Heaven

That was not spam, learn to read posts, and ponder and understand them.

323 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-17 21:15 ID:YgSROgsg

Something I read once, is that people who studied Esperanto, which is a fairly easy artificial language, at least in syntax, pick up real foreign languages quicker than what would be usual. I don't know if it's true or not, though.

Maybe I should try it, and see if it helps me to learn Japanese better!

324 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-17 23:01 ID:TvrF+Prs


325 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-17 23:11 ID:AOcTB3sD

ITT retards.

326 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-18 00:02 ID:hwrcjMk7

Very intelligent desu. Are you a linguist nyoro?

327 Name: 1 : 2007-06-18 00:10 ID:Heaven

A population explosion

Last week, I had my assignment of LaTeX. I like mark up language, but I was worn out. I did it all day long...
Now that my neck is so terrible.

328 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-18 03:06 ID:35lXeANu

>Now that my neck is so terrible.

Now my neck feels terrible, I think you mean.

329 Name: 1 : 2007-06-18 09:54 ID:Heaven

Thank you very much.


330 Name: config.sys : 2007-06-18 16:30 ID:NPuXaFlK

Hello there. I don't know any Japanese person that's better in English than you, good job!
I'm from Holland and I've learned to speak English mainly by playing games and communicating on the Internet. You could play a text-heavy game in English to practice your skills. You need to remember to have some fun while and besides studying. :) This is a good (and hopefully fun) way to do it, too.

I wonder, what do Japanese people know about Holland? I've heard there's some kind of Holland-park in Japan, with all the famous buildings and stuff. Is this true?

Here, besides the people that are into anime and Japanese games, most people don't know much about Japan. Some people don't even know the difference between Japan and China. -_-

Anyway, good luck learning English!

331 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-18 20:40 ID:5jXytSKm

> You could play a text-heavy game in English to practice your skills.

In A.D. 2101, war was beginning...

332 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-19 02:45 ID:dnOdU/tM



333 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-19 04:33 ID:TmMPMt81


We get signal.

334 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-19 05:44 ID:dnOdU/tM


335 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-19 09:33 ID:Heaven

Someone decided it would be funny to flood /general/ with one post topics when they were disgruntled with the moderation staff when that post was made.

336 Name: 1 : 2007-06-19 11:43 ID:Heaven

Hello. Nice to meet you!
Yes, studying with fun is important! These days I read translated comic books.(Of course, from Japanese into English)

Now I'm thinking about
I think that most of the Japanese people think of Huistenbosch, though they don't know what that name means. You meant it didn't you? I think it is the third most famous theme parks in Japan. (The first is Tokyo Disneyland, and the second is Universal Studio Japan)
I've never been there, so I cannot describe the details. Sorry.

Nagasaki Huistenbosch :

wetlands, a windmill, Ernesto Hoost, Coda(a progressive rock band)
These are my images of Holland.

> Here, besides the people that are into anime and Japanese games, most people don't know much about Japan.

Me too.

> Anyway, good luck learning English!

Thanks! The same to you!!


337 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-20 01:14 ID:nOEmVrfV


> I'm 19, but my birthday is in October. All of my friends are older than I am.

Being 19 and having a birthday in October is the path to success for imageboard website ownership. But you have to change your name to "Tsuu".


Material science gets a lot of good press these days. (= they say good things about it in magazines/newspapers).

I think it's because the people writing the articles really want space elevators. Maybe it's just because I read "Scientific American."

Us computer scientists can't make ANYTHING invisible.

Hey, what's a good book to read? There are two Japanese bookstores near me now, and one of them might have a book with enough ふりがな that I can understand it.

I've been reading 「よつばと!」, but I can't handle anything harder because of the kanji. Maybe I should read the textbook for that instead?

338 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-20 17:34 ID:NPuXaFlK

So... anything going on these days?

339 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-20 17:36 ID:NPuXaFlK

Also >>336,
Thanks for the link to Huistenbosch site. The name means 'house in a forest'. I'm actually surprised you know some things about a country so small. :)

340 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-22 15:35 ID:OD68nesQ

Hey, I want space elevators. That's probably the only way a poor cubicle monkey like myself will ever get to go into space. :(

341 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-23 02:31 ID:lB5uYnzO


Damn those Kanji, fewer people can even write the full 2,000 now-a-days with texting and internet doing the work for you. But without having to learn to write them, looking them up and learning them should be easy.

Of course... you should learn to write them... eventually.

342 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-24 02:23 ID:yu9ACYc2


There's an actual name for that problem where Japanese can't remember kanji but recognize them instantly.

Someone's Syndrome, anyone know?

343 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-24 05:32 ID:Heaven

memory recall

344 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-26 01:29 ID:/dmYkOQc

Memory Recall is not a person's name.

Unless that person had terrible, terrible parents.

345 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-26 03:40 ID:lB5uYnzO


Memory Recall!!

How was school today?

Don't forget to take out the burnable trash tonight, Memory Recall.

346 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-26 07:57 ID:Ezq1omn0



To explain this, >>331-4 were playing a call and response game about a video game called Zero Wing, which became very famous on the internet in 2000 for its poor use of English in the intro. >>331 took the suggestion of using video games as an aid to learning English and gave an example of how this could be a bad idea. >>334 wasn't threatening a terrorist action or anything of the sort.

because it's somewhat relevant, the Zero Wing introduction:

347 Name: 1 : 2007-06-26 22:33 ID:Heaven

Thanks a lot. I got it.
Then, >>331-334, you mocked me for being Japanese and using odd English. Right?

I think Memory Recall arises when you recognize someone's face. You cannot closely describe it, but when you look it, you can immediately tell from.

348 Name: 1 : 2007-06-26 23:00 ID:Heaven

I fear you 'cus you know Tuesday is a burnable trash day in my ward.(Is "a burnable trash day" Japanese English? I can't express well, sorry.)

火曜日には、ペットボトル(PET bottles)とスチール(steel)、アルミ(Alminum)缶(can)も出せます。

I want a shirt printed "All your base are belong to us", though I don't know what is wrong. And "Somebody set up us the bomb", is this wrong? I think "Somebody sets bombs for us" is right.

349 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-27 02:04 ID:5jXytSKm


> Then, 331-334, you mocked me for being Japanese and using odd English. Right?

Not at all, the Zero Wing intro was a widespread Internet phenomenon. It thought of it when >>330 mentioned learning English by playing games.
Your English is far superior than that translation, even from your first post here.

The Zero Wing phenomenon:
(with corrected translation):

Poor translations have been a source of humor for many years, especially when they meaning changes.

It goes both ways, of course.
Some people seem to think having a Japanese or Chinese tattoo is stylish, but don't actually know what the meaning is truthfully!

350 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-27 03:10 ID:hgr+thaY


No, they were mocking the idea that video games are a good way to learn english. Nowadays, however, they aren't as bad.

"Burnable trash day" is fine.

351 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-27 03:44 ID:UlzwnD1S

Hello! I have a question for >>1 .

What are people like at Japanese schools? I am talking about teachers, faculty, students, etc. I'm wondering about any school, from elementary to high school.

Thank you!

352 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-28 05:17 ID:V06drcDz


It's exactly like Azumanga Daioh.

353 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-28 11:16 ID:Heaven

I knew it!

354 Name: sage : 2007-06-28 15:08 ID:UlzwnD1S


Oh Japan!

355 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-28 17:24 ID:f8FRINXB


356 Name: Anonymous : 2007-06-28 17:31 ID:f8FRINXB


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