Singles Rant Thread 2 (1000)

113 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-08 15:05 ID:2UThTxj8

About 6 months ago, I went out with this girl whom I would consider my dream girl. We went out for about a month. However, due to work stress and bad timing, it didn't quite work out. We stopped going out together but we still see each other in school.

I still have feelings for her but i'm afraid of asking her out again in case she rejects me. Everytime i see her in school she'll flash me her radiant smile and i'll go all weak in the knees. I really want to try it again with her but i'm really scared she'll just reject me and then won't even want to be friends with me.

The thing is, during that one month while i was with her, I gave her a rose in a glass jar which is suppose to be everlasting. I told her that if she likes me she'll always keep it by her side. Recently, I found out that she still has that rose on her study table.

I wonder if this means i still have a chance or it means nothing. Either way.. i still feel weak whenever i'm anywhere near her....

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