Singles Rant Thread 2 (1000)

1 Name: Sora : 2006-09-10 09:46 ID:H44Ytxto

Dang! I wanted the 1000th! haha

101 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-05 22:16 ID:Pwk6LORN

I am 18 years old and have never been in a relationship. Throughout high school I was slightly over-weight and never gave too much thought about my personal appearance, by the time I was ready for a relationship I felt it would be impossible due to the hole I had dug myself. With college approaching I saw it as an oppurtunity to start over. I decided to get in shape in an effort to re-invent myself and finally meet someone. I am now a commuter in a large state school and have been attending class for three months. I have yet to make one friend, male or female, since I started college. Even with my "new" body I still don't have the confidence, experience, or knowledge to approach a girl. In high school most of my friends would meet girls at parties, but I don't drink and feel very akward and nervous in these situations, not to mention I don't even have any friends to go to these parties with right now. I am a total romantic and being completely alone like this has left me so depressed. I feel so hopeless.

102 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-06 00:45 ID:8mQI81kv

My freshmen college experience was similar. But I found that the major difference between sophomore and freshmen year is that you know almost everyone. Talk to your classmates that are in the same program, join clubs that have girls, socialize as much as possible. Over time it will get better.

103 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-06 15:36 ID:Flgnl/w1

and start drinking.

104 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-06 22:08 ID:Heaven

I'm not exactly single at the moment but at the same time I can't say I have a "girfriend" of some sorts. Special situation, and all i can say about is FUCK SHIT GODDAMN HELL I AM FRUSTRATED.


105 Name: 104 : 2006-11-06 23:13 ID:Heaven

okay I had a talk with her and i'm not so frustrated anymore phew

106 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-06 23:48 ID:Heaven


Sort of good to hear, I'm glad someone got out of the position I am currently stuck in.


Lots of alcoholism in my family, I was planning to avoid the stuff completely.

107 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-07 06:33 ID:tFsS4Jsf

I was in the library looking for a desk to sit down and study in and noticed an empty one with a cute girl next to it. As I got closer and I noticed that the girl was the same girl I asked about and got rejected from. So I went to another desk.

108 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-07 13:27 ID:Flgnl/w1

I can feel where you're coming from, 107. Still, why not just sit there? its a small, small world!

109 Name: 107 : 2006-11-07 15:33 ID:tFsS4Jsf


I had a big exam coming up, I didn't need any distractions.

110 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-07 22:12 ID:5ZVchPGp

Know know what's frustrating? You go to same with school for 9 years with a very sweet girl who's been showing interest for that whole time. One time she confessed through her friend. What I did? Walked away with a "meh". WHY, god, WHY? ;_; There were other instances where she hinted she wanted to get close. Just walked away every single time there was a change. End of comprehensive school was last time I ever saw her. -.-

I'm 21 now and never dated.

111 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-08 02:44 ID:tFsS4Jsf

I know that feeling. We went to school together for a few years, she moved away and I realized what I missed out on. To add insult to injury I found out my friend is her cousin. But its too late for anything now.

112 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-08 03:38 ID:4cJA8z8C

Reminds me of how in high school a girl I liked cam over to me and asked "Are you dating anyone?" I thought "Wow, is she asking me out? Yay!" and said, "No, why?"

She then said "Oh, my friend was curious," and I responded "Oh... okay." She then ran off shyly.

It was only years later that I considered the fact maybe she was asking for herself after all, and possibly just using her friend as an excuse. I probably should have said something like "Oh, I was hoping it was you who were interested." But yeah, way too late to do anything now.

And then there was the time my school had an anonymous Valentine's day thing going on. You paid like 50 cents, and they left an anonymous Valentine on your crushes desk along with any messages you wanted on it.

unfortunately, I was friends with some of the people running it, so I would have admitted to them that I liked the girl, and it would have defeated the whole purpose. So I passed on it.

>I'm 21 now and never dated.

113 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-08 15:05 ID:2UThTxj8

About 6 months ago, I went out with this girl whom I would consider my dream girl. We went out for about a month. However, due to work stress and bad timing, it didn't quite work out. We stopped going out together but we still see each other in school.

I still have feelings for her but i'm afraid of asking her out again in case she rejects me. Everytime i see her in school she'll flash me her radiant smile and i'll go all weak in the knees. I really want to try it again with her but i'm really scared she'll just reject me and then won't even want to be friends with me.

The thing is, during that one month while i was with her, I gave her a rose in a glass jar which is suppose to be everlasting. I told her that if she likes me she'll always keep it by her side. Recently, I found out that she still has that rose on her study table.

I wonder if this means i still have a chance or it means nothing. Either way.. i still feel weak whenever i'm anywhere near her....

114 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-08 15:07 ID:NiJhnEWF

>>112 Thats the way life is. There are many missed chances which we all end up regretting later... If only we could turn back time...

115 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-08 23:09 ID:14T/7Iiy

Don't worry. You're not alone... I know that doesn't really help too much. I'm 22! Just make sure you recognize the next chance a bit faster, eh? Live and learn... after messing up many many times...

116 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-09 00:15 ID:h4lSicz/

I think you should go for it! If things seem better now, maybe it could work. She still has the rose, it seems, y'know? If I liked someone enough, I know I'd keep such a special gift from them close. If not full out ask her out again, then just talk to her and see if she's even interested in the idea. What do you have to lose, really? Who's to say she won't want to still be your friend if rejected? For all you know, maybe she does want to get back together.

117 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-09 01:18 ID:2UThTxj8

I totally agree with what 115 said. What matters now is that you don't repeat the same mistakes! But then... sometimes its not very easy not to repeat the same mistakes... When opportunit comes, the window of opportunity does not open long..

118 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-09 01:25 ID:NwC3hLgq

Thanks for your advise.. Next time i see her online i'll try to ask her out.. I'm really scared but like they say nothing ventured nothing gained... I think...

I can't call her because the last time i tried calling her to invite her to my student committee investiture i ended up mumbling nonsense... And i don't think i can ask her in person too cause the last time i tried to give her something i ended up throwing it at her and it hit her face... i can never forget that embarassing incident.

She was complaining that she had gastric pains because she wasn't eating right and she was stressed over the exams.. I decided to get her a pack of antacids to clear the gastric.. i included a nice letter to go with it. I wanted to give it to her after our morning lecture.. however, while i was walking towards her.. she saw me and give me that killer smile again.. i panicked and just threw the whole package at her... sad to say.. it hit her face cause she wasn't aware that i was going to throw anything at her... I felt so stupid after that...

But she did send me a thank you message afterwards... I feel very hopeless...

119 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-09 02:23 ID:2UThTxj8

Arghhhhh!!!! Before i could message her online she already message me first... chatting with her online now!!! Talking about the past semester in school... What should i do? What should i say to ask her out!!!!!??????

120 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-09 03:16 ID:ibLc2FMU

Finished talking to her online already.. and i still have not asked her out... how come with other girls i don't have a problem asking them out or even flirting with them... but with her i can't do it... very frustrating!!!

121 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-09 13:29 ID:3ydnUOjc

>>120 You're afraid. Afraid that if you screw up, you'll lose her forever. You're in sence are comfortable in the relatationship you have with her. That's why kiddo.

122 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-14 05:20 ID:fBW/THoy

ask her out!

123 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-16 15:01 ID:Flgnl/w1

on another note, I'm still single and have always been.

124 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-17 01:09 ID:h4lSicz/

Single and lonely here.. --;

125 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-17 10:16 ID:xNv7vLGR

Remember guys that all those missed chances will come back and haunt you when you're about to do anything similar again. Live and learn and all that.

126 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-17 18:41 ID:ToZ37/1N

I'm gay, and I fell in love with a straight guy. Again. This is really fucking me up.

127 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-17 18:57 ID:PoG8vvGx

>>126 Alcohol + a nice stary night and..who knows |_|

128 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-17 19:34 ID:tFsS4Jsf


You will need a lot of alcohol to make a straight guy gay for the night

129 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-18 15:02 ID:Flgnl/w1

why is it that I keep attracting gay guys? its hardly something I desire for. I could do with some attracting the nice girls. I need to change something about my personality, I guess. Perhaps make more dumb comments like 'check THAT ass,' or 'I could bang HER.' Personally, I'd go for 'Wow, those are some hefty supply curves over there... That's gonna raise some serious demand! (uhuh uhuh uhuh...)'

But seriously, I need to get rid of the gay-vibes.... without becoming an asshole.

130 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-18 16:44 ID:14T/7Iiy

>>126 <3 >>129??

Hey, lately I've been going through something very strange. I guess I'm just feeling desperate but, I really want some physical contact with the other gender, even a hug would suffice. It's been like a little more than half a year or something. Maybe it's always been there, but I've been going to a new school where I don't have too many friends so that may be a factor. Does this ever happen to you, where you just need a hug?

131 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-18 16:55 ID:PoG8vvGx

>>130 I know the feeling.

132 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-19 16:54 ID:JWgvN9B5

I'm tired :(

133 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-19 20:33 ID:iFtTYJlZ

I felt that way for about a week this college term. Now I don't care about the physical contact as much as emotional contact. Age = years without girlfriend.

134 Name: >>130 : 2006-11-20 02:27 ID:14T/7Iiy

Same here... but I had friends who were girls and it was nice to do stuff with them... mainly stupid stuff like grocery shopping or cooking or just walking around with them. I guess, it's where I get my "fix."

135 Name: TEENAGER : 2006-11-20 13:42 ID:Og4yHFH3

So there is this girl and like, I like her.
I asked her out, and she said no.

However that was a month or two ago.

It sucks to know girls only in your class and that albino girl across the street.

Damn :(

136 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-20 14:32 ID:Flgnl/w1

Isn't it very usual to know people only in those places where you usually are? >>135?

137 Name: TEENAGER : 2006-11-20 15:15 ID:Og4yHFH3


No, like, there isn't much to choose from.

I don't really seek for a girlfriend right now. But I do think it would be wonderful to have one.

138 Name: Lonely Neko : 2006-11-20 17:59 ID:9eA5vadD

Can anyone tell me how do I know if someone had crush on me?

139 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-20 19:42 ID:tFsS4Jsf

If we knew the answer to that question, we wouldn't be here complaining about being single.

140 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-20 21:47 ID:14T/7Iiy

Well, if you had one, most likely you'd find yourself liking a particular something about that person. It could be looks, or personality, but only a very shallow basis. Be objective and truthful.

141 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-22 06:45 ID:O5rlkacl


Usually if the person attempts to contact you unnecessarily and asks you to hang out, they like you. For instance, if someone you meet in class asks you to study with them despite you being a complete dumbass, then most of the time, they like you. Got any specific questions? What's your situation?

142 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-22 09:20 ID:JWgvN9B5

There's this cute girl in one of my classes. I wonder if anything will happen. Probably not but it's always nice to consider "what if".

143 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-23 04:10 ID:O5rlkacl

Have you talked to this "cute girl"? You should go for it! What can you lose?

144 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-23 10:05 ID:TmxygP4B


145 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-23 10:08 ID:rO1TruoY

go for it

146 Name: Mion Sonozaki, Rosa gallica!Mionic/thQ : 2006-11-23 12:05 ID:0xgaKQbU

So I herd this was a singles rant thread...

147 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-23 12:38 ID:wPSfneuh

yeah all of us mostly i think _| ̄|○

148 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-24 04:21 ID:Heaven

ugh. theres someone i'm completely in love with, but for certain reasons (damn sexual orientation) i can never have. i thought i was starting to get over him, but i saw him today. it was only for about 30 seconds. and, yeah, i'm really not over him.

149 Name: yuka : 2006-11-24 16:26 ID:Vu77LmwM

>>148 You and I have the same situation! And the weird part is, I have a boyfriend.

150 Name: carn : 2006-11-24 20:48 ID:fn+b3L5U

yuka, how long have you been with this new guy? maybe its not too late to go back to the one you love?

151 Name: yuka : 2006-11-25 00:08 ID:fK957TX4

>>150 I've been with my boyfriend for two years now. Almost three.

The only reason my feelings come back for him is when I see him somewhere. Like a Highschool party my friends planned.
*we're in college

152 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-25 00:55 ID:cRfRlKfD


Three years is along time with this guy to still have feelings for an ex. Interesting.

153 Name: yugge!!A+9hpX0x : 2006-11-25 00:58 ID:3OerPoYh

indeed.. Bu I bet you have the same feelings for your boyfrinde too, right >>151?

154 Name: yuka : 2006-11-25 01:31 ID:fK957TX4

>>152 He isn't really my ex. He's my highschool crush whom I fell in love with. I'm getting over him though!

>>153 Of course I do!

155 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-11-30 23:00 ID:6O8oXDU0


If I can add a suggestion, however pathetic, As long as you dont constantly think about him every waking minute it should be fine, no?

156 Name: TEENAGER : 2006-12-03 18:35 ID:FqGxqD9i


I entered a band.

I wonder, will I become popular? Will I succeed?
Perhaps one day, I will find the one. On the stage.

tl;dr/decode: I entered a band. I feel good.
Too bad I feel that our band will fail hardcore. But if we get on the stage one day, then I will scream SUCCESS and my quest for loves will finally get a jumpstart. Get its engine going.

157 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-06 07:06 ID:CfOVS/Ij

So lonely. OTL

158 Name: sora : 2006-12-06 08:01 ID:DBnN58bG


yup, we are.

159 Name: yuka : 2006-12-07 01:29 ID:1LHTL+iU


I'm depressed too. :(

160 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-08 03:28 ID:4cJA8z8C

I've been so horny recently.

There have been times (like right now) where I can't even focus on getting homework done, because I'm thinking SEX SEX SEX SEX.

However, I'm a virgen, single, and won't have sex with just any one. Porn and masturbation is useless, as my body seems to be craving real physical contact. This sucks. I mean, I've always heard how guys are horny all the time but have never really felt that way myself until now.

I'm 21, by the way.

161 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-08 05:55 ID:tFsS4Jsf

>There have been times (like right now) where I can't even focus on getting homework done, because I'm thinking SEX SEX SEX SEX.

Funny story...

I was and currently am studying in the library for finals that start in like 7 hours. And about 45 minutes ago 4 dudes and 2 girls start running around the library naked for the 'Midnight Study Break.' One girl had nice titties too. But it wasn't really sexy, just plain hilarious. One of the girls got tackled by one of the security guards and flew like 20 feet, but she was able to get away. One dude got caught though.

162 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-08 17:57 ID:M6AEqzM8

>>160 I bet >>160 helped you with that story, eh?


163 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-10 07:37 ID:FD6MtgDs

Hi, I'm 24 and I'm currently working part time in a grocery store, while attending classes. I'm single, obviously duh and I have a question to ask. I'm very shy, skinny, and pretty much look like a huge geek. The area that I am currently living in consist of mostly 72% white and 26% black... the rest are other. My question is, while working at the store, ocassionaly I find very cute girls shopping groceries, being really shy I don't know how I am able to strike up a conversation or approach her.. how would I even know if she's taken or not.

164 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-10 10:09 ID:ok5Xh4iM

Don't let your boss see you trying to pick up girls while working.

165 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-10 11:57 ID:M6AEqzM8

>>163, If you don't like your body, change it. The few first months of weight lifting make a huge difference, it'll slow down then, but you'll definitely feel more confident about your looks pretty fast.
If you're working in a store then the hard bit is already over, the girl has come to you, and is forced to interact with you somehow. Don't worry about them being taken or not, they aren't going to start hitting you because you hit on them when they've got a boyfriend..
Now for the actual conversation bit...I'd suggest smiling mostly, wait for a smile back, then..."Nice weather, don't you think?"

Nah, not really, anyone got any ideas....?

166 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-10 20:25 ID:6LVhuUNb

I tried to fuck a fat ugly girl, but didn't even feel anything while fucking. He went limp and refused to work.

She wasn't all that ugly and fat, but I still didn't feel anything while doing it. I don't even know why I did it, she didn't even turn me on.

This was my first time. A pretty scarring trauma.

167 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-11 00:19 ID:ndqdQS+E

That's why you can't settle for less than love. Stand up for your honor!

168 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-20 04:45 ID:CfOVS/Ij

So who else is going to be alone for the holidays? orz

169 Name: TEENAGER : 2006-12-20 08:47 ID:Xf+T/uRn


I will be with my family.. But no girl.


I wonder if santa heard my.. true wish?

170 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-20 10:26 ID:MvW6fVzV

same here. At least it's more than some have.

171 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-20 19:45 ID:Heaven


raises hand I'll be without my family too, but only partly by choice. My aunt's kicking me out of the house from the 25th to the 29th because her son is coming in and he wouldn't have a place to stay otherwise. I guess it's only fair, but that's still 3 nights I'll have to spend somewhere else (probably on the street, to be honest).

But back on topic, I'm single and will continue to be for the forseeable future. The only two girls I had a chance with both hated me (or at least one of them does, apparently the other girl doesn't as of last night.. confusing -_-)

172 Name: Mr.Feather : 2006-12-22 00:03 ID:JcQLqKJD

Hello there internet people
Quick question fer the masses.
First of all, i have horrible luck with gals and such, I'm quite shy and what not.
Now i got a new job a month ago, and soon after i started a gal started and we quickly hit it off. Im very quiet with people i dont know so i found it suprising how close we had gotten in two days. Now what got me wondering about things is that she always brings up the subject of me having a girlfriend, which i have yet to have (see shy and quiet) and why i dont have one. She is very touchy-feely and always a few inches away from me. My (overly gossipy) coworkers even thought we were goin out.
Now i suck at deciphering the gal codes (and spelling) so i cant tell if she flirty or just really nice. ALSO she has a boyfriend.
I'm moving across the country in a about a week and a half, and this weekend will most likely be the last time i see her for maybe ever with my sucky luck, so i just wonder what do you people think of the whole situation.
and yes of course, i am single in case you didnt notice.

173 Name: MrFeather : 2006-12-22 00:06 ID:JcQLqKJD

Hello there internet people
Quick question fer the masses.
First of all, i have horrible luck with gals and such, I'm quite shy and what not.
Now i got a new job a month ago, and soon after i started a gal started and we quickly hit it off. Im very quiet with people i dont know so i found it suprising how close we had gotten in two days. Now what got me wondering about things is that she always brings up the subject of me having a girlfriend, which i have yet to have (see shy and quiet) and why i dont have one. She is very touchy-feely and always a few inches away from me. My (overly gossipy) coworkers even thought we were goin out.
Now i suck at deciphering the gal codes (and spelling) so i cant tell if she flirty or just really nice. ALSO she has a boyfriend.
I'm moving across the country in a about a week and a half, and this weekend will most likely be the last time i see her for maybe ever with my sucky luck, so i just wonder what do you people think of the whole situation.

174 Name: MrFeather : 2006-12-22 00:08 ID:JcQLqKJD

Hello there internet people
Quick question fer the masses.
First of all, i have horrible luck with gals and such, I'm quite shy and what not.
Now i got a new job a month ago, and soon after i started a gal started and we quickly hit it off. Im very quiet with people i dont know so i found it suprising how close we had gotten in two days. Now what got me wondering about things is that she always brings up the subject of me having a girlfriend, which i have yet to have (see shy and quiet) and why i dont have one. She is very touchy-feely and always a few inches away from me. My (overly gossipy) coworkers even thought we were goin out.
Now i suck at deciphering the gal codes (and spelling) so i cant tell if she flirty or just really nice. ALSO she has a boyfriend.
I'm moving across the country in a about a week and a half, and this weekend will most likely be the last time i see her for maybe ever with my sucky luck, so i just wonder what do you people think of the whole situation.
and if you didnt realize, i am single now, as i have always been

175 Name: MrFeather : 2006-12-22 00:09 ID:JcQLqKJD

crap im sorry, it seems i dont know how to properly post. Excuse my stupidness

176 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-22 01:59 ID:Heaven

>>174 If you're never moving back it's probably a pointless thing to chase after...

177 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-22 04:22 ID:DBnN58bG

>>174 thing is she wanted to find out if you're single or not that is why she's probing too much of you having a gf in a subtle way. but she has a bf and you're going a way so there isn't much left to hope for. better move along.

178 Name: Mr.Feather : 2006-12-22 04:38 ID:ziEsFOG9

yea i figured so, I was just being curious. She did make work alot better though. nod

179 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-22 07:03 ID:Heaven

As soon as I was able to condition myself that I don't need a girlfriend, my friend mentions that a girlfriend will be my only savior for school. I have stressed out lately and I have no way to get rid of it. Since I don't drink or do drugs, he said that the only thing I can do is to get a girlfriend. HE said a girlfriend will just help relax me by having someone to talk to, hang out with, etc. I don't want to believe him, but deep down inside the tiny ember of hope just started a new fire. Ah fuck, months of work down the drain.


180 Name: lost hope : 2006-12-23 21:54 ID:OAoHGbTY

hey everyone;
I'm new to the website, but I have been single for two to three years now. I tried to look for love, but all the girls i know only say that they want to be friends. Man, this sucks. I get the feeling that people only see me as a friend and I may never have a girlfriend again.

181 Name: Klaymen : 2006-12-24 03:59 ID:aChttVHV

Hi, i have been single most of my life and my problem is I get too bored of the girls I have had a defined relationship with. I am great with close friends and have been in love once (it was unrequited) but i just can't seem to get a good relationship cause I can never get the girl I want

182 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-27 05:44 ID:CfOVS/Ij

Welcome to the club. orz

183 Name: warez otoko : 2006-12-27 16:29 ID:k/GWj9/q

The only girl I had lasted less than 4 months, I found her on a website for social phobics and she's even more desperate than me. I wish I could have a normal life with a normal woman like everyone else.

184 Name: Oily Skin : 2006-12-27 16:56 ID:atzN3A5l

Mr warez otoko dude! do you really think anyone on this site has a "normal life" NAAA! but a pointer for you. start talkig to girls about everything and just be nice to everyone you meet, who know maybe they have a hot sister on a girl friends that you could meet :)

185 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-28 03:23 ID:8ehJJ5mz

I feel both lucky and unlucky at the same time. I'm a girl who would probably opt for a hikkimori lifestyle if I could, though I can't possibly afford that lifestyle. I have a few friends, one very good one that I love very much and some others. Most of my so-called friends drive me nuts, and my best friend, well, I talk to her through the internet mostly anyway. I've had three boyfriends in the past, though each had their own problems and had unique problems with me, so each parted with me for different reasons.

The thought that I'll never be successful in life keeps crossing my head. I know it's shallow of me, but as a kid I was hoping my parents would get me an arranged marriage to someone rich and then I'd never have to worry about anything. I do want to find my own success sometimes, but then other times I wonder what the point of it will be. You live and then you die; only a handful of people really make a tangible mark on the world, consider how many human beings have lived and died in all eternity. Would having someone to really love ever fill up that void of never being able to really leave a mark? What if the world ends all of a sudden? Wouldn't it be nice to have a story to tell before you die?

186 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-28 05:05 ID:qdC8CEvX


You are not alone, I am am the same type of girl.

As a child I also hoped my parents would arrange a marriage for me to someone rich. My cousin's Mother did just that for her, now she is set for life. I have always been jealous of that, her only worry in life is if the house is clean for her husband but she has two live-in housekeepers for that. Over the summer she came to America to visit us and her life sounded so perfect. She does not have to worry about having a successful life since she was married off to a successful man.

le sigh If only...

187 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-28 05:42 ID:h4lSicz/

But... is she happy? I mean, romanticly and all. It's one thing to be set in the money department and all, but to me it doesn't seem like much if one isn't happy romanticly with their partner, too. I'm just curious. ^^;

188 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-28 07:36 ID:qdC8CEvX

>>187 Actually, she does seem pretty happy. She just gave birth to their third child and she seems very pleased with the life that he has provided for her. He is a very kind man and is very attentive to her needs.

Of course no all arranged marriages are like this, but this is one experience.

189 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-28 22:12 ID:dXawG73X

hey, i'm a single guy, 24 years old. check out my videos and see if you like me!!!

190 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-12-29 10:02 ID:8ehJJ5mz


Yeah, my own parents were arranged, and it kinda flopped. Still, my mom's very intelligent and I trust her judgement, so an arranged marriage really wouldn't bother me at all since my parents are picking. Really, it's your parents that make the difference when it comes to arranged marriages.

I guess it's just wanting the easy road...ah, but as long as you're successful and able to support yourself somehow, I suppose it's alright to be single. It's just lonely.:(

191 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-10 16:14 ID:l3mqlyFX

20 years old and 20 years with out a girl.... talk about depressin _|¯|O still guess thats the same with most of the people here

192 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-10 20:13 ID:TKt4ha+3


The world's not all that bad, life can still be fun. Find something that you enjoy doing, and do it. Life is hard, but if you just give up, you'll lose everything that you could ever make out of your life and just throw away the luck that you were given a life.

193 Name: TEENAGER : 2007-01-10 20:45 ID:Heaven

So I bumped into an albino girl (Or she bumped into me from the behind) whom I rarely see outside the summer vacation.
It felt odd, because the air seems to be real tense around her.
I think if I once again see her, I will try to do something.

That is all.

194 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-10 23:12 ID:KVMnAAMJ

Posted this on an other thread. No replies, thought I'll try here.

Once I get to know a guy a little more I end up liking them (initially I'd never found them attractive). All of a sudden it develops into a small physical attraction and I start noticing little traits about them. I'm a pretty shy girl when it comes to revealing my feelings, and I don't flirt as such, so I'm not just horny or whatever. Usually this attraction doesn't end up anywhere, cos I'm pretty good at burying my feelings. It's just that it's happened so many times with almost every guy friend I have.

Is this normal? Do other people get physically attracted as easily as I do?

195 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-11 02:05 ID:/jeq0JPp

I understand exactly what most of the people in this thread are going through. I thought I would never have a girlfriend and die cold and alone. But somehow when I turned 20 my love life blossomed, though it was painful. First girl I ever dated was a high school girl who didn't want to commit (I'm in college), that ended quick. Second was a college chick whom I met at a Dance Dance Revolution club on campus, she's psycho and dumped me 2 months later. My third (and thankfully final) relationship happened a few months ago, she and I are unofficialy engaged and are set to get married after college. Its not everyday a girl tells you "I want to have your baby", I can tell you its a special feeling that I believe each and every one of you will feel if you try harder.

I'm not bragging, I'm just proving a point that I've been there, done that, and lived on, and so can you. My advice: be more social. Its how you meet people. If a girl shows some interest, be confident and kinda halfway show interest in her, make fun of her, tease her, yet be nice and complimentary when it counts. It will come naturally, I found that out the hard way.

And above all, the worst mistake you guys can make : letting your depression rule your life. If you dont' improve your attitudes (this is a general rule, I'm not pointing fingers), you'll come off as whiney and undsesirable. For the men, women crave confidence more than anything, if you're complaining all the time or appologizing all the time like I used to, you wont' come off as such and most women will reject you. For the women, guys like attention more than anything else too. If you have any interest in a guy, ask him out instead, turn the tables on him, I seriously doubt he'll say no. And to both groups: If you can't love yourself, you can't love anybody. Keep that in mind. Don't focus on the negative so much. Focus on self improvement and being confident in what you do, you'll catch the eye of your special some one someday. I always believed that would happen and it ended up happening to me, theres absolutely no reason why it shouldn't happen to you.

Flame me if you wish, but thats what I have to say about things. Good luck everyone! Keep trying!

196 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-11 05:14 ID:qIqvUyZv

but the funny thing is you can find genius scientists who were really depressed for entire life
now i came to realized that is not necessarilly bad for scientists at leat

197 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-11 11:37 ID:Zh+l0W8h


>And above all, the worst mistake you guys can make : letting your depression rule your life.

This is possibly the best advice posted in this thread yet, and everyone here should listen to it. Unfortunately, this includes myself. My biggest problem is my almost complete lack of self-esteem. I do not have a positive view of my physical self (despite the fact that I've been told by many girls that there's no reason for this), and a very low opinion of my mental self as well (dumb, no skills, etc).

But I realize that this is going to have to change. For example, I'm trying (however slowly) to get into shape. I'm somewhat overweight now, however not morbidly obese by any means. The next step after that is start doing something useful with my life (I am currently NEET.) That's probably going to be "get back into school", but I'm not sure.

After that, I hope things just happen naturally.

198 Name: warez otoko : 2007-01-11 22:43 ID:O8RsOlnn

I'm not single guys, I love Ayanami Rei with all my heart.... I love you Rei... I always will... Rei I'm so sorry I went with a real girl for 3 months .. but now I'm so happy I'm with you again... I'll never leave you anymore Rei I love you with all my heart :**

199 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-12 11:12 ID:qHuBqpe9


well i was once like this, people see me as a wild happy-go-lucky funny girl but i easily break inside. i also dont let people see through me. maybe i'm shy, i dunno

nyway, that's the same for me too, i thought at first I was just so desperate in having someone to hold me in their arms that I feel this way, or maybe I was. after I accidentally found out that one of my guy friends likes me but just too scared to tell me because he thinks I'll dump him, not only that guy friend, many others too, magic that they get the same impression i'll dump em all. AFTER that everything abt my feeling for every boy went poof

200 Name: Secret Admirer : 2007-01-13 01:42 ID:Heaven

If you don't like the world you are in and not liking your existence. I doubt there is anything you could do but end your existence. You could suffer, be unhappy and live alone for the rest of life to old age.

I believe there's nothing one could do if you think like that.

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