Singles Rant Thread 2 (1000)

613 Name: W. Evo : 2007-11-28 01:28 ID:dmj+c0iz

Maybe im too young to be saying this.... maybe ?
15 years old and i've yet to have a girlfriend.
yet to kiss a girl...
I don't know, something tells me that it isn't that big of a deal, that im still young and that i have alot more to experience... that a relationship right now would not be as great as i think it would.
But the other side of my mind tells me that im growing up without experience ... and that later on i will find it hard to get a girlfriend and have something special.

I seem to have alot of friends who are girls ... but none seem to have any interest in me and to say the truth ... i seem to have no interest in them either.
I don't know...
Maybe i feel like im missing out?
I really want to be with someone, but i find it hard.
At the same time, i havn't really tried.
Whenever i meet a girl, i usually place her in the friend section or whatever.
I never try to go out with them.
I guess i have something on my side then huh?
Girlfriends so far = 0
Rejections = 0

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