[Contentless] ITT you post right now [ASAP] your current thought [Brains][Thinking][Personal][#22] (999)

734 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8468 00:40

Here's what I'm thinking today. In my heart of hearts, I want to be kind and nice, and I want those around me to be kind and nice. I feel like I've been told before that this is just naive. I feel like I've been told that people will step on me given the opportunity. Everyone's kindness is just a mask for their true desires. I feel like I've been told that I should step on others before I get stepped on. But if everyone is like this, then does that make me an anomaly for wishing for something else? Or is this something that a lot of people desire before they learn how cruel the world is? If there are naive people out there like this, then maybe I could surround myself with them.

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