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879 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8481 13:28

They probably pushed all buttons until it did something - and now they hate to admit this.

Captcha: diy

880 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8481 19:47

Perl is as easy as any other scripting language to write big maintainable programs, but it's also infamously easy to make a giant ball of mud that nobody understands a week after writing, and much easier than other languages to end up with something totally opaque and inscrutable - it rewards you for being too clever for your own good. I don't envy the task of dealing with it.

Interestingly though, I feel the opposite of >>878 about JS. "Build" makes sense; I could write TypeScript and have a compiler check my code, but the shiny frameworks, npm/bunt/grillpack/react/whatever just reek of hipsters ignoring several decades of software to be the first to do something that everyone later realises was a bad idea.

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