I've been waiting.... (791)

164 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-13 10:12 ID:6w3uCmQ7

Okay, from what I've read, it sounds like you're the type of guy who jumps the gun alot.

Firstly, when a girl ends her letters in "luv aya", it does not imply anything serious. More likely, she feels acquainted with you and sees you as a friend. Please stop assuming that she is interested in you just because she sends you a couple of emails occasionally. I can tell you that if it takes her that long to reply to an email then obviously she has her own life. Her priority is not you. Ie: She is a smart girl who is simply looking for a friend in you.

Secondly, with no disrespect to anyone, I can hardly see how you can fall in love with some when there's a language barrier between you. I mean, from teh email that you posted here, it seems like the convos are really shallow, and essentially a bunch of light and polite conversation. No offence to her, but her english is too dodgy to draw any value from it. Perhaps the language barrier might've worked if you guys regularly conversed and met each other in real life, but as it stands I think you're decieving yourself if you're actually seeing sparks.

Thirdly, I really don't think you know anything about love. Or perhaps you are too young to. In the process of chasing "Aya", you also seem very open minded to other girls from overseas. I can tell you that relationships and feelings don't just start from an exchange of the occasional word on the internet. What's more, you constantly refer to "Aya" as "the jap girl". By labelling her like that shows me you don't really love her.

Lastly, you should just get on with life and meet girls that you can easily ACCESS. Maybe then you'll get a grasp to understand girls and I won't have to be reading cringing stories like this on the internet anymore. I can't believe noone has told you this. If you really are trying to imitate Densha Otako, this comes nothing close to it. At least in his situation the girl was within metres of him, not thousands of kilometres. Get back to reality.

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