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187 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-08-17 11:05 ID:nNB2iArO

Benson. Aya is out of your reach, but there are other girls like her who are more accessible to you, it wouldn't be fair to yourself to emotionally attach yourself to something you cannot get. Be friends, but I think you should keep your romantical life open to realistic oppertunities. You seem like a good person, and I think a relationship with a decent girl would do you well, so it's definately something you should work for.

Also, looking where you haven't looked before might be a good idea, for while finding someone who is a lot like yourself with interests and everything might seem like fun and good idea to begin with, having someone who can complement yourself and bring new strenghts into your life is actually better. The most important thing is that you love eachother and can hold passion for eachother, similar interests is only a must for this for people who put their minds under matter. If you don't do that you can appriciate people much more, and will be less inclined to tire of them.

In either case I wish you good luck with your lovelife and life at large.

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