I've been waiting.... (791)

667 Name: Secret Admirer : 2009-08-07 12:42 ID:5CynNJ48

I'm sorry, although I applaud Eiga for his "get up and go" attitude, I really can't see any epicness in this thread..

I think that you will find that the ones who have been advising Eiga to take a break from girls are girls themselves. The ones who have been blindly encouraging him are the guys. I don't mean to sound sexist or egotistical, but I think that us girls have a better perspective on this. We know the type of girls that Eiga has fallen head over heels for in the past couple of years. Some of us may have even been those type of girls. So we have some idea of the type of guy that Eiga is, and have advised him to let love come to him, instead of the other way around.

Rejection after rejection will make one desperate and needy. Girls are smart in that they can pick this up a mile away and are repulsed by it. Some (like the ones in Eiga's life) however, will take advantage of it.

I wish I had kinder words to say to you Eiga, but I guess I'm a bit cynical of you when your heart seems to jump from one girl to the next within the space of a minute.

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