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701 Name: Secret Admirer : 2010-03-03 05:45 ID:Heaven

are you saying that the so called "Eiga'' or "Benson" had too much time on his hands that he decides to make up all this so called "fanfiction" of him self for the last 3-4 years? And that everyone who participated in this thread are just sad loosers cos we all took him seriously?

to defend our so called Eiga or Benson. firstly i dont think anyone has that much time to make up "the love life of Eiga Otoko", i admit he would get the idea of "eiga otoko" after watching densha otoko, anyone would, but i believe the story he says. its not like its impossible for it to happen, in every mans life we always bump into the what seems the impossible, but hey we all manage to get pass the impossible, so i dont see why eiga couldn't get up after being smacked around so many times. and to be honest i believe most people would come to this site cos of densha otoko, we're all dreamers here so i dont think you should say how sad it is we took him seriously.

plus, if he really was copying densha otoko, he would have got a girl by now lol

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