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789 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8004 00:53

As I was flying out of Dulles International last month, I stopped at a pizza stand and bought a meal-sized pizza from a restaurant that doubled as a bar. As I ate it, the bartender asked me if it tasted good. I nodded and said eeYeah, 'sgood.ff or something to that effect. But he repeated his question, almost insistently.

I thought to myself, though I was tired already from standing in line all day yesterday for my passport, waiting for buses, hurriedly throwing together changes of clothes, etc. Did I actually like the pizza I was eating? I couldn't really find anything remarkable about it one way or the other. The bread was a bit unusual, and it had been cooked quickly (but thoroughly) in front of me, so the texture was different than what I would have gotten from a local chain. Nothing about the pizza was offending or unappetizing.

I again replied to the bartender in the affirmative. And then he turned a little away from me and, still wiping down the counter, said eeEveryone says the pizza tastes good.ff. His tone was casual, but with a masked air of sadness - even disappointment. There was a pause as I finished wolfing down the pizza. I wished him a pleasant weekend, then arose and left for the terminal.

And now, a month later, I can still remember the tone in his voice. It was as if he had waiting for some sign that I had failed to give. As if he had asked that question to every customer for years, hoping some gourmet would respond eeNo, it's SHIT!ff, or some profoundly honest man would say eeNot really, it's just airport food.ff and thereby redeem humanity in his eyes.

I'm sorry, bartender. I was tired already, with a long journey ahead of me, and I don't really care about my food that much. I just wanted to get something to eat before my flight, and the pizza was fine.

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