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717 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8268 02:58

Are any DQNs running their own spiders/search index?
I think I want to start one so I can stop getting the paid ads in google/ddg/diconnect

718 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8268 03:36

You can disable duckduckgo ads through their website, or you can just use adblocker. Although, I would just leave them enabled since I think it's a really good service and the ads aren't that annoying. As for making your own search engine, I don't really know much about that, but I'd assume it would take a ton of disk space and other resources, which means money. 4chan is your other option since its google except for people who don't want to search for things.

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