[COUNTDOWN] let's get >>999 on the 9999th day of this month (999)

1 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9900 14:03

Can DQN handle the BLAZING SPEED of 9.9 posts a day necessary to reach their goal? Or will punctual gomez drop in at the last minute to save the day? Find out next week on DQNball Z!

801 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9979 19:34

Sorry, I forgot AA formatting ;___; Moderator, please forgive me and clean up my mistake.

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802 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-9979 22:07

Neighborhood music
Giving back neighborhood music
Neighborhood music
We cruise around
On the brown side of town

803 Name: MODD!5JrU4QOlH6 : 1993-09-9979 22:10

>>800 has been assigned cleaned status.

804 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9979 22:13

the whole "thicc" and "PAWG" thing was ruined for me by men with huge asses:
I can't unsee specifically these videos whenever that sort of thing comes up.
The second video isn't so bad, but it weirds me out how man ass jiggle more just doing stuff than women's. I also really don't wanna think about Chris Chan when I masturbate.

805 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9979 22:19

this is the worst OG pokemon. It's just there. Nobody remembers or has Dewgong as their favorite.

806 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9979 22:37

I'm not even being contrarian, Dewgong has always been my favorite OG water-type.

807 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9980 01:35

>>804 Thank you for the warning. It was just a little joke, a play on words with the LGBQT initials.

808 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9980 02:24

Being contrarian, Dewgong is now my favorite water type.

809 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9980 03:26


810 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9980 03:27

anemonefish have a very strange relationship with their namesake anemone, very strange for a symbiotic relationship and not merely a mutualistic one.

 Firstly, even though they bring food to their host (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dQUe6zCkI0w), they get a lot of their nutrients from the clown's shit, what kind of treatment is that of your home? In return for this bizarre behavior clowns often eat the dead tentacles of the anemone. What the fuck! Imagine if you lived in a giant Jellyfish, and whenever one of the tentacles withered and died you ate it. It probably relieves the anemone but is very bizarre when you anthropomorphize the behavior.
Secondly, it sounds like they have a very passive-aggressive relationship. Even though the clowns protect the anemone from predators and parasites, and even though they eat it, it sounds like they perform rudimentary surgery on their host anemone and groom it by increasing water flow around the anemone. Despite this, it seems anemone just seems to merely tolerate the fish, because it is likely they are just immune to the poison and the anemone doesn't consciously abstain from poisoning them. Mucus-less clowns die when exposed to an anemone in experiments. A lot of respect for your guest that does so much for you! Fucking inverts.
Perhaps I am just anthropomorphizing their relationship too much and raising clownfish nem pairs has been one of the most rewarding hobbies I have ever had, but it looks very one sided knowing what how it actually is, considering that clowns can survive in captivity without a nem anyway.

811 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9980 04:51

It's the nutshack

812 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9980 12:21

The nutshack, baby

813 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9980 13:36

yo, yo, it's the nutshack

814 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9980 14:15

It's the nutshack

815 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9980 14:53

You listen to Wacka Flocka at all?

816 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9980 15:09

Pro Nuzlocker Reacts To [COUNTDOWN] let's get >>999 on the 9999th day of this month

817 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9980 16:58

>>815 can't say I've listened to Wacka Flocka at all, no, please recommend me something good

818 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9980 17:25

i don't like dick, i don't like ass, but boys kissing boys is cuter than any other gender combination

819 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9980 18:15

I'm trying to find a download of this album featuring DQN-kun https://www.discogs.com/Various-Season-Of-Snow-And-Ice/release/863936

820 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9980 19:27

i like dick and ass and boys kissing each other

821 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9980 19:32

you could call me an idort

822 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9980 19:41

there is no "gay gene", that's alphabet brigade cope. it's not STRICTLY a choice but it's almost always either the result of childhood sexual trauma, co-morbid with other mental illnesses, or cope for being a low quality male who gets terminally out-competed in the sexual marketplace. i say this not from a place of hate but as a home o' sexual who's been around and dated and interacted with many other home o' sexuals. it's not something that should be encouraged and celebrated, it's something that just kinda IS, like ABDL-fags. not illegal, not a capital offense, just vaguely weird.

823 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9980 19:45

btw for me it's the first two, ive been told by several men i've dated that i should just get a wife and have kids because i'm so strong and handsome and my dick is huge. but i'm an autist retard and i was molested by older women when i was like 6.

824 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9980 21:03

i am a heron. i ahev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans

825 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9980 21:17

which gender are you? i'm fluid but i feel kinda like KAZAKH_UZBEK today


definitely not nonbinary though (i'm an unsigned int, to be specific)

826 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-9980 23:34

Downgrades are actually good

827 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 00:35

Identity shouldn't be celebrated in general, that always leads to extremism and or tears despite what they all say

828 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 00:59

eggplant emoji

829 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 01:11

man, i reek

830 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 01:32

Are you guys hyped for GTA 6 London

831 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 01:53

It seems we are actually ahead of schedule, as we only need roughly 9.4 posts a day at this point.

832 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 02:38

Considering GTA has been extremely underwhelming since 4 not really

833 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 03:24

This person has a death wish

834 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 03:31

man i'd really like to reame someone's ass rn

835 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 04:26


836 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 05:53


837 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 06:20

upgrayyad caliphate

vc: thule

838 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 07:22

syria is just the zoomer yugoslavia

839 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 08:19

we really ought to step our game up it's only 18 days

840 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 09:12

I hate how you can masturbate for hours and still not cun

841 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 11:39

I don't like the worship of Assad from that age group.

842 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 15:20

Look, I'm giving her all she's got.

843 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 17:10

   ,,....,,  _人人人人人人人人人人人人人人人_
-''":::::::::::::`''>   TAKE IT EASY >>839 !!!  <
ヽ::::::::::::::::::::: ̄^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^Y^ ̄
 |::::::;ノ´ ̄\:::::::::::\_,. -‐ァ     __   _____   ______
 |::::ノ   ヽ、ヽr-r'"´  (.__    ,´ ,, '-´ ̄ ̄`-ゝ 、 イ、
,.!イ  _,.ヘーァ'二ハ二ヽ、へ,_7   'r ´          ヽ、ン、
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!イ´ ,' | /,.!/ V 、!ハ  ,' ,ゝ レリイi (ヒ]     ヒン ).| .|、i .||
`!  !/レi' (ヒ]     ヒン レ'i ノ   !Y!""  ,___,   "" 「 !ノ i |
,'  ノ   !'"    ,___,  "' i .レ'    L.',.   ヽ _ン    L」 ノ| .|
 (  ,ハ    ヽ _ン   人!      | ||ヽ、       ,イ| ||イ| /
,.ヘ,)、  )>,、 _____, ,.イ  ハ    レ ル` ー--─ ´ルレ レ´

844 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 19:58

Looks like I'm not the only one who forgets his text art formatting, eh?

845 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 20:35

My “More options...” button does nothing so I can't set it to text art formatting. But I'm on the Pseud0ch theme and it looks fine

846 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 21:21

I bought a big box of those peanut butter salty cracker sammich snacks because it was cheap and I hadn't had lunch yet.

847 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 21:23

Courtesy of 5ch.net, and posted in english for some reason:

        ⊂(*'ω'* )つ- My name is michipo. I am a crazy ugly dirty fatty disgusting pig.
      ///   /_/:::::/
      |:::|/⊂ヽノ|:::| /」
    / ̄ ̄旦 ̄ ̄ ̄/|
  /______/ | |
  | |―――–|

848 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 21:24

   /|_   |
   ||. (゚∀゚ ) | Fuck ALL y'all!
   ||oと.  U|
   || |(__)J|
   ||/彡 ̄ swish

   /| _   |
   ||. (   )| Ok g'bye!
   ||oと.   |
   || |(__)J|
   ||/彡 ̄ ガチャ

849 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 21:30

>>841 we're talking about the age group that for basically their entire conscious lives has watched random countries in the middle east have their stable strongman government be toppled by the USA and replaced with anarcho-tyrrany. in gaddafi's libya you might not have been allowed to be gay in public (which is something most of the population of that region supports anyway, if we're truly talking about "democracy") but at least there weren't fucking open air slave markets in tripoli.

850 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 21:42

The intro to this is amazing

851 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 21:44


>which is something most of the population of that region supports anyway, if we're truly talking about "democracy"

This reminds me of the edit of that xkcd comic about free speech

852 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 22:13

Who needs economic and social stability when you have gay rights?

853 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 22:24

While eating at McDonald's, Chris scribbled down the math for how many people will be killed in the Merge on a napkin.
Chris announced the event on 14 October 2018. On 26 October 2018, Chris posted a video entitled "Dimensional Merge Announcements" where he outlined the process of 1218 merging with its "sister dimension" C-197, where every fictional character known to exist resides. He believes that once the merge occurs, Earth will be shared by humans and various characters.
On 14 November 2018, Chris made a tweet explaining the survival rates for the inhabitants of the sister dimensions during the merge. Chris explains the population math as follows; 61.25% of the population of dimension C-197 is identical to that of Earth in dimension 1218, the remaining 38.75% of the population of C-197 are OCs which are unique to C-197, all of the OCs of C-197 are guaranteed to survive the merge, at least 51% of the human population of the Earths in both sister dimensions will survive the merge and at least 41% will not with an uncertainty of 8%, the best outcome of the merge would leave 59% of the population of 1218 alive and all of the 38.75% of the OCs of C-197 plus 11.25% of the human population of C-197 in the dimension 1218C197, the dimension 1C-211987 would be left with 109% of 1218's current population leaving approximately 8.365 billion humans and OCs in the new universe.[7]

Chris Thanos-ing the two dimensions with the Infinity Gauntlet.
Naturally, he believes that he will be guaranteed survival because he "absorbed the spiral seal" from his Sega Dreamcast and is therefore the middleman between the two dimensions. He believes that himself and Megan are basically deities, and that he will gain superpowers following the merge because of his belief that he is half-Sonichu.
He sent dozens of follow-up tweets further detailing the process, explaining that Cwcville would replace northern Virginia, Gotham City will replace a portion of New Jersey, and Equestria will take over the entirety of Maryland. He explained that this will resemble a natural disaster scenario and that mass evacuations may occur during the merge.
On 18 November 2018, Chris announced that the Merge had begun[2]. This date coincides with the anniversary of the Jonestown mass suicide, implying that the Idea Guys had originated the Merge concept, as their calling card was inserting infamous historical dates into CWCville lore.
In early December 2018, Chris reported feeling "psychic headaches" and associated the merge with the California wildfires and the romaine lettuce recall. As the merge drew closer, he claimed to have "lightning powers" and that the "millions of volts" of electricity in his head is evidence that he is half-Sonichu. Without giving a time estimate for the merge, he tried to dispel doubts by claiming that he can "touch and feel" Magi-Chan and Cryzel Rosechu. He estimated that the merge would conclude by the year's end.[8]

854 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9981 22:26

Everyone of Earth 1218! I have an announcement!
I have seen a future that we must prevent: My Little Pony Generation Five.

Spoiler Alert: Princess Twilight Sparkle was prompted to promote Applejack to become an Alicorn Princess, but in doing so, the spell backfires and then we end up with... THIS!

Twilight becoming an Earth Pony (SIMPLY UNFORGIVABLE!), and the horns and wings being lost and swapped between Twilight, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy.

I just did a reset to prevent that from happening. Celestia will take it upon herself to promote Applejack, because she Will be doing something that brings the magic out of her, like it did Cadence and Twilight. AJ’s Promotion needs to happen; she becomes the next Alicorn Princess by Celestia’s Power; Twilight and the others remain as they are, and G4 continues on. Generation Five Must Not Happen!

Listen up, @Hasbro and @HasbroNews , because I HAVE The Power and Link to our Sister Dimension, and I have seen it too.


CONTINUE My Little Pony Friendship Is Magic for at least Five More Seasons, @Hasbro and @HasbroNews !

Our Matching Futures are at Stake Here! I, your CPU Blue Heart Commands it so as well, in agreement with Princess Celestia.

Please, Heed Our Warning!

Thank You.

855 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9982 00:00

[The] rest of the Mane Six are destined to join Princess Twilight and the soon-to-be Princess of Honesty, Applejack, as Alicorns, themselves during that time frame. Their Stories MUST be told and continued. The Reboot will ONLY just Kill the timeline of ours that will simply stifle the originals’ growth, as well as throw Both of or dimensions into a chaos that must never ever take place, @Hasbro.[6]
Despite Hasbro neither confirming nor denying a new season beyond 9, on 22 August, Chris went ahead with the good ending regardless:
Everybody! Mark this day at about 4:10 pm, Eastern Standard Time; I saw it as it happened, as Celestia and Twilight had Applejack in her hall of memories. Without a hitch or backfire, Princess Applejack of Honesty, has arisen! And Princess Twilight remains an Alicorn!
Everybody of this world, you all may congratulate Princess Applejack in shouting, social media sharing, or you can even write a letter directly to her (no address or stamp required; just your hand writing and signature and a moment to let your link shine for her to get the message.
All Hail Princess Applejack! All Hail the Equestria Princesses of Harmony! All Hail the continuation of MLP G4 as well![11]
He even attended the coronation:
Well, everyone, I was just there, in my Ponysona, sitting with Nightstar, Kun and Zap Note in the front row in Canterlot; our Princess Applejack, of Honesty, has been coronated! Everyone praise her today! Yeee-Haw![

856 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9982 03:28

sometimes I still see posters complain about others not using the text art formatting, but the entirety of DQN has been defaulting to text art formatting for me since shortly after ssz became admin (I assume he made some change.)

am I missing something? is there a setting somewhere or does it not work on some browsers?

857 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-9982 03:32

Depends on browser/device

858 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9982 04:53

The sauciest!

859 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9982 04:59

ssz-kun should lock this thread after we hit 990 if it's before 1993-09-9999. I just KNOW the /qa/ bros will try to steal our legendary get!

860 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9982 10:42

Yeah, it was the same time that my More Options, Refresh Captcha, and quotes and stuff stopped working, never had a problem before

861 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9982 14:06

People still care about ponyshit?

862 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9982 16:08

there were people who cared about it before people cared about it

863 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9982 16:41

If you were to recontextualise a urinal in another way, you would, inadvertently or not, be entering into a conversation via porcelain with Marcel Duchamp, art wanks, and pissers everywhere

864 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9982 16:44

Are you trying to summon the dreaded Barneyfag of imageboards to finish off this thread before the September 10000?

865 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9982 20:21

captcha: unshrache

866 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9982 23:16

captcha: spellube

you bee ee
a kind of bright purple yam used as a flavoring and coloring in sweet dishes

867 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9983 09:15

I wish, then, for a chance to see,
Now all I need,



Soshite, toki wo ugokidasu...


Is my star to come...

868 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9983 14:32

It's the nutshack

869 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9983 17:57

cute girl bumping the wrong thread

870 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9983 21:24

Based and sanriopilled

871 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9983 21:30


872 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9983 23:23

Aobased and Nenepilled

873 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9984 00:02

cums on your eyelids

874 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9984 00:02


875 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9984 00:17

Freebased and crackpilled

876 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9984 00:22

Harukased and Hibikipilled

877 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9984 04:50

dubsbased and check'empilled

878 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9984 05:15

It is dark. You are likely to be eaten by a https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gru_(rapper)

879 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9984 15:40

good morning

880 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9984 17:21

Good mawning!

881 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9984 17:51

Don't fuck a marketing student. They're all promosexuals.

882 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9984 18:01

I think I should post in this thread.

883 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9984 18:19

I think I prefer hentai. I'm not like a 2D only monk or anything but I have noticed I feel less shame after hentai than with 3D porn.

884 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9984 22:40

vc: the

885 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9985 01:21

gikopoi was fun today

886 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9985 03:08

When I visited gikopoi earlier tonight it was a bunch of fannys trying to make a swastika so I went and stood in front of the big speakers in the banquet hall and listened to tunes, like I would IRL if the banquet halls were open

887 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9985 05:49

The nutshack is actually a catchy song

888 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9985 07:15

My cat really appreciates his head rubs

889 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9985 17:10

That's a missed opportunity to triple-heil Hitler. These GETs don't show up often, son, better learn to strike when the iron is hot eh! fisting gesture

890 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9985 17:13

No, my trips were really good, Hitler is really bad.

891 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9985 17:15


892 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9985 17:18

888 = English translation of Eurovision lyrics via Teletext

893 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9985 18:37

Why did I get a semi reading about abandoned emperor penguin chicks

894 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9986 00:29

This thread is slowing down. /dqn/ you are disappointing me!

895 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9986 00:38


896 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9986 01:13

as it should be, we're well ahead of schedule!

vc: well guess what the dime was actually voldemort

897 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9986 06:28

Smoke weed everyday, smoke weed everyday, smoke weed everyday, oh God, I can't keep smoking weed everyday.........

898 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9986 06:31

I smoke weed no more than once every two weeks.

899 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9986 06:35

I never tried weed because the smell makes me gag really bad

900 Name: ( ´_ゝ`) : 1993-09-9986 07:14

>>898 palindrome-kun
>>899,900 dubs-san

This thread has been closed. You cannot post in this thread any longer.