[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] (999)

190 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7601 20:44

I'm surprised I made it to adulthood at all. When I was in school (70's/80's) and a little later, we were all going to die:

Global cooling/mini ice age (as mentioned)
We were going to run out of oil (as usual)
The population bomb was going to cause global catastrophe
And those three fed of each other for MEGADOOM -
Cooling = less crops, less food.
Oil - fertilizers are made from this = even LESS food, and no oil = freeze in new ice age.
Gabillions of peeps - even LESS food per person!! OMG!!

And throw into the mix:

Killer bees
The heterosexual AIDS epidemic
ozone layer
and later Y2K...

Nothing like stressing out little kids to make them good little helpful citizens, eh?

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