[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] (999)

400 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7746 18:16

Brad, I apologize in advance that Ifm about to use bad words on your page, but I simply donft have the time, nor the patience to deal with this fucking troglodyte imbecile in an amicable fashion.
Instead Ifm going to mock him, berate him, insult him and his fundamental philosophy, maybe call him some more names, rejoice in my giant majority, maybe add a few more insults, then go to bed, in my giant house in the mountains with my hot athletic wife. I wonft bother to wait for Forestfs response, because it will consist of some poorly thought out sound bytes regurgitated from Mother Jones and a series of links, and Ifd rather suck start a 12 gauge than listen to one more fucking doofus tonight.
First off, why wonft anybody answer his question about the gender gap?
Well, Forest, that would be because it is a stupid fucking question.
Youfre like that crazy hobo on the subway demanding everyone justify the moon ferrets. But moon ferrets arenft real, so why waste a bunch of time explaining that to a stinky hobo. But Ifll try, because Ifm a retired accountant, and when people like you try to use stats it is like watching a monkey humping a football. So amusing, but kind of sad.
If you mean the pay gap that exists between women, anybody with an ounce of statistical sense knows that it is insignificant when it comes to actual equivalent jobs with equivalent requirements. Once you factor in that women are statistically more likely to take time away from their careers for child rearing and factor that in, the pay difference is statistically insignificant. Unless you work in the Obama White House, because fuck you is why.
Men also tend to work more in dangerous or physically demanding jobs by choice, which also pay better. Nobody forces them to go into those fields. Men also get more STEM degrees and women get more LAS degrees. STEM pays better. Nobody is forcing these men to do math, but men and women are different. If you donft understand why my accounting degree is more valuable that your gender studies degree, you donft understand basic econ 101 and supply and demand. So yes, I would like fries with that.
If you mean the gender gap in voting between the parties, just about every psychological study ever conducted by somebody not huffing paint understands that women tend to make decisions more emotionally and men tend to make them more logically. I see you reaching for you Sexist Card, but I said tend. This is not always the case, it is simply a trend. If you donft like it or find that sexist, you can fuck off and die. Men and women are different. Most of us happen to like that. Some men think more emotionally (like pajama boy metrosexual hipster douchebags for example), and some women think more logically (like hot republican warrior babes), but a trend is a trend.
Now, the DNC being a bunch of sleazy shitwads, do manage to have some people working there who are excellent at stats and marketing. Ifm assuming they hire evil republican capitalists for these positions because they show some basic competence. Regardless, these clever people understand the whole emotional reaction thing, and when your platform is mostly bullshit, they aim their marketing at a bunch of heart string tugging, sob story, feel good but do nothing, nonsense that appeals to the big hearted and mushy headed voter. Why yes, I donft want old people to starve and free health care for everyone! Yay!
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