[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] (999)

556 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7839 02:30

The site has been down the past couple of months because of a problem with executing the proper scripts. This mostly has to do with the free hosting we are currently with and I plan to start to host the website myself. During this move I wanted to update the site to tablecat's lastest textboard script, but transforming the threads to the new formatting has proven troublesome. But most of all I've been struggling with depression, which I find hard to admit. My entire life has been on hold for the past couple of months and I'm slowly getting a hold of the reins again. I'm sorry for letting you guys down for so long and I hope to have the site up and running as soon as possible.

In hopeful spirits I have changed the homepage artwork to a spring aesthetic slightly earlier this year.

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