[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] (999)

707 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7906 19:42

I too am an addicted ass smeller and eater. There is something about a woman that makes it ok. Their femininity takes away the gross aspect. I'm so addicted that every woman I see, that's the first thing I imagine, licking their dirty hole. Most probably think about the pussy, but I prefer ass over pussy any day. You can't get that same nasty eroticism with pussy. There has to be the knowing that shit does come out of it. When eating an asshole (and I have eatin' a lot of ass--from my experience women don't mind at all--very few), I love to just stare at it up close, and look at it's beauty. I think it's the most sexiest part of the female body. And then just dig in. And I rarely ever stop until the woman kind of pulls me up to move on to other things. Most of my encounters, however, are simply doing nothing but eating the asshhole, jacking off while doing it, and covering the hole with cum. That is my top fetish. That's the fantasy for me. Knowing that I did nothing but taste ass and then finishing with a hot load of cum all over the hole just aggressively eatin'.
Now, with all of that said, it has to be a clean ass. I love it clean so that I can be as dirty as possible with it. I see that some of you go way further, but shit is a different story. And many asses I've eatin' were not squeaky clean; some smelled a little, some smelled quite a bit. But I still will finish if I start. I kind of enjoyed it because I knew how dirty it was, and knew that when I came, it was going to be a major cum blast. The dirtier the better the orgasm.
I wish we lived in a society where you could just tell any woman what you want to do with them without any repercussions. I work with some hot women, and even if I can't do it to them, I want them to know how bad I want to, and how often I think about their shit holes. I see them coming out of the bathroom sometimes and first wonder if the took a shit (which most of the time is no). But I know the ass was spread over the toilet. What I wouldn't give for that view from in the toilet.
I love ass, I crave ass daily, I can't get enough of it when I have it, and I can't stop thinking about it when I don't have it. I wish it didn't rule me sometimes, but could not imagine being in a relationship with a woman that wouldn't let me eat her daily.
I would appreciate any comments from women about this topic, as I have also been with many women who leave to eat ass as well. As a matter of fact, a woman doing it to me is where it all started. And finally, it's not licking ass, it's "eating" ass. There is a big difference.
Pic related, it's me being sophisticated.

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