[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] (999)

783 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7938 14:59

You realize Macintosh became pointless around the time Microsoft made the first Windows, and only briefly reattained genuine technological relevance with the iPod, right?

For people who really hate Microsoft, GNU/Linux is more functional, more compatible, and free rather than needlessly expensive. The only sort of people who use Macintosh computers are those with more money than brains, and those afraid of everything and innately helpless. Neither of these makes for a good creepypasta protagonist; we're trained to hate those richer than us, and dumb rich people are even less likeable, and the completely helpless protag has long since been played out and predictable in horror...it lacks tension now. For these reasons, the DQN committee hereby reissues official approval for the extension "exe" for general usage in creepypasta.

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