[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] (999)

790 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-7938 20:00

I know what you're saying but if you have UAC not set to max, an .exe can pretty much do whatever it wants to your computer on Windows without you knowing, whereas, unless you like rolling as root on any other UNIX-like system because you are a fool, or a zero-day privilege escalation exploit is found (which are usually fixed really quickly, although it takes a bit more on OS X) an executable binary won't do much, which makes viruses on Windows a lot more threatening and scary, especially if you see computers as mystical things that can get possessed by juju magic.
I dunno, "cursed .exe files" just seems to work better than "cursed .bin files".
Also it may be that, because they are less common, .bin sounds more technical and thus less supernatural and scary. Maybe it's a bit of everything.

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