[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 3] (999)

184 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8459 13:05

  1. Hiroyuki claims 4chan is going under, even though Moot described it as financially stable just a year ago.
  2. Hiroyuki monetizes the site through ads, passes and donations to an extent which has never been seen before.
  3. Hiroyuki categorically refuses to disclose 4chan's actual server costs.
  4. Hiroyuki refuses to sell the site, despite having received multimillion dollar offers.
  5. Hiroyuki already pulled this exact scheme in Japan and even SOLD the credit card information of Pass buyers to criminals.

This is going nowhere. If I remember correctly, making threads ended up to be a pass-only feature on 2chan, which is exactly where we're headed. Our "leader" is a con artist who wants to cash out on 4chan and its users.

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