[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 3] (999)

473 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8556 22:41

>This protest is just like the Boston Tea Party!

You mean the event where a group of colonists deliberately entered a merchant ship at a time when they knew there would be as few people in danger as possible, escorted the British crew off the ship unharmed and released them, dumped a small quantity of tea into the harbor (while leaving the majority untouched as their goal was not to cause wanton property damage), didn't take anything from the ship except for one man who was caught stuffing tea into his pockets and as a result was stripped naked and told to walk home in the cold alone, promptly paid for all the damages done to the cargo, and left a coherent set of requests that basically ammounted to "please don't force us to buy tea from a monopoly controlled by the crown. We'd like to choose who to buy tea from."

Yeah, that's totally equivalent to a group of violent thugs smashing windows, burning random shit in massive bonfires, attacking random people, and screaming for people to beat someone senseless just for happening to drive by the protest. It's totally equivalent to a mob burning down half a city and looting liquor stores and then demanding that other people pay to fix the damage and oh they'd better do it soon because it's almost the holidays and they'd like to have a new house. It's totally equivalent to calling for people to be beaten and killed for the crime of not supporting your ideology whole-heartedly and demanding that all white people pay a tax because of something they never did. And I'm sure these protestors won't fail to pony up enough money to pay for the damages they caused, because we wouldn't want to deviate from what the Founding Fathers did, now would we?

Truly, the resemblance is uncanny.

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