[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 3] (999)

488 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8561 14:57

I dunno man, seems like a pretty simple rule of life. No one is perfect, yeah? Everyone has shitty features you wish they wouldn't have, even you. One of my best friends in high school and a bit after was a chronically depressed screamo fan who was also a born-again Christian who thought he had demons inside him. My other best friend was a girl who was a compulsive liar who was kinda bitchy about everything (she also talked a lot over movies, but that was actually amusing at times). Whenever she would come up with some new bullshit story that only served her ego and made her seem much cooler than she was, we would all play along, knowing full well even as high schoolers that she was lying. Pretty much all my friends were kinda awful like this at times. But I loved being around them. The girl would just suck our dick sometimes because it probably did something for her psyche.

The point is, if you wanna get high and fuck Marilyn Monroe in the ass in some 1950s place, then dealing with her shitty parts should be a small trade off. People who demand all their acquaintances be perfectly actualized and continuously self-improving people are people with no friends and also don't get laid.

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