[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 3] (999)

751 Name: (*゚ー゚) : 1993-09-8662 08:39

TOS, TNG and DS9 were the only shows that made me stop for a moment and think that human diversity and communism might be a good thing. A perfect world where everyone is cool to each other, no one has to worry about resources, and work is actually a form of play.

This is why I love the new movies. Everytime one of these horror shows is released that rapes Star Trek, my love for the show weakens more, and so to does those pangs of youthful naivete. Every time I think of Geordie and Rikker and Worf all living in harmony and having a great time, I just need to recall that it's now canon that nu-Spock fucked nu-Uhura. Every time I think of the logic, reason and love of liberty that drove Kirk and Picard in their adventures, I just need to remind myself of nu-Kirk and what an impulsive reckless asshole he is. Everytime I think of the Federation, I just need to remind myself that Vulcan is destroyed and old-Spock went back in time to speak to nu-Spock.

It's great. More of these movies, please.

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