If you spot something that needs moderator attention, post about it here.
Specify the exact thread and post number(s) if possible.
Previously: https://4-ch.net/req/kareha.pl/1150374763/
Probably not going to bother cleaning up the old thread. Sorry for the mess.
It is a pretty low-quality thread, and has been gently persuaded to relocate to a new home (Current Events).
lol @ butthurt weebs denying reality and hide threads that criticize there retarded view of japan
cheese pizza >>2814
these two threads need pruning for obvious reasons.
>This thread was merged from the former /debate/ board
idk what the first link was, but why should the second one be deleted
CP spam in img
someone is butthurt flooding /general/ with useless threads
should've left 1 "SIE IS DEAD" thread.
Because Sie IS dead.
why i are banned? site dead?
>>9 leave instead of crapping up a dead site then
requesting archive.* links to be temporarily added to the spam filter
thread 2910 on /img/
the topic about pedo and CP at
is still there.
and a racist post at
Someone is gorilla'ing General again...
Either delete the obnoxious political talk on /img/ or fix the anti-spam filter which keeps disallowing my post after multiple revisions.
Either delete the obnoxious political talk on /img/ or fix the anti-spam filter which keeps disallowing my post after multiple revisions.
Hm, maybe the issue is on my hand after all...
>>20 Cheers
Dodgy spam on /img/...
>>18 Aw dude why would you want to delete a discussion you don't like, just don't read it, post in other threads or make your own
delete the entire thread
Why? It would make a fine addition to Hades...
C-hili P-ies in /img/
kuz is horny
Some child is going wild on General.
Some adult is being calm on General
>>22,25-29 Done.
>>30,31 Into the trash it goes!
CP on /img/
Some spam slipped through in this thread https://4-ch.net/img/res/1841.html post 2937
>>29 again
seepee on img and dqn...
>>33-36 Done!
Decided to do some more quality control in DQN, instead of letting it go on any longer. Please consider using a more appropriate website.
I should have checked for your request before opening img. I hope these spammers die a long and painful death.
Something suspicious in /img/
DQN spam
I'm not clicking but "Lola Porn" is not DQN quality.
/img/ and DQN need attn
Real raped women thread of /general/
same in Japan.
Real raped women in Japan, HA!
>>38,40-45 Done.
>>48 If you repost it in the correct thread, I can delete the other post for you.
That guy you banned on /img/ is back
teach me how to draw guy is back https://4-ch.net/hobby/kareha.pl/1654655036/l50
Also delete those threads, they are also by him
I saw him on another site today asking how to define 600k art. Before I could respond the thread was gone. Surely a troll... I hope.
Belongs in /tech/, if anywhere.
Someone on /general/, /dqn/ and /current/ seems to have mistaken this website for Stormfront. Though I don't think even that place would be happy about the same edgelord manifesto being spammed 4x.
Random AA with zero relevance to the thread.
This guy has been spamming unrelated AA in a bunch of different threads.
even made a thread for it on /games/
Remove this, I accidentally used WakabaMark instead of Text Art while making A tech-nostalgia-related AA comic.
CP on /img/
Img nerds attention
pls ban everyone on this website
/img/ cock spam
CP link in the remilia scarlet thread on /img/
/img/ cp link
bot or weird pink link guy
img cp
/dqn/ dodgy link
Requesting sticky next time.
CP spam in img
Some dodgy spam on /games/
Happy xmas! C-P on /img/
/img/ cp links
Delete https://4-ch.net/ascii/kareha.pl/1673216757/ since i merged the thread to https://4-ch.net/ascii/kareha.pl/1673309640/
Shit thread on dqn
/img/ cp...
/img/ cp
Another one on img
Can you tell if it's automated or manual?
I think the guy who was spamming about animation and drawing is back and now posting about writing on /img/
>>102 He's doing no harm... yet...
/img/ pizza au fromage
Some sort of new onlyfans spam now?
img seepee
He's up to 6 incoherent threads now!
Remind me to copypaste this somewhere once /language/ is open again.
620 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2022-06-29 14:01 ID:Heaven
Ixrec's Guide to Japanese
621 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2023-01-29 13:08 ID:Heaven
Apparently I can use F9 or ctrl-t to type widetext with microsoft IME. Other F buttons do similar things.
622 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2023-02-06 16:16 ID:Heaven
I wonder why 青 can mean both blue and green, maybe 緑 is a later addition to the language?
there's a whole theory about this
also traditionally the rainbow was seen as having just 5 colors in east asia
(precisely due to having less recognized colors)
japan used to recognize just 4 colors initially (black, white, red and blue)
virtually all languages seem to have followed this pattern
it's really green-blue but (since it's not differentiated yet)
and it was meant to be the color of plants
<- so the color of his eyes
alternatively they were meant to be all the colors of the sky
("""red""" in the traditional color scheme was very much the color of dawn/dusk)
well wiki explains as much
white, the color of life
black, the color of death
red, the color of blood
blue, the color of her eyes
623 Name: Anonymous Linguist : 2023-02-07 12:58 ID:Heaven
apparently you need to type wyi to get ゐ
CP spam on DQN.
Could you put filters that prevent certain strings from being posted? They often use "CP" and other reoccurring strings in the posts with random characters breaking it up.
then block c0000001p, c00000002p, c0000003p, and so on. Yeah, make lives of everyone more annoying.
there's a guy spamming nigger wall of texts in every single thread on General
img cp
CP spam as a reply this time on /img/
/img/ C-P
Seems like link field spam with random body text that doesn't relate to the thread
spam in dqn
"Barrewtt Kosh Spits On My Cock Then Sits On My Cock in Dubai 2023" could be the name of a pink band, but I doubt it.
spambot on general
He (?) changes it everytime I update the spam filters, so far the best antidote is to just delete it quickly.
CP /img/
cp /img/
img again
and again img
general again
/img/ couple threads down
cp link in a pic
https://4-ch.net/img/res/1576.html#i4539 (post 4539)
cp img
I'm not sure if this is a legitimate thread or some kind of weird link field spam based on https://4-ch.net/japan/kareha.pl/1670678795/ (probably with human involvement since the OP text is different)
Your decision, admin
img cp again
Dodgy shit (the bad kind) on /img/
img again
I didn't click the link but I feel it's a pretty safe assumption that it's nothing relevant to the 15 year old thread, or good.
CP spam in /img/, a few threads down i the burger girls thread
Dodgy child things in img
Perhaps Sam can be of help without SEO!
with our*
link on general
I have a question about the spam. I'm trying to reply to someone about refraction on thr imageboard there and no matter what I type or link or don't I'm just hitting into the spam filter. Whether I post a link or not. This never happens on the textboards. Is there some way around that? Am I talking too much and hitting some trigger word? I don't get it. I've tried over a dozen times now with a link, with none, even down to "i cant talk because i keep hitting the spam filter" and then hitting the filter anyway. I can't seem to talk without just hitting into it and have no fucking idea what it is setting it off.
>>n133-165 Done!
I've removed the period (.) from the spam filter (forgot I had left in there lol). Try force-refreshing or clearing caches, I'm not sure what else it could be.
I took a screenshot to show my message. This still triggered the spam filter thing on me. I'm not sure what it is either.
Looks like it was the .co in the link, try posting now. FWIW I wouldn't be surprised that the spam filter is catching me if I'm posting a link that includes the string "kids" :)
CP in img
/img/ cp
this guy has been spamming every single textboards and imageboard with this nonsense for years please ban and remove his posts.
more: https://4-ch.net/img/res/4748.html#i4748 (very likely him too) https://4-ch.net/img/res/4769.html#i4769
https://4-ch.net/img/res/4787.html#i4787 He just made another...
its incredible how persistent you are despite being permabanned from at least 20 boards for constantly asking retarded questions and getting angry that nobody is giving good answers.
You can't even correctly identify what board to make your retarded posts on so you do it on every single board in existence. You are either a huge retard or an amazing troll because I have hated you for years now.
>>n170-174 Done!
>>175 et al: Also done. Sorry for being away from my computer for a few days. I've tried to round up all the posts/threads I could find, let me know if I've missed any.
img cheese pizza
https://4-ch.net/img/res/4836.html#i4837 please get this deleted
it's very useless
pls get this complain deleted >>198 it's uneducative and unintelligent
cp img 4841
pls get this complain deleted :D
img cp
img cp again
img pizza au fromage
torta di fromaggio
img cp
Ignore 214, he's just trying to get rid of the competition.
I don't know exactly what's going on here, but it reads like someone with the same tone and posting style own-zoned his own suspicious link within minutes.
I must be getting too old for this new age of spam that mixes legit things to say in with the garbage.
img cp
more img cp
img cp again
didn't visit the website but very sus
cp on img
Just close this spammer magnet of a thread and let someone start a part 2
Is this retard still banned?
As fun as it is to make fun of him and watch him get angry, he is pure pollution.
Also CP thread on the imageboard.
img cp
more img cp
img, pls delet KTHXBAI!!!1
img cp AGAIN
and img cp again
img cp again again
more img cp
/img cp again and again and again
This page just ends on "post links", any plans to finish this page?
img cp
I know you don't like to delete spam in DQN but a permasage would be nice.
img cp
Forgot to change it to text art mode on
this ain't your fuckin sandbox kid
img cp
more img CP
img cp
spam link on /games/
img cp again
cp spam on /general/
cp on img and req!
cp on /img/
this one's still here
cp on img
All boards mass spammed with CP links
and the thread below here on /req/
The hell is this?
https://4-ch.net/img/src/1704489023487.jpg pops up if you use the links on the sidebar,
probably revenge for the moderator abuse threads
ssz has abandoned us
suicide thread on /personal/
Two threads with identical title/message, I think this is a sneaky spam that got through.
and having run it through an auto translate, this one is definitely a spam
I really hope I'm not beginning to lose my marbles, but after putting the CIA glowie image there (as well as on the textboard/imageboard ban pages) it seems like the CP spam has suddenly stopped... Spooky.
What's the bet that someone's gonna ask a stupid question about making 6 figures online, get cold dissed, then more CP spam will appear :P
Creepy, the imageboard got flooded with CP.
img cp...
ltteral cp in the image board
And links on various other boards, including this one.
img cp again and also on dqn
Worse than cp
There is spam on /japan/. The uppermost post.
All boards spammed again...
> spamfilters a bunch of inocuous words that make trying to refer to various forms of audiovisial entertainment (adult or otherwise) a minefield
> doesn't spamfilter "loli"
Why should the Japan board suffer?
less scummy spam than the usual, but still fucking spam
I like how the pizza bots are pasting such gibberish at this point to avoid the filters that the only people they're going to sucker in are those who have a hobby of visiting random links
> I like how the pizza bots are pasting such gibberish at this point to avoid the filters that the only people they're going to sucker in are those who have a hobby of visiting random links
Not really. There's still enough of their coded lingo there that those who know will know pretty quickly. If it's all gibberish to you then be glad you haven't had to deal with that stuff enough to know.
old suicidal thread bumped by troll bumper
img cp
^ still
top of /img/
img CP
I had one of those waking dreams where I found the poster's house, tied him up, duct-taped his mouth, stabbed his eyes out with a screwdriver then posted pics of it all in a new thread (with a little time-stamped post-it note on his face of course). Would that be something people would like to see?
https://4-ch.net/general/ has been spammed with 20+ threads titled "globohomo" and "shill"
And now some crypto shit
Purge all the newfags
and the images section probably has cp again, but I stopped using that board because I don't want to see or deal with that.
>Ban the proxy poster who shits up threads acting as multiple people
As someone who has been accused of this several times, I promise you this proxy poster doesn't exist. Even if he did, how would you ban him?
>I stopped using that board because I don't want to see or deal with that.
Spammer wins :\
This Paul Morris guy in General posting his probably shitty imageboard or forum in every single thread.
The guy thinks everyone is using proxies and shits up threads accusing everyone of using proxies and shitting up threads. It's astounding.
>>332 What?