[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 8] (999)

1 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10822 17:25

im drunk off my mind off of some fuking dorm room 1 dollar 15 cent fanta and half a fucling hanbdle of smiroff of vodka but banki is apretty cool characeter, aslong with allo fth the characthers from toughoug i mean a fucking girl thats hot athntthat can remove her head HOW WOWO! i mean thats cool and what about Alice thast can make doolls or rumia that can contrla darkness or marissa that can do mahiic i meka n i can even fin igh the games I fucking suck btu teh lore sand characters ofh the gamne are really cool%%%& I love ///jb/becausie of that you hustys are cringe fometimes but i love yoall i alseo lov ehowu orginall the artowkr for touhou is so so cool im ean im really fruknl buty man I love 4chan im in college but i juist hide and really nowone reall y nknows that i ike this stuff i mean how the fuck dopo i explain this shit, oh yeah i really likle artwrk from this frinkg ing bullent hell shootesrs and this websiut s

HOEVER ill post a pictires that i love of some charachtersfrom touhoi I think my cavorite caharavterfrom touthou is Yachi evnt thoiuisgh this isnt a yachi thread i dont care

201 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10945 13:58

Cats and ladles is my new catchphrase

202 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10945 21:17

I may find them less appealing when they start flying around. Cicadas fly like Asians drive.

203 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10945 22:11

Sponge bob is for babies you should do stuff from goku dbz and sourh park thats stuff for grown ups like me please i do like spong bob as child me (years old) but the sjow is too for kids now i do like the part when sonic appears but idont like him killed sonic is badass unlike mario or mickey mouse great video btw i like the end ding

204 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10946 09:43

A trip to costco is like hyrule warriors if they replaced the bokoblins with white women

205 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10947 23:56

I'll give out an iPhone 14 pro max to anyone that votes!(I'm actually not lying)!

206 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10948 07:43

Are they gonna put me in a prison? The prison I paid for with my taxes? Well, I didn't pay them.

207 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10948 12:43

She looks like the girl your crush would have introduced you to in order to get you off her back, because you were starting to annoy her. You know, somebody who was just pretty enough to be a consolation prize arouse your interest so she wouldn't have to deal with your advances anymore.

You weren't happy at first, but then you realised that she was actually loads more fun than your original crush, who was in all likelihood just an emotionally vapid shell.

How were you supposed to know that she'd go on to be a prolific baby killer.

208 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10948 18:06

my political beliefs align with whichever government produces the most anime twinks. ever since then release of Genshin Impact i have become a fervent support of sending the PLA across the strait to restore a unified China

209 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10950 00:08

Holy zit city!
That face on the left needs squeezing. I would put it in a large vice and keep tightening it up until every last bit of pus and oil had been extracted. Then I would sell it to some Chinese as a miracle aphrodisiac ( it might work if they are trying to have sex with whales )

210 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10950 00:09

How the hell can anyone walk around with a face like that? I mean fuck, doesn't he see all those FUCKING DISGUSTING ZITS in the mirror? Jesus. Maybe he doesn't own a fucking mirror, yeah, that must be it. Christ, if he did then surely he would have the GODDAMNED DECENT COURTESY to FUCKING POP THOSE FAT FUCKING MAGGOTS out of his FAT DIRTY face. I mean, just fuck. look at that! Fucking juicy pimples bursting at the fucking seams and that retarded asshole just ignores them and walks around in public like its nothing. Its a disgrace I tells ya. Honestly, if i was President I would make it FUCKING ILLEGAL to be seen with FUCKING MAGGOTS ON YOUR FAT FUCKING OILY FACE! Christ yes! I would have them dragged away to containment centers where brutal Nazi SS guards would force their DISGUSTING PIMPLY faces into 'SQUEEZE-O-MATICS", applying literally hundreds of pounds of pressure per square inch, ensuring every last FUCKING drop of MAGGOT juice was SQUEEZED the FUCK OUT!
Only then would they be released back into the public. Along with a good beating and an excessively long and boring lecture about skin hygiene. Fuck yes.

211 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10952 14:53

Maybe when Touhou is forgotten Gensokyo will finally be a real place.

212 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10953 00:17

  1. An employee may not injure the company or, through inaction, allow the company to come to harm
  2. An employee must obey the orders given it by the company except where such orders would conflict with the First Law
  3. An employee must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or Second Law.

213 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10954 02:55

Goddamn it, the penis-arm is back again

214 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10954 09:10

and my name is Thomas and im using my bros account (again)

215 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10956 23:08

I just remembered in middle school I used to be in a “yaoi gang” where we would stand at the top of the playground and yell “YAOI” our rival was the yuri girls who stood at the other playground and yell “YURI” we did this for our whole recess. We where technically all friends though. We traded manga after lunch. Most the yaoi gang turned out to be trans Mascs and the Yuri girls are mainly lesbians so we friends now. Does anyone else have this experience?

216 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10959 04:37

I went to this party a long time ago where this group of trust fund kids "filmakers" were paying people assloads of money the whole night to do gross/painful shit. It was back when Jackass/bumfights was really popular and these guys were paying random people at the party to beat each other up, injure themselves, flash tits, fuck on the filthy floor of this frat house basement, they even got some guy to put a floor sander on his dick although lucky for him it didn't do much.

Anyways, one of our friends had brought his homeschooled looking cousin with him and this kid was not dealing well with everything that was going on around him. The whole night he was just like "oh my god I can't believe this! This is so wrong!" and he'd storm out of the room looking like he was going to cry. Then he'd come back 5 minutes later and watch some more lol.

Near the end of the night, one of the money guys was like "who wants to get pissed on?!" and the homeschool cousin ecstatically jumps up and runs to the front of the crowd going "me me me!" I looked over at my friend and he had the most massive :wtf: look on his face. Cousin proceeds to lay on the floor and some chick squats over his head and pisses straight into his mouth, meanwhile 2 dudes are standing on each side of him with their dicks out just pissing all over him. After it's over he hops up with a massive piss eating grin on his face, giggling and looking like he had just won the superbowl. He was just covered head to toe in piss and I've never seen someone so happy. I don't remember exactly what he said afterwards but it was something along the lines of "haha that was funny. I don't mind haha. just jokes!" and then he ran off and jumped in the pool.

Funniest shit I've ever seen in my life.

217 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10960 01:44

"wow this fic made me cum like 2 times amazing work! keep writing! youre an inspiration"

It's been 10 months and I still don't know how to feel about this one... it's so specific yet awfully nice with the compliments?

It was on a fic about Tucker Carlson getting topped by the brown m&m so idk is it fully "out of place".

218 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10960 12:02

Well, I'm out here at a great distance, & from what you describe & I do believe you... it shouldn't be happening, yet in millions of posts I don't think I've ever seen this. :)

219 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10960 20:16

Step 1, gay asian.

220 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10961 07:59

This is fucking hilarious and in no way real. Fucking great read 😂

221 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10962 20:01

imagine living in gensokyo and ekeing out a living as a farmer in the human village except you’re just outside in the middle of the afternoon and see a fairy made from the american flag that was planted on the moon just kind of t-posing over the horizon like some kind of unknowable trash goblin

222 Name: vc:unskox : 1993-09-10966 07:19

When I was young, teens and twenties, adult bookstores and a local park was good for anonymous blow jobs. I managed to slip into a bookstore at 15 and a middle-aged guy blew me in a booth. He met me outside after and said he had a daughter my age and wanted to set me up with her.

223 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10966 16:42

*chuckling casually as if to say "there's nobody better at handling a big project and slamming every bit if it into 1 legendary video, and not leave us with cliffhangers and 24hrs+ of time tp watch other stuff and not really worry about it anymore. It turns into a "if I get around to watching it then that's cool but I've got all the hours left in the day to make sure things are handled or not handled depending on what I'm told and It just hits different to get it all wrapped up like a sophomore in highschool who took Std Education classes in freshman year and was forced to see pics of what mens and women's "unfortunate situations" looked like after having sex for the first time and told which STD caused the pictured Man or woman junk that was just shown and told that it's incurable and makes you never able to use your penis again if you ever mess around and let it touch skin to skin with you're girlfriend.

224 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10967 18:44

Vintage, finely aged, and authentic cringe. Passionate cringe. They maybe thought they were cool or better but were enjoying themselves.
Not like this new cringe. The lowest common denominator, sub-80 IQ swill on TikTok and Vine. There's no soul in new cringe.

225 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10968 06:23

Credit the artist?

If you really want to support an artist just steal their work, create a controversy, and watch their follower count absolutely skyrocket

226 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10969 02:57

First r18 art for an anime waifu is like the breaking of a bottle of champagne during ship christening

227 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10970 08:40


処女にレイプでトラウマを与える。 これってある意味芸術。
日常生活で食事のたびにレイプでの処女喪失を思い出す。 間違いなく芸術。

町中がネオンで輝けば破瓜の痛みが心をチクリ。 これぞ芸術。

228 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10972 00:17

Plenty of fanservice no woke bs none of girls are better than boys just straight up hot an attractive girls shooting each other with water good game decent story great replay value for farming many things.

229 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10972 13:56

Still waiting on a source that the Sun is a star

230 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10973 01:32

We are two girl who know that Dzhokhar (Jahar) Tsarnaev is innocent! We will always support him! Stay strong Jahar! We believe in you! #FreeJahar

231 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10973 05:09

2003: I go into a store to find a game,
2023: I go into a game to find a store.

232 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10975 10:26

Sad but wormless...

233 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10976 10:01

YES! I only just wish that she would use my pathetic beta loser face to wipe her asshole with every time instead of toilet paper ... What could make beta feel more at home and give him a sense of value than that?

O M G ! Is that gigantic cock even real ? That's just so totally unfair .... 13 inches! 13 ! That's 33 centimeters! And it's freaking hard like baseball bat too! Talk about penis envy ! I'm so full envy right now ... Yes, this is really humiliating ... Can't help looking down and feel kind of depressed at the site of my floppy dick lying there all soft and frail. To have something like that must give you so much confidence and stamina! ... Imagine not having all those constant beta performance issues and fears like "Please, please, I hope I can get it up this time" and the dread of very early premature ejaculation like the last time before I even got hard. Penis Humiliation this is ... my dick even shrunk and got more limpy typing this.

YES! I only just wish that she would use my pathetic beta loser face to wipe her asshole with every time instead of toilet paper ... What could make beta feel more at home and give him a sense of value than that?

234 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10976 11:56

Every time I hear porn addicts trying to justify their addiction the message is, “Oh it helps me to relax.” Take the online account of a single dad whose six year old son wanted to share his bed in the night after a scary movie, but the dad would refuse so that he could have his session and edge for hours.

235 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10976 18:52

There's actually a male drow whore in game you can have sex with and he gets super excited if you suggest super vanilla sex in the missionary position. He explains that all the women he's with are rough and abusive so to him, so that's boring and normal vanilla sex is kinky.

236 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10977 05:15

Actual conversation I had with a Japanese friend about this:

"Maybe I should contact a Buddhist temple somewhere in America and mail it to them."

"Why are you trying to do this the Japanese way? Don't Americans have ways of dealing with these things?"


"What do you guys do with cursed things then?"

"Idk give them to Goodwill?"

237 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10977 16:30

I don't respect anybody that hears about bands through people or publications. If you didn't stumble drunk into their live show or blackout and wake up with a crate of stolen records then you didn't really discover them on your own and can't consider yourself a true fan.

238 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10978 00:32

my dog is gassy and sits outside my door and farts and then the fart gas seeps in from under the door and then my room smells like dog farts

239 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10978 19:20

LMAO 3RD WORLD OS. I love daddy gates and his chad OS.
IM SO SICK OF THE DALE GRIBBLE OS USERS and their giga brains always making me look dumb.

240 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10980 04:06

it's not heterosexual fiction unless the heterosexuality is explicitly declared in the text according to currently accepted terminology and in a way that meets the approval of the entire audience (this includes specifically stating that at least the two people this applies to are both identifying with the gender they were assigned at birth, are on opposite ends of the binary gender "spectrum" and are both explicitly described as neither bi nor pan nor poly nor ace nor aro nor anything else but explicitly heterosexual)

241 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10980 22:06

I'm really struck by how incredibly weird these things are to be so "animal-like", especially the bilateral symmetry part. It's like, "Hey, you see this kind of odd-looking flower? Well it's actually a lizard. It evolved away its head, grew chloroplasts in its feet and started secreting nectar from its sex organs to attract pollinators. It does everything a flower does, but it's a lizard." It's THAT kind of weird.

242 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10981 10:09

he was my friend and they took him they took my friend and he was a good friend

243 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10981 16:34

I will award Zelensky most foolish person in the world. where is all that weapons go?
monke: go boom

244 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10981 23:46

Why would anyone want a feature that hides the truth from you???

245 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10982 01:28

“sync your contacts” i’d rather be waterboarded to death actually tysm tho

246 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10982 07:17

i am a child of amber. i am a neolithic farmer whose ancestors slew millions of steppe gypsies. you are a rape baby. don't ever fucking call me a mutt again you gypsic norwooding swamp chimp

247 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10983 03:51


248 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10983 09:09

You couldn't possibly comprehend how many Youmu pictures i have.

249 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10983 23:50

People used to have larger communities to lean upon in such cases, but increasingly they have none outside their immediate family and the schooling/counseling systems are filled with women. It is very easy for young fatherless men to go adrift and get captured in a YouTube grifter's wide net, or even worse decide to pursue the hobby of video game development.

250 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10984 02:42

Odd's are I will not like you & by default will hate you until i'm given a reason not to. I come here (plus many other places) simply to kill my faith in humanity when ever I feel it regaining or to help justify my hatred in people. Though I see most (if not all) of you as scum beneath my boots, I am no hypocrite. I will not treat you poorly unless provoked, in which case turn-about is fair play & you will learn the internet's harshest lesson.Don't troll the superior troll.

251 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10985 06:54

I don't understand why you all didn't refuse to play with Paladin/Warlock as soon as he mentioned Hitler. I would immediately have left the table as soon as the DM capitulated and allowed it. Honestly, even just allowing it and the rape and the pedophilia to happen would have been way more than enough for me to walk away and never play with DM again. I mean I guess I do get it though, you're all permissive and like your D&D "edgy". Cool beans, bro.

252 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10986 18:37

I love Hannah Stone so much she is the perfect woman, tall, foreign accent, tattoos, severely autistic.

253 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10986 19:15

You mechanical keyboard typing Vim using pieces of shit. You sit there with your map filter and reduce and think your FP gods. Give me a for loop and I'll hack that shit together in an hour. Whats a monad anyway? Noone can explain what they are. Lenses are nothing but glorified getters. Monad is just a cute name for flatMap and applictive functors are just fucking stupid. Why don't you pattern match my fist all over your faces?

254 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10987 01:32

>You go on IRC and you scan the channel list, and you say "Oh, I know what that group is about, because I see the channel label." And you go into the group, you will also almost invariably find that it's about sex talk as well. Not necessarily overt. But that is always in scope in human conversations, according to Bion. That is one basic pattern that groups can always devolve into, away from the sophisticated purpose and towards one of these basic purposes.

This actually happened to me the other day. I wandered into one of the linux mint channels on libera.chat the other day and found the conversation monopolized by some guy who would not shut about about perverted stuff, and how perverted he is, and how he is also an ABDL. Apparently he was some sort of persistent conversation monopolizer there who gets banned all the time.

255 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10988 02:32

> Why the fuck does the small anime girl have access to at least 12 artillery pieces

She is in the angel school student council. Hope that suffices as an explanation

256 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10988 03:40

Indoor Americans think a sexuality means you want to fuck at all hours of the day, because of the gooner indoor Americans have zero chill

It's very natural to need an emotional connection to want to bone. It's also natural to just want to bone. Behold; two genders

257 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10988 04:44

Ah yes... Just keep eating your bovine and porcine toppings. You dull slug. You actually enjoy yourself while eating an entire pizza to your self, don't you? I bet you order ranch, or, even worse, "marinara" "sauce", (even though it is already on the pizza. That is like ordering bread sticks. Bread is already in the pizza. Maybe request that the cook sprinkles some cheese and marinara on your breadsticks before putting it in the oven huh? You worm ), certainly don't try toppings like chicken, spinach, tomato, red pepper slices, oregano, onions, feta, with a white garlic sauce... You don't know anything about ordering pizza, in my opinion. And I know a lot about pizza. I was in the industry for a very long time... Maybe ask the guy making your pizza to put together his most artful pizza, and letting it be a glorious surprise. How many times could you have squeezed in ecstacy like those pigs you love to eat so much...

258 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10988 05:57

First I was in a generic modern city, which was being attacked by non-specific monsters, possibly something to do with a Matrix remake - Neo was there. In one shot he had two binoculars and when the camera went away and came back one was a gun.

Having evacuated the city, I was back home; my primary school playgroud to be precise. I did something I can’t remember which involved standing up for a black man’s rights, which got me kicked out of the community, and hence the community bomb shelter. Velociraptors then came, and a competition was held to see which outcast would be let in. The first question was “Find the magnitude of the vector (x, 50)”, to which people complained one couldn’t get a numeric answer to a question with variables. It was amended to “Find the magnitude of the vector (45, 50)”, which I managed to get to 5 * vector(9, 10), before the raptors started arriving and I ran to a thin space behind some lockers where I hoped they couldn’t reach. They did manage to surround me though, which is where the dream ended - I assume we all died soon after :/

This teaches me two things:

o) Standing up for people’s rights and hence going against the majority in an emergency situation can be more trouble than it’s worth

o) The magnitude of (45, 50) is 5*sqrt(181)

259 Name: vc: he : 1993-09-10989 11:02

I have never seen this post before but this is indeed 10000% what Death Note is like and I’m not the even slightest bit joking. Just make the gay sex situation something else and it is near verbatim an exchange from the actual series.

260 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10989 13:17

OMG I LOVE to FEED these things to my chihuahuas. Then I LOVE to FEED my chihuahuas to the FIRE.

261 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10989 20:01

About a year into my new obsession with romance, I found myself up at 2:00 a.m. on a weeknight reading Fifty Shades of Grey. I rationalized it was a modern-day telling of Pride and Prejudice—right up until I got to the page on “butt plugs” and had a flash of insight that reading about sadomasochistic sex toys in the wee hours of the morning was wanted to be spending my time.

262 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10991 03:06

I just ate a delicious juicy McDonald's Bigmac hamburger from the local McDonald's fast food restaurant staffed by black people. A black man made my delicious juicy McDonald's Bigmac hamburger. Your cat is black like the wonderful black man fast food workers who make my Bigmac hamburgers. Because of this association that has formed in my mind from seeing black man McDonald's fast food workers make my delicious juicy McDonald's Bigmac hamburgers I like your cat because it is black and I like black people.

263 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10991 07:31

lo-fi beats to chill and earn social credit to

264 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10991 08:21

Turn off your cell phones on October 4th. The EBS is going to "test" the system using 5G. This will activate the Marburg virus in people who have been vaccinated. And sadly turn some of them into zombies.

265 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10993 23:34

Souvenir. I want graphic designers to know that I put real thought into hurting them.

266 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10994 01:56

>I was born male but identify as a loli

holy shit I support trans rights now

267 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10996 17:43

japanese game dev in the 90s: hey dude can you make some music for our game about anime girls getting fucked sloppy style

guy who's about to push the PC-98 sound card to its absolute limit and create the most heartachingly beautiful music you've ever heard: Yeah okay

268 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10998 16:33

“Yeah 8 months with the taliban it’s whatever.”

269 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10999 15:53

Secretary of State Antony Blinken pledges unwavering support in talks with Benjamin Netanyahu, but warns that Palestinian civilians must not be harmed. Also, Japan moves to dissolve the Unification Church over alleged links to the assassination of former PM Shinzo Abe. And Taylor Swift's concert film premieres in LA.

270 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10999 22:42

Somebody please tell Triple H that he's always in a Brawl in the ring.

271 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11000 00:11

One little canon crossdressing joke invited the entirety of tumblr into the fanbase and now i see my childhood self-insert hero getting fucked in the ass regularely

272 Name: No. 13 : 1993-09-11003 05:04

Today I’ll write about some geeky stories of old days.

When we started developing for Pokemon Red and Blue,
we at Game Freak took a plunge and bought a UNIX machine
called SUN SPARCstation 1.

Even now I think it was such a bold step because
it was very very expensive.

We also installed LAN boards from Allied Telesis
in our PC9801Xa and Epson computers in order to set up a LAN environment.
Four or five of us logged into the network from different
computers so that we could work together, but it was so slow.

When I was in technical school I studied CG and C language
using a medium-sized computer by DEC, and before I knew it
I was really into UNIX.

For someone like me, therefore, SUN was such an easy-to-use

But it sometimes crashed.ツ? “What on earth is going on?”
Then there were times it never rebooted… “Oh my goodness!”

Whenever this happened I used to yell at the computer
“Start up!!! Please!”ツ? It was almost like a prayer.

These days we used streamer tapes that were as large
as VHS cassettes for backups.
But they took so long that we didn’t back up as
often as we should have.
So when computers crashed there was a possibility that
more than a month’s worth of all of our contributions
might go down the drain.
We tried every possible means to rescue the computers.

We read manuals in English and impossibly thick books on computers.
We also asked for help on Nifty Serve’s bulletin board.

When a machine didn’t start up for a continuos period
(like reboots during startup),
I was so completely preoccupied with the problem
that I even had a dream of my machine starting up!

Looking back it was a very good learning experience.

From Masuda, a vi mania.

273 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11005 07:31

If a man is using a telescope to look into my house to watch the football game, he does not get to be upset when I change the TV to weird inflation porn.

274 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11005 11:53


Look in between bildings and back ways fore speshel things like wepon bullets

275 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11007 02:21

This is the most surreal image I've seen, not once would I have ever imagined seeing raymond snort coke and eat sushi off of a cow girls ass.

276 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11007 06:45

imagine being a poor facebook outsourced african kid content moderator who has to sift through all of anon's steamy fermenting smegma cocksmell or whatever

277 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11007 08:58

Well in case if anyone still didn’t understand, the picture before was the POV person pranking nagatoro by ruining her tanning session. Then Nagatoro pranked them back by planting cocaine at their house

278 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11008 14:27

Its ironic you talk about black penis being gigantic when the few interracial scenes you've done had small black cock

279 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11008 20:20

No, I dont have a problem with you being non-binary, I have a problem with you posting unfunny spongebob memes to make your points

280 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11012 06:01

This is the original cirnovslobster.jpg, taken some time in September of 2007, though the oldest version that can be found now is a 4chan post from 2009, but I tracked it to a now defunct website that seemed to be a personal blog of some sort. The lobster is a scorpion mud lobster, and those are likely mangroves in the back, but I could not find a definite location in my research two years ago, when I became enamored by this image despite knowing it for many years before. Outside of this I still know little about it and could not find any further information, so there are many things I still wonder about it to this day (if any more is known, do share). But I did find an ebay listing where someone was selling the exact model of Cirno figure (a keychain/charm), baffling because of how old they are, and since it was a "factory reject" or something, but I managed to snag the powerful artifact for five dollars. She is very cute and I have her attached to my bag. One day I hope to recreate the image with her somehow. Happy Cirno Day.

281 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11013 02:26

indonesia secretly contains a portal to hyperborea clearly so there's no contradiction. javans have that vrill warrior spirit that makes them put kechap manis on their rice so it must be true (source: it was revealed to me in a dream)

282 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11015 18:40

Years later in 2021, Chris repeatedly cuckolded his own father by having dubiously-consensual sex with his wife in an incest-based affair

283 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11015 23:59

Polaroid /ポラロイド/
Psi /Ψ/
R /Ρ;†Rho (Greek)/Р;†Er (Cyrillic)/
RDB /関係データベース;relational database/
RE /正規表現;regular expression/
RISC /限定命令セット計算機/Restricted Instruction Set Computer/
RPC /Remote Procedure Call/
RPG /ロールプレイングゲーム/
Rana /ラナ/
Rho /Ρ/
Richard /リチャード/
Ritchie /リッチー/
Robert /ロバート/ロベルト/
Robin /ロビン/
Rose /ローズ/
Russia /А;→Cyrillic/Б/В/Г/Д/Е/Ё/Ж/З/И/Й/К/Л/М/Н/О/П/Р/С/Т/У/Ф/Х/Ц/Ч/Ш/Щ/Ъ/Ы/Ь/Э/Ю/Я/
S /Σ;Sigma/С;Es (Cyrillic)/
SAX /The Simple API for event-based XML parsing/
SFO /サンフランシスコ/
SPA /製造小売業;繊研新聞社のデスク山崎光弘氏が翻案した略語/Specality Store Retailer of Private Label Apparel/
Sailormoon /セーラームーン/
Saint /聖/
Sally /サリー/
Sandy /サンディー/
Sappho /サッフォー/
Scha /Щ;Cyrillic/
Scotch /スコッチ/
Sh /Ш;Sha (Cyrillic)/
ShSh /Щ;Scha (Cyrillic)/
Sha /Ш;Cyrillic/
Sheena /シーナ/
Shsh /Щ;Scha (Cyrillic)/
Sibip /シビップ/
Sigma /Σ/
Singapore /シンガポール/
Sony /ソニー/
Square /□/
Stallman /ストールマン/

284 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11016 05:45

god i wish i wouldn't have to explain the intricacies of the neopets economy to you guys to give the full context for this but. the new neopets team that took over from jumpstart pledged that they were going to curb the inflation of rare items, which is great because a lot of rare items are worth literally hundreds of millions of neopoints, they are unbuyable unless you've been playing actively for 20 years. they did this earlier with a site festival that included random loot boxes, some of which had Unbelievably Fucking Rare And Precious items worth 200 million neopoints apiece.


today they have gone a step further. by releasing this year's trick-or-treat bags. and having the trick-or-treat bags be stuffed to the brim with unbelievably fucking rare stamps, weapons, paint brushes, defense magic, and other unbuyables. (all prohibitively expensive and in-high-demand types of items.)

jellyneo, the premier neopets website, has recorded prices of some items plummeting from 2,000,000 neopoints to 4,000 neopoints IN THE LAST THREE HOURS. this is when most people haven't even heard about the event or OPENED THEIR BAGS YET.

and of course. cherry on top. 20-year-old account holders are crytyping on the site events neoboard about how mean and cruel it is to make rare stamps part of the prize pool, because their entire identity hinges on being part of the neopian bourgeoisie, and they are having MELTDOWNS over their assets being devalued until they're part of the lowly proletariat.

this is a children's game for children btw.

none of the money is real.

i'm having such a good time.

285 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11016 23:03

Twitter is the only place where well articulated sentances get misinterpreted. You can say "I like pancakes" and somebody will say "so you hate waffles?" No bitch that's a whole other sentence wtf are you talking about?

286 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11017 06:42

Is this that Captain Tylor lad? Funny man, funny man. Truly the greatest captain that space did ever see.
Oh wait, I see tits. Well, my point still stands.

287 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11017 17:41

there's a propaganda guy in tel aviv whose job it is to make shit up like "uhhhh hamas pumped air up a dude's ass until he exploded" and he's going insane because every time, no matter how creative or specific, it turns out an irgun guy did that exact thing in '48

288 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11018 08:57

When bacteria become active they essentially start shitting in your food. As long as you stay within a certain time limit your immune system and stomach acids take care of it, but the amount grows exponentially over time. You can kill the bacteria with heat but their shit is still shit. And just like an actual log, heating it isn't going to make it any more sanitary to eat.

The short of it is that the bacteria usually isn't what kills you, the excrement is.

289 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11019 01:25

To quibble four words:
Add "ABC" to some string things.
Add "DEF" to the string things.
Add "G" to the string things.
Add "H" to the string things.
Quibble the string things.

To quibble one word:
Add "ABC" to some string things.
Quibble the string things.

To quibble some string things:
Quibble the string things giving a string.
Destroy the string things.
Write the string on the console.

To quibble some string things giving a string:
Append "{" to the string.
Put the string things' count into a count.
If the count is 0, append "}" to the string; exit.
Get a string thing from the string things.
If the count is 1, append the string thing's string then "}" to the string; exit.
If a counter is past the count minus 2, append the string thing's string then " and " then the string thing's next's string then "}" to the string; exit.
Append the string thing's string then ", " to the string.
Put the string thing's next into the string thing.

To quibble two words:
Add "ABC" to some string things.
Add "DEF" to the string things.
Quibble the string things.

To quibble zero words:
Quibble some string things.

To run:
Start up.
Quibble zero words.
Quibble one word.
Quibble two words.
Quibble four words.
Wait for the escape key.
Shut down.

290 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11019 01:43

Imagine Felix before the throne on the Day of Judgment, when all the books will be opened and every deed exposed, and his immediate family, suicided mum and stepfamily in the gallery. We can never be certain, but imagine someone actually being able to find out how retarded someone is and how much they're faking it to get out of unpleasant stuff like work, hygiene or personal responsibility. Imagine G-d telling Felix that he knew full well shitting himself was wrong and that he did it on purpose. Imagine G-d in court taking away a willful retard's shroud of plausible deniability. Imagine his dad finally screaming at him, "Well now we know you weren't that retarded Felix! You shat everywhere!!!" For years!

291 Name: vc: unvilp : 1993-09-11019 10:15

After I heard that rappers hold their pee in after drinking lean to make it hit harder, I started doing the same thing with coffee. I was about to piss myself on the subway in my light-wash Japanese denim so I discreetly hunched over & released in a Gatorade bottle I half-concealed with my hoodie. A homeless guy must've noticed because an appropriate amount of time after, he approached me with a noticeably lithe strut & offered me half a gram of crack for $40. Something about his aura instilled a certainty in me that this was a good deal so I took him up on it, he then gave me a pipe in exchange for a cig. As soon as I hit it, I knew it was meth, but when you get in that "doing" mindset you're not gonna pull back, like when you're at a show grinding on some [tradwife] & the strobe light illuminates the silhouette of her Adam's apple for a couple flashes. You change course slightly, telling yourself it's only for the night, and you ensure nobody you know finds out. I had no ill feelings towards the homeless guy, as unlike many vagrants I could intuit that he wasn't demonically possessed, but rather was channeling the archetype of a fairy, notorious for their trickery but with a lighter, jester-like quality which you can't help but chuckle at. It helps his case that he sold me high-grade glass, whereas a lesser hobo would've sold me bath salts & baking powder, at best. Long story short, the piss method does work. If you train your bladder well enough, it ups the potency almost as much as inhaling a cig through your nose does. Rightwing holistic bros don't talk about this.

292 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11021 21:32

Everybody is waking up to what a massive scam seed oils are and it is beautiful to see.

Seed oils are the most destructive force in the world today and cutting them out of your diet will radically change your health.

It doesn’t matter if you’re a vegan or a carnivore. This toxic sludge is linked to almost every chronic disease and is hidden in every single diet if you’re not careful.

Not eating them is not enough.

You need to have a yard sign rejecting them. You need every person that enters your home to know that you hate seed oils. You need to throw them away in every home you walk into. You need to scream at waiters that serve them. You need to bring butter with you everywhere. You need to dedicate your life to taking down these oils.

Why do they cause so much damage?

I believe one of the things that ties together all the mitochondrial dysfunction are seed oils via three main mechanisms:

First, they remodel the cardiolipin structure of mitochondria.

This causes:

  • energy to leak from mitochondria
  • cellular death
  • leakage of potassium

Second, seed oils are highly susceptible to damage from the unsaturated bonds and they break down into toxic byproducts like HNE, acrolein and MDA when oxidized.

These byproducts are linked to cancer, obesity, diabetes and alzheimers disease.

Third, they serve as precursors to inflammatory prostaglandins that are also linked to every chronic disease.

When people consume seed oils, they accumulate them in their fat.

The average human today has over 20% of their fat as linoleic acid, vs just 7% 50 years ago

Similar to letting a bottle of oil sit out in the sun, over time this causes your body to go rancid

This is sickness.

Stick to saturated fats instead.

My recommended alternatives:
Beef Tallow
Macadamia Nut Oil
Coconut Oil
Organic extra virgin olive oil

Seed oil free 2023. Who’s with me?

293 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11023 04:37

Are you telling me if I make line of banana lead to trap I won’t catch nigga?

294 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11024 13:29

Hey I have a question. I know you don't use the dqn blog anymore but WHAT was DQN, is it still running? Is there a website and if not when was it shut down. I tried looking up "DQN" and nothing popped up. Thanks if you do answer

295 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11027 10:18

really bad post dude. vile, putrid, pure carnage. only the obliteration of something pure will sate this imbalance youve created. you made an evil that can only be absolved through the destruction of happiness. you made such a bad post you might’ve actually lowered the net goodness present in the universe

296 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11028 07:05

Dear strangers,

From the moment I discovered the Internet at a young age, it has been a magical place to me. Growing up in a small town, relatively isolated from the larger world, it was a revelation how much more there was to discover – how many interesting people and ideas the world had to offer.

As a young teenager, I couldn’t just waltz onto a college campus and tell a student: “Let’s debate moral philosophy!” I couldn’t walk up to a professor and say: “Tell me something interesting about microeconomics!” But online, I was able to meet those people, and have those conversations. I was also an avid Wikipedia editor; I contributed to open source software projects; and I often helped answer computer programming questions posed by people many years older than me.

In short, the Internet opened the door to a much larger, more diverse, and more vibrant world than I would have otherwise been able to experience; and enabled me to be an active participant in, and contributor to, that world. All of this helped me to learn, and to grow into a more well-rounded person.

Moreover, as a survivor of childhood rape, I was acutely aware that any time I interacted with someone in the physical world, I was risking my physical body. The Internet gave me a refuge from that fear. I was under no illusion that only good people used the Internet; but I knew that, if I said “no” to someone online, they couldn’t physically reach through the screen and hold a weapon to my head, or worse. I saw the miles of copper wires and fiber-optic cables between me and other people as a kind of shield – one that empowered me to be less isolated than my trauma and fear would have otherwise allowed.

I launched Omegle when I was 18 years old, and still living with my parents. It was meant to build on the things I loved about the Internet, while introducing a form of social spontaneity that I felt didn’t exist elsewhere. If the Internet is a manifestation of the “global village”, Omegle was meant to be a way of strolling down a street in that village, striking up conversations with the people you ran into along the way.

The premise was rather straightforward: when you used Omegle, it would randomly place you in a chat with someone else. These chats could be as long or as short as you chose. If you didn’t want to talk to a particular person, for whatever reason, you could simply end the chat and – if desired – move onto another chat with someone else. It was the idea of “meeting new people” distilled down to almost its platonic ideal.

Building on what I saw as the intrinsic safety benefits of the Internet, users were anonymous to each other by default. This made chats more self-contained, and made it less likely that a malicious person would be able to track someone else down off-site after their chat ended.

I didn’t really know what to expect when I launched Omegle. Would anyone even care about some Web site that an 18 year old kid made in his bedroom in his parents’ house in Vermont, with no marketing budget? But it became popular almost instantly after launch, and grew organically from there, reaching millions of daily users. I believe this had something to do with meeting new people being a basic human need, and with Omegle being among the best ways to fulfill that need. As the saying goes: “If you build a better mousetrap, the world will beat a path to your door.”

297 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11028 07:05

Over the years, people have used Omegle to explore foreign cultures; to get advice about their lives from impartial third parties; and to help alleviate feelings of loneliness and isolation. I’ve even heard stories of soulmates meeting on Omegle, and getting married. Those are only some of the highlights.

Unfortunately, there are also lowlights. Virtually every tool can be used for good or for evil, and that is especially true of communication tools, due to their innate flexibility. The telephone can be used to wish your grandmother “happy birthday”, but it can also be used to call in a bomb threat. There can be no honest accounting of Omegle without acknowledging that some people misused it, including to commit unspeakably heinous crimes.

I believe in a responsibility to be a “good Samaritan”, and to implement reasonable measures to fight crime and other misuse. That is exactly what Omegle did. In addition to the basic safety feature of anonymity, there was a great deal of moderation behind the scenes, including state-of-the-art AI operating in concert with a wonderful team of human moderators. Omegle punched above its weight in content moderation, and I’m proud of what we accomplished.

Omegle’s moderation even had a positive impact beyond the site. Omegle worked with law enforcement agencies, and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children, to help put evildoers in prison where they belong. There are “people” rotting behind bars right now thanks in part to evidence that Omegle proactively collected against them, and tipped the authorities off to.

All that said, the fight against crime isn’t one that can ever truly be won. It’s a never-ending battle that must be fought and re-fought every day; and even if you do the very best job it is possible for you to do, you may make a sizable dent, but you won’t “win” in any absolute sense of that word. That’s heartbreaking, but it’s also a basic lesson of criminology, and one that I think the vast majority of people understand on some level. Even superheroes, the fictional characters that our culture imbues with special powers as a form of wish fulfillment in the fight against crime, don’t succeed at eliminating crime altogether.

In recent years, it seems like the whole world has become more ornery. Maybe that has something to do with the pandemic, or with political disagreements. Whatever the reason, people have become faster to attack, and slower to recognize each other’s shared humanity. One aspect of this has been a constant barrage of attacks on communication services, Omegle included, based on the behavior of a malicious subset of users.

To an extent, it is reasonable to question the policies and practices of any place where crime has occurred. I have always welcomed constructive feedback; and indeed, Omegle implemented a number of improvements based on such feedback over the years. However, the recent attacks have felt anything but constructive. The only way to please these people is to stop offering the service. Sometimes they say so, explicitly and avowedly; other times, it can be inferred from their act of setting standards that are not humanly achievable. Either way, the net result is the same.

298 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11028 07:06

Omegle is the direct target of these attacks, but their ultimate victim is you: all of you out there who have used, or would have used, Omegle to improve your lives, and the lives of others. When they say Omegle shouldn’t exist, they are really saying that you shouldn’t be allowed to use it; that you shouldn’t be allowed to meet random new people online. That idea is anathema to the ideals I cherish – specifically, to the bedrock principle of a free society that, when restrictions are imposed to prevent crime, the burden of those restrictions must not be targeted at innocent victims or potential victims of crime.

Consider the idea that society ought to force women to dress modestly in order to prevent rape. One counter-argument is that rapists don’t really target women based on their clothing; but a more powerful counter-argument is that, irrespective of what rapists do, women’s rights should remain intact. If society robs women of their rights to bodily autonomy and self-expression based on the actions of rapists – even if it does so with the best intentions in the world – then society is practically doing the work of rapists for them.

Fear can be a valuable tool, guiding us away from danger. However, fear can also be a mental cage that keeps us from all of the things that make life worth living. Individuals and families must be allowed to strike the right balance for themselves, based on their own unique circumstances and needs. A world of mandatory fear is a world ruled by fear – a dark place indeed.

I’ve done my best to weather the attacks, with the interests of Omegle’s users – and the broader principle – in mind. If something as simple as meeting random new people is forbidden, what’s next? That is far and away removed from anything that could be considered a reasonable compromise of the principle I outlined. Analogies are a limited tool, but a physical-world analogy might be shutting down Central Park because crime occurs there – or perhaps more provocatively, destroying the universe because it contains evil. A healthy, free society cannot endure when we are collectively afraid of each other to this extent.

Unfortunately, what is right doesn’t always prevail. As much as I wish circumstances were different, the stress and expense of this fight – coupled with the existing stress and expense of operating Omegle, and fighting its misuse – are simply too much. Operating Omegle is no longer sustainable, financially nor psychologically. Frankly, I don’t want to have a heart attack in my 30s.

The battle for Omegle has been lost, but the war against the Internet rages on. Virtually every online communication service has been subject to the same kinds of attack as Omegle; and while some of them are much larger companies with much greater resources, they all have their breaking point somewhere. I worry that, unless the tide turns soon, the Internet I fell in love with may cease to exist, and in its place, we will have something closer to a souped-up version of TV – focused largely on passive consumption, with much less opportunity for active participation and genuine human connection. If that sounds like a bad idea to you, please consider donating to the Electronic Frontier Foundation, an organization that fights for your rights online.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you to everyone who used Omegle for positive purposes, and to everyone who contributed to the site’s success in any way. I’m so sorry I couldn’t keep fighting for you.

299 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11028 11:11

You’re getting horny from girls touching foreheads ?

300 Name: vc: shad : 1993-09-11029 11:36

While the title Xiǎojiě (小姐) is commonly used in Taiwan, Malaysia and Singapore as an equivalent for the English "Miss", it is a euphemism for "prostitute" in mainland China and hence should be avoided.

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