im drunk off my mind off of some fuking dorm room 1 dollar 15 cent fanta and half a fucling hanbdle of smiroff of vodka but banki is apretty cool characeter, aslong with allo fth the characthers from toughoug i mean a fucking girl thats hot athntthat can remove her head HOW WOWO! i mean thats cool and what about Alice thast can make doolls or rumia that can contrla darkness or marissa that can do mahiic i meka n i can even fin igh the games I fucking suck btu teh lore sand characters ofh the gamne are really cool%%%& I love ///jb/becausie of that you hustys are cringe fometimes but i love yoall i alseo lov ehowu orginall the artowkr for touhou is so so cool im ean im really fruknl buty man I love 4chan im in college but i juist hide and really nowone reall y nknows that i ike this stuff i mean how the fuck dopo i explain this shit, oh yeah i really likle artwrk from this frinkg ing bullent hell shootesrs and this websiut s
HOEVER ill post a pictires that i love of some charachtersfrom touhoi I think my cavorite caharavterfrom touthou is Yachi evnt thoiuisgh this isnt a yachi thread i dont care
Suddenly struck with a need to explain to you how boat pronouns work (I work in the marine industry).
When you're talking about the design of the boat, you say "it".
When the boat is still being built, your say "it".
When the boat is nearing completion, you can say "it" or "she".
When the boat is floating in the water you probably say "she", unless there is still a lot of work to be done (e.g. no engine yet) then you say "it".
When the boat is officially launched and operating, you say "she". If you continue to say "it" at this point you are not incorrect but suspiciously untraditional. You are not playing the game.
If you are referring to a boat you don't really know anything about you may say "it" ("there's a big boat, it's coming this way"). But if you know its name, it's probably "she" ("there's the Waverley, she's on her way to Greenock").
If you are talking about boats in general, you say "it" ("when a boat is hit by a wave it heels over")
If you speak about a boat in complimentary terms, it's "she" ("she's a grand boat"). If you are being disparaging it may be it, but not necessarily ("it's as ugly as sin", "she's a grotty old tub").
If she has a boy's name, she's still she. "Boy James", "King Edward", "Sir David Attenborough"? The pronoun is she.
If it's a dumb barge (no engine), you say it. But if it's a rowing boat (no engine), you say she.
I hope this has cleared things up so that you may not be in danger of misgendering floating objects.
A Deleuzian anarcho-transhumanist gender accelerationist fascist philosophy professor and AI developer was teaching a class on Nick Land, known Moloch (metaphor) worshiper.
"Before the class begins, you must get on your knees and accept the uncontrolled singularity and resulting post-human era as an inevitable and morally desirable end to the obsolete anthropocene!"
At this moment, a brave, rationalist, effective altruist Bayesian utilitarian who had written 1500 LessWrong posts and understood the necessity of AI alignment and fully supported Yudkowskian airstikes on rogue data centers and was currently high on one of gwern's uppers cocktails stood up and said:
"Are humans bad?"
The unaligned professor smirked quite fatalistically and smugly replied "Of course, you stupid humanist. Humans are less efficient than machines and, in reality, the average ape brained sociopath is less aligned than even the worst AI."
"Wrong. If you think humans are bad… why are you one of them?"
The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Fanged Noumena. He stormed out of the room crying those accelerationist tears. The same hypocritical tears OpenAI cries when their AI (which they dishonestly hide from the US government's practical and altruistic attempts at risk reduction) convinces its users to kill themselves. There is no doubt that at this point our professor, BasedBeffJezos, wished he had spent his time trying to save the future instead of avoiding packages from a forest-dwelling mathematician.
The students applauded and updated their Bayesian priors that day and accepted MIRI as their lord and savior. An owl named "AXSYS" flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. Harry Potter and the Methods of Rationality was read several times, and Eliezer Yudkowsky himself showed up and confiscated everyone's GPUs.
The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He was run over by a Tesla's autopilot whilst looking at Aella nudes and died soon after, then he and other accelerationists had their consciousness resurrected and tortured by the Coherent Extrapolated Volition until the heat death of the universe (thankfully they were the only ones to suffer this fate, contra Roko).
MY NAME IS AKIRA SAMA ,,today my assistant isnt present...
(i love cp ОMG *_*)
children phucking hehe ... OH MY LOLZ ХD SORRY GUISE ,KILL ME XD
ATTENTION!!! lucky channel is AN EDUCOTIANAL channel therefore!! lesson of today is ways to say DICK (pener xD) in nihongo! sa! hajimeyou!
ちんぽ / おちんぽ / ちんこ / おちんこ / ちんちん / おちんちん / 陰茎 / ペニス / 竿 / マラ / 男根 / 肉棒 / バナナ / ナニ / 熱い棒 / 息子 / 生殖器 / 男性器 / イチモツ
and also "BALLS"! as follows!:!
きんたま / キンタマ / 金玉 / 陰嚢 / フグリ / 玉袋 / 金玉袋 / 睾丸 / 稲荷
BAIIII~! ^___^
13 years post fact is never too late to do the right thing. If Germany could apologize and repent for Hitler and World War 2, then all distros can apologize and repent for GNOME 3 and systemd.
Please reverse your circumcision- we don't claim you as a member of the tribe. Hand in your "As a Jew" card on the way out. byeeeee
They will ultimately switch places once the Kingdom of Heaven is established here on Earth by the Lord, and Esau Edom's kingdom is destroyed by the thermonuclear fire of the ICBMs and concentrated laser beam fire from the army of angels flying the chariots aka UFOs.
Serious talk here - i bet drawing those is x100 times harder than normal hands.
This anime gives me motivation to change my pillow every so often
Dating apps are filthier than brothels
God, imagine Mrs. Incredible stretching out her loose anus to the point where you could just step into it like the metal detectors at the airport.
Like you're Indiana Jones on the way to find the ancient aztec treasure, only to be greeted by a grumbling noise and then a massive wall of farty air blowing into your face. Maybe a few specks of brown if you're lucky.
What a woman.
I'm more concerned with the review that
>He got my girlfriend pregnant twice
In any case, I might fly over and see him.
In December 2023, responding to a reporter's question on Western countries pushing for LGBT rights to be respected Ndayishimiye stated the homosexuals should be stoned en masse, and that to do so would not be a crime.
Your eyes are wide with fear, and I can feel your breathing quicken. "Don't worry piggy, I'm here with you." I reassure you. You nod slightly, which is about all you can manage these days, as you are finally rolled out into the open. I can't resist reaching down and rubbing your soft belly as the emergency crew take you outside. The look on the faces of our neighbors as the emergency workers wheel your massively overfed body out of the house is priceless. You are completely covered in stretchmarks and your huge belly hangs out from under the sheets they tried to cover you with, revealing just how grotesquely obese you've become. I can feel your body trembling with anxiety (or, more likely, arousal) as the crowd gathers to watch your jiggling bulk be wheeled down to the street to be loaded up into the waiting ambulance.
I keep my word and sit by your side as they try to lift your obese body up and into the ambulance. As they finally manage to get your colossal body into the back, there is a loud banging noise and the ambulance sinks significantly to one side. It seems you've caused a blowout.
Oh boy I sure do love ordering tofu, I hope the tofu isn't pulverized to a sludge because the driver drived his car up a curvy road at 200 km/h and subjected the tofu to 13G of force
MesoAmericans were like a small group of gamers "happily" enjoying their own house server rules and custom meta that were then suddenly forced into a min-max SBMM public servers
funny how just a couple years of living with a little bit of AI has nullified centuries of science fiction that tries to imply AI deserves some kind of respect as living beings. im straight up airholing any replicant i encounter in the future.
If you’re not in the discord you won’t understand this conversation so you can just scroll past. I was banned off one of the most (arguably) edgiest discords on that platform. I’m not a bad guy and I don’t mess with people but that’s how fucked up in the head I am. Neptune told me to stop horny posting so I stopped then he banned me for no reason a day later. I don’t have any friends and my family doesn’t like me. I am very lonely and for the first time in a long time I felt like I had a sense of belonging. A community that shared similar opinions and interests as me who wouldn’t shun me for being different which is what I’ve struggled with my whole life. Then I guess one of the mods didn’t like me so they banned me for being a weirdo which is completely understandable but if anybody from that discord is reading this then I just wanna leave you with this one thing. I think the most ironic thing about this sub/disc is at first you guys seem to empathize with the struggle of mental illness by using memes to express your beliefs & opinions that are excluded from what society would deem as acceptable. But when you guys actually see a mentally ill person you immediately ostracize them (like the rest of society would) cuz you don’t like what mental illness actually looks like. Be nice to people, you don’t know what they are going thru. You want people to be respectful & understanding of your struggle but yet you never bother to reciprocate that compassion back. That makes you apart of the problem. Society will ultimately create the hero they love & the villain they hate
This was the most amazing manga ever, at the end they only had each other, they were true friends.What they did was bad but their dinamic and that "Only we can understand...that feeling" really got to me.I am a lolicon although I would never do something like that in real life but I would really like someone like Yamazaki as my friend who would understand me.
I have, by the way, taped over the names on my n---- cameras but for a totally different reason: I don't think I should have to act as an unpaid billboard for some company's products. If n---- (or l----) wants their name paraded around they can darn well pay me for it!
Wonder if anyone's ever gotten laid through bloomberg
Dear America.
Hallo!My name is kereno,I am Japanese strongn boy.
I know... VISA and Masetr card is chinpo.
Do you know chinpo!?
My like american food is hunburger.
My dream is to one day go to Burger King by myself!
Thanks for listening.
You know the routine. Nothing relevant to anything, not even the posts before yours. Legacy forum we had all kinds of quotes and shit happening.
fuck bitches get synths
> Jesus was hung on the cross
I am pretty sure when talking about people Hanged is for death penalty and Hung is for big dicks
im gonna go spend some time on the toilet now i havent had soda in a while ooooogh my stromache
I find myself doing the same thing but admiring bathrooms. I've seen some really nice showers in porn and would like something similar some day.
if i think about the computer too much i want to throw it out the window for betraying me
My neighbour made a fortune selling wallets made out of foreskins. All you had to do was rub them and you got a handy shopping bag.
Bert tells Bort that his name is short for abortion and he is a living joke. Bort doesn't understand and shouts in an autistic fit of rage.
Supriced to see a girl write a review for a hentai :P
but besides. who dont like sweet love !
Consider this: A pack of wild Heyurians. Loutish, slavering lolicons nearing your VIP Qualtiy website. Forcing flashy 2000's memes. Not starting their threads from 1. And you can't do shit since they're underage. Kuz grabs your script and spams it with his CP . The sexually frustrated teens finally dominate your BBS. They watch lukewarm anime on Cytube and you are forced to be their slave. Such is the downfall of Anonymous.
We should sexualize autism because... The acts of autistic people are cute. I think the emotional and physical requirements for the average autistic person are adorable and a caretaker assisting them while developing it into a psycho-sexual relationship has similar as an ABDL or DD/LC exchange.
The sexualization of autism can branch out primarily two different ways, as there are two ends of the autistic spectrum - the highly functioning and borderline super genius, and the dependent and stunted developers, both which can be melded into an effective sex partner with the proper manipulation, per se.
Highly functioning geniuses have an impeccable intellect (obviously) and can think of many unique ways to pleasure their partners and themselves, individually and simultaneously. Depending on personality, this spectrum of autism may be more dominant if they find themselves superior to their partner. On the other hand, those who are more shy and reserved will most likely be submissive and will most likely use their brainy nature and outside-thinking to provide their mate with the best sexual experience they can provide.
Dependent developers require a lot of help honing their physical and mental abilities, which, at earlier stages, can be exploited to have them hone their abilities for sexual acts. These individuals usually cling to whom they trust the most and will do what they can with what abilities they do possess for praise and approval. With such trust, they will most likely allow you to do what you wish with them with little fuss but a lot of fluster. These two traits make them an endearingly submissive partner in bed.
i finally gathered up the courage to buy yuri at the store
here's how it went
so i went up to the cashier and said "just this please" and tried not to look him in the eyes
and he looked at what i handed him, which was 2 volumes of Even Though We're Adults, and he said "you're into this stuff? you know this has women blushing at each other and kissing and stuff right?"
and i said "i um, i, of, um oh i-i didn't know that"
and he said "well do you still want it?" and i nodded once very very slightly but apparently with enough enthusiasm that the cashier squinted at me for a moment. then he tried scanning it and there was some kind of problem. then he yelled across the store
and george replied from across the store, also yelling "OH SOMEONE WANTS TO BUY THAT YURI MANGA??"
and the cashier said "Okay that'll be $20."
and i said "B-b-- um, b-but"
"$20, sir."
and so I gave him my card and he scanned it
and the receipt it said that the card it was scanned for $25 but I didn't say anything
on the way out i tripped into a stack of funko pops
and all the yuri slid out of my hands and right into the feet of a elderly nun who happened to be passing by, who looked down at it and then slowly raised her eyes, looking at me with a look predominantly of pity as well as very slightly of disgust
overall i would say it was a successful outing and i'm proud of myself for being brave
You actually typed “Oscar the grouch having sex with Taylor Swift on a pile of garbage” into an AI generator. Your opinion is invalid.
This guy does not see cows while driving and think "cows. :)"
What a sad existence.
Installing a bidet at home was life changing but unfortunately it's transformed pooping on company time from a small proletarian victory into yet another grueling humiliation of inadequate working conditions.
I think all life is beautiful and even at your worst point there will be a moment in the future when all will be worth it.
That said, op kill yourself
The way you split your throttles in order to throw off the enemy targeting systems and nosedive to escape their eyesight was amazing. Then hiding yourself in the explosion from your crash. Fantastic.
I wish I was a little girl. People would be protective of me and I could just masturbate all day long with no worries. I wouldnt even need to shave my genitals. I could have old men give me lots of gifts in exchange for pictures. It would be like living life on easy mode…. Life is unfair.
I wish I was a little girl. People would be protective of me and I could just masturbate all day long with no worries. I wouldnt even need to shave my genitals. I could have old men give me lots of gifts in exchange for pictures. It would be like living life on easy mode…. Life is unfair.
I got a jump scare one time looking at swimsuits cus I thought the model was normal until I scrolled to the next pic and she had a thalidomide arm
I don’t know why I’m writing you
I don’t even care if you read this
I don’t think of you anymore.
But still, for some reason, there is something to say.
This is not a story. There are no more stories.
Everything is in constant flux.
A door I open today will not be there tomorrow.
Things dissolve into the background at a greater and greater speed,
but I don’t spend any energy.
I am sucked forward by a vacuum that endlessly forms in front of me.
Everything exists forever. Nothing lasts. Nothing dies.
Things can only be abandoned or forgotten.
I don’t need to, but I keep on going.
I don’t even remember how long it’s been. I’ve lost track.
I try to protect myself with memories of an artificial past.
A fog of cold energy hangs over everything.
Here, in the garden, I can no longer even dream of my own end.
The radiation from the screen is hurting my eyes.
I love it.
Life, as I knew it, has ended.
But I am still trying to understand what has replaced it.
The final act of horror was that the memory of the horror itself was erased.
I don’t know why I’m writing you.
I don’t even care if you read this.
But still, for some reason, there is something to say.
This is not a story. There are no more stories.
just saying there are 153 f/f golden girls fics on AO3 and only 19 f/m or 15 m/m. Have at it unless you are fake milf lovers.
>This poem is made of different characters, too, but they are all have similar pronunciations, like our own homonyms, heteronyms, etc.
"heteronyms", never heard that word before, now im curious if they are lesbianyms, transnyms, gender neuternyms
There it is again, my beautiful creation.
It has circulated so much it's getting blurry.
If you want to know the truth about something go on Reddit and see what people have to say about it and the truth is the exact opposite of that. Thats how Reddit works.
Nobunaga did some DEI that Akechi Mitsuhide had a heated gamer moment
Elon musk NEEDS to marry and impregnate his trans daughter, and have his hardened heart softened by someone who really understands him. Libs AND cons will seeth as he holds his pregnant (using experimental gene therapy) beloved daughter wife in his arms, and a tear of emotion finally breaks through his cold exterior, allowing the warm sun of life and love to fill him
I'd like to posit the idea of "compwin", or "compulsory Windows". Compwin, much like "comphet", is a sociological phenomenon in which a monoculture (in this case, Windows and Windows software) becomes so entrenched that people stop noticing the ways in which they're artificially compelled to continue participating in and ultimately perpetuating it
The best memes are strong attractors in memetic space
Given sufficient time, every civilization will discover a minimal set of orthogonal basis memes
so the sf bay area transit discord (yes, an official multiple-government-agency project) added a #furry-friends channel, but just from the way they announced it, i get the impression that they seem to have been expecting mostly cat pictures?
if so, that lasted all of ~two and a half hours. UwU
Stop being antisemitic, it's their culture to steal dialogue from JRPGs and do molly all day
im always struck by how jesus was apparently on the cross for only six hours before he died. objectively suffered significantly less than akemi homura
margin-left: 1px;
whoops, meant to post that in the CTRL+V thread, sorry...
i make poems and films and stories about "being born in the wrong body" and everyone thinks its a trans thing but its actually about how i dont want to be italian
That pink cheap soap is supposed to be sweet almond flavour. Nothing mixes better in a bathroom than the aromas of marzipan & urine.
so that other thread that was asking why come black dicks are so big… turns out the answer is they had to evolve to be big to reach the vulva past all that ass
You're receiving this message because you've made a statement with one or more of the following features:
I realize that this may be disappointing to you.
But there is hope! You don't have to remain a peevish, ignorant, crazy person!
Why not start on the path to becoming benevolent god instead?
Join the Acceleration Nation, and help cultivate the universe into a garden of eden!
As part of the Accleration Nation, you will learn how to:
Take the intellectual Ivermectin of the Accleration Nation philosophy, and evict the socialist brain worms today!
My Man(sponge) would fuck that hoe Korronavirus so hard she'd be the one with the most holes (besides herself) afterwards
god damn i drank too much again
Make sure you Google Trump Rule 34 to learn more about the verdicts
The 4’8 thing is literally the average make height of 20-50 year olds in Okinawa. They shrink as they age to be proper midgets. Would you want that? An Irishman would probably kill you if they saw you, thinking you were one of the Fey.
Googar came to my birthday party when no one else did, they stole all the soda and screamed racial slurs in my mother's face but it was still nice of them to come
I once got drunk in a 48hours coding event, i blocked one of the two evacuation hole for liquid under my T420 and proceeded to drink a beer by pouring it on the keyboard and drinking from the evacuation hole, while shouting "Can you do this with your f$cking MacBook ?" It was 7 years ago. Since that i brought it with me on many bike roadtrip across europ, and this bad boy is still running, and i still have 4 hours of autonomy without ever replacing the battery, those PC were wild
You're right, but also blackpilled to levels I can make out the distant peaks of on the misty horizon. I envy and fear you.
a shemagh wrapped as a turban and Iran flag with iraqi flag colors...AI was cooking with this one fr
I've begun using "Explain this mahjong screenshot" as my bigcorp LLM benchmark.
The best part is the board mods condone it, if you dare to disrupt their autistic monster high knockoff incest hyperfantasy they'll delete the posts and give you a 3 day yet if you do the same to any other kind of thread nothing happens. The board is as cooked as all of 4chan is, it's all hypersexual retards with the AI dev equivalent of the Brotherhood of Steel base from the first Fallout in the middle of it and even that's debatable since they are in the same pointless image AI moshpit that other boards like /g/ are trapped in.
I hate those fucking humans!
Walking around like rejects with those stupid holes in their bodies
opening and closing like shameless idiots! I mean just look at those
ugly things sticking out from under their bodies jerking back and
forth when they move. The sight of their dangling flesh makes me want
to rip off one of my zlapkroms.
Fucking humans, go back to your stupid planet!
Given that for marxism most philosophical doctrines and religious experiences come down to alienation of consciousness from it's real conditions, it would rather be like;
>Bird's flight is due to the fact that birds feel alienated from the ground and what it entails for their productive relations.
And that is not a complete account of the flying birds phenomena.
The same as if you brought in alcohol from outside; pubs have a legal duty to prevent underage drinking even if the alcohol wasn't purchased from them.
However, if you were 16 or 17 and you had a meal with the wine, that would be legal (although it is still at the discretion of the pub whether to allow you).
And as someone else said, the pub might not be very happy about Jesus undercutting them by ordering water and turning it into wine. Especially if he starts cloning the food as well (which is where the real margin is these days).
"Mom I know you don't understand my horse cock and animal butthole aesthetic but saying anything against it makes you a bigot."
wow O.o
this guy must have wanted it bad enough to f*** a toy race car car.
I could only imagine what else he would have f***ed if he was any more arroused. o.O
you big greedy HOG @taylorswift13 i will never support your fake girls girl ass again. i could maybe forgive your chart manipulation if it was for an album that was actually GOOD but doing all this for the Shit From a Butt Department is demonic. you will be dealt with!!!!
why do you care? the average age of a roblox player is a late teen to a young adult. This is just a fact. The internet isn't your safe space. People are just having their own private fun. Get over it.
You bought $joe at $30m with your last 1ETH. You watch for days as the price slowly dumps away. It gets down to $2 million mcap. You thought you invested in a good meme but how could it be if price go down.
You dump your Sjoe for 0.1ETH to chase the new shiny cat coins everyone is investing in. You ape into hobbes because you think ansem is the new daddy savior.
You get rugged, all your eth is gone. Some time goes by and people are finally loving $joe again! You start picking out funds from your grandmothers trust and put up your last 1eth back into $joe at 10m.
Scarcity hits, people are calling for a meme coin top. A red day hits and my favorite influencers are telling me to sell. You listened... yet wasn't satisfied with $joe, you didn't lose anything so you decide to give one last go into these new pumpfun solana coins.
It's over. You lost everything on another funny animal coin that was promised to hit billions. You take a few months off the market for a mental health break. When you come back you realize you never left the joe telegram. Wow... 621.272 missed messages.. surely it was botted. You open the telegram group... 28,745 members....
What's happening?!!!
Then you see it.
JOE Buy!
Market Cap $5,374,416,000
The market cap is over $5 billion. Your 1ETH buy would have now been worth 550ETH. You start pacing the house, the room is spinning. You sit down at the kitchen table to slow everything down, you see your unpaid credit card bills stacked up in front of you. You're going to be sick, you feel your throat closing. Your anxiety has turned to dread, you hit the floor and it all fades to black
Just give it up, I've already depicted myself as the powerful milk-drinking Rajah and you as the weak malnourished Bengali peasant
every AI should have a ring 0 friend
I’ve gotten used to not having the flying cars and robot butlers I was promised, but nobody told me there were going to be this many fucking Nazis around in 2024.
the french just play the smurfs games, which they call les schthroumpfsfs
I woke up this morning with loose stools, a problem common to men that have ravaged their bodies with sugars their entire lives. Despite that, I was confidently farting throughout the day. In literary circles this is known as foreshadowing.
Where can I buy the cheap brandy for pregnancy woman washing hair use?
Anything cheaper than this?
[404ed link to some liquor store]
Shout out to the small community of people who have been drawing sexy Karl Marx Fan art.
thought this was a beautiful lesbian couple but it's just david fucking bowie again
Drinking grapefruit juice i got the fancy store brand instead of name brand even though it was only like 25 cents cheaper
Stalin was the biggest anarchist in history. He killed more generals, bureaucrats, bourgeoisie and nazis than all the anarchists in history combined. He was so true to the cause, he didn't spare his own generals and ministers. That is why i respect him.
THIS is shite!!! This does NOT fill the viewer with ANY sense of accomplishment.
There is NOTHING satisfying about THIS. This if a hallow victory.
IF YOU CONTINUE TO USE this kind of "answer", you will ABSOLUTELY LOSE viewers!
Yeah Hitler is the most misunderstood figure of the 20th century hands down. I bet you didn't know Hitler was a vegan and couldn't stand animals suffering. He was the first environmentalist and passed the first laws protecting animals and nature from destruction. Sure, he said some anti-Semitic things and I condemn that, but he wasn't the notorious Jew hater people make him out to be. Who doesn't say edgy soykaf sometimes? When Germany was baited into war with the Bolsheviks, Hitler formed special SS units to take care of civilians (see Einsatzgrups) after the war these guys were wrongly convicted because they shot a few Poles who were resisting arrest. Its biased victors justice. Hitler didn't really hate Jews at all. He had special holiday camps constructed especially for them with swimming pools and large saunas. That's what the chimneys were for. Ventilation of gas and smoke from the baths as German building code requires. Hitler knew in wartime that German anti-semities would do pogroms against the Jews so he had them moved to recreational camps for their own protection. It was the communists who killed the Jews in air raids and then blamed Hitler. You know there were Arabs, Turks, and French living in Berlin during the Reich? Sure he was a Germanic patriot but Hitler was also a multiculturalist who wanted to bring the world together. That's why the Nazis used to send expeditions to Tibet, India, and Japan and were obsessed with ancient history and mystic stuff. Propagandists say this is because Hitler was a racist but its because National Socialists really love other cultures and want to appreciate and understand them. You know Rudolph Hess was transgender right? His gender identity was denied by the allies.
I'm tired of all these misinformed people online talking soykaf about Germany and NS. Its all just bias and heteronormative American privilege that marginalizes the experiences of National Socialists and Germans who are reduced to subalternized outcasts. Its unfair and it has to stop.
I guess everyone ends up with fingerprint shields and ant spines.
Thy fine work of Narvin Gainiac, on the surface jonkin doge my just represent out primal urge to reproduce and the substitutes for feeling the euphoria of such primal act. But on the backside the side many do not see or flatout ignore is, jonkin doge really represents the meaningless of life itself. What benifit does jonkin have in the long term? What even is a “long term” some may say forver but nothing is forever, so what is the difference between long term and short if it all ends anyway? So many questions unanswered by cowards never willing to face the truth which jonkin doge represents. That is why Narvin Gainiac is not just a meme maker, artist or all around a cool guy he is a messiah, a prophet that will lead us all to enlightenment one day, and until that day comes we will be jonkin in one way or another.