[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 8] (627)

1 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10822 17:25

im drunk off my mind off of some fuking dorm room 1 dollar 15 cent fanta and half a fucling hanbdle of smiroff of vodka but banki is apretty cool characeter, aslong with allo fth the characthers from toughoug i mean a fucking girl thats hot athntthat can remove her head HOW WOWO! i mean thats cool and what about Alice thast can make doolls or rumia that can contrla darkness or marissa that can do mahiic i meka n i can even fin igh the games I fucking suck btu teh lore sand characters ofh the gamne are really cool%%%& I love ///jb/becausie of that you hustys are cringe fometimes but i love yoall i alseo lov ehowu orginall the artowkr for touhou is so so cool im ean im really fruknl buty man I love 4chan im in college but i juist hide and really nowone reall y nknows that i ike this stuff i mean how the fuck dopo i explain this shit, oh yeah i really likle artwrk from this frinkg ing bullent hell shootesrs and this websiut s

HOEVER ill post a pictires that i love of some charachtersfrom touhoi I think my cavorite caharavterfrom touthou is Yachi evnt thoiuisgh this isnt a yachi thread i dont care

578 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11242 17:30

The same as if you brought in alcohol from outside; pubs have a legal duty to prevent underage drinking even if the alcohol wasn't purchased from them.

However, if you were 16 or 17 and you had a meal with the wine, that would be legal (although it is still at the discretion of the pub whether to allow you).

And as someone else said, the pub might not be very happy about Jesus undercutting them by ordering water and turning it into wine. Especially if he starts cloning the food as well (which is where the real margin is these days).

579 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11243 07:34

"Mom I know you don't understand my horse cock and animal butthole aesthetic but saying anything against it makes you a bigot."

580 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11243 16:33

wow O.o

this guy must have wanted it bad enough to f*** a toy race car car.

I could only imagine what else he would have f***ed if he was any more arroused. o.O

581 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11246 04:00

<BLOCKQUOTE class="ip-ubbcode-quote"><font size="-1">quote:</font><HR>_I even tried bacon bits in ICE CREAM, for God's sake.<HR></BLOCKQUOTE><BR><BR>Wait...was it good?<BR><BR>Because, there is the Bacon/Chocolate theory, which is that any food that can't be enhanced with chocolate, can be made enhanced with bacon.<BR><BR>Mojo's Unified Bacon/Chocolate theory states that there is one ultimate food out there that can be enhanced by BOTH chocolate and bacon, and my first theory was vanilla ice cream, but I don't have any bacon bits so I haven't gotten to try it.<BR><BR>I'm also thinking that battered and deep fried slices of bacon would be good dipped in chocolate...<BR><BR>I've also put Nacho Cheese Dorito's on vanilla ice cream, and that was damn good.

582 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11246 19:32

you big greedy HOG @taylorswift13 i will never support your fake girls girl ass again. i could maybe forgive your chart manipulation if it was for an album that was actually GOOD but doing all this for the Shit From a Butt Department is demonic. you will be dealt with!!!!

583 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11246 20:47

why do you care? the average age of a roblox player is a late teen to a young adult. This is just a fact. The internet isn't your safe space. People are just having their own private fun. Get over it.

584 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11249 04:46

You bought $joe at $30m with your last 1ETH. You watch for days as the price slowly dumps away. It gets down to $2 million mcap. You thought you invested in a good meme but how could it be if price go down.

You dump your Sjoe for 0.1ETH to chase the new shiny cat coins everyone is investing in. You ape into hobbes because you think ansem is the new daddy savior.

You get rugged, all your eth is gone. Some time goes by and people are finally loving $joe again! You start picking out funds from your grandmothers trust and put up your last 1eth back into $joe at 10m.

Scarcity hits, people are calling for a meme coin top. A red day hits and my favorite influencers are telling me to sell. You listened... yet wasn't satisfied with $joe, you didn't lose anything so you decide to give one last go into these new pumpfun solana coins.

It's over. You lost everything on another funny animal coin that was promised to hit billions. You take a few months off the market for a mental health break. When you come back you realize you never left the joe telegram. Wow... 621.272 missed messages.. surely it was botted. You open the telegram group... 28,745 members....
What's happening?!!!

Then you see it.

JOE Buy!
Market Cap $5,374,416,000

The market cap is over $5 billion. Your 1ETH buy would have now been worth 550ETH. You start pacing the house, the room is spinning. You sit down at the kitchen table to slow everything down, you see your unpaid credit card bills stacked up in front of you. You're going to be sick, you feel your throat closing. Your anxiety has turned to dread, you hit the floor and it all fades to black

585 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11250 06:28

Just give it up, I've already depicted myself as the powerful milk-drinking Rajah and you as the weak malnourished Bengali peasant

586 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11250 08:11

every AI should have a ring 0 friend

587 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11250 09:37

I’ve gotten used to not having the flying cars and robot butlers I was promised, but nobody told me there were going to be this many fucking Nazis around in 2024.

588 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11250 18:43

the french just play the smurfs games, which they call les schthroumpfsfs

589 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11250 18:54




590 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11253 10:47

I woke up this morning with loose stools, a problem common to men that have ravaged their bodies with sugars their entire lives. Despite that, I was confidently farting throughout the day. In literary circles this is known as foreshadowing.

591 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11254 03:32

Where can I buy the cheap brandy for pregnancy woman washing hair use?
Anything cheaper than this?
[404ed link to some liquor store]


592 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11255 10:28

Shout out to the small community of people who have been drawing sexy Karl Marx Fan art.

593 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11256 16:29

thought this was a beautiful lesbian couple but it's just david fucking bowie again

594 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11256 17:10

Drinking grapefruit juice i got the fancy store brand instead of name brand even though it was only like 25 cents cheaper

595 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11258 17:15

Stalin was the biggest anarchist in history. He killed more generals, bureaucrats, bourgeoisie and nazis than all the anarchists in history combined. He was so true to the cause, he didn't spare his own generals and ministers. That is why i respect him.

596 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11259 00:21

THIS is shite!!! This does NOT fill the viewer with ANY sense of accomplishment.
There is NOTHING satisfying about THIS. This if a hallow victory.
IF YOU CONTINUE TO USE this kind of "answer", you will ABSOLUTELY LOSE viewers!

597 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11260 19:42

Yeah Hitler is the most misunderstood figure of the 20th century hands down. I bet you didn't know Hitler was a vegan and couldn't stand animals suffering. He was the first environmentalist and passed the first laws protecting animals and nature from destruction. Sure, he said some anti-Semitic things and I condemn that, but he wasn't the notorious Jew hater people make him out to be. Who doesn't say edgy soykaf sometimes? When Germany was baited into war with the Bolsheviks, Hitler formed special SS units to take care of civilians (see Einsatzgrups) after the war these guys were wrongly convicted because they shot a few Poles who were resisting arrest. Its biased victors justice. Hitler didn't really hate Jews at all. He had special holiday camps constructed especially for them with swimming pools and large saunas. That's what the chimneys were for. Ventilation of gas and smoke from the baths as German building code requires. Hitler knew in wartime that German anti-semities would do pogroms against the Jews so he had them moved to recreational camps for their own protection. It was the communists who killed the Jews in air raids and then blamed Hitler. You know there were Arabs, Turks, and French living in Berlin during the Reich? Sure he was a Germanic patriot but Hitler was also a multiculturalist who wanted to bring the world together. That's why the Nazis used to send expeditions to Tibet, India, and Japan and were obsessed with ancient history and mystic stuff. Propagandists say this is because Hitler was a racist but its because National Socialists really love other cultures and want to appreciate and understand them. You know Rudolph Hess was transgender right? His gender identity was denied by the allies.

I'm tired of all these misinformed people online talking soykaf about Germany and NS. Its all just bias and heteronormative American privilege that marginalizes the experiences of National Socialists and Germans who are reduced to subalternized outcasts. Its unfair and it has to stop.

598 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11260 20:45


599 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11260 23:06

I guess everyone ends up with fingerprint shields and ant spines.

600 Name: vc: so : 1993-09-11262 04:16

Thy fine work of Narvin Gainiac, on the surface jonkin doge my just represent out primal urge to reproduce and the substitutes for feeling the euphoria of such primal act. But on the backside the side many do not see or flatout ignore is, jonkin doge really represents the meaningless of life itself. What benifit does jonkin have in the long term? What even is a “long term” some may say forver but nothing is forever, so what is the difference between long term and short if it all ends anyway? So many questions unanswered by cowards never willing to face the truth which jonkin doge represents. That is why Narvin Gainiac is not just a meme maker, artist or all around a cool guy he is a messiah, a prophet that will lead us all to enlightenment one day, and until that day comes we will be jonkin in one way or another.

601 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11262 21:19

And yes, if you deny patients and doctors the toilet, they will urinate and defecate in the corridors. So if you find your announcer complaining about urinating in the corridors or calling Mr. Brown to the roof (a usual hospital code for a defecation event in real life), perhaps it's time to check if there's any toilet issues. All of these will keep your patients reasonably happy until they are treated. So don't neglect them!

602 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11264 20:16

“I willingly sent this lolicore producer - who seems to be in his late 30s and has a girlfriend - selfies of myself, and I even consented to videocall with him multiple times within a span of at least two years! he would then compliment those legs of mine - a legal teen who has a boyfriend - not even a week ago(!), alongside sending ʼfree stuffʼ to me..which I gladly accepted from a popular stranger like him!..................tt-therefore, h..he IS a PEDOPHILE who IS attracted to REAL CHILDREN as he GROOMED me and in fact he »APPARENTLY« did this to »MULTIPLE GIRLS« (haha I totally did not know about this till making this tweet, otherwise I would have never interacted with him in first place teehee pinky promise)!!... l-look.. LLITERALLY.HERE!!.“[insert image attachments of leaked private messages serving as fabricated testimony w. no further context, which then is used to accuse CDR of being a pedophile and therefore denouncing and harming his reputation within the music community]

603 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11265 13:33

I like star fleet battles the most because it has the thickest book.

604 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11266 01:12

Every single line in this is wrong.

"Science is Real" represents a perversion of the scientific process where you are supposed to believe something because authority figures said so rather than because you have seen mathematical or experimental proof yourself. This is unscientific.

Black lives don't matter (Africans missed out on 10,000 years of evolution which is why they consistently fail to produce high-achieving societies and are overrepresented in crime)

Women's rights are not human rights (Women are genuinely different and need a different set of rules and roles to flourish)

Some Humans are Illegal (a country without borders will attract the worst people in the world who want to strip it bare of all value and generally make a mess of it)

Love is not Love (Only heterosexual love produces children which are the future of our world, sexual deviance is not to be celebrated)

Kindness is not Everything (hard-heartedness, severity, strictness, rejection etc are load-bearing because a world that accepts and endorses everything quickly turns into hell)

605 Name: vc: gud : 1993-09-11266 15:51

This, but for Hallmark movies, and instead of finding love in her hometown on Christmas, the high powered business lady ends up strapped to a chair in her bedroom crying as she's forced to watch the country hunk and her city boy fiance having furious gladiator sex in her bed.

606 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11267 19:18

HNNGGGFUCCKK Wall-e is is such a FUCKING HOT scenario holy fuck. Please tell me someone else is as turned on as I am by those fat, wobbly, lazy humans. Love picturing some thick dumb blonde bimbo college girl plopping her ass down in her hoverchair and begining to mindlessly s l u r p down her thick, slop-filled McLard-shakes 24/7, completely giving in to consumerism, becoming too doughy and too lazy to walk..hnnggggGGG 🥵🤤🍔🍕🍟

607 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11267 21:41

As a devoted scholar of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism-Snakeism, I would say that while Big Boss was most definitely a revisionist, his legacy is ultimately that of an effective anti-imperialist revolutionary. While he would come to attribute an almost saintly reverence to his mentor The Boss, whose sacrifice led to his disillusionment with nationalism and imperialism, his most direct Marxist inspiration was his hero Che, who served as the inspiration for the man he would become once untethered from the US security state.

His most significant theoretical innovation was his recognition of soldiers as a distinct class within the greater superstructure and with interests and an experience of exploitation distinct from but related to that of the proletariat, simultaneously both a class and a form of commodity. In his ideology, it was soldiers who must liberate humanity through the ownership of their own labor, as it is their skills and sacrifices that facilitate the endless brutality of empires and nation-states.

While he seemed largely uninterested in the plight of workers, he sought a world where soldiers controlled the means of war, and in pursuing this goal, oversaw the establishment of not one but four of the most successful socialist experiments of the 20th century. Significantly, all of these pseudo-states became nuclear powers, and were phenomenally successful at achieving gender equality, high living standards, and near autarky, all while maintaining an internationalist ethos that inspired loyalty across dramatic barriers of language and ethnicity. Under his benign dictatorship, soldiers from the Red Army, the Mujahideen, the Sandinistas, the MPLA, and UNITA broke bread and found brotherhood, living harmoniously by an ethos of from each according to his ability, to each according to his need.

Altogether, despite these stains on his legacy, serious Marxists today ought to recognize Big Boss for his extensive contributions to the immortal science of dialectical materialism. The entire world owes him gratitude for his decisive defeats of the arch-reactionaries Hot Coldman and Skull Face, as well as the rogue Brezhnevite princeling Yevgheny Borisovitch Volgin. We must acknowledge that Mother Base, Outer Heaven, and Zanzibar Land were all exemplary models of Actually Existing Socialism, and heed the lessons of both their triumphant rise and their ignominious collapse. Anarkiddies infatuated with the adventurism of Philanthropy and its ethos of "Let the World Be" are pollyanish at best and fail to reckon with the indescribable pressures exerted by the forces of imperialism to subvert Big Boss's noble aims.

608 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11270 00:01

As an American I am proud of the system of governance we left the Japanese after ww2. A guy dressed up as Jim Carrey in the mask running for the mayor of Tokyo brings a tear to my eye.

609 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11272 00:38

imagine drinking water kek

610 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11272 01:58

Another thing about Roman law is that it was, you might say, often very "vibes" based. There was some room for flexibility, especially for the elites.

We can Illustrate that with the example of the late republican senator Q F Maximus Ebernus, who's main claim to fame is having his son executed for being gay.

Despite his own authority as paterfamilias, this was scandalous by the standards of the time, and he more or less ended his political career in doing so. Despite having had a fairly distinguished political career up till that point, possibly even serving as censor (which was by then considered to be the true pinnacle of the cursus honorum). He was later actually accused directly of criminally exceeding his patria potestas, which resulted in him being exiled from Rome.

So yes, they did indeed at times face direct legal consequences despite theoretically having unlimited authority over their families.

611 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11272 19:04

Gorge World is the project I've been working on for the last couple months. A Table Top RPG ruleset built from the ground up (not a 5e add on or reskin) that incorporates gaining weight and getting fat, both providing fun benefits like the ability to disguise yourself as large items or belly pumping people into a new position so your friends can attack, but also draw backs like being too fat to reach around your gut to hold a two handed weapon or even causing stealth rolls to be more difficult due to the clap of your ass alerting the guards.

612 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11273 11:59

If they didn't want to die they wouldn't have flown on a Boeing. Me? I always fly Boeing. Suicide is a sin, but that doesn't mean I can't maximize my chances of death.

613 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11275 13:45

No please, Trumpisattva, don’t send me to the hungry ghost realm for MSNBC-addled would be assassins, in which they are forced to shoot unsuccessfully at an unexpectedly limber 78 year old for millions of kalpas.

“Get in the preta, trust me it’s for your own good.”

614 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11276 10:28

I've begun eating the duckweed that I scoop out of my aquariums. Is this the beginning of my transformation into a Deep One?

615 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11277 18:41

So, I live a very isolated life and I have a ton of different kinks and all my friends are kinky freaks (highest affections). This means that I am extremely bad at guessing which kinks of mine are going to be considered normal.

This is a confession about probably my worst blunder to date with assuming one of my kinks was common.

So I was GMing a role playing game with a trio of monsterfucker friends, and I had three really fascinating demons for them to interact with. This included methods of esoteric communion with the demons as well as methods of taking them into their bodies in a vampiric-metamorphic-erotic sort of way.

One player was having a ton of fun leaping into that with the Duke of Storms, and I was eager to give my other most monsterfuckery player a similar opportunity. So I set up an encounter for him with the demon I thought was the sexiest when his character got lost in the storm drains under the city.

And to my confused surprise he didn't go for it at all! In fact he pretty vehemently refused it at every turn!

I was sitting there for WEEKS scratching my head, wondering why he didn't like this demon. I suspected it might just be the gender, as I had Her cultists refer to Her in the feminine, but the thing is I'm a gay man too and this demon's appeal had always transcended gender for me so that didn't really make sense to me.

Then, finally, my poor player complained that he was stuck with, 'The world's most disgusting, rotting hag that just wants to fill me with disease and worms and to make my skin slough off!'

And it was then, and only then, that I realized most other people, even other monsterfuckers, do not consider getting eaten alive by billions of maggots from the inside out to be the epitome of hotness and that actually The Grandmother of Maggots was not going to be considered a desirable catch by anyone at the table other than me.


616 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11278 09:41

Beatrice could win the magic argument in umineko so easily by drawing battler as the soy wojak and herself as the nordic gigachad magic believer

617 Name: vc: relation : 1993-09-11279 19:31

a fat Mexican girl with a weird hairline that writes for websites similar to buzzfeed, where they go into clothing shops, try on too small clothing and complain about it, and experiment with using hot dogs as hair rollers.

618 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11280 10:59

When it comes to a refusal to face hard choices, Lammy, and Labour policy, reach their apogee with his words about policy towards China: “The United Kingdom must instead adopt a more consistent strategy, one that simultaneously challenges, competes against, and cooperates with China as appropriate.” This passage (while entirely in line with previous Conservative government statements) suggests that Lammy also has a rather poor grasp of the English language, at least when it comes to the meaning of the word “consistent.”

619 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11281 03:40

if i ever get bottom surgery i'll also donate my schlong after i die

620 Name: ゼリーさん !smz6IUT2D2 : 1993-09-11281 07:08

I cannot download, I am going to die.
Sorry, you can't view or download this file at this time.

621 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11282 23:03

We gotta retire It's Joever after this I think. We have achieved the full flowering of Joever. It will never be more Joever than it is right now and we would be fools to chase the fading afterimage

622 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11283 16:25

I know a trans in a discord who knows basic Japanese and reads other trannies Japanese on Twitter, and because of that thinks that most people in Japan hate the ruling political party, love far left wing policies, LGBTBBQ, foreigners ect and it's soon gonna be a paradise. It's just dirty old people holding them all back...or something. I didn't get an explanation exactly what's stopping them from being like that if most people believe that.

623 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11284 18:35

I upgraded to Windows 95 from Windows 8. Before in Windows 8 I had to go to the ginormous start screen to launch a program on the desktop, but now in Windows 95, there is a start menu that makes launching programs much easier. Alot of the default programs that came with Windows 8 are in Windows 95 like calculator, paint, notepad etc. A notable and cool in Windows 95 is the briefcase, I can stick folders in it and bring the file up in another computer. Minesweeper is a great game in Windows 95 to try. Unlike Windows 8, MS-DOS games are fully compatible, so no need for DOS Box. Additionally, Windows 95 uses significantly less resources like hard disk space, so my hard drive went from 475gb out of 500gb with Win8, to 499gb out of 500gb with Win95. Some other useful features in Windows 95 are disk defrag for defragging your drive, and Scan Disk for checking for disk errors. The thing I love most with Windows 95 is the simplicity, there is no other interface, and not a bucket load of apps preinstalled. Windows 95 is overall a great OS and I highly recommend it.

624 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11285 20:54

Did you know Ralfy that “cat’s eyes” road markers were invented by a guy whose car headlights were one night reflected back to him by a cat crossing the road? Interestingly if the cat had been going in the opposite direction he would have probably invented the pencil sharpener.

625 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11286 00:30

Too bad you still cant buy XXXL vibrating eggs off the CVS counter, Nana...

626 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11286 00:31


627 Name: ((●)トェェェイ(●)) : 1993-09-11287 21:33

Yo fam mi know di ting sting AS but bro yuh haffi pre di scene....where yuh deh and where yuh waan go yuh zeeit 🥅🥍 Ain’t nobody a seh yuh nuh know how fi throw down but bredren yuh nuh have di juice fi tek on UFC champ title das 📠🚫🖨️ Just low di fight game chase a next life goal yuh hear 🚫🥊

Mi a tell yuh straight him woulda shell it as a slap commentator 👋🏾💥🎙️ Alan Jouban try di mic ting but di bredda too stiff too professional a try nail everything proper it just nah work fam ting borin' 😴💤 him vibe too dry could neva be di top dog commentator wid a stush attitude like dat ting pure rubbish fam him a have no flair 🚫🏳️‍🌈 AS better drop a resume fi some basic gig swear down him train under Bisping fi like 2 event him can do smaller shows wif Buckley or Holland sum1 wif jokes yuh zeit

Bro training wid Forrest too catchin' headz might just cop a big role as a senior catcher nvr kno fam dun kno 💯 🫴🏻🙂‍↕️

Pon di real if yuh tek a page outta Forrest and Bisping book ting could glow up 🌟☝🏾 fast forward five years TJ a go be like Chandler all up inna di slap ads him a push popsicles and protein just makin' endz meet while yuh a roll sharp in suit and tie 🤵🏻🚫🍧 Dash weh di thought aboot dat cheatin’ bucktee fam nuh throw away di whole fight vibe just di actual throwing hands part cuz u ain't got it no more fam prolly nvr did anyweh fam u dead average in dat real talks

Hope dis vibes help yuh bro 🏄🏾‍♀️ Keep solid and lmk yuh done know #StayHard

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