im drunk off my mind off of some fuking dorm room 1 dollar 15 cent fanta and half a fucling hanbdle of smiroff of vodka but banki is apretty cool characeter, aslong with allo fth the characthers from toughoug i mean a fucking girl thats hot athntthat can remove her head HOW WOWO! i mean thats cool and what about Alice thast can make doolls or rumia that can contrla darkness or marissa that can do mahiic i meka n i can even fin igh the games I fucking suck btu teh lore sand characters ofh the gamne are really cool%%%& I love ///jb/becausie of that you hustys are cringe fometimes but i love yoall i alseo lov ehowu orginall the artowkr for touhou is so so cool im ean im really fruknl buty man I love 4chan im in college but i juist hide and really nowone reall y nknows that i ike this stuff i mean how the fuck dopo i explain this shit, oh yeah i really likle artwrk from this frinkg ing bullent hell shootesrs and this websiut s
HOEVER ill post a pictires that i love of some charachtersfrom touhoi I think my cavorite caharavterfrom touthou is Yachi evnt thoiuisgh this isnt a yachi thread i dont care
When This Little Brother Found His Big Sister D***k Off Her Ass In The Bathroom, He Slipped Some Aphrodisiacs Into Her Pussy And Pranked Her, And As She Lost Her Mind With Pleasure, This D***k Girl Horny Big Sis Rode His Ass And Gave Him A Reverse R**e
I hope they file a bar complaint against the lawyer who brings this claim. There is no cause of action for being a fat whiny bitch.
Meanwhile, the smaller fansites were flooded by their opponents, and it became common practice to doxx fans of Iori and Haruka and send them penis enlargement products.
Can you imagine the smell of your average Saudi arena/stadium? It gotta smell wild in there.
Baby rabbits to need eat their mother's cecotropes. It's super important to their gut health development, and their future ability to digest food. In fact, it's so important to development that they eat them until they hit puberty (which happens pretty quick in rabbits, but idk how'd that work with sentient rabbits). So, naturally, a sentient rabbit mom would share her cecotropes with her kids. Socially, it would be seen as a natural part of child rearing that no one questions (kind of like how no questions the weird things that are required to keep baby humans alive and healthy). Rabbits don't mate for life irl, but if sentient rabbits mated for life (or just a long time like humans), then I'd imagine the rabbit dad would also share his cecotropes. If it's a patriarchal society, then rabbit dads sharing their cecotropes wouldn't be expected of them in the same way it would be expected of rabbit moms. Basically, rabbit dads would be "such a good dad" and "so caring/loving" if they happened to share theirs one time, but no one would ever acknowledge the fact that rabbit moms litterally do the same thing every single day.
Rabbits generally eat cecotropes directly from their bottoms. Except for a handful of exceptions, they don't generally leave them lying around. So, sentient rabbits who notice a family member or friend has stopped eating their own cecotropes would insist that the rabbit see a doctor. There might even be like a legal process for getting a rabbit help when they stop eating their cecotropes. Like, it might be a legitimate reason contact adult rabbit services or for someone to be taken to the ER.
Personally, I think it'd be a social faux pas to eat another sentient rabbit's cecotropes, unless the rabbit eating them is sick. Under normal circumstances, family members would share their cecotropes with sick family members. However, hospitalized rabbits would probably eat donated cecotropes. Donated cecotropes would be the like real world equivalent of donating blood. Basically, it's socially seen as a net positive by society, and there might even be special donation centers or buses. However, it'd still be one of those things that not all sentient rabbits do or something that sentient rabbits do a few times a year. Idk what the screening process would look like for donated cecotropes, but I just imagine that it's something you could kind of handwave away by just generally saying that the donations are screened to make sure they're safe and healthy. Idk if you'd really have to describe the process if it's not relevant to the story.
Some guy like that, from alabama or whatever, stumbled upon the tc irc and got banned within a day or two for suggesting people smoke crack and pay hookers.
uhhhhm my favorite animes is dandadan and dororo and dorohedoro and dodohoho and bobobobobobo and lalalalala and teehee
>>856 I saw that a thousand times already on Tumblr!
And FUCK YOU for acting like Ifm somehow gsupporting the oppressorsh just because Ifm not a complete asshole to every single person Ifve ever met every single fucking minute of every single fucking day. ROT IN HELL.
i don't know if this is real or not, if it is, holy fuck, but in any case it reminds me of the time i injured my dick from jerking off too much, went to a doctor and showed him, and he messaged me on Grindr about a half hour after i left his office 'hi' (my face was visible in my profile).
completely wrong, because the map only shows religions, byzantine is christian turkish, umay is turkish kibele, kibele is the mother figure of the turks. lombard is the cult of the god odin, that is, it has asian scythian roots , If the Turks are removed from history, there will be no such thing as history. (Prof. Fritz Neumark)
I roll on the floor :D (but just mentally as I'm a temperate person)
Dr Ying Fu Yip Wang Shong. Pang Fang Wang Dang Dong Ning Po Ku
Though as with any social media site, they come with trends, but unlike most, TikTok's trends tend to be worse.
Some examples include:
dancing like a retard
damaging public property
stealing public property (even large crap like bathroom stalls and sinks)
standing in front of a moving train
setting yourself on fire
licking ice cream in a store without paying for it
choking your friend until they pass out
licking public objects to "get the coronavirus"
stealing cars
hispanic people eating food
driving recklessly in a car to the beat of the cha cha slide
Pink sauce (which blasted out of nowhere) (its probably healthier than most of the goyslop that's out there these days)
The hecking blue whale challenge even doe its mostly an urban legend
Let's say you fell ass first, with great force and acceleration, onto the handle of a waiting broomstick, and the broom happened to grind upwards, deep into your butthole, exactly like a forced penetration. Obviously, pain and embarrassment would be immediate effects, but do you think it would soon metastasize into a full on rape trauma? I mean, there is no culprit here, except for the cruel hand of fate (and maybe a loosed banana peel),so how would such a trauma express itself? An aversion to slippery floors? A fear of heights? A phobia of cleaning equipment?
This Anime Has No Relation To The MONSTER JAM Truck Of The Same Name.
> It seems like that must have been embarrassing for Pemberton.
Yes, indeed. Muller says that he was left "to twist slowly in the wind." Perhaps it is best that we don't know his first name.
> Bach, Beethoven, and Brahms: all the others are cretins
Mendelssohn, Meyerbeer, and Moszkowski: all the others are Christians
It's so fun it turns me into an idiot.
The worst/best part is that at some point snails had their anuses placed toward their backside, like most creatures, but evolution said "nah, it's better if it's on the front" and here we are.
In his day, however, Nagarjuna was surrounded by pervert Buddhists who asserted that there is fixed elements in us in spite of their apparent attempt to abide by Buddhafs teaching about no self. They did not recognize that no self theory is necessary for our liberation from fixed destiny.
In 1989 I was driving on a familiar rural highway in broad daylight. I was rounding an easy bend and shocked to see a small town on the right side of the road. Therefs a sign: St. Vincent. A few of the things immediately noticeable were a shop called Webster Welding, an old fashioned horse drawn water pump for fire fighting, several large poplars with dead tops, and black and white painted rocks along the street that faced the highway. I kept watching in the rear view mirror and it stayed visible. I drive a few miles and there is a gentleman waving at me from beside his car. Hefs obviously broken down and I pulled over. A quick chat and I learn hefs blown a tire and wrecked his rim. He asks if Ifll drive him back to the town. No problem. In he gets and off we go. The town is not there. Itfs a dusty Alberta crossroad. This fellow and I just sat in my truck in silence. I raised an arm and my hair was standing on end. His too. He said gAll the trees were dead. Are we dead?h Eventually I drove him to a nearby town. He simply got out of the truck and walked away. I remember it like it was yesterday. I could tell you what that town looked like in perfect detail.
I have no idea what to say about the "dragonbone" except that its name and shape suggest something other than an automated dice roller.
Py ru} rpwu~yy { pr . N }w~ qux p ruy?
Dungeons of Avalon, heh. That was the Dungeon Master clone where the players met the Dark Lord at the end, and the Dark Lord won. Even after cheating, the developers apparently didn't put an end screen.
I lean towards them doing it deliberately. It was a magazine game, a sketch really, and why not do something crazy like make the Dark Lord win the final battle? I can picture the developers giggling as they increase the Dark Lord's stats until they figure he'll win every time against the strongest party this dungeon can output. By the time everyone figures out the joke and has been had, the next issue of the magazine is out and the matter is forgotten.
Offended by everything.
Ashamed of nothing.
Entitled to everything.
Contributing nothing.
So, the backstory is that they had a perfect society where elves were in charge of ruling and making art and orcs did all the manual labour, until some troublemaker came along giving the orcs a bunch of wild ideas and ruined everything? And now you have to sweep through the land killing orcs to put right the natural order of the races?
tugs collar, looks nervously offstage
Jesus. That sounds like something they'd say on an old Star Trek episode to make a robot self-destruct.
Hideaki Anno said the eel in Osaka tasted, and we quote "like Nadia's stinky socks"
godzilla, a new queer icon?
Fukuda took a massive shit in the Tokyo Gundam Café and the other customers were not happy when he couldn't flush it out
the ghost of Leiji Matsumoto was spotted haunting the re screenings of Interstellar, seems like he had the wrong movie
Michael Bay and Kojima had lunch at the same restaurant
I can't express how much I actually admire the person who came up with putting gore on all the cigarette packets. we need to do this to vapes next somehow
Violence and self mutilation aside he's actually a really nice guy :)
My cherubic son Wenceslas was denied admission to the Harvard Kennedy School for Finishing Princes. They let in a Hindoo instead.
WAIT, you mean to tell me YOU will spend the rest of your days in the company of a smart programmer tgirl? You will hug each other and snuggle as you watch dragon ball z and play dragon ball fighterz? All while I'll be FORCED to prostitute myself to lowly incels and have my roastbeef RUINED by their genetically inferior seed instead of being a sugar baby to a 30 year old engineering major. AND you will create an artifical womb and insert it into your tgirl so she will experience the JOY of childbirth, instead of taking it for granted and killing children whenever you want to? You are telling me more and more people will start dating tgirls with artifical wombs resulting in women becoming obsolete? Which would mean large swathes of humanity would be reduced to nothing more but genetic dead ends replaced by a more empathic and reasonable version of themselves? What can I say except YABADABADOOOOOOOOOOO!
Homemade Happiness®
On the outbreak of the Second World War, the overwhelming majority of the Yishuv believed in the need to fight Germany, not Great Britain; the tiny minority led by Avraham Stern were alone in believing that the only way to achieve Jewish independence and to save European Jewry was to collaborate with Hitler. This was a disastrous calculation.
One of the maxims of writing is that, for any plot you come up with, either (1) The Simpsons did it first, or (2) Shakespeare did it first, or (3) Ovid did it first, or (4) all of the above. Predictably, TVtropes has an article about that.
Fell in love with it when open the book. Love how I started with the last book in such order and realize that in the ancient, expect for anime novels, did not start that way.
donft make GABAmaxxing complicated
GABA rises when the body produces an abundance of metabolic energy and it gets decreased when the body is in a stressed state.
increasing metabolism is a nuanced topic and will definitely take a long time, and more importantly; the answer is not just consuming orange juice, aspirin and baking soda
nutrients that promote GABA production:
Alcohol itfs biggest psychological effect is that it significantly increases GABA in the brain and allows you to live in the moment or forget about past and future.
This isnft a promotion of alcohol consumption, but rather showing what people are missing out on when they have low GABA
one springlock failure and your dick is gone
clouds are an amalgamation of sin and immoral thoughts, it's the chemicals emmitted from them leaked from the body and floating into the sky until they gather together enough to be visible to the human eye
I want to stick my tongue in his nose and suck.
"No input file specified."
You are constructed out of hand-rolled, micro-filiment fail fibers.
weird fucking sites for weird fucking people. i cant help but feel like anyone browsing guro sites for p0rn has to be some kind of sexist or incel.
It's worse than that, they're downright psychopathic. It's on the level of zoosadism.
The SPLC gave me a sippy cup with my name on it that said 'Liam Mayer cries over the Squad every day', a body pillow with Ilhan Omar on it and a baby blanket with a picture of AOC on it. I also had a pacifier with AOC's lips on it that I used all the time when I slept. It was to humiliate me but I think it gave me an aged regression fetish. After finding out almost all of the Squad has white boyfriends, I would totally trust them to take care of me if they were my mommies and girlfriends. I would suck on their tits and eat them out every night. It doesn't even humiliate me anymore, I like being a baby! Especially for Ilhan and AOC!
I was a hardcore conservative from a young age, and I was this close to hopping in a diaper for AOC by the time I was 18 and she had been elected to office. I'm 19 now. She has my heart.
ThotsLife, a unique online platform dedicated to the fascinating world of erotic hypnosis. Our website serves as a hub for individuals curious about this mesmerizing form of exploration and self-discovery. At ThotsLife, we believe that erotic hypnosis is an art form that combines the power of suggestion, imagination, and sensuality to create transformative experiences. Whether you're a seasoned enthusiast or just starting your journey, our website offers a wealth of resources, information, and community support to help you navigate this intriguing realm.
The New Yearfs Day attacks in both New Orleans and Las Vegas confirmed the gravity of official warnings that risks from political violence are rising. Patrik Jonsson and Henry Gass examine the diversification of terror threats for American cities. Also in todayfs lineup, black radio icons in the era of podcasts and TikTok, the history of Ukrainian cuisine as a form of cultural defiance
>>892 Can someone please tell this schizophrenic goth girl that she can buy clenbuterol and anavar on the darkweb but that she's perfect the way she is
I've watched this show on TLC that had a girl who took like 10 laxatives per day to loose weight
I really don't think "I came in on this conversation and got defensive when I didn't know what I was talking about" is as sympathetic a position as you may have hoped it would be, but I appreciate your honesty. I would generously suggest you do the homework first next time, and maybe avoid looking foolish in the process.
We are one of the few people in the world with the highest and most advanced knowledge about female ejaculation and squirting. That's something to be proud and think about, maybe even share with friends and loved ones! They will think we are so cool.
Elevator autists operate on a whole different level.
I've considered starting an "FPS Addict" project now and again. Real-life issues aside though, I just don't have the drive to power through games I dislike in order to document them. I'd have to play games like William Shatner's TekWar, ugh.
Now imagining an adorable little chestburster joey sitting in a kangaroo pouch.
Meh. I think vampirism is, ultimately, kind of a victimless crime. Sure, you stole someone's blood and probably damned their soul, but they don't need those anymore anyway right? Plus they get immortality, a bunch of super powers, and ultimate goth cred out of the deal. At worst they're breaking even IMO. Sure, every once in a while you get a vampire who's all "woe is me i am cursed", but mostly they're all "haha being a vampire rules fuck yeah let's have an orgy".
serj tankian rapping and saying the n word are two things i never knew i wanted until i had them
Du Fu, the eighth-century Chinese poet now lauded as one of the greatest wordsmiths who ever lived, resided in a humble thatched hut in Chengdu at the peak of his literary life. He wrote lyrically about cooking cold noodles garnished with the leaves of the scholartree, but he never had a fried chicken sandwich or a Pepsi. Yet at a KFC in the heart of Chengdu, a holographic pyramid beams 3-D images of his hut in spring, summer, winter, and fall.
A surprisingly elegant scene greets those seeking fried chicken here. Tables are covered in poems by Du Fu in the handwriting of the Qianlong Emperor, while tiles on the wall and brush paintings display rich designs of the Tang dynasty, Du Fu's milieu and the era widely considered to be China's poetic golden age.
Though the food is rich and the surroundings richer, Du Fu himself lived a somewhat tragic life. A wanderer with ambitions to be a civil servant, he saw his career cut short by rebellion and political missteps. He did befriend Li Bai, another poet whose work is considered the pinnacle of Chinese literature, and the two shared a fondness for drinking and writing poems about drinking.
Du Fu's life was wracked by illness, war, and poverty. One of his children even starved to death. He garnered little attention for his poetry during his lifetime, yet the influence of his 1,500 surviving poems only grew after his death, impacting Chinese and Japanese literature for more than a millennium. Today, Chengdu is home to the Du Fu Thatched Hut Museum, which teamed up with KFC to open this particular eatery. But etched out in neon on one wall is another example of immortal wordsmithery: KFC's catchphrase, "It's Finger-Lickin' Good."
autism is when a character is literally me fr, the more me they are the more autistic they are
INDEPENDENT, almost intact African state for sale due to relocation. Central location, nice view, but a few blacks. Call 55 55 55 55, say your name and hang up.
This is one of the most gonzo games I've ever seen and that's saying something. It's like someone made a game out of the Dr. Bronner's soap bottle.
You cast "Summon Ketamine Ape".
Elon Musk appears.
Predictions for 2025: War. Economic crash. Massive, deportation program that uses concentration camps as a shortcut. American military turned on its own citizens for relatively minor protests. Three State Funerals. Pokemon Z-A being the first really decent Kalos-set game in the series.
shut your fucking mouth and stop pretending like you give a fuck about any of this.
It's not even subversive to have a vn turn into horror halfway through. That's literally normal.
Cause it reminded him of their time training at the Jedi Temple, when, after an intense practice, they showered together and did silly water fights and giggled so much and sometimes accidentally touched bodies but that was ok cause it was the will of the Force and every Jedi did it anyway. It was too painful to remember those joyous and sexy times.
Stay mad, @amandacartrettewithautism6885 because Teletubbies are for babies and you're a grow-ass woman. Merlin, an 1998 miniseries from NBC and Hallmark is one of the superior shows or made-for-TV movies of 1998 and way better than Teletubbies. Start hating Teletubbies and start liking 28 Years Later instead, @amandacartrettewithautism6885
i clicked on that stream and pushed like 7 buttons on twitch mobile by accident and im pretty sure i just sent this kid a picture of my dad
Marlboro menthol 100s~ i use to smoke regular marlboro 100s but my NPD deranged ex would always smoke all my cigarettes & NEVER buy me a replacement pack. In fact when I'd go to get me a pack I'd have to buy the mooching asshole a pack of his own (camels) otherwise it would just be a repeat. So i started smoking Marlboro menthol 100s cuz he wont smoke menthol or if he did it would only be 1 or 2 & after listening to his bitching I'd offer to take his drunk ass to the liquor store so he could buy his own pack. I still smoke the menthols & enjoy them even more cuz I realize now that it was a very minor resistance i had put up in defiance of his control. Those teeny tiny death grips on self are the only reason i am standing todaychahaha!
I've also tried with various species and hybrids, nothing strange about the fluid itself. Then again I'm the type to unconsciously lick off any nectar on my hands and fingers after handling Neps, even mid-conversation (no Nep nectar beats Heli nectar though).
xp z~, uu sry }~z - {y, ~ ~u ~y}p, u {pxp, t }pu, suz, ~ ~u suz, borg, y q ru } |}p~, y ru, { }upu }~u, t }pu, }wu {~|yrp }u~, ~ controlled by jewish bankers and neo-nazis, y tu|p rv, q r|~y ry }yyy, y ~ywy ru rpsr, p , tessa, Weak female, {p t }pu, }wu {~|yrp }u~, ~ yqpu
Attraction to the ggirlfailureh archetype is downstream from the zoomer aversion to heterosexual dynamics such as pegging and other gynocratic gsafe hornyh tropes. Itfs reactionary but steeped in the warped social structure of modernity, making it the Fascism of Sex.
this canft be the same internet I raised my neopets on
And by the way, the girl in my avatar Aoi Yuuki (DΨ ¨’), who originally went by the name (tά’Τ«) has done pretty much everything there is. I don't remember her specifically making out during a bukkake video, but there are lots of videos of her kissing with disgusting things on her face. She did one vomit fetish video where she has guys literally choking her until she barfs, and they collect the vomit and jizz in one container. There are several scenes where she vomits a huge amount. Then they give her an ENEMA with the vomit, which she shits out into a pool. Then they have guys fucking her, with a good amount of kissing, inside the pool of enema vomit.
are you saying you wouldn't nut in a comfort woman and then vivisect her with the family katana
wtf? who doesnt like beavis and butthead except middleaged christian soccer moms that dont get it! koth is on everyday on adult swim. it's a good show, you're the one missin out cuz i watch the shows you mentioned. sunny hasn't had new eps in a while, but i do love it. offices new season has been pretty lame. never heard of free radio.
>chad gooner smurfs: Trannystuck? We goon to patrician material such as MLAATR. We also frogpost and post on jarty splinters btw.
"I consume philosophy" is a low-status vision of a high-status person
I am 19, half-Mexican, and have autism, I am starting to develop schizophrenic thoughts, that is not going to end well, I am SpongeBob, I am going to Mormon Heaven, I love SpongeBob, I want to become him due to being autistic, but I am already him, I am the bootleg version of him, I am SpongeBob, if I end up in a schizophrenic battle, I will go to somewhere bad, I am sinking, this is not going to end well, God is testing me, he wants people to get hurt in this sick game, thatfs what he is revealing to me, he wanted to come to this Earth to starve me to death in a psych ward and leave me with no food, I am going to die alone, who is talking to me through this gravitational pull, I always loved our creator but now hefs hurting me, why is it that he is doing this to me? Is this really God or a demon? Ifm going to end up seriously injured or hurt because of this, I tried suicide when I was 15 but I failed, and now Ifm stuck with God or this demon at 19 years old, this feels like agoraphobia, I am going to die alone if I donft get out of this situation, itfs like parasites eating someone alive.
The show contains very deep and insightful themes. Some of which include:
Friendship is good: because everything always gets solved by friendship.
Don't be an angry leaking pisscel: because Squidward is one and gets punished for it.
Trust the Science: because Sandy is a scientist and does science stuff to help.
When you are a child, you relate to Spongebob, when you are an adult, you relate to Squidward : by far the most important insight you HAVE to learn from the show, guaranteed to appear in every peer-reviewed study on why the show is good, and also an important step to achieve media literacy.
Walkable Cities are bad: because spongebob really wants a driver's licence, which teaches children pro-car propaganda or however r/fuckcars is concerned.
You will not live in the pod: because it shows you should live on a pineapple instead.
You will eat your goyslop: because spongebob works in the Mc Donald's and it portrays burgers as aryans or something.
Don't be a manlet: because Plankton is one and gets punished for it.
If you want to learn more about these themes, you should watch some of the 5 gorillion, hours long video essays on jewtube made by soyboys and trannies explaining these in further detail.
Wow, an English journalist makes a video: "Why are American (NFL, specifically, as MLB stadiums are noted to be fine) Stadiums so Dystopian?"
I thought it was gonna be about neofuturist/neomodernist architecture being soulless, no it was a diatribe on the history of car-based cities and only a footnote about the commercialism of it all. No, not that American stadiums are literally segregated by class, just the car parks are ugly. Much green spaces :((((
Gigafly is a derivative of the "Gigachad" meme, which celebrates hyper-masculinity. Initially, the fusion of "Gigachad" and a fly was meant as a humorous subversion of the idealized, larger-than-life image associated with Gigachad. However, as the meme evolved, it took on more divisive interpretations.
Supporters of Gigafly view it as an absurdist representation of perseverance and adaptability, symbolizing the idea that even the smallest or weakest entities can harbor immense strength. Critics, however, argue that the meme has been co-opted by individuals projecting darker, more manipulative fantasies onto the character. Saying that he has 'p embedded within himself and that he represents the thinking of pedophiles very well, they believe that if gigachad can stand on a fly, he can also groom children.
> Can you imagine being told by someone that you're "traumadumping" 20 years ago?
Twenty years ago, I, and most people I knew, would have simply told you to stop acting like a faggot. Check my post history for examples. Would you prefer that...?
My personal favorite story has to probably be in Viz Volume 13, "Dark Skinned Sniper", which has a scathingly accurate and gritty portrayal of police-on-black racism that hits far too hard today, considering the story is pushing 50 years old now. Despite a problematic disguise Golgo takes to blend in to a black commune (he deeply tans himself; this story was written in the 70s and if this upsets you, hey I don't blame you), the tale truly does hold up even to this day as we can all relate to the plight of the black man.
Fun / horrifying thing I noticed: Some finance/economy programs in Africa (I think I was looking at some universities in Ghana) have more mandatory math classes than some Western schools now. Because they don't have much "economy" to work with so they throw in raw math courses to to fill it (based?). Meanwhile the West have mostly retarded pseudo economy courses. So if you look at a bachelor degree in finance, the Ghana one is actually "better" (content wise), because they require some undergrad math courses which we don't have here. This should be a wake up call to how retarded some university programs are here. TLDR Niggers have more math requirements in their economy programs than the Western ones.
i'm the best 14 year old to have ever written an e-mail
You have let fame and fortune corrupt your mind. Now you see $$$ when some retard makes a "xD LMAO forever alone bacon cats & Zelda<3" nonsense comic in ms paint.
There's a what-if comic where Luke fails to blow up the death star, instead only damaging it enough to stop the first shot.
The rebels are able to evac most of their leadership from Yavin, but Leia is captured and brainwashed by Palps into becoming an inquisitor
Obi-wan sends Luke to find Yoda, who decides "staying in swamp, I have finished. War crimes, I must commit", after which he steals the death star with R2's help and crashes it into coruscant
It's genuinely funny people think they can eat table sugar and take supplements and think your body would be able to process that as if it's a whole food. Lot of peaters I see on twitter now are just openly fighting a cocaine addiction and using peat as cope.
Numerous TF2 YouTubers (shortened to TF2bers) have shown distress caused by the community's intimidation to keep on playing the game, referring to content creators that used their TF2 audience to push different type of content. The community deems publishing videos of other games unrelated to TF2 as "betrayal" amidst of numerous YouTubers switching content focus when growing tired of TF2. The game has not had a major update for 3 years and currently new content is driven on regular gameplay or new custom maps or mods.
i can't stop jacking off to pregnant women imagining it's my wife and i'm kissing her tummy and feet and telling her how beautiful she is
he's so anime girl eating a hamburger core
Theres literally no way ham is cursed. It's too delicious.
Good Thank you God. Make the Americans suffer for their economic war on Canada. If our children must suffer by your actions, may God make you suffer without end.
Can you share the name/link of a YouTube video where you can see David showing the audience the lining of his jacket please?
I didn't have rationalist vegan sith tranny death cult on my 2025 bingo card
Rationalist vegan tranny death cult with samurai swords.
Real life already felt like The Onion, now it's starting to feel like the shit Ice T says in Law & Order.
God bless the anime voice samples!!
omae wa mo shindeiru