im drunk off my mind off of some fuking dorm room 1 dollar 15 cent fanta and half a fucling hanbdle of smiroff of vodka but banki is apretty cool characeter, aslong with allo fth the characthers from toughoug i mean a fucking girl thats hot athntthat can remove her head HOW WOWO! i mean thats cool and what about Alice thast can make doolls or rumia that can contrla darkness or marissa that can do mahiic i meka n i can even fin igh the games I fucking suck btu teh lore sand characters ofh the gamne are really cool%%%& I love ///jb/becausie of that you hustys are cringe fometimes but i love yoall i alseo lov ehowu orginall the artowkr for touhou is so so cool im ean im really fruknl buty man I love 4chan im in college but i juist hide and really nowone reall y nknows that i ike this stuff i mean how the fuck dopo i explain this shit, oh yeah i really likle artwrk from this frinkg ing bullent hell shootesrs and this websiut s
HOEVER ill post a pictires that i love of some charachtersfrom touhoi I think my cavorite caharavterfrom touthou is Yachi evnt thoiuisgh this isnt a yachi thread i dont care
Norwood Lucifer is so powerful
Even my guardian glowie goes away in the end
"Forcefully taken by the billionaire playboy werewolf" and "Rico's mysterious errand" exist on approximately the same psychosexual level; I will not elaborate
i'm the guy who says ORANGE in that one boards of canada song
i actually manifested the burning of california, prior to it i was really living in a moment where i have lead my great army into Los Angeles, we pick out the hottest hollywood celebrities and forcefully marry them to me and my inner circle. then we execute all of the movie creators and destroy their movies while plundering any artifacts that may be of value. then in the grand wedding we watch as LA is turned into rubble with earthshaker bombs and then burned with napalm. it was fucking amazing and then god burned California btfo'ing all the stupid celebs out there.
It was crazy. Old man Joe woke up one morning and decided to kill every damn chicken in America by hand. He strangled so many chickens that egg prices went sky high almost instantly.
If you let a man dress you he will either dress you like a nun or a prostitute.
This thread is really separating the people who read Huck Finn and/or have paranoid schizophrenia from those who didn't and don't.
that's actually most of the point (ha!) Fighting, much like in nature, is not to kill (like hunting), but to get the other side to Stop Doing The Thing You Don't Like. The effort and risk of injury means that most of it is trying to bluff the other out. This generally means an escalation of potential force. If you have words, you can move up to your fists, if you have fists you can grab a blunt weapon, if you have a chair leg, you can move up to a bladed weapon, if you have a bladed weapon you can pull out a firearm. this is why gun situations go dangerous so fast, the entire bluffing hierarchy gets skipped and goes for the nuclear option, which kicks in the fight/flight/freeze/fawn reactions... which is really bad if the other side also has a gun. So how do you avoid this whole deal? Bring something that shows you're not worth the trouble. that's what people who use knives do.
using a knife means you don't keep your opponent at a distance, AND you're down to do harm, AND you may not give too much of a fuss about getting hurt yourself as long as you take them down with you. That's insane, who does that? well, PROBABLY not you, but you opponent doesn't know that for sure, but they do know that you do, for sure, wish to present that as reality. And do they really want to risk it? Probably not unless it's dire, and unlike a gun they can get out of the danger range pretty quickly unless it's a throwing knife. So there you go, the rattlesnake defense.
I spend every spare moment gaming; you could say I'm something of a gamer. I love games, I love media about games, I practically even live life as if it were a game. Sometimes I stay up too late gaming and have to consume lots of caffeine buffs to function the next day. I don't know how my coworkers manage to keep up constant small talk; they must've discovered some hack to communication. Or maybe they allocated their skill points to it? Seems impractical, I'm minmaxing for efficiency.
Google is Toilet Internet.
Its a literal Toilet.
Toilet Paper Aesthetics.
Bathroom stall interface.
The perfect business model:
Let the entire world shit in your bowl and then serve it right back.
The whole appeal of vtubers is that they say gross sex shit but while doing a toddler voice and acting embarrassed by what a horrible degenerate they are even though they are soooo iddy biddy widdle and kawaii. That's why only pedophiles watch them.
"UwU I am a goo goo gaga baby but I say sex words teehee hoohoo it's so leeeeeewd that I am such a filthy degen but also a widdle baby heehee you bakas don't draw lolicon of me OMG!!! So embarrassing and hot heehee hoohoo!"
Anyone who watches this shit should commit suicide immediately.
I would've probably smoked heroin on foil if I was in your situation. Have you tried drugs?
Mantine hasn't had a Remoraid on it since gen 4
Chinese Immortal Cultivation Guide
1.Mix sulfur and mercury together.
2.Drink it.
If you’re still alive, you’re an immortal
To the doctor who told me to do that: Fuck you fuck you fuck you fuck you. My cheeks are clenched so hard they could split an atom. My leg cramps are getting leg cramps, I am watching every second tick down on that agonising 20 minute timer like it's the countdown to a bomb. It probably is. The effects of the suppositories have reached my stomach and my bladder is emitting war cries, clamouring for release from this torment. The Gates of Valhalla is at my butthole and they are about to break. I am going to have to run like a demented penguin in order to shit out this unholy concoction of a week of laxatives and six fucking suppositories. I know I'm backed up so bad that my intestines are like a well sealed over fermented beer Bottle but the explosion is coming and it brings only pain. If you think I was bleeding before just wait because my bladder feels like unholy vengeance itself and it will reign down apocalyptic fury on the masses. If any doctor wants to do an inspection after this they could shove their hand up there and come out clean because this is about to clear me out so bad that I'm gonna see next week's breakfast in that bowl. You couldn't have told me to be gentle and just work one at a time and clear out this blockage, no you had to tell me to get six of these ungodly dissolving demon dildos and shove them up my no hole. My entire body is tingling and groaning with the knowledge of the mass exodus that my body is about to commit. Ice got nothing on my bowels because I'm about to halve the population of substances in my body. My stomach is releasing the cries of the banshee as I curl up in pain ignoring the pleas of my ass cheeks to let go. This has been the most horrible unending 20 minutes of my life. Fuck you again. TL;DR: Never take 6 suppositories at once.
Are there still places in the world where you can actually smoke opium in a traditional setting, like the classic opium dens of old, or has that era completely disappeared outside of history books and Wong Kar-wai films? If not, is this something one could theoretically do in the comfort of their own home with the right setup? And, more importantly, how hard would it be to get both the necessary equipment and the opium itself in today’s world?
Not saying I’m trying to become a modern-day embodiment of a Qing Dynasty trader who’s been thoroughly bamboozled by the British, but, you know, if I were to fall into a deep, poetic addiction while lounging on a silk floor cushion in a dimly lit room, pipe in hand, staring wistfully at the ceiling as I contemplate the decline of empires… how would I go about that? Hypothetically speaking, of course.
Thinking about medieval betrothals. Sworn to your future bride at the ages of ten and eight, playing together as carefree children, watching her blossom into woman, anxiously awaiting the day you make her yours. Zionists took this from us when they invented the steam engine.
If you ever see slot machine chairs outside of the facility they have more than likely been power washed free of human waste and are drying out for re seating.
Obviously Kendrick Lamar's music is deeply and irrevocably rooted in the African American experience, but equally he really is out there living every British man's dream (receiving widespread adulation for loudly and repeatedly calling a disliked acquaintance a paedophiile)
Going back to look at Wiibrew's wiki after all this time feels like walking into the remains of Pripyat, just years and years of the biggest homebrew scene explosion in all of gaming history now left where it was when it all suddenly faded out with only a few emulators being kept up to date to keep the dome from crumbling. It's the same feeling that comes up when you stumble onto an old message board or proboards forum and there's been no posts for years and even the spambots stopped posting, just an unsettling feeling like walking in will disturb the dead that remain, and if you do walk in it's just a stagnant shot of lives that moved on and might not even exist now, all sorts of injokes and community references to misunderstand, dead youtube links everywhere with the occasional live one coming as a surprise. Damned if the internet doesn't feel like diving into ruins after even just a decade. At least SHOUTcast radio for WiiMC still works even if the video server's long dead.
Y2K / WEB 1.0 Aesthetics without occult implications has never been tried.
My sister and her girlfriend once snuck into a restricted Peregrine Falcon nesting area late at night to have sex and then they got arrested by park rangers and had to pay a huge fine. But apparently the normally highly territorial and aggressive birds were OK with it because despite the numerous warning signs they didn't get attacked by falcons, so I guess it's illegal to provide birds with free gay sex demonstrations even if they're into that sort of thing.
i often feel jealous of male anglerfish. i feel like the moment when they see that pure & beautiful light in the darkness, yearn to merge w it forever, & then actually achieve that yearning, must be like the love between milton’s angels, the total interpenetration with light haha
Probably another nasty lady without a minimum of clothes. Don't waste your time.
Wow. How happy I was to find reviewers of all sorts of games.
How impressed I was to see they have 7 years of experience.
How dosappointed to find a complete lack of content, material, information or …. anything.
Terrible waste of my time. You kids should take abyear off to improve the value of podcasts and watch boardgame reviewers to see how you could start making a quality product instead of this dribble. Terrible trash.
I am so sorry I ever found your waste of time uninformed chatter. Sad you are in this hobby. How about you take up fishing. Goodbye
Cows Suck
Wow, you just made me realize how much more cows and animations about cows really suck. Why don't you make a flash about something more interesting then retarded cows. Cows aren't even smart enough to avoid fires, in real life it would of burned to death being the dumb cow it is.
getting horny over an xkcd comic is so fucking embarrassing like "yes, the silly engineering stick figures made me moan" jfc kill me now.
I'd put my money on transformers personally - I know some people with strong opinions about which starscream version is the most breedable
But for actual cars I'd bet it works via tons of metaphors and possibly involves tow hitches
Edit: nope it's Pixar Cars and I've now officially read car smut. Apparently the car dick is in the undercarriage
Maybe the general point is perhaps more about the hate itself, the toxic expressions and the various ways in which it manifests in. If you're a game developer you face the edge of two extremes. If you happen to create something good then you're praised into the stars by the players and the consumers of your game. If you create something bad or something that doesn't fall into good taste then you're nailed to the cross and tormented by this audience. It's a really passionate audience, to softly express it. They're so passionate that they have certain commonalities with drunk football hooligans. But instead of getting drunk and rowdy on beer, the game that you create is the alcohol that they desire. They want to get drunk in it, lose and forget themselves inside it. And if the taste of that alcohol is not to their liking then they will want to destroy and vandalize things.
Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say
No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip
For the stranger there among them had his hormones on his hip
Hormones on his hip
"Is it better to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature?" -Wise Dragon who taught me how to deal psychic damage with a slur.
Footage emerged about a week ago of her swimming in the top ten feet of water straight up. The metaphor basically writes itself that this creature, who lives in a lightless benthic zone, saw the surface of the ocean as its final act after swimming for an untold amount of time straight up. This is something a very limited number of other anglerfish probably have ever seen in all of history.
People see it as a stand-in for a life of struggle, only to be rewarded in the end with something unimaginable. In that context it's got biblical undertones. It's even got elements of the hero's journey to it.
I learnt that running around in frilly dress with huge sword looks very lovely.
I'm trying to find the 4D chess in this whole thing but it's definitely sounding like we're siding with Russia here.
she would not wear something that skimpy with a smile on her face
It started out that TJLCers were objecting less to toplock itself than to the "Dark Fuck Prince" phenomenon. Basically, people running away with Sherlock's claim that he's a "high-functioning sociopath" and making him into this cold, dark, rapacious top who hits poor vanilla John's arse like a Category 5 sex hurricane. So what TLJCers were reacting to initially was what they saw as an out-of-character presentation of Sherlock -- a rejection/denial of the emotional vulnerability, and, for lack of a better word, gentleness shown by him in S3. But the vast majority of TJLCers now have their heads shoved so far up their asses that they think all toplock is DFP.
...Why do you have pictures of cats and food in the menu of your Doom fan game? what is even GOING ON
I would absolutely pay $50 for a picture with [Jim] Norton, but only if we both already had AIDS.
Congratulations on getting literally NO POINT that was made in this entire thread and responding with the biggest pile of non-sequitur nonsense I've ever fucking seen!
Take your shitty project down.
Stop selling other people's work.
Fuck you.
"ok" 🗣️🗣️🗣️💯💯💯🔥🔥🔥
***Note: In some versions of the game, you will receive a ''Game Over'' if you destroy more than 3 vehicles, this is due to the current global climate with terrorism.
Nickfiver22 here and... today! I'm gonna be unboxing... this.. old irish dibbuk box that I found in an old tomb surrounded by still lit candles
I think intent is the primary difference. Most contemporary art seen in galleries exists either to please the eye, or to deliberately question some imaginary status quo. The former task is irrelevant, and the latter impossible, as observers will only look on intentional shock value with praise. However, both memes and fetish art differ from this. They usually start in very specific circles, intended only to communicate some idea. Therefore, when they stray outside their own circles, one can observe a certain purity of thought, unconstrained by thoughts of pleasing or shocking the viewer.
I truly believe fetish art is a new wave -- a kind of post-post-postmodern, neo-naivistic direction for art. Visual art has been trying to shock the viewer for a hundred years now, but these works can do it so effortlessly, it puts any that came before to shame.
The problem with fetish art is that it is Gooner content, and therefore is reducible to a basic commodity like any other pornographic material. To the Gooner, there is no differentiation between this or that image of 'Sonic Feet Pics', thus, the individual 'Sonic Foot Pic' loses its status as art, and becomes a bare use-value, and enters into a commodity relationship, rather than an artistic one.
What is the implication of this? The main implication is that most Gooner content will be produced by computers, either through artificial intelligence, or through computer-aided templating, or some combination of the two. Original, bespoke works of gooner art with unique themes eventually become sublated by the use-value equivalent which contains those themes. At some point, no new themes can possibly be created. Every possible combination of fetish themes will have been created, and thus, all possible combinations will be sublated by their use-value equivalents, and transformed into replicable commodities. Within 20 years, Gooners will produce all images of this character with computers, each image costing pennies on the dollar. A vast catalogue of diffusion patterns and templates fulfills every desire that a gooner may have.
This doesn't abolish the fetish art, but it does eliminate the primary source of income for those artists.
Can confirm sites like e-hentai and rule34 are full of fucktons of AI-gen stuff these days.
I generally think of mind flayers as going by like ... sentient spider rules. Sure, they WANT things you might be able to provide. You're still made of food tho
Craft a new Man, beginning with a copy of you. From that copy, remove its ability to orgasm and grant it a face capable of staring very closely and intently towards anyone that looks at it. There is no limit on tbe number of people it can stare at at once
A six-year-old explaining where the missing cookies went is a better writer than Azimov ever was.
A six-year-old explaining where the missing cookies went is a better writer than Isaac Asimov ever was.