[BEYOND DQN] Someone else's comment from some site nobody knows [PASTE] [PART 8] (999)

1 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10822 17:25

im drunk off my mind off of some fuking dorm room 1 dollar 15 cent fanta and half a fucling hanbdle of smiroff of vodka but banki is apretty cool characeter, aslong with allo fth the characthers from toughoug i mean a fucking girl thats hot athntthat can remove her head HOW WOWO! i mean thats cool and what about Alice thast can make doolls or rumia that can contrla darkness or marissa that can do mahiic i meka n i can even fin igh the games I fucking suck btu teh lore sand characters ofh the gamne are really cool%%%& I love ///jb/becausie of that you hustys are cringe fometimes but i love yoall i alseo lov ehowu orginall the artowkr for touhou is so so cool im ean im really fruknl buty man I love 4chan im in college but i juist hide and really nowone reall y nknows that i ike this stuff i mean how the fuck dopo i explain this shit, oh yeah i really likle artwrk from this frinkg ing bullent hell shootesrs and this websiut s

HOEVER ill post a pictires that i love of some charachtersfrom touhoi I think my cavorite caharavterfrom touthou is Yachi evnt thoiuisgh this isnt a yachi thread i dont care

301 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11030 06:46

Can we please add tags for different electrical socket and plug standards? Electricity nerds like me would very much appreciate it, as while most sockets that appear here are either NEMA 1-15R and NEMA 5-15R, as well as their Japanese JIS C 8303 (both the older Class I and newer Class II) counterparts (mostly the same, but Japan has stricter requirements for dimensions and testing, and they are still in a very slow migration process, which is why most grounded sockets we get to see from Japan still have a grounding point to screw on a grounding wire from the plug, rather than a ground pole/prong), I am seeing a trend in recent years of sockets from other countries, mostly Thai TIS 166-2549 (similar to Israeli SI-32, but the sockets are not recessed, the plug poles are 4.8mm thick instead of 4.4mm, they have partial plastic sheathing, the polarity is reversed, and the sockets can technically accept polarized NEMA 1-15P and 5-15P plugs, despite the hazard since Thailand uses a 230V50Hz system) and Chinese GB 1002‐2008 (3 hole grounded similar to Australian/New Zealand AS/NZS 3112 sockets, just with reversed polarity, slightly different dimensions in one of the variants to accommodate 16A instead of 15A, and no sheathing on the 10A variant plug, while the 2 prong ungrounded, nonpolarized is similar to NEMA 1-15R, just with no holes in the plug's prongs) sockets.

Example posts:
Chinese GB 1002‐2008 (variant with both grounded and ungrounded sockets, with the ungrounded socket also accepting Europlugs): post #2655677
Chinese GB 1002-2008 (variant with only grounded socket): post #5973127
Thai TIS 166-2549: post #6645897
Power strip with "compact" Chinese GB 1002-2008 socket variants (with the ungrounded socket allowing Europlugs as well): post #5350056
German CEE 7/3 ("Schuko", short for "Schutzkontakt", accepts accompanying CEE 7/4 plugs): post #6241293
Not clear, but probably CEE 7/4 with Europlugs connected to it: post #6228925
CEE 7/1 (ungrounded version of CEE 7/3 and 7/6, accepts CEE 7/2, German CEE 7/16 and Europlug and similar rounded pole plugs, in practice has become outlawed in many, but not all, European countries over the last few decades): post #4565775
French/Belgian CEE 7/5 (accepts accompaning CEE 7/6 plugs): post #6256878
Not clear, but probably either NBR 14136 or IEC 60906-1/SANS 164-2: post #6806306
Not clear, but seems to be a socket that can be found in countries such as Egypt, and accepts Europlugs, but is not recessed, and I am not sure if it is officially part of a standard: post #5754818
Interesting picture, as in addition to NEMA 5-15R sockets, it also has NEMA 6-20R (250V 20A) and NEMA 5-20R (125V 20A) sockets: post #2047409

If this is accepted, my recommendations are as thus:
1. Only tag sockets with the corresponding standard when we are sure of the standard.
2. Use the original standard (unless the derivative has something unique, like with the JIS C 8303 older grounded sockets and plugs, the Brazilian NBR 14136 plugs, or the Chinese GB 1002-2008 sockets and plugs) or if it is clear that the location in the picture is in a country with it's own derivative standard.
3. Ignore the "Type A, B, C, etc." naming nomenclature, as the way it is ratified ignores the way the actual standards are ratified, and as such includes some misinformation (lumping all Japanese JIS and the Chinese ungrounded GB 1002-2008 sockets and plugs with NEMA, even when they are completely incompatible, mixing 2.5A Europlug (4.0mm, 120/230V 50Hz sometimes 50/60Hz), 10A SI-32 and 10A SN 441011 T11 (both 4.4mm and 230V50Hz, but Israeli 10A plugs have durable sheathing the same width as the metal part, like Italian CEI 23-50 (both 4.0mm and 4.8mm) and Thai TIS 166-2549 plugs)

302 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11032 02:46

Since “mujahideen run for a few hours, daily, on mountains before having their breakfast,” Western jihadis are advised to run in the park in “three quarter jogging trousers,” learn to jump off walls on Wikihow, and join a climbing club. “If you keep jumping off your back wall, your neighbor might think you’re doing something suspicious and report you to the police, so small things like this are better avoided to bring the least amount of attention to yourself as possible,” the manual states. And to train on shooting? “You should buy Toy guns (Nerf guns), or Pellet guns or Paintball guns for target practice” — preferably through a kid who won’t raise suspicion. Then, become a gamer. “Playing games like Call of Duty gives you knowledge of techniques used in warfare on different terrains.”

303 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11032 04:44

C'mon man, first cigarettes, then asbestos and now I can't huff even a parrot?

304 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11032 04:44

C'mon man, first cigarettes, then asbestos and now I can't huff even a parrot?

305 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11032 05:39

You joke but most of the education in America and by correlation democrat ideology in general is straight out of Marx’s Communist Manifesto. It was part of our curriculum or as you put it -indoctrination- back in the USSR so it’s pretty interesting watching it unfold step by step slowly but surely.

306 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11032 07:17

(Yes, I love Hitler covers)

307 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11032 10:58

An Italian anime news outlet recently made (and then promptly deleted) an article listing all of the raped characters in One Piece. It should be noted that the writer, Amedeo Sebastiano, has even wrote "For women, naturally, the possibility of being raped should be considered"

Update: they just posted an article when they literally admit that there was NO human to verify what their articles had in, meaning that literally they just kept posting and posting articles without even knowing what was written in. Oh, and Sebastiano wasn't fired, just suspended

308 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11032 13:24

That's ok, man, I can just keep signing in. I'm sure you're aware that I don't give a fuck what mods think or do, not even when I was one. You've been BYOB mod for a while now but it's about time for you to resign. That would be true even if you were a good one, which you are not and have rarely ever been.

I don't claim to have a monopoly on what BYOB means or is, but this is not a case where you are listening to both sides and compromising. You are protecting your Posting Pals because you have no idea how to do anything other than participate in cliquey catchphrase bullshit. The way you conduct yourself is not welcoming, it is not chill, it is a rancid parody of friendliness, a thin veneer of purple and teal over fragile intolerance.



309 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11032 20:40

Marshmallow cum tub?

310 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11033 10:27

I get that I'm biased because I do play gacha games but I'm constantly seeing posts like "it sucks when you find art with your favorite kink but they're from a gacha game" I would simply go forth and jerk off regardless

if the knowledge that the characters are from a gacha keeps you from cranking it then that's a skill issue on your part

311 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11033 13:41

Don't use the word indio, even though it's Spanish. For natives, it's very much like the English n-word, since it was used by Spanish conquerors. The politically correct way of speaking is el indígena or la indígena — although, like the n-word, very close people inside a circle of friends can get away with it. Another word to be careful with is cholo, chola, or cholita, meaning indígena. This may be used affectionately among indigenous people (it's a very common appellation for a child, for instance), but it's offensive coming from an outsider. The n-word is used, but in a funny/playful way, so If you hear it in the street, don't be offended right away.

312 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11033 16:48

I am a vile, racist extremist, and I have not watched the Little Wokemaid. The discussion around this oversized turd is reason enough for going on a genocidal rampage. The amount of human rights you deserve cannot be understated, and your words are like sandpaper in my brain.

313 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11034 19:04

Not my country,
not my people,
not my problem.

314 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11034 21:13

>why does she look like her flesh and skin are breaking there? she looks happy, but she should be screaming in pain

Anon... you've never seen a VAGINA, have you?

315 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11035 19:00

I went to a museum of contemporary art. A man with a hard boner exposed was lying on a conveyor belt. The dick was dressed in the costume of a medieval paladin. Then the conveyor belt started moving. Heavy rains and blizzards blew against the paladin, but he never went down.

After a while monsters appeared. As the man on the belt shook his hips violently, the paladin swung his sword savagely and beat them in a flash. The conveyor keeps running. He crossed over hills and deep dales, eventually defeated the evil king and rescued the damsel in distress.

That was the dream I had on the night of my 50th birthday. For real... Anyway, HBD to me! It might also mean Hard Boner Dream to me.

316 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11035 20:59

Dream journals always have that instatnly obvious tone. We all boot into the same state of mind I guess.

317 Name: Dr. Normen Finkelstein ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11035 23:07

Okay, Mr. Ben Shapiro, if I wear a bib and a diaper, will you then debate me?

318 Name: Dr. Norman Finkelstein ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11035 23:11

I posted the warning on this Twitter account last night. But despite this advanced warning, Hamas didn't take its weapons beneath to its command and control center beneath al-Shifa. No, it decided to leave these weapons lying around in radiology ward so as to give Israel a photo-op.

Truly, it cannot be independently verified whether Mr Kingsley is a moron or a lickspittle--or probably both.

319 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11038 00:45

Deer season is upon us.

  1. Wear your seatbelt.
  2. If your choice is swerve at high speed or hit the deer, you plow Bambi's mom like you're an IT specialist with a secret Twitter account and it's Anthrocon weekend.

Deer are softer than trees. Deer are softer than rolling your car 8 times.

320 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11038 11:17


321 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11040 03:17

ok so i would like to share a story with y'all.

this year for halloween me, my mom, and my sister, went to a church a few hours away to attend their "fear not fest". my grandaunt used to take my mom all the time when she was younger, since the church also has a school and my uncle (moms cusion) went to it.

now, this was my first time there, both at the church and at the fnf, and also first time actually going out for halloween (these past few years have been... anxiety inducing when it comes to the holiday)

(btw i was dressed up as a pirate, my sister had already been wearing a black dress so she just put on cat ears, and my mom was in a soccor mom outfit, not for dressing up, no, but because she didn't have tinme to come up with a costume. i myself had to settle for pirate bc it was an outfit for the beauty and the beast show i was in this spetember, and if i could, i would've been Annabelle Cane. none of this matters to the story, i just wanted to say it)

so me and my sister were waiting in line to smack each other off of a little platform with big ol' like, pillow-y hting. never remember what those games are called but yk.

so as we're waiting we're eating some cupcakes we'd bought at the food selling vender area, drinking hot-chocolate, etc., just waiting.


He apears.

a young man, who looks exactly like the animation but irl btw, in a white dress shirt, dark grey pants, a grey vest, black hat, and black tie walks by the line to leave the fnf into the parkinglot.

he was walking with one of his friends, they had just finished syaing something i couldn't hear over the other conversations in the queue.

and by some chance, we Lock Eyes.

i stare in mute horror, amazment, shock, bewilderment at the One before me.

I could tell he knew what i was feeling, what i was thinking.

we can recognize our own in public.

should- should i say something? i like your shoelaces? but my family will wonder... my sister can't know i know. as i wondered what i should do he gives me this look i can't describe, then smirks.

we keep our eyes on each other as he walks off, only looking away when we'd have to turn our heads further to look.

i stood there, eyes falling to the candy wrapper littered ground, at a loss for words.

i tried to look back behind me to see him, but he was already getting smaller and smaller, fading into just a background blur.

i tried to go on with my night.

but my thoughts lingered at the few seconds of true... i can't even give it a word, that i'd just experienced.

i didn't see him again that night.

also the thing we were in line for closed before we could even smack eahc other so that was all for nothing, i witnessed it all for nothing.

also there were a few kids in glam rock freddy and roxy outfits. the quality was shitty, but the kids were cute and i could tell by the way their parents looked they had pestered a lot for them.

also there was The Chicken but that's a story for another day.

there was also a family in Coraline outfits and i felt put to shame by my half-assed pirate while the (im assuming) dad walked by in full Bobinsky Swagger

#story time
#it was actually fairly fun
#food was
#was kinda mid
#and the candy sucked it tasted like they were laced with hairspray
#but expired hairspray
#don't ask me how i know that taste
#but all in all it was nice hanging out iwth my sister and mom
#it's a dynamic we don't often have but when we do
#it gets funny and chaotic but chill too
#a very fond halloween memory to look back on and tell my grandchildren one day
#but ofc i would need to tell them who the onceler is

322 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11040 18:33

I got a testicle massage and it was amazing (not sexual)

There's a type of massage called "Japkasai" which is a THERAPEUTIC massage where a woman massages your groin, inner thighs, "taint", and of course, testicles. It was 14,000 yen for a 60 minute testicle massage. Here's the process.

Arrive, take shower, 20 minutes spent massaging groin, taint, inner thighs, then 40 minutes of pinching and rubbing and massaging testicles and pushing energy up the shaft. To be clear again, this is NOT sexual, although she sometimes does rub your penis in order to move the energy from the testicles up the shaft.

The first half is extremely painful. You know how there are knots in your legs, backs, etc when you haven't gotten a proper massage in a while? Well imagine your groin, which has probably never gotten a deep tissue massage, ever. There were actually knots in my groin area that she broke up with powerful rubbing and it almost made me cry out in pain. She broke through the knots and then moved to the ball sack.

The balls massage is actually somewhat pleasurable. She's basically just massaging and kneading your balls and getting the blood to flow for 40 minutes, it doesn't really hurt that much.

The results were astounding. After I got home and relaxed a bit, I checked my balls and noticed that they had increased in size by nearly 50%. They weren't in pain or swollen, I think it's just blood flow that has been improved.

Also, I woke up with a RAGING erection this morning, felt like I was 15 again (I'm 32). I highly recommend this vitalizing therapy to people. The funniest part is that I told my girlfriend (who still lives in America but is planning to join me soon) that I was thinking about getting a ball massage and she thought it was hilarious. When I told her I actually got one, she was kind of shocked that I actually got it but laughed when I told her about the experience. Then at night, she randomly called me and said she was ultra pissed that I allowed another woman to touch me and see me naked... despite me telling her over and over again that the woman is sixty years old and that this is not a sexual massage. Women, lol.

323 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11040 22:20

Own a tomahawk for home defense, just like the great fathers intended. five settlers wielding uzis break into my house claiming it as their own. "by Allah and big chief wounded knee!" As I grab my feather-decorated keffyeh and Comanche war club. I bash the head of the first settler, he's dead on the spot. throw my tomahawk on the second man, miss him entirely because it weighs 3 kilos, and lands on the third settler's scalp, such a waste for a perfect zionist scalp. I have to resort to the scimitar mounted at the top of the stairs made with Damascus steel, "bismillah, If we must die, we die defending our rights, peace be upon you sitting bull" I rush the two men wearing a locket that's been blessed by the medicine men and imams of Kentucky, the light of Allah deflects the bullets back to the legs of the settlers, their scream makes the car outside sound their alarm "AYAYAYAYAYAYAYA" i say as i charge the last terrified white man. He Bleeds out waiting on the police to arrive since wootz steel wounds are impossible to stitch up. Just as the great fathers intended

324 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11041 02:34

nice argument unfortunately i have already depicted you as the arrogant and brash monkey king leaping an infinite breadth to the edge of the universe and myself as the enlightened buddha whose palm you have not escaped for I am the great sage equal to heaven

325 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11041 05:36

Good for a friend, just make sure to pick a good one

Bought it for a friend, she squished the hecc out of it. Made someone's day. Is good. Edit; she is no longer my friend and i regret buying this for her. F*ck you, Neko


326 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11042 14:40

My three year old child, Chuck, owns 13 ipads which he simply rotates between throughout the day. Each iPad is for a different type of content, one is for elsagate videos (he loves them) one is for Andrew Tate and one is for Nikocado Avocado. I don't know what the others are for. I don't think he sleeps, he just 'powers down' whilst Vaush plays in the background. When I gave him his breakfast last night (dinosaur chicken nuggets) he simply poked them with his fingers and said ''ugh, cringe, these tendies dont even have any screen for me to catch up on the latest drama in the soyjack community on'' in a perfect American accent. He then threw the tendies in my face whilst shouting ''Alexa play baby shark full volume'' causing the 200 minirigs he has scattered throughout the house to blast the baby shark song. I fell to the floor in pain, Chuck stood over me, ''Freddy fazbear is my mum now'' he said.

327 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11043 07:30

Raw meat is how you get tapeworms.
Personally, I disapprove of tapeworms.
All helminths, really. Foul serpents.

328 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11043 07:38

spoken like someone who doesn't have crohn's

329 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11044 18:07

Now I'm imagining a chute in the cell that leads into a hole alligned to Tai Lung's face, shooting McNuggets at him every 3 hours or so.

I get why he was so pissed off now, imagine trying to sleep upright and chained, then getting a McNugget shotgun blast to the face, just as you are about to finally relax.

This is some Guantanamo bay level shit.

330 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11045 18:18

[1] Barbie. Recorded message:math is too hard, around 1995.

331 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11046 12:44

[2.0] "Imagine being one of these 190, 000 people in these stands forced to watch this by the government of North Korea and it ends up being a SHITSHOW. The first day of Collision in Korea just ends up being severely disappointing and probably the worst New Japan affiliated event in it's history and I thought BATTLE 7 was HORRIBLE. [*1/4]"

332 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11047 09:08


333 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11048 07:26

Are you familiar with the film Forrest Gump? Imagine if Forrest did war crimes and regime change instead of play ping pong and drive a shrimpin boat. Basically the entire American Cold War policy was a product of his making.

He’s also like bubba, but instead of listing shrimp dishes, he can list different ways to destabilize the global south.

334 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11048 19:21

Okay so let me start off thank you for taking your time to read this. Now let's start. MARTIN LUTHER WAS I2a! So what you might ask? He started Protestantism as a response to the R1b and G2 haplocurse over his I2a people (yes G2 they subverted European aristocracy). Okay. I2a and I1 belong to the same haplogroup? So what? Scandinavia is predominately I1 and all Scandinavians, despite their internal divisions, embraced Protestantism without a fuss. Makes you think. So why did he do the Reformation? Because it's all about a return to the original ancient indigenous European condition, before the Aryan migrations and the E1b1 and G2 farmers. That's what it's all about, Sola Scriptura, Indulgences, are all coverup for this chain of events. IT WAS AN ATTEMPT AT I TO BREAK THE HAPLOCURSE OF R1B AND G2 AND THE SUBVERSION OF THE EUROPEAN ESTABLISHMENT. "So let the scales fall from your eyes." (Genesis 2:14).

335 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11049 16:55

I will never forget the day I finished watching Mobile Suit Gundam and thought "wow, that was so good. I have to digest this" and sat there stunned for a few minutes. then tabbed over to twitter and saw Henry Kissinger died

336 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11050 05:50

Imagine a thick tube of piss squishing out at thousands of pounds per square inch, originating in the bladder and then circulating like a prop plane in a front loop through the meaty tube and gingerly out the glans. The urethra puckers with each variation of pressure, resembling a hungry baby bird. But instead of feeding, it gives.

337 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11050 06:11

man's death is everyone's problem but his own.

338 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11051 13:56


339 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11052 17:11

What a fascinating introduction of a young male bear into the magic of sex by letting him "sow his wild oats" essentially to what could be a "sexpert" female ... and his mother can't help but feel proud at what could best be seen as an initiation exercise into full-scale beardom!

340 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11052 19:33

To avoid negative repercussions, I make sure to begin every conversation not with hello, but "I unequivocally condemn Hamas." Sure, it made the DMV lady nervous for some reason, but I want to make sure there's no misunderstandings.

341 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11055 07:57

Ugh. Religion is so cringe.

342 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11055 16:17

I don't even mean the war. I mean many of these Eastern European countries have GDPs in line or worse than African nations. Russia's transition into Capitalism after 1991 was messy and never ''worked out'' as the western leaders at the time would have hoped far. I think they took that ''just like us'' approach where they believed Russians and other Slavs could create another America as they were ''white''. What could go wrong? right. The realty is probably that Slavic people were less like them than they thought. Russians, Ukrainians and others have created ghettos in their own countries that make Detroit Michigan look like a trip to lollipop land. The villages are hellish places that would scare the living day lights out of anyone living in a western country.

343 Name: nerv!a3LMU3qR26 : 1993-09-11055 23:21

Because last time I checked, Pomni is only 15 years old, so that counts as child pornography, unless I'm mistaken.

344 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11056 05:18

Do you think the horsecocks of the 4 horsemen's horses cum their respective apocalyptic fluids?

345 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11056 23:17

Think of this general problem space as the gene therapy equivalent of "back alley butt lifts."

346 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11059 05:01

Truly a fantasy shared by straight men everywhere. A girl straddling you and undressing while you gaze at her over your own massive tits. Very heterosexual desire

347 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11059 16:44

You ever notice asian girls in amateur porn always have the same look to em? Someone needs to look into the east asian slut phenotype

348 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11060 22:36

I didn't know aftershave commercials could go this hard. It's Norwegian, isn't it?

349 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11061 16:36

LOL, you just imagined it’s consistent because that’s what you WANTED to see. I bet when you read the Bible it tells you exactly what you WANTED to hear too. It’s a trick of linguistics that our own minds play on themselves when we WANT something to be true; when we want something, we fit any random language to mean what we WANT it to mean. That’s why the Bible can be used to justify any immoral act you can think of, if you WANT it to. Your imagination played a trick on itself.
You think you had a consistent conversation? Then just you try to get it to have another one with you, I dare you. Because your imagination can only keep up the delusion for so long, unless you’re completely psychotic.

“We don’t ‘create our own reality’; psychotics do that.”
–Ken Wilber

350 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11061 22:09

He's about to get smacked down by a non-philosophical solipist

351 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11061 23:11

I don't think I've ever been b& from Heyuri. But I am permab& from 4chan because I once replied to CP, saying that it was inferior to loli hentai

352 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11062 01:50

That’s not saying much as a true amerimutt. I bleed red white and blue baby fuck those eurotards

353 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11062 02:23


354 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11062 07:41

kept getting really horny when I'd use my bidet. I'd sit there and spray it into my ass with some warm water while I'd fap. I burnt some chicken nuggets one night because I was too busy pleasuring myself after a shit.

355 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11062 23:40

One time I was driving home after eating some delicious brownies. I had eaten almost the whole pan because they were so good and suddenly my stomach let me know that I needed to shit ASAP. So I saw a Taco Bell and pulled into their parking lot, got out of my car, and went in.

I was nearly shitting myself as I opened up the bathroom door (luckily there was no one inside). In one fluid motion, I pulled my down my pants and sat on the toilet. I didn't even use a toilet seat protector, that's how badly I had to shit.

Diarrhea erupted from my anus, causing immense pain and relief at the same time. It sprayed for at least 5 minutes straight. I couldn't even bear to look in the toilet, since I knew that the sight would cause me to vomit. The smell was bad enough already.

I started to wipe, but I think all of the oil from the brownies made my poop somewhat slimy, and very hard to wipe off. I ended up using quite a lot of toilet paper, and my throbbing butthole made me forget to flush partway through, so the toilet didn't clog.

When I was finally as clean as I could get with toilet paper (I ended up having to throw away that pair of underwear when I got home) I finally had the courage to look in the toilet. The mass of shit and toilet paper would be impossible to flush, but I had to give it a try. I flushed it, and it did not go down.

In a moment of stupidity, I flushed it again. It almost looked like it would go down, but it didn't. Instead it started to overflow a mixture of diarrhea and toilet water onto the bathroom floor. I zipped up my pants, turned off the light switch, and got out of that cursed bathroom.

I'm sorry Taco Bell, and for whoever had to clean up that disgusting mess D:

356 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11063 09:54

I saw a Pontiac Aztec on the road the other day. It looked well used, but well cared for. Someone loves that Pontiac Aztec. How can a Pontiac Aztec find love but I can’t.

357 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11063 12:25

Also, if people are so concerned about porn then let me ask: How you have been able to have sex with your partner / get kids? Didn't it require you to "have porn" with your partner? Arts and fics are huge NO NO to you, but at the same time real sex is fine?? I don't get it :'D

358 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11063 19:02

The prime movement of humanity is superheated plasma of cosmic background radiation, puppet stringing along blood pressure and the 4th-dimensional potential of water consumption.

Horsepower alone can be derived as a dimension of life through pressure dynamics alone.

But my real secret is most of my family has been saved by surgery and medical science. I never touch a hospital bed. I have other secrets.

I am just happy to escape as a Zen monk on fire.

I am Ra. We are not happy with our Venusian scientist claiming he is not helped by any here for this. :)

All are free to share in my "not a cult." Test subjects may apply for their food allowances per day. And a share of life insurance for their families.

359 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11063 22:19

In my tenth year of teaching and there's always a new "thing" students bring to school that they learned over the internet or wherever. The newest thing here is a flock of self-proclaimed "coin bros" who carry a quarter on hand at all times and constantly flip it. They have their entire personality revolve around coin flips and chance. When we went around doing an ice breaker, 4 or 5 of the kids said some variation of "I live by the coin and die by the coin" as their fact.

Just about an hour ago, when I assigned the first assignment of the school year, one of the coin boys was bold enough to say "heads I do it, tails I don't." I told him if he flipped the coin he would be getting a call home on the first week of high school. He flipped it anyway and came up heads (thank god for that at least). But then the other coin boy in that class flipped his coin and it came uo tails. He said the coin had spoken and he's not doing it. Enjoy your 0 and your call home. What a great way to start off the school year!

360 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11065 00:53

Basicaly a plot from Paranoia Agent

361 Name: vc: love : 1993-09-11067 19:21

You DO NOT want to end up like John M. Lightningblade... shout out to Mr. Lightningblade, he's so real...

362 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11068 05:27

2. Manga in the USSR and Russia

In the times when USSR was a state and not just a name, comics were a despised medium, widely put down by the propaganda as "a thing not worthy of a Soviet Man". Like rock music, chewing gum and other staples of Western culture, they entered the country only as single copies people bought for themselves during their stay abroad. Unlike rock music, they did not claw their way into minds of soviet citizens, maybe because pixel-perfect copying of artwork requires at least a photocopier, which were under careful state control at the time. You could not control the spread of magnetic tapes since sound recording equipment was available to the general populace, but you could stop comics... and they were stopped.

Situation changed a little during the last few years, when Disney's and similar comics (Duck Tales, Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles, ElfQuest) started to carve their niche in children's entertainment. This served to harden the view of comics as a medium solely for children. Nobody knew anything about manga before, nobody knows now. It is not even rejected, it is just unknown to Russian reader. Nevertheless, the club is in possession of several original Japanese mangas, of each of the basic categories (be it kodomo, shouhen, choujo, seinen or hentai) procured through obscure ways in old book resale stores and similar. Small quantities of Manga-related objects do turn up inexplicably in all kinds of strange places, sometimes it's paint by number books, (often of exceptional quality) stickers and badges with unrecognizable faces drawn in the definite Japanese style. But these examples are just exceptions, the general rule being the absence of any coherent information about anything Manga-related.

3. Anime in USSR

Officially, there was not ever (and still is not) a single Disney's cartoon movie showing in any movie theater of the USSR. This niche was occupied by films of European, independent American and Japanese studios. Most of the Japanese were by TOEI Animation, although there was one film of Ghibli studio (The Grave of the Firefly). All of these were only G-rated of course - the Russian public still considers cartoons a media exclusively for children, only for children, nobody but the children. An incomplete list of movies that were shown in theaters can be found in appendix 1.

4. Anime in Russia

With the dawn of perestroika VCRs appeared, and with VCRs came tapes. Theaters faded into nothingness, a lot of them being converted into furniture shops and other such establishments, because they just could not show anything worth watching due to their low budget. Some anime appeared through pirated videotapes. Legal videotape vendors seem to have no knowledge of any Japanese movies, anime included, the market for legal tapes being almost exclusively dominated by American films. There is not a single licensed anime tape to date. Pirates usually throw in an anime after a movie to fill up a 180minute tape. Mostly these are OVAs dubbed by Manga Entertainment, although sometimes U.S.Manga and Streamline can be found. Most anime is translated from English dubs, although translations from Japanese exist, mostly being hentai stuff.

TV showings of anime do occur, mostly dubs from Japanese, done in the traditional technique of overlaying the dubbers voices straight over the original voices, a technique used by the video pirates and professional dubbers alike, the only difference being that professional dubbers use several voices. It should be pointed out that there is no recorded cases of cutting any scenes whatsoever from any anime shown on TV. Should there appear a scene significantly questionable from a child's point of view, it is usually dealt with through a change in translation. Thankfully, the concept of Political Correctness in Russia does not get much popularity, and Russian dub of Sailor Moon is in much better shape than the English DIC dub.

363 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11069 15:19

yeah monasteries are getting really competitive these days, you can hardly even get them to look at your application if you don't have five plus years of monking, and if you're not able to sleep on a bed of nails from day one you shouldn't even bother--and I'm talking about junior positions.

A friend of mine tried to get into one, and I do mean tried. This guy was crazy into meditation, went on month long fasts, could wash dishes in ice cold water like nobodies business. Almost got in one place and they still rejected him. Why ? A tendency to sneeze when he went into bright sunlight. Apparently the Father Superior thought was incompatible with an oath of silence and deleterious to the serene environment which the monastery sought to cultivate.

Now he's a linecook and gets drunk every night. I'm almost surprised he hasn't offed himself yet.

364 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11069 17:52

Out of the seven sins, pride always felt rated more than it should be, like oh yeah you think you're better than others, oh yeah im so superior and satisfied, the line kinds of end there, and it's usually the most foolish one too, since pride comes before a fall, the other six sins are much more interesting, they are capable of causing a lot of things without necessarily inducing pride, for example Greed is not limited to material possessions, it encompasses any want to get something, such as wanting to be respected, wanting to get revenge on your enemies, wanting to be left alone, and so on, Sloth is also not limited to just not wanting to work but can also describe spiritual apathy and withdrawal from the world, being melancholic for example would count as mental sloth, and so on.

Point is, I feel Pride is exaggerated more than it should be and the other sins have the potential to be much more interesting than just being below the one that thinks it's better than others

365 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11070 00:23

There's an expression, I don't know if they coined it or whether its commonplace in your generation, the expression is gooning: G. O. O. I. N. G. It means basically being transfixed with porn, video porn, for like 24/48 hours straight; straight's the right word there. And it struck me, and I know this is gonna sound harsh, but it struck me that even though this crowd considered itself bohemian and even though this crowd considerd itself, what would you say? anti-establishment... this is exactly the crowd that would go over to fascism.

366 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11071 00:45

Car stolen? Can’t help

Violent threats? Can’t help

Some random mom bitches about gay books? Guns out boys let’s go!

367 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11072 08:03


What is Totoro? He has been called many things from "a
giant furry thing" to "a rabbit-like spirit". Basically,
he is a spirit of the forest. Totoro is not a
traditional Japanese character: he came completely from
Miyazaki's imagination. However, he is obviously a
mixture of several animals: tanukis (the Japanese
version of raccoons), cats (the pointed ears and the
facial expressions), and owls (the chevron markings on
their chests and the "ooo"-ing sound they make with
their ocarinas at night). (F/beast, fantasy, cheat,


368 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11072 23:24

My "Leninist/progressive Hindutva" T-shirt has people asking a lot of questions already answered by my shirt.

369 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11073 07:47

christmas isnt about gifts or love or family or any other bullshit its about drawings of anime girls in Santa outfits

370 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11073 18:11

sex is best experienced high thereupon i saw loli Jesus who told me "you are a homeless nigga-san, repent or lolis disembowel you! Carefully, I reached for doritos SPLAT!... FUCK! They threw poop into my doritos. Who? Nobita reeks. Who's gonna clean my precious butth0le? He licked until the sphincter engulfed him. leaving nothing behond. Suddenly Alexander Kolchak came everywhere!

371 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11075 02:03

I am a script kiddie.
Windows is warm and tasty,
Blowfish goes down hard.

372 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11077 06:42

Tbh I wish i had a clone to have sex with

373 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11077 13:36

C'mon, you can't just jump straight to incoherent babbling on the first response. You need to ease people into it. 3/10 - very amateurish schizo rant.

374 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11077 13:42

It's not like beautiful women were gonna be walking by my PC and get turned on by my RAM savings.

375 Name: Do you agree? : 1993-09-11077 23:04

The truth is that I have always hated the GPL, in every revision and the commie ideology that spawned it.

Then it's unfortunate that you have failed to inform yourself about the history of this thing that you hate.

And Stallman's politics are straight mainstream American wealthy elite left progressivism - he blogs about every nuance of it every day on his website. You will literally see the exact same talking points on his website every day that you will see on an MSNBC chyron. If you define American wealthy elite left progressivism as actual communism, that's up to you, but it's certainly not traditional Marxism or Leninism or Maoism.

376 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11078 07:08

if embryos have souls, and then they're aborted, exactly how sapient are they in the afterlife? Are they forever doomed to float around with no thoughts in their heads? Is it like just animal intelligence like a little happy goldfish? Do they still have an embryonic form? I've always seen an assumption that child souls are still in child form so I guess so. Do the other people in the afterlife keep abortions as little pets? Will they stay in a fishbowl or are they too stupid + intangible and float right out again?

377 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11079 00:25

As I was looking at the water flowing in the garden, I heard the old man in the neighborhood sneeze. It's not a problem since it's the old man next door.
It's not a problem since it's the old man next door. no problem. no problem. No problem at all. No problem at all. That's it.

378 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11079 01:31

Google is REALLY mad that I looked up what you are referring to

379 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11079 05:42

Does Godzilla ever actually eat anything in the movies?

They keep calling him an apex predator, but he's not actually hunting and he's not eating. He just shows up, fights some other eldritch monstrosity for seemingly no reason and f*cks off again.

380 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11079 13:38

In one film they show him eating nuclear reactors also he's nuclear powered so he doesn't need to eat and can fuel himself for decades. He sometimes chows on trains though.

381 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11079 18:46

Iranian-Backed Houthis
Iranian-Backed Houthis
Iranian-Backed Houthis

Houthis Backed by Iranians
Houthis, a group that is funded by Iranians
Iranian-Backed Houthis
Houthis the Iranian Backed Terrorist Group
Iranian-Backed Terrorists Formerly Known as Houthis
Houthi rebels supported by Iran
Iran-supported Houthi insurgents
Houthis with backing from Iran
Iranian-affiliated Houthi militants
Houthis with Iranian sponsorship
Iran-backed Houthi forces
Houthi rebels with Iranian support
Iranian-backed Houthi fighters
Houthi insurgents backed by Iran
Iran-affiliated Houthi rebels
Houthi militants with Iranian backing
Iranian-supported Houthi elements
Houthi forces with backing from Iran
Iran-affiliated Houthi rebels
Houthi rebels with Iranian assistance
Iranian-backed Houthi opposition
Houthi insurgents with support from Iran
Iran-affiliated Houthi militants
Houthi fighters with Iranian sponsorship
Iranian-supported Houthi rebels

Iranian-Backed Houthis
Iranian-Backed Houthis
Iranian-Backed Houthis

Houthi rebels with ties to Iran
Iran-backed Houthi militants
Houthi insurgents supported by Iran
Iranian-aided Houthi forces
Houthis with Iranian allegiance
Iran-affiliated Houthi opposition
Houthi rebels receiving Iranian support
Iranian-sponsored Houthi fighters
Houthi elements backed by Iran
Iran-linked Houthi rebels
Houthi militants with Iranian endorsement
Iranian-supported Houthi extremists
Houthi forces with ties to Iran
Iran-aligned Houthi rebels
Houthi rebels with Iranian assistance
Iranian-backed Houthi resistance
Houthi insurgents with support from Iran
Iran-associated Houthi militants
Houthi fighters with Iranian backing
Iranian-supported Houthi opposition

Iranian-Backed Houthis
Iranian-Backed Houthis
Iranian-Backed Houthis

382 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11080 09:31

Anyway, in any case, Russians like the ones who post these CP links are lower than cockroaches, lower than shit. I'm not American or Ukrainian or eastern European but I want total war. I want every Russian dead and their families. My whole life I have had them promoting marxist leninism and terror and threat of nuclear war and teaching their pet dictatorships in north korea, cuba, iran and deranged muslims in pakistan, syria, blacks in Africa etc to hate westerners, to hate me and hate my family. Now Putin and his subversion and extreme left right and their Russian orchestrated mass immigration into the EU and their far right anti EU anti immigration shit and protest shit like blm and the yellow vests and shitting up counter strike servers with hacking and ruining every STALKER thread on /v/ with seething at Ukraine and gloating about child rape and murder and shitting up every thread about Last Train Home with autistic screeching about how the Czechoslovak Legion was "LE BAD" and sending spambots to post CP on every altchan and sending an aids ridden pedophile to purchase the sharty, etc. I want total war. I want every Russian and every single one of their dictators and supporters dead.I want people who shelter Russian immigrants to be hung as traitors and people who have shilled for Putin trace, found and killed and their children. It is a blessing and a miracle we have nuclear weapons to cleanse the earth of the cancer that is Russia and it's evil pet dictators and tyrannies. I want you and your family dead. I am happy to die if that is what is accomplished. I want nuclear war, I have faith in my people to find a way to survive and rebuild but I want Russia and Russians gone and any of their anti western fan base in Africa or the middle east or south America. I want a great cleansing and I am going to see it. You are dead, your family are dead and everything every Russian ever did consigned to oblivion and regarded as a dead civilisation likethe Hittites, I want Moscow leveled to the ground and the ground salted so nothing grows there, I want Russian expatriates hiding in western nations found and ground into bone meal and used to fertilise the land including their children. I'm a moderate. Europe has awoken from its sleep again and is rearming this stops when all our enemies have been ground into dust whether Russian, their pet dictators or their middle eastern pet monkeys. Kill them all. There are too many people.

383 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11083 12:51

I fight for my legs like Olivia Pierce and Dr. Strangelove. I do not walk towards the military and the MOS assigned to me. I simply say the coldest wars are won.

Ra social memory complex cuts the cord and I fall. I have to fight to stay up and the complex possesses my body.


I just want to walk

384 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11083 13:04

is having your vagina smell like bacon a bad thing?

385 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11083 14:47

I see that instead of simply stating that it is genocidal double rhetoric, you embarked upon a grandiloquent odyssey of superfluous discourse, ostensibly endeavoring to convey a rudimentary notion through the labyrinthine corridors of verbosity, all while unabashedly luxuriating in the ostentatious display of an excessively elongated post, a veritable testament to the conspicuous elevation of convoluted expression over succinct clarity.

386 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11084 06:37

I think he's a mutated sloth

387 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11084 12:20

good fucking morning cadets, I hope you have morning wood, today's the day, we will be learning how to rape during battles and under enemy fire, now stand in line and take off your pants, remember, if your penis is shorter than 12 inch by Arabic standards, you're a sissy clit and you get to be the bottom victims for this training until you learn how to grow a pair, work on those lips and ass techniques ladies, as the rest of you, you play the tops, during rape, make sure you keep your dick inside the ass at all times, and during gangrapes, you have to keep your rifle with you as the fast thrusting of your comrades will make it harder for you to aim at any incoming future fuck materials, always remember when fucking corpses to use knives to make new holes

388 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11084 16:14

HRT did to autists what crack did to the hood

389 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11086 05:57

dashboard simulator

mutual 1: i NEED hrt

mutual 2: here is 10 more paragraphs of rambling about the same character i have been talking about for the past 8 months

mutual 3:

😎 anonymous asked: hey i saw your 10k note post and i was wondering why you think it's ok to say that everyone who lives in a house should be killed and eaten?

💬 i did not fucking say that

blog i followed for a funny post a while back: this situation with my family just keeps getting worse i feel so hopeless all the time this really might be the end for me

mutual 4: why is no one talking about this obscure indie work last relevant 10+ years ago made by a lunatic that contains some of the worst writing of all time. it's a masterpiece

mutual 5: who all remember star war

blog i followed for politics: [10 consecutive reblogs of anime girls with giant tits]

blog i followed for yuri art: [10 consecutive reblogs of resource threads about marxist theory and history]

mutual 6: little doodle lol [most beautiful image ever drawn]

390 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11091 09:05

PS2 was the gamer Satya Yuga, though PS3 fatty with its backwards compatibility was a noble machine.

Everything since then has been Gaming Among Ruins.

391 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11091 09:57

Men should have a say when it comes to abortions. If I see a pregnant woman on TV then I think we should be able to hold a telephone vote to decide if it gets aborted or not. Women also gets to cast their vote, of course, but we know they're all super pro-abortion and hates other women, especially if they're pretty and on the telly, so maybe this is all a really, really bad idea and we should not let women vote AT ALL?


392 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11093 20:34

The hot dogs the Eds ate in the last episode of Ed, Edd, and Eddy were tainted with botulism. After a few weeks of on-the-edge-of-death sickness, the never quite recovered. In a shared hallucination, they saw the Kanker sisters as three Nazzs, and accepted them as girlfriend, growing old with them until they all died on their 23rd birthday.

393 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11093 22:28

Money on my motherfucking mind
Cop five haircuts at the same time
White gold pants, jet ski made of wine
Foie gras bust of Albert Einstein
Get money

Money out my motherfucking mouth
A mansion, a ranch, and a camp and a town
A motherfucking store with a floor made of scalps
Bobby from the block don't got rocks, he got Alps
Get money

Money in the motherfucking jar
Shark fin pastry
Summers on Mars
Twenty motherfuckers in a levitating car
Seven-forty-seven full of women and cigars
Get money

Money in the motherfucking pot
A castle full of cars and the yard full of yachts
A leopard with a mink
And an arm full of clocks
All hand wound everyday by a Spock
Get money

394 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11093 22:36

Angola and Moçambique, unlike Brasil, didn't suffer the sad fate of being polluted by carcamano parasites. Angola and Moçambique remained Portuguese throughout the centuries while Brasil suffers from a parasitic infestation caused by the hordes of carcamanos that were allowed into our territory, a territory the Kingdom of Portugal so adamantly defended against carcamanos to ensure our identity our remain untainted.

395 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11094 06:33

I've tried to use Devuan a few times, but where I stumble is the installation of packages that do require systemd. PHP, for example, requires it. Why the fuck does PHP require systemd? Why? It's always at that point I stop, put my tail between my legs and have to put up with another distro and systemd's bullshit.

I've got a new laptop to play with that will be my daily driver at home (compared to the work laptop that I use), and this MX Linux will be the first one on there. If it provides everything I need - and by that, just a laptop I can develop PHP applications with and do some video and audio editing, then it'll be all I ever use.

I've gone past my anger for systemd. I don't even loathe it. I look at it like I look at the british political system. Everything could be so much better if a particular group of people weren't involved at all.

Yes, I've said it. Systemd is a very Tory thing to have. You know I'm right.

396 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11094 12:37

I have a fucking ridiculously big basement i do nothing with. I want to fill it up with water and keep like 4 or 5 seals in it. Im really obsessed with seals. They have always been my favorite animal. I have a collection of around 460 seal stuffed animals, toys, pins, statues and shirts. They aren't as wild and aggressive or antisocial as shit like bears or big cats and many people all over the world keep those. I know a few beaches and spots i can get some from. I have ties to someone who is in the fishing industry and a friend who is a exotic vet tech so that isn't a concern. I need to grab ones that arent so young theyll die from stress or without mommas tittys but ones that aren't so big and old you could never tame them. I dont really care if this is legal or not. Most states and countries don't care if you kill, torture, neglect, fuck animals or force them to fuck each other. Most laws against keeping wildlife and shit are retarded and petty. Cops kill more people than wild animals but they claim the laws are there to protect people???

397 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11094 14:27

Hello from Japan🇯🇵🇯🇵🇯🇵
Too often sad news arrives from abroad these days, so I just wanted to see a peaceful and beautiful scene of spring scenery of a herd of deer resting under cherry blossoms in Nara Park, a famous tourist spot in our country, and YouTube introduced this video to me as a related video.
I have never been to Germany, a country that lies beyond Japan by several oceans and skies, but I am glad that I could see the view of the Alps in this way outside of TV.
The green color of the trees, the blue sky, and the red color of the roofs of the houses are so beautiful.
While watching this video, I felt like I was taking a walk in Germany, a country I should have never been to.
I thought,It would be very fun to ride bicycles through these places with family and friends.
I have traveled to France, Italy and Czech Republic when I was a student and I would like to visit Germany if I have the chance.
Thanks for showing me the great video.

398 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11095 10:42

I totally forgot my PS1 can play CDs. I thought my only option was my Panasonic Discman.

399 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11096 03:59

A man has entered the Ladies and found a stall occupied, so has filmed the woman taking a wee. Not sure if she's married, can't see a ring, looks to be about 40, with nice smooth thighs. I enjoyed listening to the gentle tinkling of her unhurried urine, and the high quality makes it seem as if we are right in there with her. Not sure I'd choose lilac knickers, but very promising.

400 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11097 10:40

I've used opensuse ...................... for so long that I can't actually remember when it was. If they take Tumbleweed here (immutability), then I'm gone. And maybe have to start saying ...
BTW, I use Arch.

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