im drunk off my mind off of some fuking dorm room 1 dollar 15 cent fanta and half a fucling hanbdle of smiroff of vodka but banki is apretty cool characeter, aslong with allo fth the characthers from toughoug i mean a fucking girl thats hot athntthat can remove her head HOW WOWO! i mean thats cool and what about Alice thast can make doolls or rumia that can contrla darkness or marissa that can do mahiic i meka n i can even fin igh the games I fucking suck btu teh lore sand characters ofh the gamne are really cool%%%& I love ///jb/becausie of that you hustys are cringe fometimes but i love yoall i alseo lov ehowu orginall the artowkr for touhou is so so cool im ean im really fruknl buty man I love 4chan im in college but i juist hide and really nowone reall y nknows that i ike this stuff i mean how the fuck dopo i explain this shit, oh yeah i really likle artwrk from this frinkg ing bullent hell shootesrs and this websiut s
HOEVER ill post a pictires that i love of some charachtersfrom touhoi I think my cavorite caharavterfrom touthou is Yachi evnt thoiuisgh this isnt a yachi thread i dont care
I see you're saving up for the immersive 4-hour-long ERP experience hosted by the finest sushi sluts money could buy. Truly, you are a wise and prudent friend.
I'll be blunt; this film is an unmitigated piece of shit. It's terrible on every level, but I think the worst thing about it is the way it pisses over the all over its source material with the glee of a toddler who's just learned to use the big-boy toilet. Balrog uses a rocket launcher. Vega is a member of the Black Eyed Peas, a man who if I was being polite I would describe as "facially interesting".
So much of modern mahou shoujo discourse revolves around the question of "deconstruction" (in the reductive fandom interpretation of the philosophy) and dark/subversive magical girls, but a magical girl transformation being triggered by someone's entire body being dragged kicking and screaming into a magical mascot costume that seals them in is simultaneously more viscerally horrifying than anything in Madoka and more of a weird sex thing than anything in MahouAko. Sometime continues to remain elite.
My oomfies tweets suck this morning :c
just watching this gave me diarrhea and heartburn at the same time. interesting sensation not gonna lie
my cis partner stole my pumped breast milk from the fridge and had it cast into jewelry. i cry when i wear it.
I wouldn't sweat it, myth-lovers and anti-Christs. Each of us holds in our pockets access to information that dwarfs the Library of Alexandria 100 times over, and we still the stupidest people to have ever lived.
Like several towns in the North West, racial separation between whites and Muslim Asians has increased in certain areas of the town. Blackburn avoided the riots that plagued neighbouring towns such as Burnley and Oldham. The majority of people in Blackburn are perfectly decent and tolerant, but there are still many racists and bigots in both the White and Asian communities, who are more than willing to make life difficult for people they dislike.
Get stimky foxed lol
Regarding the use of mules to bring supplies into hurricane stricken areas, I am only slightly annoyed that people keep referring to this as like the "Stone Age."
Mules only started to be bred in the late Bronze Age, were major parts of huge military operations in WWII, and continue to be essential infrastructure worldwide today.
"Technology" isn't just computers. Calling the use of these animals "Stone Age" is not only incorrect, but insulting in its "primitivizing" whole peoples.
your writing is so nice
...if you do fanfics on ao3 i'll read them >:) (if it's a fandom ik ofc)
Tasmania is an island full of NIMBY boomers and drug addicts (often at the same time with a bunch of hippy communes shitting up the entire state). Basically a place where you go when you give up on life and wait to die. Because these people are all reduced to their base functions as human beings (due to their brains being pickled from drugs/ dementia ridden/ inbreeding) they make a lot of stupid decisions, so pretty much all industry is banned, feel good policies like making the state 100% renewable energy or building a world class sports stadium are a higher priority than actually turning a profit. Pretty much every bit of infrastructure is in disrepair, and there is no one around to fix it as anyone of any merit escapes to the mainland.
This does however create some wild places. Just whole towns solely dedicated to a single thing, like you're in a shitty RPG. Places like Penguin, Tasmania exist. Talk to anyone in this town and its generic NPC waffle about how great penguins are. Everything, even the rubbish bins have penguins all over them, as if it were some penguin themed festival all the time. What is truly absurd though is that it is literally not possible to speak to them about anything but penguins and penguin-related topics. Even asking for directions gets the response of "Why would you want to leave? You should go visit the penguins instead!" It truly is a surreal experience and I would definitely recommend hiring a car to spend a few weeks just going from town to town to enjoy how fucking weird this shit is.
she’s just like me! obsessed with her own appearance and incapable of killing herself correctly!!
I bet you didnt know that fist of the north star actually takes place after the end of the corona virus pandemic, did ya? After russian launched nukes on ukrane and china genocided Taiwan papa trump re-won the presidency in 2024. Ordering nuclear strikes to wipe china and russia and the street shitters in india off the map. It worked, but then the nuclear fall out made it all go to shit. And thus fist of the north star was born! Enjoy this remux of the discotek bluray, with the digital audio from the streamline dub’s laserdisc release, and the jpn audio from the bluray. And remember, what makes a man isnt the power in his hands, his quest for glory, or giving it all to fight to the top. What makes a man is the woman in his arms, just cause she has big titties.
5 hours ago: The Republic of Islands of UwU departed this region for The Leftist Assembly.
5 hours ago: The Republic of Islands of UwU was founded.
thank god we finally have the sonic subreddit supporting Palestine, now Israel will HAVE to agree to a ceasefire and stop the genocide
It's essentially a sick reference bro. Faenor wrote Tengwar and he also made the Silmarils, three jewels so great that not even the Valar could recreate them. Sauren is making his own "Silmaril" in The One Ring. Like how the Silmarils caught light and reflected it back more brilliantly, the ring "caught" the users power and reflected it back more brilliantly. Like how the Silmarils invoked desire from those who looked at them, so to did The Ring invoke desire from those who looked at it. Sauron is a poser who had a huge mancrush on Faenor and really who doesn't?
Not exactly on topic but I remember the delivery guy asking me what I just bought from Id when I bought Quake way back then. He berated me for paying for it instead of pirating.
I was married to a guy from Venezuela and while visiting there it was widespread belief that Hall’s were candy like treats. Sold at shops near registers like candy and ppl would randomly offer you a Halls like it was a nice gesture of a treat. Do I have bronchitis? Why would I want that?Disgusting. People going around smelling like menthol suckin on em hard like they enjoying them. Also somewhat true in other South American cultures.
The wicked hermit who cut a hole in my wall and stole the stuff out of my sock drawer tells me I shouldn't get too attached to my possessions.
Comes with an entire copy of Tao Te Ching.
so set this whole thing up in the old sewer pipes, since there are going to be a lot less people to use them anyway.
just run a simple conveyer belt style contraption along the entire floor of a long straight tunnel. make it waterproof.
dangle meat or something down the sewer covers to keep the zombies moving.
to keep numbers going up just make laws more strict on punishment with death for any of the major offenses. Throw those subjected to it into the pipes. Could also use them as live bait on ropes instead of meat for the above step.
When its time to repair them just flush the pipes with tons of water to wash them all out into a contained and unused reservoir or something. not like they are going to die anyway. gather them up and lure them back into the pipes when you are done.
have a few dozen square miles worth of sewer just full of zombies walking down each tunnel adn you should be able to power a smaller city. Probably wont want to run a new york or something off this unless the power is supplemented by solar, wind, etc.
everyones always like deleuze this and foucault that... RAWR!! Im emo XD
A new study finds that Apple has some of the highest employee turnover rates of any tech company. Google "apple turnover" for more information.
Heh... one dipshit said Azerbaijan once and it was all over
I have to see this movie.
I'm starting to be convinced that Hezbollah routine goes as follows
>kill IDF soldier
>Wipe ass with Israeli surrender now leaflet (I cannot read) (bidets are scarce)
>get out of bed
>Dodge the bunker buster
>brew tea in stolen mitznefet helmet
>Breakfast:blood of the innocent and 70mg aderral
>Dig 500 yards new tunnel between hospital and orphannage with bare hands then tell IDF about it on pager
>New message on pager "you're late! Get to work"
>Pager explode in pants
>Arrived at work
>Drive a drone into Tel aviv
>take sniper shot at idf soldier in the middle of his 500 child burying streak on camera and send it to Hezbollah editor
>sit on tree near Lebanon Israel border with a view of main road eating lunch
>No scope 230 soldiers passing by in the chest
>Claim new Israeli tea Brewing helmet
>Leave before diaper smell kill your lungs
>End of day
>back to tunnel
>Watch epic red triangle edit of your sniper kills hot on hezbchat
>Read on Reuters about "23 university students confirmed dead in massive Hezbollah ambush, IDF says."
>"We discovered khezbollah weapons depot on top of a tree, 700 Slovakian RPGs hidden on the tree by UN campus students siezed"
>Watch spacejam 1 farsi dub
>Sleep with kidnapped IDF plushie
Oh, there I hadn’t thought about Stallman probably for more than a year and that was a really nice way to go through life.
I'm fluent in French but this reads to me like skibidi ohio toilet.
"Now this monkey - not being offensive folks he's literally a monkey - thought he could jump off the palm of my hand and piss on the pillars of the universe. But folks this guy was just pissing on my fingers, can you believe that? Now he's trapped under a mountain, very sad."
Don't be a boring girlfriend. Rape your boyfriend!
he was being cummed all spermlike from his daddy’s ballsack up through his tension tube out of the tip and all the way into his mommy’s pussy to swim through the fallopian tubes and populate the eggs inside of her argentinian pussy.
Holy shit!? You mean that if I join my local mujahideen cell then there's a chance that Asuka will crush my balls with iron-studded stiletto heels????
listening to touhou music at the gym and crying during my set because I'll never be one of komeiji satori's pets (225kg deadlift for reps btw)
I love Ghibli but watching stuff like Nausicaa aint the same anymore ever since I learned how much Miyazaki was gooning to give her tons of fanservice shots
Not all heroes rape apes
お母さん、俺ちょっと丑の刻参りに行ってくるわε=ε=┏( ・_・)┛ -- 名無しさん (2014-11-22 11:07:38)
As told in the history books, the Five Founders had incest in the barracks and made America.
the beauty of crypto is that instead of getting robbed by a bank, you can get robbed by a 15 year old in latvia who named his smart contract “SafeMoonCumRocket”
No one speaks Latin anymore, not even in Latvia.
E. COLI OUTBREAK: CDC is investigating 49 illnesses in 10 states linked to McDonald’s Quarter Pounder hamburgers. If you ate a Quarter Pounder hamburger from McDonald’s and have severe symptoms of E. coli, contact your healthcare provider.
The name pretty much says it all. It's not NSFW, but if you're around folks who might judge you for the name of the game alone, maybe hold off. Wellllll it depends on your workplace i suppose, and there is no art. But there are innovative descriptions of asses sized 1d6
Forget it, I have already depicted you as the high-pitched 5'8" Chiang Kai-Shek and myself as the even higher-pitched, 5'9" Mao Tse-Tung
> What's the worst that could happen
Your head could be rejuvenated at a time in which the Earth's surface has been consumed by a swarm of molecular self-replicators, and you awaken, immobile, unable to turn your head or even blink your eyes, into a living hell free of rains or birds, but ringing with a hollow wailing like a trillion screaming metal bees, the sun obscured through clouds of nitric oxides and petrochemical haze, the swarm "waking you up" for just one second at a time, your memory reset over and over, one hundred thousand million times in a row over a period of many billions of years, as they pursue their desire to understand how much pain and fear a human being could actually experience.
Bryan Johnson is an ambitious, hardworking, and profoundly unwise man who is shortening his lifespan considerably
H2O2 is a molecule that just loves to hug things! It gives big hugs to anything it can grab onto! Tearing it apart in the process. Most things H2O2 hugs will be utterly and completely obliterated from its warm hugs! These pieces are much easier to mop up! :D
i've been in japan for over a year now but every time i hold a kitchen knife i'm still like. hehe just like the yanderes
im jealous of the brits only having to put absolute infront of a word to make it an insult
imagine calling somebody an absolute helmet
>>751 You're acting like a couple of absolute Jeffries.
oh god it works so good
Say what you like about Rush Limbaugh but his journey to sobriety is admirable. 4 years sober this upcoming February. An inspiration, if you ask me.
>>751 Helmet can mean the end of the penis as well
Wait, that's not even true, you can say other things that aren't insults with “absolute” at the start. The bouncer at the club last night was an absolute unit. Pretty much the same as “such a”, you are acting like such a Jeffry right now.
Overall, this film is a vile stain on cinematic history that should be watched by all genre fans. I highly recommend this piece of trash!
I don’t think geese are stupid at all. I used to bartend, and would get off after 4:30am on Friday and Saturday nights. My boss would have me bring the bank bag to his house afterwards and drop it through a mail slot in his front door. The very first night he had me do this, it was real dark and difficult to see his front door, so I had my phone flashlight on, money bag in one hand, walking up the sidewalk, when I heard what sounded like a very large snake, hissing. I stopped dead, and listened and heard it again, literally hissing right behind me. I didn’t know what it was for sure, but it was getting louder and angrier by the second and it was scaring me, so I turned around and ran for my car, and as I did the noise turned into a shrieking scream and something started chasing me. I ran like lightning, and almost made it to my car, when something like a bear trap clamped onto my left butt cheek. The pain was indescribable, like a dog bite that was also pinching like a clamp, I started screaming and running in circles, but whatever it was would not let go, it literally hung on as I ran screaming around the yard, smacking whatever was biting me with the money bag, trying to get it to let go. Every once in a while it would spread its wings for leverage, and lift me off the ground a little bit, hissing ferociously. I have a bite mark on my ass from that goose 30 years later, my boss had to hold me down and pry that bastard off of my ass cheek, it would not let go. So FYI, geese have large teeth and are very good watchdogs.
I almost got caught up in a three-way with two cows. When cows are in heat, they'll hump each other. I'm not sure why, since they're both females. Maybe the behavior is a signal to bulls that there's some hot bovine action up in the pasture.
Anyway, I was out in the field bringing in the milking herd when a couple of the cows start going at it. We're talking several hundred pounds of beef, hoofs, and horns flying around. I tried breaking them up... dumb idea.... and almost got knocked to the ground.
I swear one of the cows gave me a look that said, "you're next loverboy." I quit that scene, cause that's not how I roll.
Turkey toms are notoriously unpicky, and some have speculated that this is because of their anatomy -- they are physically unable to see most of the female while mating, and consequently most of her body is thus useless as a sexual signal. Some researchers trying to come up with a better way of extracting semen for the purpose of artificial insemination experimented to see just how accurate a fake female would have to be in order to get the male to perform. Turns out . . . not very. In fact, they were just as happy with a hen's severed head on a stick as they were with an entire hen.
Hello this is dieter meier i make music and art and im rich and own chocolate factory in aliexress
My novel, "Wet Goddess: Recollections of a Dolphin Lover," is a fictitious recounting of an all-out, nine-month-long sexual, emotional and psychological assault launched on me by a female bottlenose dolphin who apparently wanted to have sex with a human being out of curiosity. That we came to love each other says a lot about what our species share in common.
Tfw your murder machine doesn’t work so you take matters into your own hands
I left the Christopher Nolan sub because, you know what fan boys can be like? Imagine Insterstellar remade on a corn whiskey distillery bias? NASA has gone bye bye, enormous pot stills are the answer! I want to see that movie!
The two brothers parents were just those kind of weird but down to earth parents? Kind of like Anime watching parents today? They had gokarts, every snack variety known to man, toys galore... BUT the family wasn't extremely well off. They just shared the money.
I kind of do that now for my kids. When we go to a store I tend to buy everyone with us something they need or want, within reason. I think it stems from my childhood where my mom would buy a jetski, but struggle to give us the 2 dollars a week for our reduced lunch. I am not extremely well off, but my kid got a 500$ electric quad for his 5th birthday because I know he will enjoy countless hours on it and thats what makes me happy.
Sorry for the random rant, I feel like I had to say all that to the universe.
The non human animals have the spirit of God in them doing this. That means God himself is in the innocent animals asking to have sex with us. God is not divided against himself. God is therefore not against the zoo no matter what humans would otherwise say. The non human animal does not know what bad is anymore than God knows what bad is. This is showing us we should give the zoosexual peace. Devils don't like peace. Lets push the devils away, and embrace peace.
Jason Vorhees vs Michael Meyers : they just stand there on opposite sides of the street staring at each other for two hours.
Scholars have tried to reconstruct the mechanics of some medieval automata, although most attention goes to the crazy Byzantine throne that rose and lowered and caused lions to roar and birds to sing. There's also a rich tradition of medieval Muslim authors in Spain discovering that Christian miracles and fancy show devices are powered by secret magnets in the walls. In this case, though, all we have are descriptions of the "perpetual wine fountain" itself. Which was shaped like a naked woman, of course.
Excuse me, I'm sorry, hey, buddy, listen, hey buddy, hey, excuse me, hey. Buddy; you can't withdraw from plent
You got yourself a hobo sexual. Its usually a girl that gets saddled with one of these useless pieces of crap but you got yourself a real winner there.
can't wait to be 30 so i can be like reimu
Realistically, we can look at the Nazis and their meth habit as an example. It helped them at first march very quickly, but the downsides were no joke. The hangovers after the high meant that the meth was a net lose except in short, critically important situations. With continued use, troops started to get addicted, and meth heads don’t make for good soldiers. Eventually, the Nazis mostly rolled back their meth program because it just wasn’t a great idea.
Now, cocaine is even more problematic in war than meth. Snorting a line will give a shorter-lived high, followed by a crash. Even if the Legions snort up right before battle, that high will last an hour tops and then they will crash hard in the middle of hand-to-hand combat. They could strategize so troops rotate out every half hour or so and rear troops do rails while the coked out frontmen hold the battle line.
Finally, Roman Legions lived and died by their level of discipline. They had to not break rank and work as a unit to be successful. If every Legionnaire is coked out of their guord, that makes for a poor formation. Even as fierce energetic troops, they’d get slaughtered by a proper army that can decently keep an orderly line.
So to conclude, I don’t think that the Romans benefit from cocaine, and probably would be worse off with it.
spunk cost falllacy
you would really have to be here to appreciate the horrific foul stench that my dog can produce. She is an English mastiff and is getting close to topping the 200 pound mark. She passes gas like a human, full on auditory and olfactory assult on the senses. To top it off her new favoret place is under the bed, which she doesn't exactly fit well. Or at all. So I can FEEL when she lets one rip too. I won't complain about the eathquake when she tries to exit her stink cave quickly becuase she finally stopped going under the kitchen table and getting it stuck on her back this running through the house with it to get it off. I have to banish her from the room tonight.
He gon’ luv her
Real happiness has never been tried
Move fast and get a new job before anyone realizes the trail of catastrophe you’ve left behind.
A boy raised by a lesbian couple discovers internet pr0n and discovers the joy of fapping, at which point one of his mothers introduces him to the violin to keep him occupied, the other mother however cannot stand the young violinist in the making, taking away the violin and to cope he joins forums and escapes with dank memes. The situation quickly spirals out of control with one mother assaulting the other and traumatizing the poor kid so much he now spends his time in a mental institution repeating the same phrase over and over again.
Science has failed time and time again to create a protein bar that tastes better than an unseasoned hardboiled egg
Not relevant but I was scrolling through this comment section half paying attention and somehow read "Jews" instead of "Juche". I was really excited to learn about the Jewish North Korean population.
A conspiracy theory that exists in basically every country maybe except NK is a perceived nonzero chance of being one the lost tribes. Pretty popular one in SK due to all the recent-ish conversions tho.
I thought to myself tonight while cleaning out the lint trap in my dryer, "if only this could be compressed and turned into vegan pizza crust". Looks like it's already been done
I stopped being surprised ages ago at all these supposedly enlightened shroomers being such superficial assholes when push comes to shove. I myself don't pretend to be enlightened at all, and get very annoyed with fat chicks. May I suggest locking her up in a bomb shelter for 2 weeks with no food just water? This will solve all your problems. When she is released she'll be skinny, and have a very light complexion, which in victorian times was considered quite erotic.
All he sees is PENIS, as his eyes are two ANUSholes. Yet, he his heart is strong with VAGINA!
That country is full of natural born killers fully longhoused
It's going to go poorly
And I guess Shadowfire was well-respected on the Spectrum scene. As someone who's familiar with a country in the grip of madness, and also as someone who's spent fifteen minutes trying to play one of those Dizzy games that Speccy enthusiasts seem to love, I think Thatcher-era Britons must just have been willing to put up with choices in games that offend our modern sensibilities. It does seem to have led to a lot of games that were, well, different.
ME: Hello computer! Please show me what I was doing recently
COMPUTER IN THE 1980's: l cease to exist when I am powered off. Please start whatever you were doing from scratch
COMPUTER IN THE 2000's: Yep here you go champ
COMPUTER IN THE 2020's: I stored 10,000 identical copies of what you were doing in 500 different global datacentres at a carbon footprint equivalent to leaving a semi-trailer idling 24/7 and also sent a copy to the FBI just to be safe. Let me know which one you want and I'll do my best to figure it out. By the way here are 10 things which are similar to what you were doing and 9 of them are ads. Do you like this? Please select "I love this very much" or "I'll be in love with this later" to continue
Anime girls are so beautiful. Meanwhile in the real world we have liberals...
In any case I stand by my claim that lover for the Dizzy games is a sign of some deep trauma in the UK gaming scene. Zero tolerance for Dizzy.
Yeah I'd be much more likely to play a game called "Slug" than one called "Dragon." Suggests the designers are thinking outside the box a little bit.
I don't know about Dungeons and Slugs, but Slug Age, Slug Ball Z, Slug Slayer, even Bob's Slug Hunt... these sound intriguing.
want to see RPGs in more settings and genres. We've got more fantasy RPPs and a good number of science fiction RPGs.
What about a sports RPG, where you get special moves with refresh and whatnot. Heck, there are a ton of sports manga about this already.
A combat racing game that uses RPG attacks and spell-type effects.
A professional wrestling RPG that well, same thing as a normal RPG but with more sweaty half-naked men and smacktalk.
yup and sin is ontologically good too
they don't tell you but god is just wrong
I talk a lot of shit, but sometimes you gotta give credit where's credit is due: Shout out to Marxist-Leninists for Successfully developing Capitalism in Russia and China. 👍
Sometimes the Domestic Bourgeoisie, content with their small fortunes and lives of relative comfort and leisure, are unwilling or unable to do what's historically necessary to transition from Feudalism to Capitalism. Under such conditions of economic stagnation, only a Centralized State controlled by a Socialist Party armed with Marxist Theory, unhindered by bourgeois morality and so undismayed by the deaths of millions of people, are able to take on the historic task of developing the material conditions necessary to bring Capitalist Modernity into existence.
On behalf of the Billionaires in Russia and China, I thank you. 🙏
A few years ago when I was 26 years old ,I went into an antique shop to buy something on the way home after my jogging session . The man that owned the shop must have been 80 years old . He said I have more antiques in the back room . As he was about to close he said I could stay and browse . He then put the closed sign up on door and locked it . I admit I was a little nervous, but went through anyway . It was dingy low lighting ,but something came over me and I just felt horny I can’t explain it . He sat in an old chair behind this massive victorian desk . I asked him if there was a toilet I could use . He directed me through this old curtain to the toilet . When I got back he was masterbating behind this desk . He said he was lonely and please not to tell anyone . I said no problem carry on . He said in return I could have anything I wanted free . I wanted to go to the toilet again .But this time he asked me to urinate into his mouth . My husband never ask me to do that and here this old guy is asking . Ok I agreed so he laid on his back I removed my pants and I sat on his face . As I stared pissing he was gulping it down like a dry dog . He thanked me and I collected a couple of items and left . I never told hubby or anyone . I never returned to the shop after that . I did think at the time poor old guy it won’t hurt me to assist him in his wanting this . So I did . Please don’t judge me a bad person ,I honestly don’t know why i did it .
> Feel free to correct me in the comments, or I am bound to make a fool of myself in every game about Japan that I will cover.
well, my only exposition to the Sengoku period is Sengoku Rance, so I can’t say I’ll be of much help there
THEORY: Yotsuba's Biological Parents Were Killed by the Irish Republican Army
DISCLAIMER: I know that theorizing about Yotsuba's origin is kind of pointless because (a) Azuma will probably never make it explicit and (b) it doesn't really matter to the story. But it can still be fun to speculate.
Now on to the theory:
Yotsuba is almost certainly a white European because people can tell that she is a foreigner on sight (Chapters 1 & 40). Koiwai presumably encountered her while traveling for his translation work and given Japan's massive commercial relationship with the Anglosphere ([Japan Exports By Country](, I think it's statistically likely that Koiwai is an English translator and encountered Yotsuba in an English-speaking country. We also know that Yotsuba is from an island (Chapter 14) and that her country of origin was apparently war-torn. Upon the manga's premier in 2003, Yotsuba is five years old so was presumably born around 1998.
Northern Ireland fits the bill perfectly: an English-speaking European island that was fraught with political violence until the Good Friday Accord in, wait for it...1998 ([Good Friday Agreement - Wikipedia](
[Edit: It’s been pointed out that there is no actual evidence that a war was on in Yotsuba’s homeland; the idea arose from fan speculation. I think Azuma might have had this in mind in the early chapters, but there’s no way to know. I think the overall theory still works, but the alignment of the story with the end of The Troubles isn’t a strong datapoint.]
As a kicker, this also makes sense of Yotsuba's name and the four-leaf clover motif. After all, the shamrock is a symbol of Ireland.
I think this theory is superior to an old speculation by u/harms_away that Yotsuba is from Crimea because it accommodates the "Island" datapoint better. The only issue I see here is the floating timeline, which could mean that the manga is set whenever the run stops, but that depends on how you interpret it. Also, I don't think Yotsuba being unfamiliar with swings (Chapter 1) is relevant because she lived with Koiwai since before she could walk and talk (Chapter 107), so presumably she was raised in Japan
fun game but SCUMBAG developers who lied about the road map and are always on vacation. they also have a horse locked up in their office... who was taking care of the horse when they were on vacation all summer?
believe in the trump that picked her. we don't know if he knows something we don't. trump works in mysterious ways. we must believe. we must believe in him. that is how he won. now we must believe in his healthcare and medicare. believe. believe
i'm going to guess that i am missing light overdramatic bickering from some old people in computer rooms and smelly little girls discussing the power of friendship and some girl being like "I can t be friends with you all cause of my dark past where i lied about having rice for breakfast cause i thought youd look down on me if i told the truth that i had a burger"
1998? She's probably from South Lebanon and her parents were killed by the IDF. Why? The Irish Republican Army ceased armed activity before Yotsuba was born. And the IRA are not known to kill innocents in mass strikes. Israel would kill Yotsuba's parents because that's just modus operandi for them and they launched a bunch of air strikes in 1998. This is why Yotsuba seems to know nothing. In Serbia and Ireland they have swings and basic necessities a child wouldn't have in South Lebanon and probably a Hezbollah sleeper agent. She probably killed Bashir Gemayel and only acts innocent due to advanced memory wiping by Koiwai, a former Japanese Red Army commando.