The crack epidemic and the tranny epidemic were both done by the CIA to the same people for the same reason, they fear our power...................
>>3763 Ah yes, estradiol valerate, the next big thing after crack...
can you smoke estrogen, asking for a friend
Only smart poster in this ITT thread
Post the last image you saved ITT
Refugee family from war-torn region of Gikostan seeks home.
You should make a Gikopoi webcomic OP
>>3195 working on it
so where is the original post?
barbenheimer HA HA I'M SO TIMELY
What the fuck are you babbling about you retard
you wouldnt get it
found the incel
Found a photo, bit of history here... this door was the inspiration for >>1 in [COUNTDOWN] let's get >>1000 on the 10000th day of this month
>>3609 That's a cute n' funny drawing...
Liru loves us and wants us to be happy!
She is very cute
I love Liru! She is a miracle of the universe!
>>4171 urge to lovingly ruffle her hair
glad you're alive
>>4505 We are all glad Liru is alive!
oh yay!!! yes yes yes! yesn!~
I think I have autism.
Autism is my superpower!
I probably do too. I have too many autist traits, I'm autistic as shit about some obscure 90s drama and have a noise sensitivity and live like a fucked up schizo degenerate. Pretty defective If not clinical autism then 4chan-autism but at least the government gives me money for being crazy. I don't think they should and should actually and so they motivate me to exploit them so I do. Fuck it
I don't
>>4449 Autism is a spectrum!!
- wakaba 3.0.9 + futaba + futallaby -