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File: 1672415625796.jpg (109902 B, 450x600) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
109902 No.4122   [Reply]

You know that stupid aesthetic that tries to evoke late 90's and early 00's technology? The one with all the Windows 9x & XP things, Internet Explorer toolbars, MS Paint artwork, Geocities web-design, off-white plastic computer parts and what have you?
It's getting very popular now among a lot of a young people who were still inside their dad's ballsacks during that time.

In any case, I think that the perfect name for this aesthetic is Pentiumcore.
First, because it evokes the same basic structure as "hardcore" and "metalcore".
Second, it's a clever wordplay because Pentium processors have cores.
Please be sure to drop the word "Pentiumcore" the next time you see this aesthetic. That way, we can have the word conquer the earth.

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>> No.4128  

I like the "simplicity" and isolation of computers, but other than that there isn't much to miss.
Now its become a contest to see how much we can integrate computers into our lives.

Anyways I just call these people posers or people stuck in the past.

>> No.4138  

Tumblr always finds a way to ruin everything. This is just another case of kids being fascinated with the past, and while that's fine, they will of course make asses of themselves and think it's actually okay to use Windows XP as a mainline operating system, not even knowing the security risks. Also the "core" meme got old 15 years ago, aesthetics are fine but why merchandise and parade the shit out of something that should stay niche?

>> No.4139  
File: 1672789238463.png (1074688 B, 794x523) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>4138 What's Tumblr got to do with it?

>> No.4152  
File: 1673197921700.jpg (328402 B, 2048x1268) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.4163  

I like this "aesthetic" but I was actually live and self-aware when this shit was in use. The vaporwave and 90s/00s web aesthetic is really cool looking and nostalgic.

However I think you are right, most of the people talking about it online never actually experienced it.

File: 1661794948028.jpg (87683 B, 768x1024) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
87683 No.3747   [Reply]

Post dolls of any kind

2 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.3752  


>> No.3753  
File: 1661803806602.jpg (107652 B, 702x467) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.3756  

       |--―- 、
       |--―‐- 、\
       |--― -、 ヽ ヽ
       |/.: :: :: ::イ::\. l ヘ、
       |_,:/.:/!:: :: | |_/
       |ミ:イ/ ーl‐:|::l |:l
       |ソ   イ::ツV:/ l::|
       |'' 。 `∠:イ |::l Nobody post Dolly Parton desu~!
       |>--r:: '´:: l {::l
       |_\/` ー、| l::l
       | ,小`ヽ /' l| l::|

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
>> No.3757  
File: 1661871028136.jpg (421547 B, 850x594) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>> No.4124  
File: 1672458620176.jpg (392381 B, 750x1000) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

File: 1672027659567.png (559421 B, 512x768) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
559421 No.4107   [Reply]

le boo girl

>> No.4112  

yuyuko's yuyukos

>> No.4114  

hey, this is an ai image, how dare you make me jack off to an electric sheep

File: 1669781744159.jpg (272011 B, 1200x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
272011 No.4042   [Reply]

I love this with all my heart as a proud bisexual woman in a committed relationship with another bisexual woman.


There must be something in the air tonight
That's making me want to call your name
There must be something in the wind tonight
That makes me want to play a deadly game

I tried to hide myself to avoid your proximity
But the smell of your perfume fills my mind with sweet serenity
I tried, I tried
Tried not to love you
But you got the same heart
As mine

Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
1 posts omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.4048  

>>4047 OK virgin XD

>> No.4056  


>> No.4058  

Are you... offering?

>> No.4062  

As a proud bisexual woman in a committed relationship myself, that song fucking sucks

>> No.4091  

As a bisexual man, do you and your gf wanna take turns sitting on my face?

File: 1660312362175.jpg (320974 B, 1382x1020) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
320974 No.3675   [Reply]

If you can read Japanese, please play Demon's Roots so I can talk about it with someone, all my friends are EOPs.

20 posts and 2 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.4068  

>>4067 you should continue it's a really good game

>> No.4085  

Played it a bit more. Should I upload more of that screenshot letsplay? Are you interested in reading those insane ramblings?

>> No.4087  

I'm interested but I think the intersection between people on this site who can read Japanese and people browsing this thread and caring about spoilers is probably vanishingly small, just poast it here!

>> No.4088  

Uploaded it here https://gamusplayus.neocities.org/

>just poast it here!
um, I prefer playing games while I'm completely offline, I act less like a nervous monkey, clicking around 30 tabs and not staying on one for more than 10 seconds. Also, there is no way to hide threads nor to mark text as spoiler, I'd rather not have random people observe all the fun parts of this game while they are searching for that one thread they are interested in. I do honestly prefer textboards over imageboards at this point, how about we create a thread on /games/ instead? They do have the <spoiler></spoiler> tag, though using it is a bit annoying.

>> No.4198  

english version got released by now.

File: 1670368970982.jpg (150594 B, 640x480) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
150594 No.4060   [Reply]


File: 1619155447692.png (473300 B, 1291x625) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
473300 No.1395   [Reply]

14 posts and 5 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.1465  

I'm casting a hex on you

>> No.1466  

Using a cute meme image with your retarded opinion doesn’t make you not retarded.
Either commit to it or shut up, stop trying to soften the blow.

>> No.3671  
File: 1660240115482.png (1109769 B, 1077x808) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

This post was made by a cat-obsessed schizo. Hide and ignore.

>> No.3673  
File: 1660252132906.gif (1131 B, 37x19) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

>>3671 Meh, I can take cats or leave cats

>> No.4046  


File: 1669763002054.png (96611 B, 1625x910) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
96611 No.4037   [Reply]

Share if you got any.

>> No.4038  
File: 1669765519380.png (163988 B, 782x518) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.


Well I don't have any screenshots older than this handy

>> No.4039  
File: 1669765540280.jpg (396592 B, 1380x668) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

File: 1669283485201.jpg (445639 B, 1600x1200) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
445639 No.4005   [Reply]

Here's Satan in The Flesh.

>> No.4006  

He's beautiful.

>> No.4007  
File: 1669283594852.jpg (3094418 B, 3732x2550) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Ryan Zabel made this of Satan.

File: 1668981689740.jpg (37742 B, 600x394) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
37742 No.3993   [Reply]

You heard me

>> No.3994  

Yes these guys, they give me free 10 pulls in GBF.

>> No.3995  

Gay Best Friend?

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