to the newyear party please come and dance everyone come even tablecat xmas was fun , let's repeat what sjis will u be?
The September 10,000th party was delightful, but I won't be able to make this as I'm going to another hogmanay party. Sorry OP!
anyone wanna netplay sometime? Saw two Gikos playing Kirby Air Ride today and it was pretty cute.
あけましておめでとうございます! It's already 2025 in Japan, but Europe and America is lagging behind Come come!
Which gikopoi is it at? world2ch?
>>5523 gikopoipoi net as always, NA still haven't celebrated so there's still time Europe is very drunk and in 2025
is this site dead? :(
>>5513 what's hades?
>>5514 Observations About This Website Being Dead
>>5515 dang :/
Show us the christmas dinner you treated your special one too
kuso thread
____.____ | | | | | | | | | | | ∧_∧ | | | |( ・∀・) | |  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄' ̄ ̄ ̄∪ ガッ ∩ | 彡 ____.___|  ̄つ 彡 | | ⊂ つ←>>282 | ビターン ∑( ) | | V ̄V.| ドォォン
>>512 poggers
>>5219 i don't think your map is oriented correctly
>>5435 Ewwwwwwwwwwwww
Is it working now?
>>3957,3958 I respectfully disagree and hold that gifs of cute felines are neither eyecancer nor bloat.
>>3965 I think they meant how there's a lot more data to load if the gif thumbnails autoplay :3
>>3965 Write a userscript for yourself for it if you absolutely need it, can build on this Replace url with // @match*, add a separate script that runs afterwards to expand all the gifs to molest bandwidth for your own satisfaction. If you can't write it then learn it, wouldn't be a complicated task. >>3966 It's just complete aids to look at a relaxing static page that suddenly has moving pictures all over the place bouncing and flashing. The only way that could be enjoyable is if you are a teenager or extremely high. Would you really want seizure inducing gifs to rape your eyes every time you visit the board, even when you've already seen it? Just click to open or expand it with the wakaba extension. Autoplaying gifs on imageboards is a stupid invention that has been disabled almost everywhere it was implemented because most people find it extremely obnoxious. There's beauty in simplicity, imageboards and textboards should have as little bloat as possible and then people can add whatever they need themselves. A lot of the modern features are even damaging to imageboard quality such as auto-update encouraging rushed replies as people see that (1) instead of checking every now and then.
>>3967 I don't absolutely need it, I just thought it would be nice :3 Yeah I get it but >Would you really want seizure inducing gifs to rape your eyes every time you visit the board, even when you've already seen it? Uhhh yes? That's just me though, it's no big deal
>>4754 No one is disputing that fact :-)
Why do the links on the frame all link to the same CIA image?
>>5416 At first I thought it was the site dead or hacked
this is like a nightmare i think the website down but no is only for CIA GLOWNIGGERS
Good news, the links are back!
>>5439 What happened?!
Is here.
Huh? Why would you do that?
>>3902 Spoiler alert!!!! >>4032 Hey that's me :3
It's the periods for me SSZ is trying to make us type like we're sending SMS with brickphones by shorterning random words hoping to avoid filter
Did somebody say PERIODS?
>>5442 I see red
- wakaba 3.0.9 + futaba + futallaby -