I tried therapy to attempt to get on NEETbux and the fat woman would only schedule my appointments during hours it would be impossible for me to go back. I tried to talk to her about it and she said her positions during the evenings she'd rather make for children after school. FUCK society!
In my quest to defeat my fear of rejection by friends (I don't have any friends) I was rejected TWICE by therapists and never got any appointments. I feel like that was the exposure therapy I needed and it was completely free. Thanks therapists.
The court made me go for therapy a few years ago, it was actually pretty fun. My therapist said I was absolutely fascinating and she couldn't totally blame me for the crime I committed, she would've done the same (choke a bitch)
What does it really say? From a magazine from 1984ish
>>4411 Pampalusog at masarap‽
I think I've made the worst desktop
God is dead
>>4371 It's my to-do list, I need to find my uncle's rave flyers from the early 90s to give them back. I want to scan them first cos they're a cool bit of history! And I was listening to Trippy Shit by Infected Mushroom and thought it would be fun to learn the riff on guitar, that staccato riff running through it palm-muted up high on the fretboard... it's just an empty folder and I'll delete it once I learn it! The desire to have a tidy desktop pushes me to finish things
>>4374 no i mean clean your actual physical desk, not your desktop. it's messy
>>4375 It's a table, not a desk. Those are important items I need quick access to. Could do with a polish, to be sure to be sure
You're not a pot-smokin', diaper-wearin' tranny, are you?
It's time. Tomato Time!
>>3682 Oh fuck yeah, that's my kind of tomato!!! Fucking crush my tomato with your fucking giant throbbing dick so I can bring out sandwich fucker and whore witch to get fucked too.
If only I could afford dolls for each of the 4 mashimaros.
this looks like a milady
The light turns blue once enough milk has been added!
Where can you buy a toilet lactose indicator? I can never figure out how much to add.
>>2109 I was just having a bubble but >>2111 is sick of my shenanigans so I'll stop... >>2117 B&M for a fiver
This “invigorating” shower gel was too much for me, the uncomfortable tingling lasts for ages :\
Shhhh :3
You know that stupid aesthetic that tries to evoke late 90's and early 00's technology? The one with all the Windows 9x & XP things, Internet Explorer toolbars, MS Paint artwork, Geocities web-design, off-white plastic computer parts and what have you? It's getting very popular now among a lot of a young people who were still inside their dad's ballsacks during that time. In any case, I think that the perfect name for this aesthetic is Pentiumcore. First, because it evokes the same basic structure as "hardcore" and "metalcore". Second, it's a clever wordplay because Pentium processors have cores. Please be sure to drop the word "Pentiumcore" the next time you see this aesthetic. That way, we can have the word conquer the earth.
I like the "simplicity" and isolation of computers, but other than that there isn't much to miss. Now its become a contest to see how much we can integrate computers into our lives. Anyways I just call these people posers or people stuck in the past.
Tumblr always finds a way to ruin everything. This is just another case of kids being fascinated with the past, and while that's fine, they will of course make asses of themselves and think it's actually okay to use Windows XP as a mainline operating system, not even knowing the security risks. Also the "core" meme got old 15 years ago, aesthetics are fine but why merchandise and parade the shit out of something that should stay niche?
>>4138 What's Tumblr got to do with it?
I like this "aesthetic" but I was actually live and self-aware when this shit was in use. The vaporwave and 90s/00s web aesthetic is really cool looking and nostalgic. However I think you are right, most of the people talking about it online never actually experienced it.
Post dolls of any kind
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le boo girl
yuyuko's yuyukos
hey, this is an ai image, how dare you make me jack off to an electric sheep
I love this with all my heart as a proud bisexual woman in a committed relationship with another bisexual woman. https://youtube.com/watch?v=mkibccs7Dyo There must be something in the air tonight That's making me want to call your name There must be something in the wind tonight That makes me want to play a deadly game I tried to hide myself to avoid your proximity But the smell of your perfume fills my mind with sweet serenity I tried, I tried Tried not to love you But you got the same heart As mine Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
I love this with all my heart as a proud bisexual woman in a committed relationship with another bisexual woman. https://youtube.com/watch?v=mkibccs7Dyo There must be something in the air tonight That's making me want to call your name There must be something in the wind tonight That makes me want to play a deadly game I tried to hide myself to avoid your proximity But the smell of your perfume fills my mind with sweet serenity I tried, I tried Tried not to love you But you got the same heart As mine
>>4047 OK virgin XD
>>4048 Are you... offering?
As a proud bisexual woman in a committed relationship myself, that song fucking sucks
As a bisexual man, do you and your gf wanna take turns sitting on my face?
- wakaba 3.0.9 + futaba + futallaby -