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File: 1711306157906.jpg -(101954 B, 680x774) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
101954 No.4895   [Reply]

Engrish is haado.

>> No.4896  

Making non-shitty thread seems even harder (for you).

>> No.4899  

This has got to be the teeenth time that I've heard that.

File: 1710111037182.gif -(1738258 B, 360x640) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1738258 No.4863   [Reply]


No.4864   [Reply]

 ( ゚ m゚) I'm not into the whole posting images thing.
 (   )

>> No.4865  

  '´/  ヽ   
  j:( `ハ´)  image only many small text

>> No.4881  

N O  T H A N K  Y O U !

/ /    ヽ ::: \
| (●), 、(●)、 |
|  ,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,,   |
|   ,;‐=‐ヽ   .:::::|
\  `ニニ´  .:::/
       .n:n    nn
      nf|||    | | |^!n
      f|.| | ∩  ∩|..| |.|
      |: ::  ! }  {! ::: :|
      ヽ  ,イ   ヽ  :イ

File: 1709589911454.gif -(2601853 B, 1280x720) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
2601853 No.4853   [Reply]


File: 1708816219923.jpg -(125606 B, 600x932) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
125606 No.4830   [Reply]


>> No.4831  

When I was a kid (preteen, like 7-9) I stole the runescape items of two friends on two separate occassions. I still feel bad and regret it a lot. I am not in contact with them anymore and I don't think they still think about it because we were all kids and noobs, but I still feel guilt over doing something so mean and I like to believe that if I ever met them on the street and they asked me if I ever did that I would have the guts to confess and apologize. It bothers me a lot. I gained nothing from it either, just stupid kid behavior.

If you were my childhood friend, would you hate me?

>> No.4832  

Honest answer: I wouldn't hate you but I'd expect you to somehow make up for it with a simple symbolic gesture.

>> No.4833  

I lost a friend of 6 years as a kid (which is basically a life time friend at that age) because I lured him into the wilderness and killed him. He never saw it coming, because he trusted me.

>> No.4834  

In our class friend group we'd all go to the wilderness together to try and find people to kill, but every single time without fail we'd all start attacking each other and laugh.

>> No.4850  

sixfigs terrorist

File: 1613952055234.jpg -(268372 B, 1092x742) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
268372 No.793   [Reply]

>> No.4792  

I cast FIST

>> No.4812  
File: 1708033273463.gif -(220349 B, 250x139) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

SSF2X Ryu Combo Trial

Hadouken - d, df, f+p
Red Hadouken - b, db, d, df, f+p
Tatsumaki Sempukyaku - d, db, b+k
Shoryuken - f, d, df+p
Shinku Hadouken - d, df, f, d, df, f+p
Cr mp, cr hk - crouch mp links into crouch hk
Jump hk, st hp, Hadouken - basic jump in combo, make sure jump hk is decently late and to cancel stand heavy punch into hadouken
Jump mk, cr mp, cr mk, Hadouken - basic cross up combo, crouch mp links to crouch mk and cancel to hadouken
Cr mk, sweep - crouch mk needs to be meaty, best to knockdown opponent and do crouch mk as they start to rise and so crouch mk hits on the last possible moment.
Overhead, cr hk - only works on crouching opponents up close
Solar plex, cr hp, hadouken - best to do this as opponent gets up from knockdown as forward + punch will throw normally

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File: 1672682555166.gif -(24675 B, 1846x120) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
24675 No.4134   [Reply]


>> No.4135  

``go back there''

>> No.4141  

the amount of worship these people have for japan is laughable and sad at the same time

>> No.4142  

>>4141 Not as laughable and sad as taking screenshots then making shitty threads elsewhere about it

>> No.4147  

it's always funny to watch these people flounder when you ask them if this also applies to ESLs on 4chan/etc

>> No.4197  

copypaste >>>>>>>>>>>> screenshot

File: 1613652638221.png -(41744 B, 699x149) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
41744 No.737   [Reply]

hi, can someone help me figure out what this kanji is supposed to be? the rest of the text is
>AED? ABC? 心から_までマッサージ
>触れてみたい ためからない あの子に捧げるメッセージ

1 posts and 1 images omitted. Click Reply to view.
>> No.751  

it says "the pleasure of being cummed inside"

>> No.752  

Looks like something with a 尸 radical? I'm just going to go with 尻 because that's funniest.

>> No.755  

that could fit from the pronunciation and meaning, but it looks a little too simple for it.
other candidates:
展 (shape but nothing else)
臓 (meaning and pron. but not quite shape)
腸 (ditto)

https://youtu.be/bduvu2rpNgg?t=168 here's the song if it's any help

>> No.756  

I'm pretty sure it's 臓, it's a play on the word 心臓マッサージ, plus it matches the pronunciation.

>> No.1169  

(here are the full lyrics if anyone's curious)

ドキドキして 誰にも言えない 内緒のメディスン
ハラハラする 心がもっと 欲しくなるの

仕方ないこれは医療行為 下心のない志望動機)

苦い薬も 痛い注射も もういらないの 君だけちょうだい
何より(効く) 甘い君の(Kiss)

(自覚症状? リアル状況? だったら今すぐI see you

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File: 1613681422830.png -(1005208 B, 1418x1496) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
1005208 No.740   [Reply]

>> No.4791  

Pluto is not a planet

>> No.4798  
File: 1707529227581.jpg -(86879 B, 802x535) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

hyuck hyuck hyuck

File: 1613953460476.png -(939181 B, 750x716) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.
939181 No.795   [Reply]

Which Touhou character would you take care of?

>> No.805  
File: 1614023462643.gif -(920884 B, 480x360) Thumbnail displayed, click image for full size.

Financially, as her henpecked husband.

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