Say something nice to the birthday girl!
Happy birthday to the birthday girl.
>>2035 a WHORE.
>>2191 Just because she looks like she smells of dried piss and blood does not necessarily mean she's a whore!
Was getting pretty annoyed at this bottom tier wifi speed. I was used to getting ~60kbps average before moving here. the ~1.5 Mbps is defiantly an upgrade.
A window into another world... a cupboard full of rocks... cool!
Not your rocks, huh? Who exactly are you living with and how did you convince them that running wires all over the floor is a good idea?
Were you not able to run it in the walls, or along the baseboards? Where is the "line in", is it in your garage? Did you have your wireless router in your garage? I'm very confused anon...
You should've called someone to run it through the walls...
>>2190 They are on a week trip, so it's not a problem for now! >>2192 I live in a studio that's not connected to the main house. The router is in the house and I'm running there eth to the studio. I didn't have a long enough cable on hand, hence the switches. I wanted to see if it would even make a difference. I'm hoping to convince my roommates when they return that running a really long cable is worth it. >>2193 Maybe in the future but I'm renting
the weeabo drimmu
Girls und Panzer
>>1167 I really want to drink Darjeeling's pee
>>1170 No, you don't.
>>1170 Oh dear
(Search text optional unless it's DQN Quality.)
Arkham Knight's Batmobile
Ouya Thread
>>2137 I think you'd be surprised
>>2137 I don't see the problem. Yeah some games won't play well with a console control scheme but most should work fine. Just use a control stick for mouse movement, it's not that different.
Who the hell plays video gaymes in 2021? jeez...
>>2137 Keyboard and mouse is an objectively inferior control scheme
>>2151 It depends on what you're playing. For FPSes and menu heavy games its almost necessary For platformers and the like yeah it sucks
Hello there!
Hey guys
>>1209 D&D: Final Fight >>1950 Ni hao?
Hi there. I wanna take you for a ride.
>>2144 Where are we going? (⊙o⊙)
Let me see your pet. This one is mine.
His name is SYRUP
Beautiful deaf doggy
Anyone got a sugar glider?
>>2079 I thought you were just talking shit, I'd never heard of such a thing and then this came up
Yes, please.
Just coffee
- wakaba 3.0.9 + futaba + futallaby -