Have some.
Thinking the first one could've worked for the anime board too...
jpeg quality 50%
Ho hum, the pleasures of sex.
i'm going to put it in
>>438 faggot
How do I acquire raws of Lotus Eaters, Unfair Detective Satori, and the final 3 volumes of Ibarakasen, ever since Kadokawa kiked the shit out of everything with some weird web reader thing?
good thread vc cadution
>>3732 Hi Boss nice capcode 👍
Sorry, but I'm afraid I'll have to deny you your catharsis this time.
Too late, it's already been recorded in the Gensokyo Chronicle. vc: fur
I don't buy it!
things that make you swing your hips
That gif is so hot it's not fair
>>3708 UMMM sweaty thats literally pedophilia :/
I can't believe they made her say that, what the heck Mihoyo????
Oy vey, is that a shekel?
You have been visited by the melon collie of this fleeting world, a Jewish psychiatrist will misdiagnose your industrial-society induced weltschmerz as "manic depression" and administer a chemical lobotomy unless you reply "cheer up, pupper!"
cheer up, pupper :3
who here is gay?
this guy https://4-ch.net/personal/kareha.pl/1577323014/
I guess being fucked by another guy is pretty gay
i've had gay sex but i like girls too so idk
People often get the impression I'm gay because of the way I talk, my clothes and my interests, but I find all male bodies repulsive. It had crossed my mind growing up that I might be so deep in the closet I don't even know it, but after thinking about it, there's no chance at all I would ever kiss a man or anything else. I guess being so grossed out by it my be seen as homophobic, but I'm nice to my gay friends, I don't hate them at all.
>>3648 you seem cute (no homo...)
it fucking happened
💏 Had that a few times
>>3449 do you live under a rock? have you ever actually seen someone taste bad soup? most likely they immediately say something like 'ah, it's too salty / bitter / spicy / i don't like the smell'. each of which indicates an improvement. you might as well use this as the definition of useful feedback. as for the even number example, the obvious solution is ''don't square an even number and get an odd result, and your work will be closer to being correct.'' providing useful feedback is strictly better than only criticism, yes. just because it's obvious doesn't mean it's not true.
>>3450 I love stupid people who overestimate their intelligence.
>>3450 Uh yeah that's kinda dumb
i think if i met an abstract artist gf who really loved me and believed in me i would do it,,
>>3594 Become a noise musician? Do it bestie!
- wakaba 3.0.9 + futaba + futallaby -