more like psyops
Feels like a parody
We are parodys of ourselves friend
If you were born after 2000 everything from the good old days will feel like a parody to your irony-poisoned mind.
It is fairly common for herons to opportunistically catch and devour immature ducks and other small waterfowl.
Thank you for viewing. The images in this thread were created by the artist Fragile. His image gallery is located at: http://www.asahi-net.or.jp/~jh7a-sezk/mokuji01.html Feel free to post your favorites from the gallery or works from any other artists you enjoy.
Thank you >>363, these drawings are very cute. Something about Fragile's art looks so delicate... the artist's name is fitting for it.
>>371 Turns out that Fragile is a woman. She also has a Wikipedia page: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sunaho_Tobe
failed get
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>>1115 me at george floyds grave site
you gonna roll?
what? do i look like some sort of toonaholic to you?
Welcome back, /img/.
Hi >>134san!! In case this thread hasn't made you aware, no one here posts images anymore. We just post the same text replies on loop!
>>209 >>210 >>206 yeah
>>134 Okaeri nasai
i do not find vaginae sexually arousing but i want a japanese rubber hole to fuck, what are my options?
>>1015 How the fuck is that a zoomer meme by any sense?
People out there really getting nostalgic over ragefaces.
It's been 3 years, and yet the pain never grows any lesser.
Legends never die.
i miss it all
>>1006 we can retvrn to meme here, anon
- wakaba 3.0.9 + futaba + futallaby -