Do it with drawing! (Dumping the images I saved from the old thread...)
>>2816 me too :(
bring back iiChan
4-ch 4ever
I call them “backgrounds” not “wallpaper”
Companies, teams, stations anything.
MILF squad
>>4745 nice
Roses United, a South African soccer team
Draw a toony loon repeating a captcha, or vise versa
Who is your waifu in the year of 2023?
Yennefer. Some things just don't change.
>>4327 >>4562 Disgusting westoids
51 years old according to hershuar
Shit, wrong picture
>>5504 we didnt know how good we had it
____ _.~' \.~. _, \ \ / / _ \ / /~~/~/ /~\ \ \ | |.---.._.----| | / /=| ~ / \ ~ | / MY LOG | \|\___/| \___| | HAS SOMETHING \ \ \_ \ | \ TO TELL YOU / | /___ | \ | _/\\ _/. | \___/.\ ---/ \___/ ______/ |\---/ | \___ _/ \ | \_/ /| / '~. Comment too long. Click here to view the full text.
____ _.~' \.~. _, \ \ / / _ \ / /~~/~/ /~\ \ \ | |.---.._.----| | / /=| ~ / \ ~ | / MY LOG | \|\___/| \___| | HAS SOMETHING \ \ \_ \ | \ TO TELL YOU / | /___ | \ | _/\\ _/. | \___/.\ ---/ \___/ ______/ |\---/ | \___ _/ \ | \_/ /| / '~.
Every day, once a day, give yourself a present. Don't plan it, don't think about it, just feel - and you'll be tanasinn.
to the newyear party please come and dance everyone come even tablecat xmas was fun , let's repeat what sjis will u be?
The September 10,000th party was delightful, but I won't be able to make this as I'm going to another hogmanay party. Sorry OP!
anyone wanna netplay sometime? Saw two Gikos playing Kirby Air Ride today and it was pretty cute.
あけましておめでとうございます! It's already 2025 in Japan, but Europe and America is lagging behind Come come!
Which gikopoi is it at? world2ch?
>>5523 gikopoipoi net as always, NA still haven't celebrated so there's still time Europe is very drunk and in 2025
is this site dead? :(
>>5513 what's hades?
>>5514 Observations About This Website Being Dead
>>5515 dang :/
- wakaba 3.0.9 + futaba + futallaby -