I clicked by accident... I'm not gay and my penis isn't small.
>I clicked by accident... I'm not gay and my penis isn't small.
pls don't lie anon... this is a friendly group!
Kinda cute. I like the shoes.
Hi, does anyone know a good 2chan (二チャンネル) archive? One that archives content from the site's "golden age" (2001-2006) is ideal.I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask so i preemptively apologize if it's not. Thank you in advance. (GIF Unrelated)
April fools' day.
I remember all the kids used to play jokes and pranks, now it seems like April Fools' Day has become Websites Are Annoying Day
>>4911 At least "Talk like a Pirate Day" has fucking died off.
>>4920 Yarr, ye scallywags!
I had some brilliant Talk Like A Pirate Days when I was a student! Me and me hearties got so drunk.
What is this sign trying to tell us?
you have to go 80mph or more when hitting trees, to have a high enough chance of dying instantly
It means that the speed limit is 80 km/h and that there is a tree in the road so don't hit it
the panther king (they misspelled king) is in the vicinity you have to drive slow or he'll be mad
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* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * .# * * * * * #. .# * * * "#. #: #" * * * * * "#. ##" * * "### "## ##. -- ~( @\ \ .##: --- _________]_[__/_>________ :### / ____ \ <> | ____ \ ;###
>>4904 (-‸ლ)
Engrish is haado.
Making non-shitty thread seems even harder (for you).
This has got to be the teeenth time that I've heard that.
looking for animation tools to fit my workflow i basically use paint tool sai to draw and it d be good to just copy paste bunch of jpgs i ve saved without realigning them and then have them animate in fps and not miliseconds whats my choices tx
>>3165 >adobe im poor and that s a slowass ugg software >>3172 yeah it does have compositor but slow and chonky >>3173 correct, bravo
>>3175 I got it for free (on the Internet)
>>3175 >it does have compositor but slow and chonky I would have to disagree, it's ran fine from my own experience.
>>3164 Use AI https://aibooru.online/posts?tags=animation&z=5
doesn't ffmpeg let you do that with image sequences? also CSP has a cool animation part of the software. There are some plugins I used a while ago for GIMP
- wakaba 3.0.9 + futaba + futallaby -