Cute little bunny :)
What do you call this cool move? I think Spike Dudley had it in WWE SmackDown Shut Your Mouth
Looks like an attempt at both a roll-up pin and a made in japan
Apparently it's the Onryo Clutch, I knew it was a Japanese move! He does a version at about 4:20 of part 2 here to Shota Kevin Steen did it here apparently Someone did it here Trying to find more footage of it...
>>1141 Skirts and similar are the best part of any outfit, though.
>>1141 It's cute is what it is.
>>1140 Definitely Osaka IMO. What a cutie. Agreed on Tokyo, though. Also, is it just me or does Okinawa look an awful lot like Hitori Bocchi? >>1141 I don't see any evidence that they're being "forced".
>>1148 > Also, is it just me or does Okinawa look an awful lot like Hitori Bocchi? dunno, didn't watch. i think it's more akin to robonotes, though
Aw that's a cute pi- wait, what?
Kill yourself
>>1675 meant kiss yourself
Teen thread
Unleash dogs of war
Cold war
Gonna play some exbox JUST KIDDIN'!
this captcha *tho*
Images to relax to
Ah, hemorrhoids...
Instead of brain there is Osaka.
Fake. Everyone knows there's only six DQNs.
>>843 Maybe that DQN is into some weird numbers
It is owned by DQN 1, 4, 6, and the 0 is an homage to the deceased DQN 7
- wakaba 3.0.9 + futaba + futallaby -