I forgot what this picture was supposed to illustrate, but I don't think I moved the figurines in the slightest between shots. I dabbled in photography, you know! And I also like starting new threads.
>>143 I think about this post every now and then.
>>467 In a good way?
>>479 But sinks are supposed to hold water...
Sinks are for pissing in, not off
Nice figurines at tentaclearmada
>>4963 Looks like flipnote studio for the DSi. It was very popular in Japan to make animations with. I'm not very confident about the first one (OP might know the character), but they're all Touhou related. Here's a Sailor Moon one I have.
>>4964 Nice! I've never heard of such animation format before, much less that is was more/less a "thing."
The OP's quality can't be beat but I still think these are cool
>>4994 here's the artist's pixiv pixiv period net slash en slash artworks slash 45346377
Yo. I was thinking of getting this tattooed around my butthole. So when I make the poo-poo it's like the chocolate squirting out of her pastry treat. What do you think?
I think that's a great idea. You should go through with it and post the results here.
Abso-fucking-lutely! Do it, OP! I wanna see it so bad. I also want a video of you shitting out of her snacky poo.
The tattoo artist said my ass is too fat to get the needle close enough :<
>>4000 >>5000 Tattoos are bad, mmkay?
It's time for the official 4-ch bathtime. You filthy hikkis reek of kuso and kimchi farts! It is time for your yearly bathing.
I say we take a bath!
i don't have a bathtub :c
My shower was “dangerous” so I recently had my first bath in maybe 15 years. I ripped a bong before I got in and it was very pleasant, but I sloshed water all over the floor
○ _ 。 o ┻┓∬ 。 /⌒ヽ |||。o (゚ヮ ゚ ) Bubble Baths!♪ ( ̄ ̄o) ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄○ ̄) .i ̄○ ̄ ̄○ ̄o゚ ̄0i (_oノ_O_゚_Oo_)
rub le dubs in duh terb
Amy Elizabeth Thorpe has a majority share of this body. The names collide in Orion. Charles-Emmanuel did me in with the name change order. Thorpes ghost proceeded to take over much work. Thorpe polarizes against the other Elizabeth. My heart was designed to fail much like Goggins, such is the nature of enslaved genes. So many holes in the gravitational field. Thorpe has me running on automatic. She puts all of my social memory on diplomats because she can't do anything else. There is her disclosure. Some analysts run half dead, and the soul leaks out into the Inner Planes. Analysts were angels on Mars. I can barely support Elizabeth proper without the spy material that fed on her life. The spies sexually owned most of the soul. P.S. I am aware these posts cause many to go schizophrenic. They will get hailed into a fresh soul. Schizophrenia is just seeking a soul for the vessel. You can help them get a good one.
>P.S. I am aware these posts cause many to go schizophrenic No they don't you schizo
Oh Geas NO
>>4078 what's the other imageboard's name?
>>4079 It's Canadian, you wouldn't be able to read it...
>>4080 I have friends in Canadia, they will help.
what happened to desuchan btw
To: >>4090 it got 2desu'd2live
What anime is this from?
Dragon Half OVA
It's a good anime, but tragically cut short. I recommend picking up the manga because you will probably want more
That was great, thanks :)
post old images (from pre 2010)
>>1216 Sorry for the delay. https://archive.org/details/1996_20240519
Hey that's pretty cool. I have some stuff like that of my own that I will share later ^^/
>https://archive.org/details/1996_20240519 In fact, do you have any more stuff just like this? or is this everything?
Why are all the furry images modified after 2008?
>>4307 its a digital bus pass in the bay area that basically tracks you like the NSA the only anachronism with that is that it wasnt called clipper until 2010 so i have to assume that theyre talking about clipper street and some other NSA probably a street gang that has since become irrelevant
>>1144 Did you also not notice that you drew a swan?
>>1160 no its a duck
i forgot my thesaurus and got confused
bmp, but i need u
- wakaba 3.0.9 + futaba + futallaby -