I've been waiting.... (791)

1 Name: benson_2009 : 2006-03-08 06:46 ID:rBmL8F/W This thread was merged from the former /love/ board. You can view the archive here.

I'm usualy just a lurker around the board, but today i have a story... recently i been posting about long distance relationship because I really like this girl that lives in japan. but i live in australia so its really hard if i want to confess to her.. well this is how it all started...

Around 2005 April, i was picked on by some people at school because of my hobby, which is movie making. I'm really like a movie otaku, i love watching movies thats why my dream is to become a film director. most of the girls i knew, i told them about my hobby and they would all ne like "isn't that like really immature??" and later on wont ever talk to me.. it was around November when i was on a japanese pen pal website where i met the japanese girl, her name was Aya. we started emailing each other talking about school and life style ect. then i asked her if she used skype and she said she uses it so we added each other. we started talking in skype, (to those who doesn't know its like msn but you use microphone to talk). for the first time, i told her i'm into film making... she unlike the other girls was actualy intrested in it.. she asked me when can i show her my movie.

we talked almost everyday, mostly for 2 hours and we can always talk about anything like movies, anime, school, music ect.. then one night... we talked for 6 hours! i only had 2 hour sleep because i had to wake up for tennis lessons >"< we got more close after that. for christmas i bought her a bracelet and air mailed it to her, she liked it alot. one day i got her email but was really surprised... usualy at the end of the email she would just write "from Aya" but this time she wrote "Love from Aya". i had this feeling when i saw it. after that, i didn't hear from her for 2 weeks and then one night i got her email asking when can i talk to her... but after that... I've waited for a month and stil counting on... I emailed her before saying i have something to tell her because i planned to confess to her next time we talk.. but now i dont think i can do it because i reckon its highly likely i may get rejected since we are so far away _| ̄|○" the feeling with this girl is different from all the other girls i liked. should i confess or not??

342 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-13 14:31 ID:Heaven


343 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-13 16:59 ID:cOOOfiGm

The moral of this story is don't be emo!

344 Name: 電影男 : 2006-09-14 02:46 ID:kOPnN1s+

>>342 lol i'm using 電影男 cos i'm addicted to movies and movie making, also alot of people been calling me that latley~~''

annyywayy yesterday i was suppose to meet lyss, i was having lunch with some friends when i got a message from her and it said....
"omg benson, i'm so sorry!! i dont think i can make it today cos dad is being really tite!! i'll send you the codex ok? i'm really sorry!!! T_T"
well i must say i was a little disappointed cos everytime when i go out with a girl, something will happen in a bad way. i was thinking mayb she made that up or something but apparently it was true, her dad is really tite cos i asked my friend about it after and they told me her dad is so tite that shes not suppose to be on msn at all... so i told her it was ok and said how do i give you the dvd? then she replied
"how do i give you the rest as well?>< work out something later on msn? sorry again!!"

well i got home at night and talked to her, again she kept on saying sorry and stuff. she seemed to be stressed from all the hw she had so i just told her that is she needs any help just tell me. also....for some reason she called me big brother in chinese like "yes gege(big brother in chinese)" when i said "gotta focus!!" hmm i hope she doesn't think me as a brother~~" well i'm hopinh to try and talk to her on the phone now, gonna call her sometime today if possible to arrange another time to meet.

345 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-14 02:53 ID:Heaven


346 Name: TokyoJapan22 : 2006-09-14 04:12 ID:gDEVaHfA

Wow! Benson. I've been through that many times!Trying to talk with a girl and then she just blows you off with an excuse. All the excuses I 've gotten were, "I'm helping my mom cook, I'm baking a cake, My mom needs me, My mom's calling me downstairs, I have to eat......." Everytime we talk there's always an excuse! The only time when she didn't have one was when she didn't know me on AIM cause I was known as Spider-Man to her for 3 hours! When I revealed who I was, she kept asking If I was joking about being TokyoJapan22! Well, since then I haven't spoken to her at all.

347 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-14 05:58 ID:Heaven

how old are you guys... seriously...

348 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-14 14:13 ID:Heaven

And you can't accuse them of lying either, cause then you look like an asshole and blow your chances completely.

349 Name: 電影男 : 2006-09-14 15:43 ID:kOPnN1s+

>>345 電影男 means movie man and like i said alot of people call me that latley at school and stuff

>>346 i know what you mean, everytime i have a date with a girl or something, they will either blow me off on the day or something naturallly bad happens.... i guess its just my luck. but i dont think lyss blew me off cos he dad really is tight. cos if she did blew me off, why would she want to arrange another time to meet so i dont think she blew me off. well i didn't talk to lyss today cos she seemed really busy with hw~ i just realized my god brother in Taiwan is about to release his album by Sony, his name is evanyo! so surprised XD

350 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-14 19:48 ID:Heaven

>>349 電影男 means movie man

351 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-15 01:50 ID:Heaven

Yeah sorry to break it to you dude (ok not really it's kind of funny), but it doesn't mean movie man. 映画男 would be what you are looking for. How do you even pronounce 電影男? Den kage otoko?

352 Name: 電影男 : 2006-09-15 04:01 ID:kOPnN1s+

>>351 ahh well it means movie man in chinese, soz for the misunderstanding but i think 電影男 is Eiga Otoko

353 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-15 05:52 ID:Heaven

映画男 is eiga otoko

354 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-15 10:58 ID:Heaven

i want to know the truth too

355 Name: 映画男 : 2006-09-15 11:55 ID:kOPnN1s+

sorry for my misunderstanding!~ i just directly translated from chinese. but does eiga otoko mean movie man??

btw i didn't talk to lyss today, i had some friends over and she still seems to be busy working....

>>350 lied to you?!!

356 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-15 14:22 ID:Heaven


Did you ever think that maybe the Japanese and Chinese didn't use the same exact characters for this term?

357 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-15 18:06 ID:5C9nkvMQ

and now we learn where hong kong anime subtitles come from

358 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-16 01:10 ID:Heaven

>>357 /love/ ?

359 Name: 映画男 : 2006-09-16 11:42 ID:kOPnN1s+

lol i did the stupidest thing today, i had 2 friends over last nite and today we found these handcuffs, i thought i had the key so i pranked them and handcuffed my self when i found out it wasn't the key. we spent about 3 hours trying to find the real key and trying to get it off. i told lyss about it and she just laughed at me lol and now her msn name says "hahaha bensons kinky XD" well luckily i figured out how to break the handcuffs... anyway i wanna ask you guys something, as many of you know that lyss knows i like her cos my family friend told her, i was about to ask my family friend why she told lyss i like her but then i thought its better not saying it cos she might tell lyss that i knwo that she knows i like her..... this family friend is a little problem for me, shes been telling her friends how mean i am to her when i was just joking around...mayb too much that night... and not to mention i helped her alot before with hw and some problems... she use to have a crush on me which was really troublesome.. what should i do?

360 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-16 15:04 ID:Heaven

i wonder how long it will take him to confess

361 Name: 映画男 : 2006-09-18 01:21 ID:kOPnN1s+

eh what does it mean when a girl says that she doesn't normaly starts convos with people on msn but has started 2 convos with you and says you should feel special about it.. btw this isn't lyss. i didn't talk much with lyss yesterday and she has work experience today, btw the girl who said the special thingy is called manda and i use to like her. i've talked to manda for a long time and we're like really good friends.

362 Name: Mireille guy : 2006-09-18 02:30 ID:04D4KQaL

I'll be frank, Benson. Try to live your youth without worries. Because surely, you're living a golden age that won't come back, and be there good or bad memories, try to live them all and in your best disposition. To sum it up, >>360. All your good (girl)friends are in an unstable yet powerfully attractive age. It's all new for them as much as it is for you (relatively). Girls will much more likely be attracted to secure guys. (Let me be redundant, confidence, not assholeness.) Girls seem much less pressured into relationships because it's their specialty. They are taught to understand relationships at a young age, be more open, talkative, and experienced in dealing with people (women are by nature more communicative than men, because long ago, women would spend time communicating among themselves. Gossip is part of women's evolution. Men, on the other hand, are less verbal because evolution required us, hunters, to be absolutely silent during hunt. Physical contact and body motions are our way of communicating). So do not be uncomfortable for not knowing what some phrases or expressions mean. You were never taught that. Try to communicate to women in their language. Practice makes perfection.
Do create a healthy habit of practicing your moves beforehand. Learn how to approach and start interesting and romantic topics by training alone. Out loud. Maybe even record and listen to yourself. Practice makes perfection.

363 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-18 11:38 ID:WK6j8V3X

Lol..if she's anything like me then she doesn't mean anything by it. Alot of people do that, guys as well as girls. I don't tend to start conversations with people either, so I can tell you that you shouldn't read anything more into it, other than the fact she wanted to talk to you at that time. You don't expect people to take it seriously you know?

364 Name: 映画男 : 2006-09-18 16:00 ID:kOPnN1s+

>>362 it is true, i think i worry to much even with small things around me. this manda girl seems to be intrested in me cos shes been talking alot latley....like telling me alot of stuff like how her mum was murming bad stuff about her becasue she got her ear pierce.

i think i have this problem that i think too much, maybe small stuff like the special thing makes me think that someone is intrested in me or something or mayb i am just too sensative... eh...for some reason i've got lyss and manda in my head now...well its cos... 45 mins ago, my house had this odd banging noise and my older brother thought there mite be someone in the house so we had like weapons in our hands and checked around the house, my brother made me and his gf stay in this small room and he went to check around. while i was sitting in the room i was thinking "if something really did happen..." when suddenly lyss and manda both poped in my head... i was also thinking "should i tell lyss i like her if something did happen...mayb my last words" (i know i shouldn't be thinking that at a time like that!) luckily there was nothing and we double checked everywhere to be sure. so when i got back to my room i was thinking "why was i thinking that?!" thats why i reckon that i think too much.

also... say if manda did like me... what do i do?! shes a really nice girl and pretty cute as well... i would feel really bad if i just rejected her like that..so confusing~~"

btw i sms lyss saying "hey how was work exp?" but i got no reply...

365 Name: TokyoJapan22 : 2006-09-19 00:49 ID:gDEVaHfA

Wow! that's really a bummer. I happen to like a girl, but then I also have some other girls I think I like as well. Only that one of them makes me feel really nervous and jumpy inside. The others I only find as friend's or really cute girls. Problem is, I actually get to know them really well, I wonder if my impression of them wil change.

366 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-19 02:42 ID:EAoF7GtE

>>my brother made me and his gf stay in this small room

And you let this chance slip by. You could have added her to your ever-expanding harem.

Come on, man-- eyes on the prize.

367 Name: 映画男 : 2006-09-19 15:27 ID:+YNBfTD8

>>366 um... nah its a bit wrong...~~"

funny thing is i was talking to manda on the phone for 56 mins, talked to lyss on msn and she told me to stay happy cos she thinks i've gone "emo" again lol. well tomorow i decide to call lyss, i think i am slowly getting better at this. when i use to be on the phone i would be really speechless but tonite me and manda were talking alot for 56mins! her battery ran off at the end so she sms me about it lol! i seem to be doing pretty good with manda and lyss atm!~

368 Name: Mireille guy : 2006-09-19 18:07 ID:1ptlw5zs

I want you to go ahead and try one of them. Don't let time pass. It's normal to feel attracted to more than one at a time, but you shouldn't necessarily hit on the one you like the best. Try going out with the one you think you could have a closer or closest relationship. By going out I mean DATE. Go out and DATE HER.
I want you to ask her out, come back here and give some results.

369 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-19 20:05 ID:0YpV2Mra

Do you happen to know what this "Manda" girl's favorite pokemon is?

370 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-19 22:17 ID:tWyO81YG


I thought this thread was totally going nowhere until I saw >>355.

Anyways, if you don't speak Japanese, prepare to be rejected.

371 Name: 映画男 : 2006-09-20 05:06 ID:7ZGM0GIB

>>368 hmm i mite try and ask manda... seems more possible that she would go.

i'm not doing well with lyss right now actuali, she doesn't realy talk much now on msn. i'm actuali talking more to manda now, but what i'm afraid is that most of her friends know i like lyss and stuff but if i suddenly say i like manda which her friends know as well, they are gonna think i'm some sort of player....weird thing is i talk more to manda now. well i will ask manda out next week cos her birthday is right after the holidays, mayb get her a small gift or something!~

372 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-20 11:54 ID:Heaven

well. if manda has even the slightest more intelligence than lyss, then go for manda definitely. i am seriously tired of airy fairy girls like lyss. but that it probably because i don't like the idea of being told by other people that i should be HApPieeEE~~~!! 24/7 or else be considered an emo.

373 Name: 映画男 : 2006-09-20 15:37 ID:7ZGM0GIB

>>372 lol true, she thinks i'm turning emo again!

yeahh i think i'll go for manda now.... *sigh all that hard work gone..... mayb just time out with lyss for a while cos at the moment shes not really talking to me.

btw if i ask manda out, what do i say?!!

374 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-20 15:53 ID:Heaven

"Hey baby, you got a light?"

375 Name: Mireille guy !2dC8hbcvNA : 2006-09-20 21:46 ID:1ptlw5zs

By the way, Benson, men should type with complete sentences, and proper spelling. Don't use "actuali" or "mayb", it's girlish. Please correct yourself.

376 Name: Mireille guy !2dC8hbcvNA : 2006-09-20 21:47 ID:1ptlw5zs

And use more phone and less MSN. It naturally tends to make your relationships more based on actual meetings, while keeping the phone as intermediary to get to meet. I've said this before already.

377 Name: 映画男 : 2006-09-21 05:29 ID:7ZGM0GIB

>>375 oh sorry about that, stupid msn made me type like that.

hmm so phone is better then msn, well i better go charge my pre paid phone cos i can get free minutes on it. my parents would kill me if they see the phone bills if i talk to her everyday.

378 Name: 映画男 : 2006-09-21 05:30 ID:7ZGM0GIB

ohh btw i was thinking if i dont get the chance to give manda a small gift for her birthday, i was thinking maybe i can play the piano over the phone, is that a good idea?

379 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-21 09:23 ID:Heaven

do you know this girl well enough for buying her a gift to not be creepy?

380 Name: 映画男 : 2006-09-21 13:07 ID:7ZGM0GIB

i know her for about 5 months now, we are pretty close friends and stuff. i tried to call her just then but no one is picking up, i try again later

381 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-21 14:20 ID:gmznT1/9

Just wondering, is your life all about trying to court girls? Cos this is one damn long thread. If I'm right, there's about 4 girls over 6 months that you devote all your time to, yet when it looks like you're gonna make a move, another one comes along and catches your eye (and you start all over again).

382 Name: 映画男 : 2006-09-22 12:36 ID:7ZGM0GIB

>>381 well for tthe first 4 months it was mostly about aya (the japanese girl) then everyone told me to move on and stuff, its either that i stuff up and start again or just keep trying cos it took me a while to get over Aya which she disappeared for a long time.

btw some crazy bastard flipped while driving my go-cart today and almost broke his arm... he was sent to the hospital, having a early birthday party today lol.

383 Name: Mireille guy !2dC8hbcvNA : 2006-09-22 19:29 ID:1ptlw5zs

Play piano to her personally. Not over the phone, for her sake. And I meant to type like a man always, meaning on MSN as well.
Ask her out for dinner as a birthday present (doesn't have to be on the actual birth*day*). A kiss on a date is much more appropriate for a gift. You can ask her to close her eyes and stretch her hands, put your left hand over her eyes, your right hand you hand her any small gift, and then you can give her the "gift". If you try this, make sure you switch the purpose of your hands to hold the side of her head with the left hand (instead of keeping them over her eyes), and hold her hands with your right one (instead of holding the gift) as you kiss her.

384 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-22 21:44 ID:D3t+OVMc


That is probably the best way to kiss a girl. Wow, Mireille guy, you know your shit.

385 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-23 07:32 ID:Heaven

I'm all gooey inside..

386 Name: 映画男 : 2006-09-23 14:21 ID:7ZGM0GIB

ok guys... for some reason i'm going out with lyss again instead of manda..lyss suddenly started talking to me again today on msn again and this time no more "....." she randomly came up to me and said this " Hmm, you sound happier! YAY! stay like that!" and i told her about the crazy guy who flipped my go-cart and said it was my responsible for his injuries and she tells me "its not your fault! your too hard on your self!" and shes really talkative today some reason.

but the problem here is... i really like both manda and lyss. i can talk to manda about anything and she wont be freaked about it and she seems to be intrested in me like i called her and she didn't pick up, she sms me telling she went to visit her brother at a place and went to a winery, left her phone in the hotel and should be back on monday. this is really confusing me...i really like both of them, i realized from the past 6 months i prob sound like a player since theres been 4 girls i talk about in this thread.

387 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-23 15:26 ID:Heaven

Tell us some more hypothetical situations.....like what benson should do on christmas day.

388 Name: Mireille guy !2dC8hbcvNA : 2006-09-23 18:08 ID:04D4KQaL

Stop, stop, stop, and stop. Are you following ANYTHING that I'm writing you? Open your eyes, and notice, that I INSIST that you need to focus on one girl. When you are close to getting one girl, other girls notice your change in attitude and subconsciously become nicer to you. This is consistent with a guy or girl being suddenly approached by several potential partners at a time. Women are born with that instinct of knowing the timing for relationships, so if you don't take care of yourself, you will end up in failure. You want to get as close as possible and hook up a girl (as when you go fishing you hook a fish and it can't get away) to enjoy total freedom with her. You are NOT in that position, so you CANNOT go for both. Once you hook one fish, you take it out, put it in your bucket, THEN go for the other. If you don't and try catching a second fish, you'll lose both fish. DO YOU UNDERSTAND?

389 Name: Mireille guy !2dC8hbcvNA : 2006-09-23 18:27 ID:04D4KQaL

>>384 Far from being the best way to kiss a girl. There are surely better ways, just be creative. If you're a girl, and have been kissed like that, I accept the compliment. If you're a guy but have not tried my approach, I suggest you practice it with any girl you can, (if it's still way too hard to practice on your friends, you can practice it by yourself on your forearm or hand.) Until you tell me it worked will I accept your compliment. Heck, you can even use "practice" as an excuse to woo a second girl (As in Benson has hooked the first girl already and "innocently" uses her second friend as practice for the first).
Let me expand on >>383
Make sure to use reinforcing commands such as "keep your eyes closed," or "hold the present," while switching your hands around. This reinforces your position, and makes the kiss more submissive, (almost all girls like the submissive kiss, that is, the girl receiving, and the guy giving the kiss). (Some exceptions for this are women who like younger partners. They are usually on the aggressive side of the kiss, and personally, I like those kisses since they are much hotter, and become quickly erotic if the man is aggressive as well.)

390 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-24 02:55 ID:gmznT1/9

>>Make sure to use reinforcing commands such as "keep your eyes closed," or "hold the present," while switching your hands around. This reinforces your position, and makes the kiss more submissive, (almost all girls like the submissive kiss, that is, the girl receiving, and the guy giving the kiss).

Too true.

391 Name: 映画男 : 2006-09-24 03:10 ID:7ZGM0GIB

>>388 i know what you mean not to go for both, at the moment i am still going for lyss. ok so say if i dont get lyss then i go for manda, would that be better?! well i tried to pratice on what you said >>383 but i think i need more pratice.

well i will stay the same with manda at the moment as in good/close friends and try to get lyss. i'm seeing her this thursday around 2:00PM at the same place as last time. oh i was gonna give her this small gift and on that day i will tell her to close her eyes and put her hand out, then i'll put the gift into her hands and close them, it'll be a surprise, would that be good?

392 Name: Mireille guy !2dC8hbcvNA : 2006-09-24 07:43 ID:04D4KQaL

If you're not man enough to kiss her in the mouth, do give her a kiss in the cheek. It's corny, but I guess it can't be helped until you practice a little more and overcome your shyness. This is the birthday girl, correct? (Remember that the actual gift is the kiss, not the object. Follow the kiss with a compliment. Maybe she'll hint you to give her another actual kiss.) Any man can get any girl. Stick with one until she's completely yours, and remember not to waver in your decision. Be creative and practice!

393 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-24 08:35 ID:Heaven

lol stalkers

394 Name: Mireille guy !2dC8hbcvNA : 2006-09-25 03:18 ID:Heaven

>>393 I've got to admit Benson's fun. Such a meek guy with good potential, and thriving with opportunities. Wouldn't want to see him fail in becoming a Casanova and turn into one of those heterophobic self-pitying idiots.

395 Name: 映画男 : 2006-09-25 15:15 ID:7ZGM0GIB

>>394 haha thanks, your a great help here.

well i found out that lyss has someone she likes, dont know who the guy is. i found out from her friend when i was talking to her today on msn. but we're stil talking normaly, her friend told me to keep a little distance from her and that love changes ~~" this is getting rather confusing.. i really want to know what kind of guy she likes, i've been really nice to her and always support her in every way. well who knows, maybe love does change.

396 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-25 16:32 ID:Heaven

Benson is a natural loser. He will never succeed

397 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-25 17:12 ID:UXOt+hhz

well lyss is out. she likes someone else and dont worry about who it is, just know that she doesnt like you the way you like her. so now focus on manda and hopefully things will work out for the best.

398 Name: Mireille guy !2dC8hbcvNA : 2006-09-25 21:11 ID:Heaven

No! Are you understanding what I'm writing at all? You don't care who he is and what he does! He is your competition, and there is no reason to give up on her just because she hints she might like someone else. You will go all the way with her until she's yours, or she dismisses you completely for the other guy. Otherwise, you will get dragged into a drama (I don't want to get into the details of the drama, but try to figure it out yourself.) Read the post I've written about this! (I forgot where the post is... I've gotta start logging and organizing these posts.)

399 Name: Mireille guy !2dC8hbcvNA : 2006-09-25 22:59 ID:Heaven

Found the earlier post:

>If you're a man, you will ask her out, meet and court her, and disregard the fact that she's seeing someone else.

400 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-26 06:03 ID:Heaven


Maybe Lyss tell her friend to tell you that she likes someone else?

Maybe because she doesn't want to tell you directly, plus she knows you like her, so she doesn't want to hurt you.

Why don't you say to her, you like her?

And ask her if she is willing to go out with you.

I think Lyss is the type who is not sure or undecided, and shes young, air-headed type who thinks she has lot of opportunities, confidence about herself being able to get many relationships easily. As you said yourself, she is cute. Thats it she is cute, she thinks alot guys will go for her because she knows she is cute. Generally Girls/women, in developed nations are picky and independant, they can choose whatever they want, and can easily be the players if they are cute. So you see, pretty, cute, girls are hard to get. They believe they have so many opportunities for better guys, they can jump onto other guys if they feel like it. Plus she seems like the girlish drama girls. Asian girls who are cute in developed countries think they are all great, most of them want white guys, even though they don't want to admit it.

Benson, she shouldn't be serious about relationships, you and the girls are so young. Don't expect too much out of it. Just play it through and see how it goes, don't make yourself depressed about it. think of it as some light-hearted game. if you lose, you will be fine as it is just an unimportant event you just had, if you win, then good on you. Really just think of dating as a joke, don't take it seriously.

401 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-26 14:08 ID:Heaven

No..just no. There's too much risk and dignity involved by chasing her down despite knowing she likes someone else. Some girls may like that kind of thing and fall for your straightforward approach, but for others, it could prove to be quite the dilemma and you will be stuck in the sympathy/rebound trap. In this trap your feelings be toyed with to no end...not a pretty sight.

@Benson: >>400 (get) is quite right. Lyss is the undecided, airheaded type girl. That being said, it would be meaningless to start a relationship with her unless you're into all that mushy, shallow, doting-on-the-girl stuff. You will never know what she truly thinks of you unless you ask her out- which is a bad idea considering she likes someone else. Being an asian girl myself, I know that even then, we will tend to be quite coy about our feelings.

Focus your attention on manda.

402 Name: 映画男 : 2006-09-26 15:02 ID:7ZGM0GIB

greatt on my birthday i have to find out the guy that lyss likes..

btw >>396 you remind me of the guys who use to pick on me, i remember they said the exact same words. "your such a looser! you have no chance!" but i guess it turned out the opposite since they are so scared of me now... (long story) anyway >>396 if you got nothing good or nice to say then dont bother saying anything.

>>400 i think what you said is very true, shes 2 years younger then me so... yeah. the guys name is tony and i asked lyss what his last name was... she got all worried and started asking me "...? what u wanna know? u wanna stalk hin LOL!" so i just said "just wondering if i know him". ok i'm in the mood of fustration cos this guy looks REALLY palthetic and a 12 year old kid! and his got a xanga site and talks about lyss as well... like "omg sweet talk isn't working with lyss.. HELP!?" WTF is that?!! i cant beleive lyss likes this guy!! its really ANNOYING!!

i REALLY REALY want to just move on and focus on manda instead... cos this guy has gone out with LYSS and prob more then once from what i have read...okk i gotta calm down at the moment.

>>398 i understand what you mean, i should be going till the end but the thing is.. i dont want to waste time on lyss if shes likes this TONY guy soo much, i have this problem of giving up easily which i think is happening right now. but to be honest, i compared lyss and manda, personaly i like manda more cos shes nicer, same intrest and i can tell her about anything and she wont be freaked about it, she actuali helps out. i mean with lyss right, she'll prob think i'm EMO again and then go with the silence thing "...." so i really want to just move on. what do you guys think?

403 Name: Mireille guy !2dC8hbcvNA : 2006-09-26 20:10 ID:Heaven

It's great that you're starting to think on your own. You have a much clearer image of yourself, (and her); and it's good that you feel that way, and it means you have the guts to move along.
Since you've expanded a little more on the situation, it makes sense. It's too bad she's going for the other kid and she can't see you; she'll regret it later. As for you, now that you know more about each personality, either way you decide, you'll do fine... as long as you keep practicing those moves. Good luck B.

404 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-27 11:29 ID:vjlrz9Kp

just like i've been saying all along.. she wants to be surrounded by people who dote endlessly on her all the time as >>401 said. hell, i'll bet if you wore black socks to school, she would call you emo. i'm glad you've finally come to that realisation. a relationship with her would only last a month at most. she doesn't have the capacity or attention span to have a serious relationship.
i could tell her character from your chat logs straight away. although i guess it helps that i'm a girl myself. seriously, there is something wrong with her, not you.

405 Name: Mireille guy !2dC8hbcvNA : 2006-09-27 13:44 ID:Heaven

Finally, a female post that we can trust!

406 Name: 映画男 : 2006-09-27 15:41 ID:7ZGM0GIB

it seems that manda also has someone she likes, i kinda dont wanna go tomorow to meet lyss for some reason. the thing with me and manda is, she knows almost everything about me, we talk alot and mostly about our life. i told her about last year how i use to get bullied around at school and that i tried to kill my self, i was surprised to find her not freaked out about it and rather said "must be painful last year for you" and i told her how i came back and started standing up for my self and helping others. she says "i think its great that your helping people with the same situation, make a difference!"

at the moment i really dont know what i am thinking, its either give up everything or work harder to get manda. latley when i talk to manda she says "take care...", but i doubt it means anything. well i will see what happens tomorow because i reckon i'm in the stage of confusing my self.

o btw it turned out that TONY guy lyss like is a player, and she likes him cos his REALLY REALLY good at clarinet... PFT

407 Name: TokyoJapan22 : 2006-09-27 15:59 ID:uktxeWsJ

So.........who do you really love? Yuo should check up on Aya!

408 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-27 18:23 ID:UXOt+hhz

Tokyo, Aya is long gone.

409 Name: 映画男 : 2006-09-28 01:06 ID:Heaven

>>408 very true

i beleive this thread is coming to an end, lyss just messaged me saying she wont make it so i wont need to do now... havn't seem manda online for a while either, this really is coming to an end xD

410 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-28 06:26 ID:PLrAtGd5

>>and his got a xanga site and talks about lyss as well... like "omg sweet talk isn't working with lyss.. HELP!?" WTF is that?!! i cant beleive lyss likes this guy!! its really ANNOYING!!

Delicious irony.

411 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-28 06:30 ID:Heaven

>>and she likes him cos his REALLY REALLY good at clarinet

"Duh" is the proper phrase to use here, I think. If you want to sit on Lyss' couch naked while she listens to you improvise for hours, you're going to need a musical instrument. It is a sure-fire way into the female heart. You know, savage breasts and all.

412 Name: Mirielle Guy : 2006-09-28 17:57 ID:Heaven

Disregard that, I suck cocks.

413 Name: 映画男 : 2006-09-29 01:46 ID:7ZGM0GIB

hmm i was talking to manda last night about tony, she kept saying sorry taht she forgot my bday lol! even just then i got a message from her apologizing about forgetting it xD

her birthday is coming up so i have decided to play the piano for her on that day, too bad i cant play it in front of her so i can only do it over the phone ~~"

414 Name: 映画男 : 2006-09-29 02:12 ID:7ZGM0GIB

ok... lyss just suddenly flooded me with "sorry" in japanese on msn, should i just ignore or reply?! my friend told me not to say anything lol

415 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-29 03:20 ID:UXOt+hhz

dont play her the song. she forgot your birthday why should you do something special for her. she is sending text messages saying sorry, she still didnt give you anything. If she makes it up then go ahead, if not don't waste your time.

416 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-29 14:53 ID:Heaven


Those girls are just playing with you. You said everything about yourself. They are kind of looking down at you. You said about your past and they down on you. Lyss keeps pestering you with emo, and i think she has an attitute who don't look up to those who are emo. You shouldn't say so much about your past. now they know you are vulnerable and insecure, which makes them think of you as a low person. They may also be like that, but they want guys who aren't. Girls/women want reliable and confident guys/men because they have to, it what makes girl/women, girl/women. Girl/women always have an inferior complex to men, so they instinctually have to rely on them and take their commands. Girls/women are emo, but they want guys to not be emo, and want guys to lead them out of their emo self who is afraid and not confidence of progressing.

417 Name: 映画男 : 2006-09-30 07:00 ID:7ZGM0GIB

well i've been texting messages with manda for the whole day today, shes just asking me wat happened with lyss and stuff.
yesterday with lyss i just said "hhhmmm, dw about it" and left cos i had to go to a friends house. well i'm stil going good with manda, i'll still have another go with manda, hope playing the piano can get me further lol xD

418 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-09-30 12:33 ID:sKK2qOHP

tell lyss to piss off...eloquently of course.
seriously, she'll only play with you if she's bored.

419 Name: 映画男 : 2006-10-01 04:01 ID:7ZGM0GIB

whats intresting was last night i found out lyss rejected tony and she flooded me with "eewws" about tony as well... what the hell is going on!! i'm going to get things fixed today.

manda is epexting me to call her or something, cos she said "talk to u tomorow yea?" hmm i better go pratice the piano otherwise i might stuff up.

420 Name: 映画男 : 2006-10-01 13:32 ID:7ZGM0GIB

i decided to sms manda at 12 tonight and say "HAPPY BIRTHDAY", then give her the surprise by playing the piano this afternoon! you guys think that would be good?

421 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-01 13:42 ID:Heaven

interpretation: she is bored of tony. the fawning all over her act only kept her interested for a little while. now she wants an older guy to play with.

just ignore her. "emos" don't solve other people's love problems. she'll want you more, but just remind yourself, you won't get anywhere with girls like her.

gluck with manda.

422 Name: 映画男 : 2006-10-01 14:03 ID:7ZGM0GIB

>>421 yeah i understand, i'm just staying normal friends with her. i'm about to send the message!

423 Name: 映画男 : 2006-10-02 08:52 ID:7ZGM0GIB

well i'm going to call manda and play the piano for her soon, but i'm not sure what to say!! should i just say "hey manda happy birthday, since its your birthday i decided to play the piano for you" hmm i'm really not sure what to say, little help here please!

424 Name: 映画男 : 2006-10-03 12:36 ID:7ZGM0GIB

last night, i played the piano for manda and she loved it!!! she kept saying thank you and how sweet it was, even posted it on her xanga xD!! we talked for a while after that, seems to be going good!!

425 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-08 10:10 ID:Heaven

looks good, keep it up

426 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-09 08:20 ID:Heaven

so whats going on now? any news with manda benson?

427 Name: 映画男 : 2006-10-09 12:52 ID:ihwbIUw/

well we're only emailing each other and stuff, thats about it.

428 Name: 映画男 : 2006-10-10 13:30 ID:ihwbIUw/

manda's been telling me really personal stuff like how much her dad makes.... does tht mean anything? we seem to be getting closer

429 Name: Doku Otoko : 2006-10-16 08:50 ID:Qf4g5mZu

Just make sure you don't forget to make a move and become just "a friend"!

430 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-17 05:22 ID:Heaven


I know it is personal... kind of wondering... how much does her dad make?

431 Name: 映画男 : 2006-10-19 11:35 ID:K56XSl9J

latley manda has been starting convo's with me. yesterday when talking to her she suddenly said this..
M: r u ok?
B: eh wat do u mean?
M: oh... well u just sound very distant thats all

i was talking pretty normally and yea something did happen yesterday but somehow she knows theres something wrong with me. btw 3 days ago, my family friend told me she had a bf and yesterday told me again she doesn't. she also said "even if she doesn't have a bf, she wont like u anyway" and i asked if lyss likes anyone and she said "atm no... but if ur going for her dont.. cos she wont like u anyway" and yesterday when she told me manda has no bf she said "but she wont like u anyway". i was REALLY pissed and we had this massive fight, tomorow i'm going badminton with lyss and the family friend, i wont even talk to her there. i realized these days that i dont like manda but i'm really in love with her now... god i went pretty crazy knowing she has a bf 3 days ago... i'm just really pissed with my family friend for putting me down.

432 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-19 20:26 ID:Heaven

too slow

433 Name: 映画男 : 2006-10-22 02:31 ID:K56XSl9J

my friend in mandas school suggested to write a love letter to her or sing a song on the piano. i reckon thats a bit early to do it but she says shes gonna help me with it. i mite see manda next week

434 Name: 映画男 : 2006-10-25 12:41 ID:K56XSl9J

i am preparing my self to confess to manda very soon, we're even more closer then ever. i might confess to her next month and i'm writing the love letter at the moment... gosh i hope it works this time. i almost confess to her in a email today... god

435 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-26 10:04 ID:CiE81QfW


436 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-27 07:13 ID:xQOKiJKo

I notice that you still haven't confirmed what either girl's favorite pokemon is.

437 Name: Secret Admirer : 2006-10-27 07:40 ID:Heaven

>>436 cuts right to the important bits

438 Name: 映画男 : 2006-10-27 14:23 ID:mOjZHxay

god if her fav pokemon is such a big deal i will ask her next time lol
manda messaged me the other day saying "if you ever felt like that again, i'm always here to help =D" reason for that is cos i had a fight with my parents since they crack at me easily and got a bit depressed. i really want to confess now but i dont think the time is right. i might see her next week, hopefully

439 Name: Mireille guy : 2006-10-27 17:27 ID:1ptlw5zs

Did you kiss her yet? If you didn't kiss her yet, that could be your confession.

440 Name: Mireille guy : 2006-10-27 17:28 ID:1ptlw5zs

Tell her that you find something about her sexy, and make her close her eyes. Then kiss.

441 Name: 映画男 : 2006-10-28 00:00 ID:mOjZHxay

that will be a while before i kiss her lol, depends if i can ever meet her again XD

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