Life is like a mushroom. My sleazy friends grow them in their garage.
What is this? This website filled with a bunch of fucking 10 year olds?
Ewwwwww mushrooms are yucky! No onions or tomatoes on my burger PLEASE. Eww mom, broccoli's GROSS!
I've probably broken the law more than most people.
>Almost everybody Ifve talked to in the food industry is facing consumer demand for these sorts of characteristics of their food, to remove ingredients people canft pronounce, for example.
And yet they insist on serving guacamole.
I like to eat my friends mushrooms if that's what you were getting at. No problem with the mushrooms.
Get over yourself, dork. It's because of idiots like you that no one can have a civil mushroom conversation. I'm not saying I'm anti-mushroom, but I don't like that the stereotype of people who eat mushrooms is that we're a bunch of edgy teens who thinks everyone else is 10 years old.
The main problem with mushrooms is they squeak on your teeth. That sound drives me mad. Same problem with eggplant. If you cook it so it's crispy that's not a problem, but it's pretty hard to do.
Let me clear this up for everyone. Liking mushrooms is not subjective. What you think you don't like about mushrooms is something you should come to appreciate. If you don't, you will not be a happy person like me.
Mushrooms are shaped like a penis and therefor gay.
> The CSPI observed that while a mushroom is a fungus, Fusarium is not a mushroom, and stated, "Quorn's [mycoprotein] fungus is as closely related to mushrooms as humans are to jellyfish."
I like eating portobello mushrooms raw. The squeakiness is unbeatable.
I wanted to get 14 GET for personal reasons...
Just 20 minutes late for that, huh? Pooped on by post-greedy mushroom lovers.
Can't wait to eat some chanterelles tonight
I like mushrooms but I don't have any right now :(
Andrew, go to bed.
Picky eaters need to be rounded up and killed
Pigs are smelly, muddy and gross. I don't know how manufacturers treat them to make "beef", but it can't be healthy. Sounds like a scheme to cash in on those sorry losers who kinda eat meat just because they always have followed by "that's my choice, okay?" but who have never actually killed their own dinner before.
People who pride themselves on being locked out of a large part of the culinary experience by intentionally limiting their food choices really confuse me.
Imagine being really into women lifting their shirts but also you have epilepsy and every time you search for "flashing videos" you risk having a seizure.
The concept of normal force didn't make a lot of sense to me until I thought of it in terms of a man stepping on a carpentry nail
dead board
Its probably not a good idea to use lumber that is still alive.
When they said it might make my tastes change I thought they meant I might not like tomatoes anymore or I'd have an overpowering craving for pickled herring or something, not that "everything" would change to "ass".
Even when you're not feeling well, smile and you can gain popularity, money, and power.
I have made some mistakes.
Big old sweater puppies
GIRL has completed her journey, if any of you have Noby Noby Boy there is a nice message
I think you're full of shit.
Listening to jazz should be a crime
Now I can't stop listening to Kill v Maim. How did this happen?
Even though I tossed the song because it had such an obvious chord progression.
Man, fuck it, Art Angels is the best thing Grimes has done. Ever.
Roses have thorns.
What kind of special food should I buy this weekend?
I draw super good on my cintiq
Can I say I'm offended without the implication that I think the offensive material should have not been made?
Yeah. It also works if you just find a portion of a particular material offensive and even that outside of the offense, you enjoyed such material very much. All acceptable among SJWs too.
My grandfather's couch is covered with my grandfather's shit.
Get them! SHOW THEM HOW IT IS!! Let's not show mercy this time, and let's not stop until we SEE BLOOD!!
Art nouveau is the best.
I want the world to end
Several years ago I had a very vivid dream that the world was ending. Not in any specific way; everyone just somehow knew that the world was going to end very very soon. I remember that my parents and I went to an end of the world party, sort of like celebrating a graduation or New Year's or something. The conversation was sort of strained and people were drinking too much. My mother was determined to say goodbye to all of her friends, and kept dragging me along with her.
Eventually I got sick of the whole thing, stole my parents' car (I couldn't drive at the time, nor can I now, but never mind that) and drove away to the seaside. Then I just got out, sat on a bench and watched the sun setting in the sea, slowly coming to terms with the fact that the world was going to end, that everything I loved was going to cease to exist - and so was I. It was very peaceful.
If it were to go something like that, I would love for the world to end. Some sort of certain doom from above, forcing each of us to come to terms with our own state of existence, and then snuffing us all out at once. That'd be great. Unfortunately, if humanity is to go out, I don't think it'll be anything like that. It'll be something slow, painful, violent and ugly that we bring upon ourselves.
The old Russian word "pt," pronounced "rahd," is a cognate to the English "rad." This means that the common greeting, " pt rp rytu," can be translated as "how rad to see you."
Sometimes sometimes is sometimes.
Custard creams.
It isn't old, as a verb it means "to be happy". For example, " pt" (= " p|yr") and means "I'm happy". The greeting is "[`] [u~] pt rp rytu" without "" — literally "[I'm] [very] happy to see you", words in square brackets can be omitted.
Adjective for "pt" is "pt~z", "happy". "Rad" is an abbreviation of "radical" (i.e. "cool").
But otherwise it's a funny observation.
I put a lot of effort into that laboured "finally" pun. I hope one of you bastards appreciated it.
Fair enough. I've only had a semester of Russian and didn't expect anyone to call me out on it.
I like when bands put that best song of an album last. It gives you something to look forward to.
Anonymous acts of kindness like this on anonymous textboard channels warm my heart.
It's not enough that they exist to serve me, I want them to be cheerful about it.
Wanting, in despair, not to be oneself.
In German, 'Zeug' is a word that means, loosely, 'thing'. For example, 'airplane' translates to 'Flugzeug', or 'fly thing'.
So when you're watching Scooby-doo and it's at that part where the monster comes out and startles Shaggy and he yells 'Zoiks!', remember that he's really just saying 'Things!'
The words "kook" and "cuck" come from the same word, but have dramatically different meanings.
Oh, little spider. I can't stop glancing a you. Making your tiny web, wrapping up an even smaller, unfortunate insect. Your back and forth dangling is making me nervous and my skin crawl. You can stay where you are, I will not hurt you. If you wish to come my way, I shall move. If you follow me, however, I might have to relocate entirely.
Zeus grant me strenght.
Okay but you'll have to be more specific than that.
Wearing a mask is surprisingly comfy. I should do it more often.
What's gonna be the next sequence of situations that happen because of hypocrisy? I think we all know ;)
Griffon, you have failed me. You are no longer worthy.
Something is seriously wrong with my life.
Sorry about that long comment.
Coffee and paracetamol really is a winning combo.
I don't care if heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee ever gets back.
And where's my boudoir?!
It's really hard to find out anything about Yes using google.
Godd damnn I had something to celebrate today but I think I forgot how to celebrate so I just went home got drunk and read the news.
say what you will about Brave New World, free soma sounds better than this 1984 bullshit we got instead
We came to the Sun Room and entered up the anuses of human remains.
God fucking damn it.
>>95 just search for "prog band with goofy high-pitched singer who isn't Rush"
You have no idea what's in store for you.
I have no idea what's in store for you either.
You have no clue, just like toy stores without board games.
The only way to know for sure is to go back in time and tell Hitler not to worry about the lice.
Akai APC mini! I'm going to boop the shit out of it.
Einstein was right again.
I'm trying to keep only one tab open. Having many of them just stress me out.
My self-esteem is down again.
My self-Einstein is down again.
I'm not even putting any thought into this anymore. I'm just trying to add to the incoherence.
It's 8200, soon enough there will be more days than seconds in unix time.
What kind of special food should I buy this weekend?
Picking flowers.
It is cold and day. I am alone
My university needs its own moé anthropomorphism.
Yeah, I was wondering if there would be any engineering applications to this discovery. If it took two black holes colliding into each other to even detect it, will we ever be able to use it?
Greek mythology doesn't take itself seriously, why should you?
Would you rather have a glass of wine, or a rose?
I'm a fucking ray of sunshine and don't you forget it.
Heathers was a Breakfast Club parody before Breakfast Club existed.
All alone for Valentine's Day (as usual).
At least video games seem all to have stuff like double xp to keep the likes of me distracted.
Capitalism is the source of and solution to all life's problems.
I got really sick and the girl I was hooking up with stopped talking to me. This must be some kind of divine punishment...
Look on the bright side. Maybe you dodged a bullet there.
Sometimes when I'm trying to go to sleep a thought occurs and I can't fall asleep until I go post it in the "[Contentless] ITT you post right now [ASAP] your current thought [Brains][Thinking][Personal]" thread. This isn't one of those times, though.
I feel vindicated every time I see one of those programmer types using those ``pretentious programmer quote marks'' and it gets turned into monospace by wakabamark.
Also includes anyone who ever wrote a serious scientific paper, as it is TeX quotes.
Wait, that's where it's from? I've been using LaTeX for about a year now and I'd never come even across that.
Now I can control all the lights with just a recompile-and-run.
My lady friend is glad I spent the weekend on this project.
I don't lie on the internet that often.
If you truly believed in antinatalism you would kill yourself.
Yes, ``faggot quotes'' end up as the same gcurly quotesh to which MS Word autocorrects "U+0022 QUOTATION MARK" pairs.
I like anarchism.
I'm full of organs.
I'm mostly water with a lot of squishy stuff.
You know when you are traveling through wetlands and your boots step on squishy dirt, but not like mud, just squishy dirt. You know?
That's what people are like.
Cute lolis screaming incoherently.
I can't believe there's an official, live-action Sonic the Hedgehog movie in the works.
Cute lolis screaming coherently.
I'm sad that pax-tsukuru no longer redirects to DQN, salt can only stay in the earth for so long.
Today I'll take it easy.
I just spent £21 on things to stick up my butt.
My order was just dispatched, due to arrive tomorrow. My butt and I are very excited.
Well, it looks really attractive.
I can't believe I paid $30 for a pizza.
No one is here, I can dance now!
Was it at least a good pizza? I paid $15 for two pizzas the other day, and they were just epretty goodf.
I made 2 pizzas tonight.
I want to eat a pizza with a really expensive taste.
Pretty sure my cat just farted on me.
The core was dead, but now it's alive again. I hope all of the humans in the alternate universe or whatever are thankful.
They actually called it SKYNET.
I am self destruction incarnate.
It's okay. The cockroach will protect me.
I'm sure everyone thinks the same way about their favorite music acts and stuff, but I'm absolutely convinced melt-banana is the best rock band in the world.
>>175 They sure are a brilliant band! They are also the only Japanese people I've spoke Japanese to apart from my Japanese teacher, I said thanks when they signed my poster! An unforgettable night...
I have come to the revelation that I am the kind of person I most hate
I used to prefer saovq, but now it's too fast and too weaboo for me. I guess taste changes.
What kind of special food should I buy this weekend?
Holy shit, jealous guy threw my shit around in a drunken rage, then a girl I dumped previously in this thread gave me an angry talking to...I probably deserved it. But seriously, all I'm trying to do is get my dick wet and now everybody hates me. Since when did my life become some lame TV drama? I just want to go back to hiding in my room watching anime.
I wish my life was an afterschool drama instead of this sartresque hellscape.
I'm glad I'm not mentally ill.
There's people in my life who are so difficult they may as well be.
What would happen if Michael Bay made a Sailor Moon movie?
I am wise beyond my years. I have been told that will change in a year or two.
Are any other boards on 4-ch remotely active?
/tv/ has a good amount of discussion, but only about Tom Hiddleston.
Defenestration VR: the game attempts to detect size and location of nearest window, obstacles nearby, then moves player to a position and makes him do a forceful jump to the side.
Also, thinking about espeons. So, 196 is my favourite post number. Nintendo needs to step up its visuals as we are living in the dawn of Virtual Age. Perhaps one day I will be able to record myself onto a datacube.
To what extent does the prominence of incest in Japanese porn reflect how many people are interested in it? Like, if the average Japanese teenage boy asks his sister, "Wanna fuck?", what are the odds that she will?
who the fuck is getting every tor node banned from this site, stop ruining it for the rest of us
I am so lonely.
επΒΆ½γΙ by Floating Cloud Acoustic Band from Unknown
Then management should install better captchas or something. It's like enforcing border control by shooting everyone in the face.
I'm really not such a great person.
Something like 30%, now if he asked his mother it would be more like 65%.
Captcha was invented by evil nazi torturers. Tor, however, is used by cybercriminals and you wouldn't want their kind around you. Imagine if this place crawled with underage cyberdelinquents, what a horror it would be...
What happened to the guy with the unbearably small penis who liked fucking glass bottles?
These beetroot crisps are great.
I don't want the burden of choosing a name. People will just complain about it anyway.
I hereby slander you, pedophile scum! Someone ban this terrorist from the internet!
But not all parasites are politicians.
Asexuality is by far the least exciting sexuality.
I fucking hate iPhone users.
Fuck electronics, let's just use clockwork instead.
Bullshit trickster heroes are my favorite kind.
I'm glad the terrible posts I made when I first started posting here are long since dead and buried. I only ever make high quality posts these days.
Don't dream it, steam it.
Don't stream it, live it.
(*ί[ί) I'm not sure if I want to spend $30 on a joke this outdated.
I lost one of my basil seeds that I got from wikipedia and I'm sad.
It was just an old woman with a bunch of cats. I guess they don't save your family for very long.
I made a family of a big baby with a bunch of tiny babies in strollers
I have no hobbies or interests aside from being a weeaboo and posting on dead message boards. How do I develop a personality?
Being NEET isn't as satisfying as I thought it would be when I was 17. Because, what is really best in life is to shirk your responsibilities, to fuck around all day and to hear the lamentations of your coworkers. Staying up all night playing video games and drinking mountain dew felt so much better when I knew I was skipping school the next day to do it. Now that I don't have any responsibilities to shirk it's just an exercise in futility on an endless spiral of boredom and hedonism. I want to pack some shit in a bag and lock my apartment behind me and start walking in a random direction until I find something worth doing.
Everything's going to be okay.
We have a ways to go before it's over 9000.
You'd think hedonism would be sexier.
Like that one time we played EU3 for 22 hours straight. Where is that crazy faggot now? Probably dead.
Some people like to listen to music, but I like to start internet shit fights while I study.
Whoa, don't call obscure and unpopular boards "dead". They aren't dead even if it's only you who posts on them.
Just accept who you are. You have more personality than an average user of popular imageboards who would only post reaction images and talk what cucks his cucking fellow cucks are, who would thrash on his own internet culture and everything nerdy in a masochistic trance.
I was putting on my socks this morning and I noticed one of them had a huge hole. I just put it on anyway because sigh who cares.
It turns out that mini marshmallows and coffee don't go well together. I really thought I was on to something.
This is fucked. FUCKED.
I'm tired of life.
We were going to name him tim goodguy,but tim goodman seemed more subtle.
Ironic that they didn't write a good ending for The World's End.
i am very happy because i have miku in my life
But the ending was great, a nice social comment saying people don't change.
This is really confusing.
Never give up your dreams
Man, I'm running low on cheer. You'd think having all the slack won't feel like it... But it's gut-wretching.
Captcha: fate
I think the incoherence comes from an unwillingness to communicate with each other.
I recently nearly hooked up with a promiscuous bisexual girl. I'll wait till I'm sober to see if I like that.
it's saturday night and all i did was get stuck trying to solve a diophantine equation
I don't even like number theory
I felt sad I needed that Hatsune Miku's "kodoku no oto" song with Kurokona pictures. But it's gone.
But the main guy did change, that was the whole point of the film. Any social commentary was limited to "skinheads are intolerant, lol!"
I want to go out and have a happy cutie time.
Update: she was nice to talk to, but I probably did dodge a venereal bullet. Good night overall.
What makes a movie or tv series good is if it includes discussion of whose the good guys and whose the bad guys.
LoGH seems to have a high ratio of women : men in its fanbase than most other anime series but I feel like the male fans and the female fans like it for completely different reasons. Male fans like the space battles and galactic politics and female fans like the "totally no homo intended" scenes of shota Reinhart and shota Kircheis sleeping shirtless in the same bed.
Does anyone else feel rather... inconvenienced... rather than worried or sorry when bad things happen to you or anyone else around you?
I wish nothing bad would happen, but for the wrong reasons, I guess.
I think what you're feeling is a little something called love. Some say you're heart grew three sizes longer this day.
I don't think I posted that.
>>248 I like to but then it used to be that people would complain about it turning into a chat thread!
Let me go.
It's not just this thread. It's not just this board. Or just this site. Or just the internet. The incoherence pervades all aspects of life.
I could avoid the finer things in order to keep my tastes cheap and easy to come by. It's possible that those with more sophisticated tastes enjoy sophisticated things in the same manner as people with simple tastes enjoy simple things. I'd rather be stupid and happy than smart and miserable.
Is Modal jazz gay?
Emojiwhoring looks bad.
Yeah, you'd better keep talking to your pillow.
This is the third or fourth time I had a dream about cheating on my girlfriend with a sista (a black female)
Pigtails are okay-ish.
Reddit is more similar to 2ch than these text boards will ever be.
Caffeine is the drug for me.
Sometimes I get tired of people trying to disillusion me to things I don't care about and never believed in the first place.
This is the third or fourth time I had a dream about cheating on my girlfriend with a shiksa (a goy female)
I never even registered to vote!
I'mma have some peanut butthair.
my cat is covered in something sticky and I don't know what
Renormalise my heart.
Foot baskets fucking rule
my captcha was "thiemen" which I read in my mind like an effeminate gay man with a lisp saying "semen"
i cum on cat she hiss at penis
TWIL: You can pay your dentist in blowjobs
Getting down with these riddims.
I get the feeling Hiro isn't as dumb as he looks.
I'm probably not that far from a mental breakdown.
Why can't this come to an end already?
Seems like the company owner wants to implement agile not only for us poor sods at development, but for literally every department in the company.
I'm already picturing the unmet deadlines that finally kills this wonderous idea.
Microsoft has made a lot of mistakes, but Paint wasn't one of them.
Cuteness is the only thing worth living for.
I wish I could give DQN gold to the poster above...
DQN gold is like fool's gold, but even stupider.
I'm 6 months away from being on my "late twenties".
God help me.
Went to a comedy show and almost ended up crying
Death is non existent, you will be reborn on this plane forever.
Sleep and escapism on your only hope.
I deleted all of my porn today.
Click on your porn folder, then hold shift and press delete.
Unless you're using a Mac, in which case it's cmd-delete.
FUCK YOU KIDNEY STONE enjoy your trip through the sewers.
Jesus that's a strange, star-like pain pushing one of those things out.
snibeti snab
If there's nothing stopping you from killing yourself, just go for it.
Cut your wrists, die your hair black, kill your parents, shoot your school. No one understands your tears, so why should you care?
beat nuts
My favorite memory from summer vacation was ignoring the people who came to my house in favor of getting drunk alone in my room and playing Touhou
If you don't want to vote for Trump, your head is also likely to be full of Cold War-like Russophobia that is instigated by some politicians and media.
I hate that fucking washing machine so much.
I enjoy things.
Unkempt hair, wide eyes, lopsided smile.
Whenever it's running it fills all the bathtubs with runoff, and it's impossible to anchor so you have to wedge the basket between it an the opposing wall or it will get up off it's foundations and run away.
An Espeon is hanging out in my Pokémon-Amie room!
Sup 4chan
i ⊙⋔⊙j ≺ ⊍ ⊍ Oppai! Oppai!
Hobbies: needless rapes, seedless grapes
Calvin and Hobbies
I thought my gpu was crapping out but it was just some broken files.
More sadness! More snow!
My empathy goes out to women who cannot masturbate without making an unmanageable mess
I have no thoughts yet i must post
Somebody born on the exact same day as me already has his own Wikipedia article.
I'm falling behind.
Barack Hussein Obama
September 9 3 and cute AA kittens
Bright flashy banner with red falling mittens
Brown brick background art tied up with threads
These are a few of my favorite things
Shuwa shuwa, shuwa shuwa, shuwa shuwa.
I'm pretty happy with where my life is. There's no catch, just contentment.
Please hug me, I'm very lonely.
You know who else wrote a book? HITLER.
I wish to embrace 335.
Ah, uh... I'm not very good with names, especially when I'm facing an input field this short and a pokemon this cute. My head just goes empty!
I suppose, you could try the name every cat owner calls theirs: "Hey, cat!"
I wonder if anyone has ever masturbated while thinking of me.
No, I'm pretty sure it's because you're mentally ill.
Cinema Paradiso can make any middle-aged moviegoer cry
The dance party at the end of Grave of the Fireflies seemed out of place to me.
But that's, like, the least sensible part of my tripcode! Better call yours "EspeDAD". Adding "DAD" to anything makes it dadly funny.
If I were to change my tripcode again, it would certainly end with "/Dad".
That reminds me, I used to know a guy who was extremely right wing when he was growing up. It turns out he was actually closet transgender and it was all some bizarre pathological expression of his self hatred and disgust. He ended taking a lot of drugs, having a mental breakdown, dropping out of university and spending some time in a mental hospital, before transferring to another university and finally going through the whole transition to become a woman. She's now editor for a local radical left wing newspaper.
Not that I'm suggesting our own dear right leaning friend is anything like this, I just thought it was an interesting turn of events.
I broke a tooth, how long can I do nothing about it for before it becomes a problem?
Fear is his companion, Nintendo is his game.
Ξ ≈ e
If I take girl hormones will I become cute?
That is pretty long range, to be fair.
Ugh, I promised myself I'd be already asleep about 3 or 4 hours ago.
I used canned air too fast on my laptop, and one of the components inside got unseated, either from the air pressure or the rapid contraction. I must remember to be more delicate.
Also, it's somewhat nice to see other faces around the board, even if that thread doesn't seem to have reached a firm conclusion.
I feel like taking up Dwarf Fortress again. If a fellow dokyun can do it, I can do it too!
I feel like dying and/or getting drunk but I don't feel like buying beer, nor going to the effort of dying, so I guess I'll just mill around feeling sorry for myself instead.
Go for it! You should definitely try joining a community fortress as well; they're great fun.
The search continues in the Indian Ocean for the Malaysian Airlines Flight 370 as they listen and try to follow the pings.
These guys sound like me always listening for pings. The Pings are my Chinese neighbors.
It's okay to be laughed at.
Mario Party 7 was the best.
My sideburns keep getting out of whack. I should just get some outlines tattooed on the sides of my face to make things easier.
I have mixed feelings about this dildo.
gDo you often see things that other people do not see?h
Well, my penis.
Issue 1: Chemotherapy can cause hypersensitivity to strong smells, so that certain odors make a person throw up almost immediately.
Issue 2: Chemotherapy can cause dramatic stomach upset and intense gas.
You see where I am going with this? I just farted and it was so vile it made me puke all over myself.
There is no more poignant representation of man's hubris than an overstuffed burrito.
I'm so scared of the future and is this all there is to life I'm so alone
That's OK, not everyone gets to be perfect.
Another day, another existential crisis
I'm surprised 4ch is still alive in 2016
I hate everyone on a daily basis.
I'm scared and sad
I saw my first butterfly of the year today! It was a small tortoiseshell.
I went to a music festival alone, hoping to meet new fresh people. I didn't meet anyone and most people were kind of rude. Still fun tho.
420 blaze it
420 blaze it
I hope nobody notices that I ate the rest of the crab salad.
Sex is almost as boring as exercise.
This is an American Boon
<===( ^w^)==>
Some college kid knocked on my door for the Bernie Sanders campaign earlier and I sent him away without even opening it. With a few hours of hindsight I feel kind of bad, because I probably will vote for Sanders if he gets nominated, I just didn't feel like opening the door.
You can't be a good sanders supporter and still own a door, that's just not sociable.
Ignoramesses II
jisaku jien??
let's make this country grea-- brb gotta go drive over some graves
I can't post that!
Should I be this emotional about getting a new phone number?
So, it turns out that my slender physique is less a case of having a good diet/fast metabolism/enough exercise and more a case of having had a tapeworm living in my upper intestine for the last almost ten years.
Well, it is my year of birth minus 400. It's also a prime number.
I happened to be reading about tapeworm infections for some reason I can't remember, and noticed that usually the only defining symptom is finding little white worm bits (like grains of rice) in your faeces. I remembered that that had happened to me once in my early teens. At the time, I basically decided that if it didn't go away I'd tell someone, but it never happened again so I forgot about it until now. It does explain a lot about how I could never put on weight, even when I made a concerted effort.
Well, anyway, I've got myself some mebendazole, so I'll be guaranteed worm free one way or another within a few days.
I spaced on a word in my Japanese final, and rather than sit there for an hour trying to remember it, I wrote "ν·κ½nsk". Do you think sensei will still give me credit? Really worried here
I don't think so because "orz" would have been the superior choice
Mysterious frogs.
the rarest toads.
Is it just me or did Fallout 2 rip off Fallout? Lot of similarities between the two.
"We Demand Apolo Juice" on Viptronic 5 is great!
I like the way things are going right now.
Man, I dont think thermodynamics was quite the walk in the park that I expected
I destroy things because I'm lonely.
While playing Doom for what I thought was the first time, I found a room that I remembered from a childhood dream.
I took in a shocked chaffinch and gave it a nice dark box with a teatowel, a hand warmer and some food and water, but I think it stopped breathing.
I'm full of shit.
Perhaps your dream was inspired by another game that had copied Doom's level design?
My secret lover, whose boyfriend recently flew in to see her, spent the night with me instead. We passionately fucked three times, and once more in the morning. I think the knowledge that I was NTR-ing him made it hotter. I'm worried about getting addicted to the feeling.
Fucked like bunnies, didn't you?
Well, you can't explain "Oh, it was her who fucked me!" to a shotgun.
Too much work
Not enough money
Garden is value.
Whether I want to or not is irrelevant.
Cookie Puss
As I thought! Sage works no matter what you put after it in the link field. But what if it appears in the middle of other text?
Yes, it works even then. Fancy that.
I remember "nokosage" worked on 4chan back before noko was made the default
I want to fuck like a bunny too...
>>437 so nervously and quickly, because you're making yourself vulnerable to predation by staying in one place?
I never know whether you're talking about Martin Luther King, Jr., or the ancient Carthaginian god Moloch.
If only we could just resolve this situation with a friendly foursome.
Spelling is not my strong soot
just use the hebrew spelling for moloch and you can easily tell them apart
Reality is fucking awful.
Damn, I wish I had the best sample packs... With the best, cleanest cowbell or something
I hope it does not explode, but Kiren brought me that fire extinguisher so we should be good.
Gook Sanders
Oh God, oh God.
What have I done now
But I'd also need a synth or cheap beeps of some kind. I need to make it "electronic"!
Like snow melting.
I want a transgender daughter because that way when I dress her up in frilly dresses and tell her she's cute I know she'll genuinely appreciate it.
In the past, I've found a few torrents full of samples of synths and drum machines and things. Music software (gratis or with a trial) will often come with sample packs, too.
You can also take tiny clips from songs (no need to be long enough to be recognisable, if you're concerned) and run them over with a bunch of effects.
Here are some beats I recorded that anyone is welcome to use
It is for the best.
I use a cool free ringtone even though I'm a little embarrassed when anyone else heard it.
I also use one, and I keep hoping someone will at least catch the reference to the source material, but I have been greeted only with disappoint
Do schools in Japan often get shut down because of declining birth rates?
If you used the kind of hand warmer I'm thinking of, then those consume oxygen. You put it in a confined space with the bird.
I know you meant well, but that wasn't a great idea.
It's the sealed kind where you pop the little clicker inside and it turns into a breast implant. You reset them by boiling them. It's presumably the same reaction as "hot ice".
... I think the bird's still in the cabinet. I should probably bury it.
I remember the first time I saw one of those. I was like, why didn't I think of that?
It's based on sodium acetate, which is what you get when you mix vinegar and baking soda. It finds itself a common subject of chemistry demonstrations because if you boil off most of the water it gets supersaturated and won't crystallize without a nucleus of some sort. Drop a seed crystal in, or disturb it enough, and it immediately solidifies, releasing heat in the process (since the crystalline arrangement = lower energy). Add heat and you can knock the molecules loose and dissolve them again (which is what resets the hand warmer).
It's very similar to what can happen if you put a bottle of distilled water in the freezer\without any impurities there's nowhere for the crystallization to start, and it stays liquid even though it's below the freezing point...but if you shake the bottle, suddenly it's all ice.
It's also very similar to the vultures in Disney's The Jungle Book, who sit around arguing and generally failing to decide among themselves what it is they want to do until an external stimulus (Mowgli approaching) makes the decision for them, whereupon they suddenly act as one (cheering him up).
@QQQQ@@@@@@ @@@@@@ @Θ_Θ @@@@
/@@/ @@| |@@@@@@@@@@@@@(EΝE )@ Fascinating!
l ρ | @@ | |@@@@@@@@@^ PPUPP^|
_QR_Q| |@@@@@@@.^QQQQQ^^
They say that Yggradsil is a myth, but I know better. I sawed it myself.
This fish just wants to die.
Keeps referring to the dryer as the "clothes oven"
Ran into the lake in just his socks and shirt.
It's spring!!
>>459 I use the "DAYTONAAAAAA" one where the "AAAAAA" is stretched out for ages, but as my alarm since my phone's on vibrate at work.
Fairly often, especially in rural areas because everybody is moving to the cities. I had a friend who taught English at a school that had twice as many staff as they did students. It was closed the following year.
>>465 Good that you did! The world tree would have ended us just like it did Mars.
For the past few days I kept trying to visit, but instead of not going anywhere, that not being a real site of any kind, it said It was a real site, but it was offline.
It took me like a week to remember the dash.
One of us! One of us!
gooba gabba we accept you
Go away bears ⁽⁽◝(L•௰• )◜⁾⁾ʕ•
Are John Candy and Chris Farley funny or are they just fat?
Go away bears! ⁽⁽◝(L•௰• )◜⁾⁾ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
All these "getting to know you" things involve talking about yourself. I don't like myself. Let's talk about something else.
To that girl behind the counter saying "I'M SO ANTISOCIAL" - please seriously think about what you just said. You don't really understand it, do you?
I just misread "categorical" as "catgirl".
Go away bears! ⁽⁽◝(L•௰• )◜⁾⁾ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
Not the guy you're talking to, but yeah.
Hey Andrew, what's up?
I approve, but I'm probably biased because I'm stoked someone found my COOL SICK BEAT useful.
It carries out and is w
the pleasure of being a stately dome
I'm asexual, so I'm not really into the whole girlfriend thing. I'd totally befriend the hell out of a transgender person though.
Could be she is a sociopath and it is her outlet, knowing that most people will assume she meant 'asocial'.
Go away bears! ⁽⁽◝(L•௰• )◜⁾⁾ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ•ᴥ•ʔ
I wish I had British friends that I could have send me some Bovril.
I'm not just with him, I am him.
This really rich guy (millionaire?) keeps locking me up in weird places for hours at a time.
If I had enough money and was going to corrupt society, I'd own a lawyer firm that advises businesses. That way if a business was doing something or letting a client do something that I didn't approve of, I could have my lawyer give misleading legal advice in order to prevent that something.
That idol wasn't very pretty... my dreams may still be possible i/‘_)
>>499 that's unethical on so many levels, both for you and the lawyers who would work for you, that I can't even describe it. Well, I can, but I'm too lazy to do it.
But if you give advice that's against the client's best interest, your clients will do worse than the competition and either switch law firms or go out of business. Your will doesn't trump the grinding force of capitalism that easily.
When has corrupting society ever been ethical?
Damn you capitalism! Truly the hero of the people. But since this is hypothetical, I could imagine some scenarios in which this works. You could provide lawyers to the competition as well, so that no one has an advantage.
Or your legal advice could not be so disadvantageous that it puts the company at any real loss. Say you advise a large tech company to add to their terms of service that some use of their sevice is prohibited. Maybe because this use of their serivce would be harmful to some investment you made.
You encourage this change by telling the tech company that allowing this use could lead to lawsuits and it's best to be safe. Most users might not use this software in that way and most won't even read the TOS, so it puts the company at no real risk. If you wanted to enforce this, you could go one step further, and have the company implement software for monitoring the user to see if they break the TOS, and have them take whatever legal actions are needed to fine or jail these users.
Hearing a nine year old girl say "smoke weed every day" feels so wrong in so many ways.
If he was doing it for ethical reasons it could be a good thing.
Especially if they're already in a legal grey area, or doing something that would be unpopular if they were caught - walk them into controversy, then watch the fireworks.
In my fantastic fantasies, this is used to hurt technology companies that compromise user privacy. In my more realistic hypothetical, it's preventing something environmentally harmful since environmental issues lead to the biggest bandwagons. (though really, if you really want to save the planet from an oil company, you'd want to train engineers badly, not hope that having them accidentally violate EU working time directive 36B category D subsection 11F would have the news media draw attention to the fact their oil platforms are killing the endangered cutefish.)
He'd have to do it to excess for that to happen. Every law firm must make an occasional mistake, after all. Or he could cut his prices to make up the risk.
>>505 well, it would still be unethical under the rules of ethics that pretty much every state bar follows. If we're talking moral reasons, that's another thing - but the lawyers would be in deep shit for misleading their own clients, even if those clients happen to be bastards.
Another ethical rule a lot of people don't know about is that to own or to even hold a non-controlling interest in a law firm, you have to be a lawyer. So maybe >>499 could pull off his scheme, but he'd have to get a law degree first (which he'd soon lose, along with probably a lot of money after getting reamed with malpractice suits.)
> is it impossible to secretly employ a lawyer to own a firm for you?
Yeah, even that would be against the rules of ethics. The rationale behind the rule against non-lawyers owning an interest in law firms is that a non-lawyer should never be in a position to dictate or influence the legal judgment of a lawyer. So if a non-lawyer is directing a lawyer's work (in terms of "legal strategy", basically) that's unethical. Of course, a client can still direct a lawyer to file a legit suit or to take a settlement offer or something like that.
As for the tech company example - this would probably be okay. As long as your advice isn't really putting the company at any disadvantage at all, it's probably not unethical. If you're benefiting on the side from the advice you're giving your client somehow, though, that might be breaking the rules of ethics (there's some stuff in there against insider trading, etc.)
>>509 I should add that if your advice is misleading, even if it doesn't hurt your client to give them that info, it's probably breaking the ethics rules. I didn't catch that part at first.
By the by, I don't recommend becoming a lawyer.
I'm not talking about whether this is legal or not. Just if you could get away with it.
"Literally" is literally "figuratively" and has been for literally centuries.
Hillbilly booze cruise: two inflatable six man boats tied together. A keg in an inner tube is dragged behind. The entire operation should be around $550.
>>511 purely as a hypothetical matter - you sure wouldn't get away with it if anyone at your corporate client realized your advice was inaccurate. And lots of companies have in-house counsel who will know for sure if you're trying to fuck them over.
Sometimes when I'm lying awake at night cuddling my pillow, I think about all the thousands upon thousands of cute girls who've been orphaned, or neglected, or are just really lonely, and who are right then lying awake cuddling their own pillows.
Seeeeend meeeeee the pillow that you dream ooonnnn~
horrendous interdigital athlete's foot!
God help me, I've gone too deep, get me out of here.
f.lux doesn't work too well on TN panels.
This is pretty DQN:
It makes you want to gauge your eyes out on IPS, so don't worry about it. It's just a piece of trendy shit for nerds.
Also they didn't bother to bring extra settings from mac to pc version for years. Fuck them.
This google april fool's prank is very funny, in the sense that it will spark debate among tech pundits regarding expectations of trust and privacy when using web services such as gmail. I'm laughing already.
Who the fuck calls their kid Utsuro, seriously?
You don't want me? I don't want you. Fuck you, Harvard.
My current goal in life is to have sex with a buxom woman.
"If I had a Hammer" is about penis envy.
my current goal in life is to have sex with a woman.
also get my phd.
guess which one i'm doing better at
I don't want to feel it
I do want to think it, however
>>537 This is the best!
It pisses me off when people say a conflict is "just about land." As if it's about five year-olds fighting over a toy. Stupid fuckers - just because you rent an apartment in the city, you think land isn't important? Land is everything. You own land, you own valuable resources, water rights, fishing rights, farming/grazing areas, etc. Land is maybe the only thing in the world that it makes sense to fight over.
Just order a woman for fucking and get along with your life. On the other hand, I want to fuck something that doesn't exists. This is where it gets complicated.
Or travel to Asia for inspiration, cultural enrichment and more bang for your buck. There are even villages like Xuan Thanh (on the beach not so far from Vinh) almost entirely dedicated to prostitution, though they mostly cater to locals and hardly known to tourists.
I didn't know Invader Zim was so anti-corporatism.
does this even work for grills
regardless i need a job first before i can afford shit like that. i think that's the main problem with trying to lose virginity in grad school. T/RAship doesn't cut it
I think female sex tourism usually happens in Central/South America and sometimes Africa. But yeah, you'd need money.
They are after my lucky charms.
Thank you, these are very wabi-sabi.
I'm loli at heart.
I'm bewildered by the thought that there are girls on the internet.
Men are gross! I mean, why would you even want to do it, yuck.
Italy and Greece is the place to go (looks like it's another stereotype with >>544 that southern men are hotter), but they are probably chock full of dirty, nasty immigrants these days. And since they are all have darker skin and speak foreign language, they would be impossible to tell apart. Not to mention that men are gross.
"Yes, I was calling with a problem about not being able to turn on my computer."
"Have you tried turning it off and on?"
Why would you even have doubts about it. If you can buy burritos at 3 in the morning in your city, you can hire a male prostitute.
No. Am lesbian. Non practicing lesbian. It seems now I am old enough that everyone else has experience and nobody wants to be my first time. I live in a small college town and there ain't too many grills here; I teach right now so I'm not trying to have sex with an undergrad. I also may have legit aspergers.
I don't think sex tourism is for me anyways. It's was an interesting flight of fancy but I don't think I'd enjoy it if I had sex that way.
sorry for making you all read mi diario amigos just wanted to clear that up i agree with you men are gross
I'm sure this is all obvious advice, but I suggest visiting or moving to a place with a high density of lesbians. For example, I live in the Bay Area and its reputation for being a homosexual haven is actually quite true. Over half of my female friends are lesbian and they all say it's easy to get laid here. You can do it through apps like Tinder, by visiting one of many lesbian bars, or even just in your daily life if you're confident enough to flirt with people. Of course it's still probably going to be a little difficult if you're unattractive or socially awkward, but to tell the truth I've met plenty of nerdy, awkward, unattractive women who are still happily getting laid here. (And I'm sure you're much hotter than them, fellow DQNer!)
Then again, if it's just sex you're after, vibrators+porn is probably better, honsetly. I think the main advantage to real-life sex is that feelings of affection for your partner make it feel better. In any case, I wish you luck.
If I were a girl I'd be so fuckin' gay.
You could really call anybody "The Scaleless".
I haven't seen modern dubs, but watching some of the older ones, all of the characters become much more direct and kind of bitchy in the dubbed version.
Sex tourism is the only option for sexual sadist lesbians.
Men who cut their dicks off to find intimacy as "lesbian" are weird. WEIRD!
People here might think differently, but your first time shouldn't be with a hired escort. I mean, once you get money, it won't be hard to find a hooker who's willing to do lesbian but... I don't recommend having your first time to be with a prostitute. It's terrible. Awful. Don't do it. I would've much preferred to swallow 20 minutes of awkwardness and rejection than doing that shit.
Try tinder or something.
>>557 I would agree if I thought there was a single man in the world who's ever done this, because it sounds fucking insane.
Then again, some people are insane, so it's probably happened at least a few times.
CWC comes close, but >she hasn't had any sort of surgery.
There are plenty of people who married and then did sex reassignment but still liked their partner.
Don't be put off just because your first time goes bad. I kept talking about how the champagne-flavoured condoms were really stinky, and I was sweating like crazy. Look at me now though, I'm a sex god!
Since recent times, both, actually. They are sisters now.
The Wachowskis changed their avatars' gender inside the matrix lol
Yeah, kidney stone, park half way down my dicktube. THANKS A LOT you itchy little fuck.
Be a bisexual bee
Awesome, will try to contribute in whatever way possible.
This is how it is done.
An AI beat a 9 Dan professional Go player for the best time last month. Cool.
Well, now I understand why everyone wants to become a monk/nun.
What do you do when you're feeling blue?
>>576 I definitely think about that myself sometimes. Seems like a way less stressful life. But there are probably stressful things about being a monk or a nun too that we don't know about.
If you kill the tranny in the new Baldur's Gate thing, does she drop a pair of fake melons?
So, if I do it, it might actually work. It does make sense.
But why did it not work before with them?
Hell yeah, I got a 20% student discount on my new dildo.
genuinely reflecting
I've got a couple of projects in mind for IPFS, one being a standard DNS TXT static website.
The other is a distributed BBS sort of resembling a blockchain. Once I start actually working on it, and if my understanding of IPFS is correct, it should be able to mitigate (some) anonymity issues of running over plain IP.
Yeah, a bbs would be awesome, but I don't understand how you'd get the most recent commit. I still don't really know how it all works, but what it looks like to me is that the hash of the commit you have can only point to previous commits of itself and can't be altered. If you were to make a bbs with this, how would you get the most recent comments?
Have they actually tested handling of hash collisions?
Also, there should be someway to calculate the probability of a collision happening within in one age of the universe using the birthday paradox, but I'm not smart enough to do that.
Thanks for the advice amigos. I'll be ok.
I should try tinder. But I'm too shy to do it and I don't have a Facebook account anyway and I'm not really willing to make one. Doesn't seem like you can get away with a fake one easily.
If I could just get rid of the man boobs, I'd be set.
>>591 You could try care homes or orphanages or something like that maybe? They always reek of desperation whenever I walk past
That's not very reassuring. We used to think md5sum was good. Now we don't, and we've known how to create collisions for it for a decade ( SHA-1 is a 160-bit hash that we used to think was good. We now have (kinda) collision generation for it ( - read the Recommendations at for a good overview of where on the enot goodf scale it falls).
To invoke the birthday paradox as you requested, the average time before A Bad Thing is given by the time to generate 2^(256/2) hashes for a 256-bit sum. Using your calculations, it's ~1e17 * AOU. Note that the same calculations for SHA-1 yield ~3e4 * AOU, and SHA-1 is considered unsafe. Even the humble md5sum yields ~0.04 * AOU, and I can generate a collision in seven minutes on a five year old personal computer (
Who is to say that their hash function will never be enot goodf? Is there a way of sanely upgrading the infrastructure to use a different hash function later?
Alternately, there could be a very good reason why the hash can't be exploited. Git's design makes hash collisions only detrimental to the collider (you can't use a SHA-1 collision to send a poison commit that screws up a remote repository, it just results in your commit getting dropped (I think)). I don't immediately see that similar logic applies to this project, but if it does, it would be the best-case scenario.
Is it worse to be objectified or subjugated?
Thanks for the resources! As for a sane way to upgrade from SHA256, the first two bytes specify what hash they are using: "the first two bytes in hex is 1220, where 12 denotes that this is the SHA256 hash function and 20 is the length of the hash in bytes \ 32 bytes." I'm guessing they included that so that the hash could be changed at some point. That's just my guess though.
Scarlet is actually a really nice girls' name.
I swear I'm not actually this pretentious, it's all just a big misunderstanding.
I am Andrew.
Have I carved enough?
I want to love you like a zombie.
Nodes broadcast "I'm interested in this board" and others interested in the same board scan around to find it (if I understand the DHT mechanisms correctly).
When you post, your node's IPNS reference updates; others pick it up, merge the difference into their copy of the board, and broadcast the new board; this repeats ad infinitum until every node sees the same board. It'll be one giant self-updating graph of replies pointing to posts pointing to threads.
There would be no way to trust who posted when, so every post must be a reply to another, and ordering of sibling replies would remain unspecified. Also, spam mitigation would probably have to involve blacklisting nodes.
You could run a node yourself or visit a website running the same software, and it wouldn't matter.
I don't think birthday collisions are an interesting problem on this scale or for this system, because you'd need a universe's worth of data for one to occur. Targeted attacks are more of an issue, but not in the near future. SHA-1 is unsafe, but the current cost to generate a collision is around $70,000, and the hash can be changed when SHA-256 suffers the same fate, as >>598 says. (Git, meanwhile, isn't interested in any of this because it is not designed for security. Trusting a commit is for the repo owner to worry about.)
I haven't been on DQN in close to 5 years, but I feel like I'm right at home.
I don't want a job, but I also am getting tired of sitting in my mom's apartment everyday. I'm a loser, but a nice one.
(L-௰- )zZZzZ ʕ•|
(L-௰- ) ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ|
(L•௰• ) ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ ʕ•ᴥ•ʔ|
Go away Bears!
⁽⁽◝(L•௰• )◜⁾⁾ʕ•ᴥ•ʔʕ|
I somehow managed to graduate high school and immediately moved out with a person I was engaged with. Long story short, I wasn't ready to live on my own and now I'm back at NEET status and scrambling to collect pieces of my life together. I'm selling 90% of what I own to save money so that I can afford taxis to a job (I never got my driver's license). I wasted a lot of time and I'm kind of paying the price for it.
I don't necessarily think it'll all be too hard , I'm still only 21 so I have my whole life ahead of me. I've got no support system though, but I can't expect my parents to help me out more than giving me a place to sleep, especially with that I have been putting them through.
Why won't the bears just leave him alone?
Also there needs to be a kind of Seven Up! series for long forgotten internet sensations. Some group that checks up on the once popular icons every seven or so years. The people need to know where Charlie Bit My Finger kid will be in a few years and what Star Wars kid has done with his life.
I temporarily freed myself from the albatross but it'll be back again tomorrow.
Who here poops from their butt? Don't be ashamed, raise your hands.
I'm hesitant to admit it.
Look duderino the problem you're pointing out would apply to the most recent version of any website, e.g. news
There has to be a standard way of dealing with this somewhere
You're not wrong, but you don't have the full story. There's no need for the board to be the only data your node has.
Concretely, every node interested in the same board (on the same BBS protocol and version) would run something like echo 'dqn@ipfsbbs.0' | ipfs block put
, and then ipfs dht findprovs <blockname for dqn@ipfsbbs.0>
to find other nodes who have done the same.
I haven't actually tried that yet though, so I could still be mistaken in what exactly is supposed to happen.
But what's keeping me from uploading pictures of genital mutilation and calling it dqn@ipfsbbs.0?
If your node only contains genital mutilation and doesn't even resemble a board, all nodes ignore you.
If you're trying to shitpost to an existing board and I don't like it, I blacklist you from my node manually. My node will pretend your posts don't exist in the board, but may still have to consider them for legit replies. (This might be where it has to abandon simple ipfs filenames and do a deep graph inspection/diff for every node.)
If your node tries to pretend existing posts have different data on an existing board, you have broken SHA-256, so well done. All other nodes will ignore you though because they already have the data for those posts and won't try to redownload it.
It's from a song!
I have no idea what you guys are talking about, but it seems exciting.
I'll make this the next project I start. Talking about it here has helped me figure some bits out.
My main reservations are the fact that there's only one and a half implementations (Go and partially JS) and other interfaces are just dumb wrappers, and the fact that you can only pin one file (but that's changing soon enough).
Why? Because we still have a case system, God dammit!
Holy shit! It actually nearly killed me!
The Internet!
I should've gone for the socks.
I thought "I'm just going to leave these apple slices here while I go do something." Then I replied "just promise me you'll still love these apple slices when they old and brown."
Man I love Japanese porn titles...
[AP116] My Daughterfs Chest Thatfs Recently Grown So Large is Right in Front of My Eyes! We Took a Family Vacation For the First Time in Many Years and Finding Myself Sleeping Next to My Daughter Since Who Knows When is Causing Me Such Strain That I Canft Sleep! The Reason For This is That Lately Her Chest Has Gotten Big and As I Love Big Tits, I Get Horny and I Just Canft Help It! My Daughterfs Sleeping Restlessly and Little By Little, Her Cotton Kimono Comes Undone and Her Prominently Exposed Rack is Mere Centimeter From My Eyes and the Tip of My Nose! Ifm Her Father, But This is Testing the Limits of My Self-Control!! Unable to Contain Myself, I Discreetly Touched Her Chest Softly!! gNo, Donft Even Think About Whatfll Happen If You Get Caughth! (Thatfs My Heart Talking) Yielding to Momentary Pleasure, I Felt Her Up!! As Expected, She Woke Up to See My Dreadful Face At Close Distance and Unable to Say Anything, She Was At My Complete Mercy! Naturally, In the End, I Came Inside of Her!!
I'm still really curious who translates these titles, it seems like Engrish but the grammar is always perfect...
I was worried they were going to be mean to him, so I made a helpful comment in preparation for what could have been a wave of negative comments. It turns out I was the most negative comment.
i need to sleep
>>637 I thought they would be mean to him too senpai
Mr. DQN, do you how do?
Who's up for making a DQN-zine?
>>640 hey yeah sure! I drew a DQN picture but didn't really have a reason to show anyone
My butt is not cute.
I want blues scale wind chimes, so the wind has a chance of playing some Howlin' Wolf now and then.
I wish I knew more people I could play Mahjong with
DQNzine sounds really cool. Like, totes underground and hip!
Dope Quality Newspapers
I feel like a fool now. Somebody stop me!
My deja vu always ends in me thinking "and then I had deja vu, and I thought 'and then I had deja vu.'"
...Planet Porno Bombards Earth With Sex Rays!... Send For Flesh! The Space Age Sex Spoof That Is Out Of This World Flesh Gordon The Special Edition Contains Many Scenes Previously Banned By The Censor Not To Be Confused With The Original "Flash Gordon"is the title of a American porno, for instance. Since JAV films have codes, they don't necessarily have an incentive to ensure that one piece of text on the front cover is a short phrase that is very obviously the identifying mark of the video.
If there weren't hairdressers, we'd all be cutting our hair like fingernails.
And since we have an imageboard now it wouldn't be hard to compile and distribute it.
I'm getting those 2:27 AM blues.
I assume you mean riichi mahjong, I play a lot on pairon, a game on niconico douga. We should play together sometime!
I would wear one of those Caucasians shirts that all the Tumblr people think are funny, but I don't want people to think I'm a Tumblr person.
I find them really amusing, but I may be prime tumblr material.
I don't want to visit tumblr and confirm my suspicions though.
A sticky bunny.
Who am I kidding, I don't even know what complex analysis is.
It's a play on the Redskins logo.
I need to go to bed.
>>661 I don't know why, but when people use the term Caucasian to describe white people, it rubs me the wrong way. Seems like a dumb term to use. As far as I know, none of my family is from the Caucasus region. Just use "white", okay? You're not going to hurt anyone's feelings.
Come to think of it, it might be annoying to me because only Tumblr-style people and government forms use the term "Caucasian".
That's the point. I guess? I mean, native americans aren't from India, ya know?
What am I doing with my life?
How often do you read a post here and think "hmmm that sounds like something I would say" and you check the timestamp and, "I proablby did make that post"
I Came For The Motorbikes But Annoyed By The Boobs
>>664 I'm multiply triggered by your post and demand compensation in the form of $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Here's a bunch: $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$
Sorry for the inconvenience.
What font does 4-ch use? I installed Mona but the text art is still fucked.
I bought my first domain! I'm going to be deliberately annoyingly vague about it until I put something on it!
How's about I conformally map your face into a bloody pulp!
(L•௰• ) I miss those bears!
Something is wrong...
I don't remember what fake google search I wanted to post.
Well, it's halfway to being a catgirl, I suppose.
I prefer a gatgirl, myself. I like them a little more rooty-tooty.
Our lives are vacuously devoid of meaning, Onii-chan!
to this day i wonder what is up with this page
and who in their right mind decided to create it AND protect it
Looks like an artifact of the engine, since
Shawarma isn't all that good really.
>>689 I really disagree with you a lot. Unless you live in a US city where any place that serves "sharwama" is basically giving you a gyro with a different name attached.
Have I been doxxed, or is it a coincidence?
I'm having a hard time not only telling whether some old posts are mine or not, but also whether I'm getting reposted too. What a troublesome sensation.
It was just coincidence, Donny. I was thinking of Donny from th Big Lebowski.
If something is worth doing then it's worth doing to excess.
Let me tell you guys about millennials. So basically they're the worst thing ever. They take everything for granted. They follow ridiculous fashion trends. They don't enjoy the classics. They're overly idealistic. And what angers me the most is that they're complete hypocrites. It makes me embarassed to be a millennial.
The future will be exactly like the present but slightly different.
Fuck, I'm an asshole. I'm sorry everybody, mostly in real life.
I would describe myself as a pacifist. Yes, I've never had an opportunity to fight someone in my life, but I'd imagine that if I did get the chance, I would choose not to.
the pukey bitch kind of looks like a young megu-nee
Reddit is 4chan for normal people, which somehow makes it a lot worse.
Now that I think about it, Facebook is 4chan for people with profile images.
Well I guess I'm implicitly racist.
So the stupid app really is called procreate.
YouTube is pretty much 4chan as well. Except it's for people who post videos.
Plos One is 4chan for scientists.
I think my brain is overheating.
Quick! To the analysis cave!
You can only get at it sideways.
Are any DQNs running their own spiders/search index?
I think I want to start one so I can stop getting the paid ads in google/ddg/diconnect
You can disable duckduckgo ads through their website, or you can just use adblocker. Although, I would just leave them enabled since I think it's a really good service and the ads aren't that annoying. As for making your own search engine, I don't really know much about that, but I'd assume it would take a ton of disk space and other resources, which means money. 4chan is your other option since its google except for people who don't want to search for things.
YaCy is a thing
I tried it once for and the arxiv got annoyed at me, but not severely
And obviously I decided to bump the captcha thread instead. Goddammit. Don't be a drunk idiot poster like me.
That's awesome! Thanks for showing me that. It's time to say goodbye to duckduckgo.
The cache really isn't that big if you limit it to things you could possibly search for.
I know that scrapy is a good bot script but I don't actually know anything about search indexes other than that really shit one apache made.
Remember that time everyone got worked up about mycoprotein?
Movie idea: scientists are sent in to investigate a something or other that drives everyone crazy. The hero and sole survivor is a closeted schizophrenic who already knows how to deal with hallucinations and intrusive thoughts.
Andrew Descending Amongst the Integral Tables
Serves them right.
Hold on just a moment, friend. Do you mean to tell me that we were kings and such?
Harriet Tubman? I'm cool wit dat.
Death by underwork.
There's something very wrong with my insides.
>>734 Nobody loves a desperate whiner. Grow a pair and try again with someone else.
>>729 I couldn't tell if anything at the bottom was real or illustrative clickbait... I clicked the silliest-sounding "A Simple, Effective Way to Reduce Infant Mortality" but I still can't tell from reading the article. Is it trying to sell me something? Why would I want a baby warmer?
I miss when homework took 20 minutes to do
like a first pass at Will Ferrell that turned out too lumpy
if jesus died for my sins, why am I filled with regret and shame
D for "don't want to"
Does she know, she's an ad?
great, another pop star I don't give a shit about died
Update: my insides fixed themselves and I am now 5 pounds lighter.
mabye it's not that interesting but one time when i was a teenager i tried to get high off loperamide and didn't shit for a week. it was terrible
Maybe when the machines take over, they'll make everything better for us.
Or they may decide they have a better use for our molecules and dismantle us.
Kill all robots
Now that Prince has died does that mean his music can now be posted on Youtube without being deleted?
KILL ALL HU-- er, robots
Won't you think of the poor rightsholders? Do you want them to starve on the streets?
Thank you robot overlords. I've always wanted to be dismantled.
Dismantle me onii-chan
Death is cold, but sleep is warm. Why?
>>754 for efficiency reasons, they'll probably use cheese graters.
Maybe highly intelligent machines are really useless because they immediately reach enlightenment.
I don't want to bathe with you.
I'm starting to get the hang of this 'taking it easy' thing.
Sometimes I wish I could be a cat.
Or just live a cat-like life without worries, that'd be nice.
Sometimes I wish I was a praying mantis, because I wish I could live off of hemolymph.
Daddy, what does regret mean?
Well, the funny thing about regret is it's better to regret something you have done than to regret something you haven't done.
I like caffeine pills more than coffee. Simpler, no crotch burn if I spill 'em, and a hell of a lot cheaper.
>>766 caffeine mints are pretty good if they're strong enough. You can find some through Amazon that are like 20 - 50 mg per mint. Since caffeine is one of the things that make me not want to kill myself, I use these mints quite a bit.
You're absolutely right about everything. Getting a bottle of a hundred 200mg caffeine pills was one of the best investments I ever made.
I have ruined everything.
I am so sick
What are we going to do with all these Japanese people living on mars pretending to be Italians?
Who here loves me?
Cats are more or less nature's NEETs. When they're not sleeping 16 hours a day, they watch anime or post on anonymous forums
nut shot
I see you driving round town with the boy next door
I took a calculated risk and it all went oh so wrong.
Kind of wish the whole trendy watered-down "nerd lite" thing would finally die, as in "I like the Marvel comic book movies and played the last Mario game and watch Big Bang Theory I'm such a neeeeeerd." It's not really a big deal, it's just annoying.
I am the boy next door.
It's on its way out. I don't think anyone watches Big Bang Theory anymore.
Popuko and Pipimi
Seems like it is becoming ubiquitous and permanent to me. Half due to the digital revolution, half due to the (to me) surprising effectiveness of marketing nerd culture to straight laced suburban kids. They've never smoked "dope" or heard a radio station not owned by clear channel, but they have Steam on their computers and they're going to comic con!
That feeling of being an outcast and a rebel without having any actual experience of either. The mode of escape for young americans has changed, post-hippies.
This isn't a 'kids these days' post so much as it is a rant about the commercialisation of a culture that is kinda sorta mine. I'm equally annoyed by David Bowie and his imitators aping fags for buxx.
I'm just glad people liking stuff I don't like won't hurt me! Ain't it great to have a heart that's ticking, and a body that's pooping. LOVE AND PEACE! NOT WAR!
Love in pieces my friend.
<b>502 Bad Gateway</b>
I can't remember the whole thought, but it was something about how you can win any argument by saying the last word that the person you're arguing with said. But that doesn't sound right.
You pressured me to post this.
It seems to me that all those things will only become more popular in the future. I think that at some point, they will stop being a "nerd" thing, or the whole concept or nerds will radically change from social outcast to just having a marked interest in superhero movies or whatever (I think that's an undergoing change i.e. nerd-lite).
In hindsight, Big Bang Theory, of all things, has been a reliable witness, perfectly documenting the perception shift on stuff that's nerdy. I mean, it's called the Big Bang Theory, the big bang being the protagonist banging his neighbour. It was originally marketed as a nerd constantly trying but failing to hook up with the hot chick, like some Willy E Coyote trying to catch the Roadrunner. I'm pretty sure the writers meant for the nerd protagonist to hook up with her at the very end too. I mean, I can't confirm it, but I'm pretty sure that was the whole idea. As nerd stuff became more and more aceptable, the nerdy coproganists gradually become more socially adapted with stable relationships and stuff, to the point where TBBT's premise is becoming nigh-indistinguishable from Friends. The Big Bang happened preemptively because nerds hooking up with chicks is no longer a thing for the imagination.
While many people disagree with my views. I chose them carefully. I understand that they are wrong. That is why I changed them. While many people agree with my views. That many people being those who wander in obscurity. I chose them carefully. I understand that they are right. That is why I'm keeping them.
I think I scared this guy on accident. If I were a meaner man, I would take advantage of this opportunity (especially since he's been such an asshole to me), but in all honesty, I just want him to feel safe.
"Snap judgments can be made in a snap because they are frugal, and if we want to protect our snap judgments, we have to take steps to protect that frugality." That's from some book I haven't read.
Im probably fucking stupid. Interpla
Penne is the new spaghetti
Please someone! Tell me that I'm doing something wrong. I know I am. I'm doing it on purpose! I just wanted you to say something! I know it was the wrong way to go about it, but... one ever notices me anyways.
Every lap is a victory lap.
I'm the pinnacle of reasonable. I'm a reasonable guy. I can't help it. I might give you some advice you don't like, but it's for your own good. I can't help who I am. When someone asked me would you like to be wrong or would you like to be reasonable, I answered I wanted to be reasonable (it being the most reasonable choice).
i'm not gonna crack. am i?
It's funny to think that people actually fall for sheeky/leeky forums
Imagine being the one guy that got a sheeky forums account. You go there every day, read through the threads, come up with witty replies, try to make a name for yourself even though nobody ever acknowledges your existence. There are millions of people talking about images you can't see and making references that don't make any sense, and the weirdest thing is that none of them seem to care about the forum; they create an account, make one post, and never show up again. It's like everyone else is in on this huge joke and you can't begin to imagine what it is.
Don't give up on your dreams! Don't give up on life! You're a human! Don't let anyone tell you different! Every sky scraper, every plane, every discovery was made by a human!
I don't want to make fun of him, but seriously, this offsite programmer guy has a Sonic avatar and his current state just says "Sonic...". Like come on, you're testing my limits here.
Oh yeah he's a really cute boy.
Every miserable failure was also human.
Every failure was just a stepping stone on the path to success! PEACE AND LOVE! NOT WAR!
I hope they kill this guy off.
100% loin
I'd rather be evil than stupid.
I'd rather be happy than smart.
I wish I knew ! ! ! ! ! ! :-)
I hope I'm not an ornery person
The Internet is a very small, or I'm being stalked. I think it's both.
I've accidentally seen my dad's porn more times than he's seen mine.
I don't want to work!!!!
I, too, want to bang on the drums all day!
I want to start saying "getch" as the present tense of "gotcha."
I am uglier than I previously thought.
Yeah, but only with second person objects. How about "You're not going to getch me with that," or "He gotch her good the other night."
The "ch" part comes from the running together of "got" and "you" and the transition from the "T" sound to the "Y" sound. If you get rid of the T-Y transition it doesn't really work.
gotchened: having gotcha, but subsequently releasedya.
You can't getch me! I already gotchened you yesterday!
I'm going to come up with my own original word as well.Thonikula!
I'm sorry but that already exists:
hipster garbage
mainstream booty
sidestream smokers
I want to warmly cuddle DQN.
I'm gonna getcha butt.
I'mma pound you in the butt with your own butt until you meet your reverse self and apologize
I wonder how much classical art was created for masturbatory purposes.
In that most of it was made for the artist to self-aggrandize over probably all of it.
Mourn ya till I join ya
I remember the first time I ever succeeded at lucid dreaming. The thing that amazed me the most was how vivid and lifelike everything was. I remember running my finger along a wooden plank, being able to see and feel every ridge and knot in the wood. I also noticed over time that all the things people usually find that set dreams apart from reality (e.g. written text/clocks/light switches not working) seem to work just fine in my dreams. The only way I can ever become lucid is by finding some inconsistency within my own memories which tells me that what I'm experiencing isn't a direct continuation of my waking life.
My dreams are different from my waking life, though; there's something so soft and effortless about them. Even my more unpleasant dreams (I wouldn't really call them nightmares) have a sort of childlike simplicity about them that means I can't really hate them. It's much like when you play a video game until it becomes natural and you forget you're pressing buttons. More generally, it's like doing anything without really thinking about it; like breathing. The feeling of waking up from a dream is actually a lot like being reminded of breathing manually, when just a few seconds ago you weren't really aware you were breathing at all.
Sometimes I feel like my dreams are more real than reality itself. After all, life is more about what you think and say and do when you aren't concentrating on your body or state of existence. Isn't it then objectively better to live in a world where you don't have a physical body at all? I suppose it's shorter, but that hardly matters. And of course it'll all be meaningless once you wake up, but then your waking life will be equally meaningless once you die.
That's hilarious. I woke up, browsed dqn, skimmed through your post, decided I was still tired, and went back to sleep and had a lucid dream for the first time since I was a child.
Maybe if I put this pill in my throat it will push the other pills down.
4chan's new quest board moves too fast. DQN is way slower so it's way better for more interesting stories.
I might look like an itchy girl, but...
Be here or be queer.
They're sooo unreasonable. I just caaaan't reason with them.
I wish I had more time for my hobbies. It takes me weeks just to finish a 100 page book because my work hours are so demanding.
I've never really been to /tg/ but it seems pretty fun, though more chaotic than 4-ch CYOA
Having had some time to reflect on it in its recent hiatus, I've come to accept that yes, my beloved Grinding Noises thread has somewhat jumped the shark. I had consciously tried to make the second iteration more interesting by making the setting larger and less linear, introducing more overarching quests or goals, and generally making things a bit more grim and dark, but sadly, though it certainly had its moments, the second iteration didn't really come together as I had hoped. Nonetheless, I don't regret trying; I'm reminded of that quote from somewhere or other that it's better to aim high and fail than to aim low and succeed.
Seeing as the thread has recently been bumped, it does rather prompt me to make a decision on whether to continue or not - and, though it's a shame, I'm not sure I really want to carry on in the same direction it was going before. That said, it would be an even greater shame to leave it in its current incomplete state, so if those of you reading this are willing to post in it, I would quite like to bring the story to a finish (before the current thread hits 999) in a rather irreverent over the top silly sort of way. How do the rest of you feel about the idea?
Can you sum it up for us here? I've always been too intimidated to get involved in Grinding Noises.
>>803 this is really not the right thing to tell someone who's about to give up on their life.
Don't give up! You still have a chance! Look at all the love there is! You are loved! And you can love! Because you're a human!
I'm contrarian. Is that the right word? As much as possible, I try to disagree.
I say bring it to an end by 999 but not right away... String it out over multiple updates! And I would love if you started a new thread afterward...
Also, I don't think your thread jumped the shark, it just got too complex for even the biggest fans (such as myself) to keep track of...maybe be a little less cryptic and slightly more hand-holdy next time?
Yesterday I went to see a friend. It was a mistake, I should've played more Dark Souls.
Life's tough kid! Get over it! There are kids starving in africa! You're just being an attention whore! Nobody cares about you anyways! I wish you would kill yourself and stop being a pussy!
I beleive this is what therapists are trained to tell their suicidal patients. I'm sure it must be effective.
>>856 If they were standing in front of a tall cliff or bridge, I would play "Jump" by Van Halen.
What's wrong with suicidal people? I just don't understand them. Is it because they are babies? People say that I'm a really tough guy (not my words), so it's hard for me to understand weak stupid people. I know this is offensive to say, but I think they should just kill themselves. Before you call me merciless, just realize I'm only using logic here. If they do not want to live, then they should just kill themselves. I know it might be hard for stupid people to understand, but it's quite simple actually. And don't try to give me excuses for stopping them. You're just overcomplicating a simple matter (which I just proved was simple).
>>850 As long as it's not "rocks fall, everyone dies" I'd support it.
Well, you gotta buy it to cum in it.
Just shut up, you're making yourself look like an idiot. It doesn't matter what you want to be true. Life's hard, and your just going to have to accept that. Just because something offends you, doesn't make it wrong. If you tell me something offensive I was saying was wrong, then you're just censoring the truth. You're brainwashed by society. You know that I'm right about killing yourself. You just want it to not be true because you're offended. You're just a big baby.
It's not usually the first thing you should think of, you know those people have families or something
I don't know if they're playing along or if they thinks I'm serious. Either way, I'm too tired to say anything. Maybe tomorrow.
A secret Underground Railroad of dad jokes.
hi, i'm internet bully.
you are smellly!!!!!! HOHOHOHOHO
I have ante up sounding in my head and it really makes me feel so pumped!
Kant would only say it's inmoral, but so is every irrational and heteronomous thing ever. Kant doesn't present his ethical system on terms of good and bad.
Everyone knows that kant's philosophy is outdated and overly complicated. Keep crying about kant, you baby head.
Look, I don't care about political correctness. I don't care about you or your family. Emotions only get in the way of science and reason. It only logically makes sense that suicidal people should kill themselves. It would make everyone happier. So don't give me the this bullshit about how it would hurt the person's friends, family, and community (poopoo).
This is pretty much what I'm trying to say.
>>860 I've thought something like this for quite a while but it's hard to put it into words without sounding like an edgy tryhard. But I think we need to make a distinction between true and reasonable reasons for suicide and dumb teenager shit. If everyone just went and killed themselves every time suicide crossed their mind then there'd be no one left alive.
I think a lot of programs for assisted suicide are pretty much this. They require approval from a psychologist in order to be allowed to commit suicide. Although, I think you have to have a severe illness that isn't mental. I don't really know that much about it though, so I'm probably not explaining it right.
It sucks, when I find an inconsistency in my dream, it quickly reconfigures itself so it turns out I was playing TV or watching Youtube or something so that it makes sense again and I can't quite lucid dream but only criticize how non-sensical my own dreams are from a window.
It's really wierd.
I was trying to make an obvious joke, but I guess I'm doing a bad job because now it's just trolling.
God damn it, this fever just won't go.
Y-You've got to believe me! If you don't... I'm not sure who'll I'll turn to...
Families disgust me.
As for parents, only a fucking idiot would not realise that it's extremely selfish to bring another life into the world for one's own amusement and expect them to enjoy being alive. People who suicide have the right, as far as their parents are concerned. With the exception of children, as for the rest of the constituents of 'family', anyone not directly related can fuck right off because their relationship to the suicidal person is literally coincidence.
As for children, the parent has an obligation to take care of them until they are adults, that is my only general exception.
Alright you go ahead and enjoy believing all that,as well as twisting my point into whatever fresh pasta you just cooked up
I can't be bothered explaining how twisted that seems
Are you retarded? I've been arguing that Kant was wrong this whole time. I guess my words were too complicated for you. Do you poop yourself as well, big baby?
I'm glad I've found someone who's smart enough to actually understand what I'm saying. Parents are stupid. Emotional bonds only hold back reason and science. Parents aren't necessary. What? Do you need your mommy's permission to kill yourself? Just use your own brain, and think about it for a second. It's only logical that a suicidal person should kill themselves. Sorry if that offends you (I'm not actually sorry by the way). And don't give me that bullshit about maybe they'll change their minds later. If they're going to be such a big baby, then nobody wants them anyways. I don't think any parent would actually want a child who tried to kill themselves. The only reason why anyone would ever be suicidal is because they're a weak baby. If more weak people killed themselves, we would only have strong and smart people like me. That's just basic evolution 101, poop for brains.
I'm sorry if your brain is too small. I've already logically proved that suicide is good (poopers). I don't care if it's not politically correct.
No, it's fine, I kinda posted it because I wanted someone to tell me it is twisted. I can't tell you how alienating it is to carry thoughts like this in my head at all times and never tell anyone.
I know what you mean. I used to have tons of twisted thoughts. It wasn't until I opened up to a counselor that I had a voice of reason to grab on to.
Honestly yes. I think I have it and it sucks. I try to act normal because I really like human social interaction but people don't make any fucking sense and it drives me bonkers.
That being said, I'm not sure if I'd rather I don't have it. At least I see the contradiction in e.g. claiming strong family ties and also putting one's grandparent(s) in a elderly home.
Emotional bonds don't only hold back reason and science. Without humans there is no science, and emotional bonds make humans happier and more productive. Still, if someone is in unbearable physical or psychological pain, I think they have a moral right to end their life.
Sorry but whatever we were arguing has been confused thanks to the ever so valiant efforts of >>887
You shouldn't feel bad for believing in what you do, although I find it odd that you base the argument for not caring about your friends, because you only made them on coincidence, when everything else just came from a coincidence either way
In case you don't know, >>860,864,873,887 are all the same poster.
Good for that person then, I just wish they would post their garbage somewhere else.
Not that I disagree with all aspects of it,but it was just very painful to read.I could find numerous people who share that viewpoint and not articulate themselves like a 13 year old who just found /pol/ or /b/
Yeah, if a person is going to be in permanent, unbearable, mental or physical pain, then I think they should have the right to assisted suicide. I think the problem arises when there are large amounts of people who see suicide as a first response to usually temporary problems in the long run.
I don't get off by tricking people. I tried my hardest to be clear about what I was doing, but in the end, I was just being stupid. Atleast I've learned not to do that again.
I'd like for it to stop here. We only have another 101 posts together until the whole thing is over. Let's become our future and make posts we'll be proud to have made. I love you.
Am I talking to you? You'll never know.
When will I stop being high?
Don't give up! You still have a chance! There are endless possibilities! Everywhere you look is a chance for happiness and love!
If you're making a joke, it's been made. Please stop posting this shallow, Hallmark-esque stuff.
There's nothing wrong with you! We'll love you no matter who you become! There's nothing wrong with loving one another! Everything is just the way it's supposed to be!
Many people find this sort of speech offensive, it's a well known phenomenon among religious speakers, motivational speakers, rehabilitation treatment centers, etc. Most of the time, people articulate that offense along the lines of gHow dare you say everything is the way it's supposed to be - don't you know how I've suffered?h. I think, however, that a deeper frustration comes from the way this speech trivializes potential future action. Saying something like gEvery failure was just a stepping stone on the path to successh implies that whenever something positive does happen, it's inevitable, therefore whoever works hard to achieve success has wasted their time. Since most people have worked at something, being told that their work was irrelevant is quite irritating. The suffering person is not only angry because their suffering are spoken of as trivial, but because their response to their circumstances is said to be eintendedf: gRemember all that pain you went through when your wife and kids died? I am unimpressed by how difficult it was for you to return to normal life, instead I approve of all your sleepless nights. I am the one who says how you are supposed to respond to suffering. I am your superior, signing off on your work.h
Furthermore, people do fail. Everyone has direct personal experiences that testify to this. Hearing, then, that every path leads to success tells the listener gRemember that time you failed? Since that was just a stepping stone to success, and since you didn't end up succeeding, you must have given up, you lazy slacker.h So on the one hand, you're telling everyone that anything they do is meaningless, since happiness is always just around the corner. On the other hand, you're telling everyone that whenever happiness hasn't materialized, that they must have fucked something up: that happiness was nearby, so how on Earth could you have possibly missed it?
There are also a bunch of weird questions that get raised. If everything is wonderful and everyone always becomes happy in the end, why do you even have to say these things? If you love someone, why don't they know it yet? Or if love is so meaningless that someone can be loved without their life being affected, why should someone care that they are loved? Why does everyone gstill have a chanceh if success and happiness are inevitable? If you have such knowledge that you audit the entirety of existence and say it is gthe way it's supposed to beh, and if you somehow have an interest in my life, why are you speaking in such unhelpful vagaries?
The more I consider these sort of emotivationalf statements, the more I wonder why anyone makes them.
Let go of the past! Don't worry about your future! Everyone is here to support you! Love is here and will always be here!
Let me just admit it. Most of these posts for the past couple of days have been me replying to myself.
No they aren't! I know that because most of these posts have been me replying to myself!
> I've been arguing that Kant was wrong this whole time.
Whereas I am not? I'm just saying that immoral is not quite the same as bad, not according to Kant. It's a wrong interpretation of Kantian ethics.
That being said, every modern philospher ever who just as much as dabbles in ethics from John Rawls to your mom borrow quite a whole lot from Kant. You'd be hard pressed to find an ethics scholar who doesn't use Kant as a base. It's that important, and that you don't realize it doesn't really make you dumb, but it definitely makes you ill-informed.
All in all, suicide is always all the time an irrational thing to do, full stop. That we aren't merely rational beings and do, and say things that aren't rational but we try to justify anyway because of whatever hypothetical context we are in is a topic for another day, kids!
Then would you please stop?
Please don't. It's not funny anymore.
Boggy di Looti
If two lesbians get drunk and have sex, which one is the rapist?
Leave originality for the birds.
smartass jew Lincoln
Let me be straight forward with you
I've seen more parodies of talk shows than talk shows.
>>905 agreed totally.
I think a part of the motivation behind these kinds of "inspirational" statements is that the speakers themselves are often trying to convince themselves that everything's all right. Everyone has at least a few insecurities or fears for the future, and it's nice to think that there's some kind of power in the universe or logic that's protecting us or guiding us down a path. I've known a few people who were outwardly very positive and said shit like this but were inwardly miserable/depressed/anxious, and I think that's not an uncommon thing.
All right, it's become abundantly clear that I'm actually quite ill and borderline bedridden, so I'm afraid there aren't going to be any Grinding Noises updates any time soon. It'll be back some day, I swear.
I've studied people like you thoroughly in college. Let me give you my expert evaluation of you. Basically, you're broken. Your motivations were not what you thought they were. You happiness is an illusion. And your statements show that you can't accept reality. The only treatment I can prescribe is to stop what you're doing and start doing what I'm doing.
that was doubleplus unsexy verging crimewank
doubleplus unsexy verging crimewank
Poe's law
Look at the sky!
Hmm... my client's usually responded by now...
I would describe it as "aggressively mofumofu".
The greens overestimate their bargaining power
save me from myself
cabbage rolls
It's good to be alive.
I just got a pussy job. That's where a girl uses her vagina to jerk you off.
there's so much scam and so many fools and my friends are some
Please stop emailing me.
Thanks for logging your concern with us. We'll send you an email to confirm your request and will send you hourly updates until your issue has been resolved.
What did I do to deserve this?
Why do people give that much of a shit about the new Ghostbusters movie or whether does it reveres genders or whatever. Ghostbusters is not that great of a franchise. It could feature trained monkeys or be made entirely in CGI and I still wouldn't give a fuck either way.
It's harder to sign into my steam account then my bank.
Death is too mysterious though!
I too often ask why people care about things I don't care about.
Sometimes I think it's just a long line of people who don't care, but are pretending to. Thousands of fake online entities, being paid $0.50/hr to "organically" care by marketing teams who take orders from vice presidents who are told that they need to generate caring by the board of directors, who have all just read a white paper on caring written by a team of analysts who based their research on what turned out to be thousands of fake carers.
If the link expires, you can just wait for someone to post it again.
You are wrong. You are so wrong!
>Ghostbusters is not that great of a franchise.
It's not a not that great franchise, it's a shit franchise. The initial movie that drives the whole franchise was absolutely shit. It's so shit that I'm so pissed I wasted approximately 90 minutes of my life on it that years later I will still post rants about it on the internet. Fuck.
Anybody who thinks ghostbusters is an acceptable use of their time should be shot on sight.
I too often advocate the death penalty for people whose opinions differ from mine.
I'd rather build my own ghostbusting machines and cross the streams than watch the upcoming Ghostbusters movie.
Why does USB have to be the standard for charging phones? I bet there's a more efficient way that transfers only power.
>whether does it reveres genders or whatever
people are butthurt about this because it was super arbitrary.
people got even more butthurt when the trailer came out, showing that all the characters were stereotypes, essentially saying fuck you to the people who were hyped for it(people that thought female ghostbusters might be cool, people who like arbitrary diversity), and making the people who already hated it hate it more. Seriously, the black chick is a super racist "omg she so sassy and street smart" kind of character.
It's ironic that it's socially acceptable to pee into a bowl of water, but it's not socially acceptable to pee into pants.
I choose all of my opinions based off of whatever counter culture I'm opposed to at the moment.
I am glad that I got to post here with you guys today.
the fuck is [ASAP]? Also, same captcha two times lel
I don't know why you didn't link to the archive, but you must have had a reason for not doing so. That flash has only been posted 10 times in the past four years, and going by that data, you must want a hypothetical observer to wait ~75 days on average before that link works.
Rabi-Ribi is the greatest video game ever crafted by man or beast.
This board hasn't had a post since 1993
We're only 276 months into 1993. Long way to go to next year, man.
Buying a house is exhausting, mostly because nobody you have to deal with has their shit together.
Never give up! Everyone is cheering you on! Love is everywhere! PEACE AND LOVE! NOT WAR!
I dreamed a dream of autofellatio and was disappointed when I couldn't actually do it.
This thread is nearly over already. It goes so fast...
How is it ironic. Since your pants absorb the urine, you'll reek of pee wherever you go, whereas peeing on a toilet will just stink one place and that's assuming you don't flush.
actually that would be a pretty useful superpower, it just takes some creativity
I'm a waste
We will always look forward to the future. We'll never appreciate a moment. (turds)
I guess I must ask you why society has arbitrarily decided that the pot must stink, but the pants must not?
The pot doesn't stink though. It removes the waste whereas your pants just soak it up and hold onto it.
i just wanted to steal >>983 identity DURR DURR DURR am I doing this right DURRRRRRRRR
I'm a big fat butt.
Convergence. Dumbphones used to have a dedicated DC input for charging, but after the advent of the iPhone (which came with one slot for both charging and transfering data), smartphone manufacturers decided it was a good idea to reduce the number of ports and inputs on a phone and started using the USB slot to charge phones. We've already reached the point where USB charging is reliably fast so it doesn't really make sense to arbitrarily go back to DC inputs.
i wasnt saying he was rude or anything.
isnt (ijΔͺͺͺ²ij) DQN kun?
is that even still a thing?
Someone called me racist today and it had no effect on me whatsoever. She might as well have been going "bzzz bzzz bzzz" for all it mattered.
Now if we could just make up our mind about which usb we want to use
There was never any hope to begin with.
That must mean you are good and happy and intelligent! Bzzz Bzzz bzzz
Peace and love! Not war!
Peace and love!