Yes, using link trickery.
Does this mean we will be able to connect each and every "ITT we solve the question above us" thread into an infinite daisy chain?
... oh, what. does kareha reformat html links to point to the current thread or something?
Do you think we should talk about Asia Carrera instead?
Could we have questions in other formats than the tried, true and boring as all fuck "yes/no"'er?
Indeed we could. We've done it before.
So, which of Asia Carrera's pr0n films is your favorite?
Wayne's World
How come every time I go to sleep I think about sex?
You are a pervert, a breed apart in the worst way possible, a subhuman creature with goat balls for testicles. Also, you've got a rare form of insomnia that doesn't actually prevent you from going to sleep.
What happens if you cross the beams?
You get piss all over your pants, and the other guy's, too. He'd most likely cause you some pain; I know I would.
how u make that inverted b?
it's called d
Why can so few people properly identify the origin of that quotation?
Because few people are as fanatic /b/tards as you and BeastUK.
Jesus Christ, it's a lion! What do you do?
[] Get in the car
[] I dunno, lol
[] Put it in
[] Genuflect
[x] Go back to 4chan
How do I get rid of an IRC addiction?
Take up an addiction to Asia Carrera pr0n instead.
Can I stick it in your pooper?
No, I poop from there.
Why is it so hard for some people to operate a search engine?
Because they're STUPID.
>:3 ?
Yes, Clonepa is pretty much worthless.
Who are the brain police?
Why is the iPhone so popular?
Most likely due to it's capability as a portable digital pornography storage medium.
Why do you answer a question when you can't be bothered to put any though into the answer?
I dunno, lol.
What's the meaning of life from a non-spiritual/metaphysical viewpoint?
To reproduce and consume all available resources.
How will the adventures of weebl (and sometimes weebl's friend bob) end?
No one knows, not even Asia Carrera.
Is it more like it was then than it is now?
No one knows, not even Asia Carrera.
I am of the opinion that "Bogoljub" is the world's most awful name outside of scatological bounds. What could be worse?
No one knows, not^W^W^W^W Brünhilde is still worse, and has been for some 900 years.
Is there anything better in life than 1150 mp3s of a Touhou nature?
Yes. Any quantity of mpegs of Asia Carrera pr0n is better than any quantity of Touhou mp3s.
What's the appeal of Touhou?
Reimu's armpits.
Who doesn't like armpits?
Scary freaks who shouldn't be allowed out in public.
Why is it so hot in Central Europe this week?
Europe has been stuck in SMB 3 for a while.
Why do H-games never work on my computer?
You need to go into regional settings and set everything to japan.
Which is your favorite game from Illusion?
I don't have one, but my favourite illusion from a game is that of a deep pit with spikes at the bottom cast upon a trap door above a real deep pit with spikes at the bottom, as featured in my D&D campaign. "I disbelieve! walk walk drop"
And my question is: Why is there so little D&D discussion on DQN?
Because D&D is for aspie nerds, where as we are merely lazy-ass wotaku.
Do you think the spelling "wotaku" is elitist or dumb, or do you find it helpful?
It depends on what is meant by the word. If it's used in the same vein as "wigger" and "wapanese^Wweeaboo", hell yes it's dumb. If it's the fairly recently coined Japanese word, I can sort of live with it.
The surgery was over two weeks ago and I want to go swimming. Will my finger heal up in time for the weekend?
I find it dumb, elitist, and helpful simultaneously.
But it's not as helpful as Asia Carrera.
No, better just stay home and browse DQN more.
What are some hilariously bad games to play?
Twister, as long you're not the one that ends up with some guy's sweaty butt in your face.
Vin Diesel plays D&D; is this a good or bad thing in the average person's perception of the hobby?
Average people don't care.
Can I have some smoked cheese?
No, because Asia Carrera ate all of it and then made this weird nyoro~n noise.
Why are my cats so noisy and emotionally needy? I thought cats were supposed to be quiet, independent animals.
Noisy and emotionally needy? It's a female, that's why.
Why didn't you get a tomcat, stupid?
Because you're sexist.
Why is the above poster so sexist?
Because Asia Carrera turned him down for a date.
When will Islam be wiped out?
Depends upon how much more they agitate, but it seems everybody has a hidden dislike of islam these days.
Why do people give the "Eurabia" theory any credence whatsoever?
Basic tribalism and the dehumanization and xenophobia that results from this artifact of hominid evolution.
Should the species be renamed from Homo Sapiens Sapiens to Homo Ignarus Ignarus?
I'm partial to Homo Ignoramus, myself. Possibly because I "Ignarus" is not an english word and I am left wondering why you did say it.
Why do people post in this thread without a proper answer, a proper question, or neither?
Because they have a lower understanding of fine arts.
What is the square root of negative numbers?
What's the difference between a duck?
There is no difference, you're just a duck-hating bigot.
Given a Diophantine equation with any number of unknown quantities and with rational integral numerical coefficients, devise a process according to which it can be determined in a finite number of operations whether the equation is solvable in rational integers.
>>49 that is statement, not a question.
>>50 It looks like more of a request, actually.
Would Asia Carrera have remembered to post a question?
No. I brought a doggy bag with me, see.
Confusion! Mayhem! Who's to blame?
When shall we three meet again?
Never. I killed him. And I'll kill you too if I ever see you in this thread again!
Was that too maniacal?
No, but maybe with a wicked laugh after your line, this could improve. Muhahahaha!
What could MacGyver make with a nail clipper, a sweat sock, and an empty jewel case?
A cleverly crafted nail clipper, wrapped in a sweat sock held securely inside a jewel case......that doubles as an isotope transmaleculator when the nail clippers react with the chemichals in the sweat.
Do you love me?
I revere (not love) you. "Love" carries a connotation that some find unpleasant.
I believe in the eventual symbiosis between our genitals.
Thing is though that the primary reason that we haven't "knocked boots" yet is because my gonads find you distasteful.
Now will you put this bag on your head so we can fornicate?
Paper or plastic?
Uuhhhh, i forgot, what are we doing in this thread again....?
If dividing by zero creates an electromagnetic pulse, how can I store my Asia Carrera pr0n videocassettes safely?
By transferring them to the EMP-proof punch-card format.
Is the self identical with the body?
or is it different from the body?
Yes, just remove the prefix and all will be clear.
What is the sound of one hand tapping, tapping at my chamber door?
Quoth the Raven, damfino.
Apart from design school snobbery, what's the real reason to avoid using Arial?
"I" (capital eye) and "l" (lowercase ell) are too similar, as are "0" (zero) and "O" (oh).
What the hell is chocolate rain, anyway?
Severe diarrhea.
Don't you feel better off knowing that?
Not really, because I still have the runs :(
So, what food do you recommend as being particularly binding?
Why is the 100 MINUTES thread no longer popular?
Huh? there was a 100 minutes thread?
What is the way of Tao?
Don't think. Feel. And you'll be Ta∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵
Did you know that if you choke on the candy Peeps, that it hardens in your throat and even with the heimlich maneuver you can't be saved and you die?
No, and neither do you, for I strongly doubt that you have empirical, or otherwise research-backed, evidence on the matter.
Who lets out old wives' tales such as these anyway?
Old wives?
How do you pronounce sage? Do you pronounce it like the herb, or like the Japanese sah-gé
That depends on if you are asking how to pronounce the herb, 'sageru', or Adriana Sage.
How do you pronounce fgsfds?
for gods sake fucking do something.
how can i get in touch with squeeks?
Would I be employed as the janitor of the Immaturity Mansion if I were? Seriously, dude. You did the background checks and all.
Just out of interest, what would happen if I were?
The Elitist superstructure wound find you distasteful, and you would be taken of the map.
Why can't I type an uppercase s? I punched the keys for god's sake.
Same reason I can't type a backwards "d".
What if the pope's and the bear's paths crossed in the forest?
The bear would become Catholic, and the Pope would wipe himself with leaves, leading to a nasty case of poison ivy.
What would happen if a bear and a shark crossed paths?
100% Pure, Unrestrained, Awesome.
What would happen if a care bear and a street shark crossed paths?
The bear would suck the shark's dick, then they'd have an epic battle raging for decades.
Who would win?
No one.. we'd all lose.
What would happen if Care-Dog met Pee-Bear?
Golden Showers.
Would you let Shirley Manson pee in your belly button?
No, but I'd let her take a crap in my cereals. If you know what I mean. Fnaarrrrrrrr.
Would you let Jesus into your heart?
No, too many hair.
Certainly a starship trooper potato head is ridiculous, why do i enjoy it?
Perhaps because the idea of a anthropomorphic potato getting it's brains sucked out is a mildly entertaining thought.
How can human beings and fish coexist peacefully?
Because a fish does not think, a fish already knows everything there is to know, and so he peacefully observes the human race making questionable decisions.
Why do humans eat other humans ?
Because the movie "Alive" would have been empty if it were just about a plane crash.
Do you? Do you REALLY?
No, I was just kidding.
What was the question again?
I don't remember but I am certain that it involved Asia Carrera.
Why do my cats not mind when I nosebeep them?
They have been numbed to the irritating event.
Why do I hate newborns, but love kids ?
Because you're a baby-killing, child-molesting LIBERAL.
How can we stop the Socialist/Nazi/Afrocentric/Atheist/Islamic/Homosexual Alliance from succeeding in their satanic agenda to destroy Our Way Of Life?
By pretending it doesn't bother us. Like all bullies, they'll give up then.
What is the airspeed velocity of an unladen African swallow?
Spam, spam, spam, delicious spam?
Bloody Vikings these days can't even get their own song right. It's wonderful spam.
Why do young whippersnappers have no respect for their elders?
Because their elders use words like "whippersnappers". It's hard to respect them.
It's been three weeks. Where's that plumber?
Looking for the princess in yet another castle.
So where's the beef?
Grandma went to go get it, but it seems she's fallen, and she can't get up.
Isn't that special?
No. Her going uphill both from and to school as a kid in ten feet of snow every day is however.
What is the ultimate healthy non-dairy smoothie?
80 blueberries, 5 acerola cherries and a lemon including the peel, all together in a blender.
What is the ultimate cocktail made from terrestrial ingredients?
spearmint, rum, sugar, lime, and carbonated water; Mojito!
What is the ultimate prison wine blend made from practical ingredients found in your average state penitentiary?
"Pruno." But clearly, prison wine isn't good enough for Asia Carrera.
Why not?
Asia Carrera said so.
Why must we live and die on the whims of a porn starlet?
Asia Carrera is not a starlet, she is THE star.
Will >>108 repent his heretical mistake?
If not, he must be burnt at the stake and liberally smeared with garlic butter.
What would happen if Chuck Norris and Vin Diesel both had sex with Asia Carrera, and she somehow got pregnant with both of their offspring at the same time?
It'd be the genetic equivalent of division by zero. O SHI-
Do you think that Asia Carrera would find this discussion amusing?
I hate Asia Carrera. She sinks below gay magic as a meme. She sinks below TOO MUCH METAL as a meme. She sinks below Saitama as a meme. I hate Asia, HATE HATE HATE HATE HAET!!!!
What fuels my hate so much?
You have a perfectly understandable case of meme intolerance.
Why do so many internet users substitute meme regurgitation for a proper sense of humor?
Meme regurgitation is easier.
But squeeks and mittens are just more complex versions of this, are they not?
It's you!
To whom does all the bases belong to?
Asia Carrera.
Wasn't that a predictable answer?
Yup, but it might be true. Wikipedia mentions Asia Carrera as an avid unreal tournament player after all.
Doesn't that game still rock?
No, it does not.
How can I destroy postmodernism?
From the inside. Use plenty of dada, apply a sprinkle of Bauhaus, and you're done. Hope u leik post-postmodernism.
Who makes up music genres?
Who makes up pr0n genres? Is it Asia Carrera?
No, it's David Niven.
Angry Bees?
No, not Angry Bees.
Do you ever wonder if Asia Carrera reads this stuff? And, if so, does she suspect how many of us are fapping to her pictures right now? I am. I'm just saying.
Gay magic.
Wasn't that the predictable answer?
Asia Carrera.
Gay magic?
Gay magic FTW!
Isn't that right?
Asia Carrera.
Have we entered an infinite loop yet?
Decir Richard, I love you all but I just can't ka it??? ??? Off i., TX ??? I ??? Fr ??? -- ??? C ??? f ??? ??? ??? ss ??? ???" Die! 2
Was that a question?
Commen Ça Va?
no hablas diablos
How many people have contributed to this thread?
How long can I continue to talk to myself?
For some time yet. You're the only person on this board after all.
Have you heard of the extra QUALITY band LOLI RIPE yet?
Yes. They're slowly, slowwwwwwly approaching listenable speedcore music.
Why do I like fapping to traps so?
Don't think, feel, and soon you will be Tannasinn. Or blind.
Will the dollar rebound soon so I can go and visit squeeks and drink good beer for once in my life?
No. Your only hope is to get out now while it is still worth something. As for the beer, it will just end up getting carried out anyways.
What would you do if the beer became w?
American beer IS w.
When should I break down and go to the dentist?
Who will be so kind as to invent a time machine for poor >>136?
"Not I", said the pig.
How come swine get such a bad rap in the abrahamic religions?
Well, either the fact that nomadic people cannot raise pigs, and so they'd tie you down to one place where you might pick up bad habits, or because of the risk of trichinosis. Both have been offered as suggestions.
Are two legs bad, or better?
They're definitely better than twenty-three legs.
Why do I have the sudden urge to bake bread?
yeast infection
How can light be both a particle and a wave?
A wave of particles, simple really.
Why does just about every animal species have an even-number of limbs?
why does my soul feel like the color of this board?
you haven't met your weekly quota of eroge
what is our weekly quota anyways?
43. It is the universal answer to everything as long as you aren't interested in units.
Do you think the new Super Mario on the Wii is going to get boring quickly?
Not until after I resort to controlling the action by holding the wiimote in my butt.
Do you think the new Super Mario on the NES is going to get boring quickly?
I suspect it will, and when that happens, I will go back to watching Asia Carrera pr0n.
...did you say "NES?" Like from twenty years ago?
Twenty years ago? They didn't have Mario in '73!
My birthday's in October. Anyone want to come to my party?
When's October coming, again?
Next month.
Will 4chan's /ck/ ever surpass our /food/?
Only if it removes the requirement to post an image when starting a thread.
Is there a chance the track will bend?
Does it matter?
Not on your life, my Hindu friend!
Professor Lawrence Pierce thinks Homer gets stupider every year.
Since it is still 1993, does that mean Kirby's Adventure is still the hit game of the year?
Obviously. (>^^)> <(^^<)
Was Asia Carrera making pr0n in 1993?
>>155 meant to ask "Is Asia Carrera making pr0n in 1993?" ... whoops, wrong thread. I mean, of course she is.
Why did I find the right lens of my previous pair of glasses broken in two in the garage today?
Because you happened to look in the right place.
How do I use the five Ws?
You don't use them. They carry out and are w.
Didn't you see that coming?
I did not. My depth perception is shot to hell due to the absence of the left lens of my glasses, which I still haven't found.
How come much of the shitty poetry thread is actually rather passable?
Your standards are exceptionally low.
Who killed Mr. Boddy?
I did.
Want to make something of it?
Your place or mine?
Yours, I still live with my parents.
Also, you'll need to supply the condoms, the vaseline and the weasel that's been marinated in its own juices. You still up for it?
Yes, but I'm legally obligated to tell you that I'm an HIV positive convicted sex offender.
Also, I only have a ferret coated with bacon fat. Is this acceptable?
Alas, no. You are officially rejected as a partner due to your poor choices in lubricant.
Whatever happened to Little Fishy Foofoo, swimming through the kelp bed?
Served for lunch at Rei's Diner.
May I have a refill, please?
I think you've had enough triple thick chocolate milkshakes for one night, Fatty.
How about some sparkling mineral water, instead?
Water? I asked for a drink, not something to wash in!
Now will you give me my mudslide cocktail or do I have to start a brawl?
Brawl it is.
Knife fight or gun fight?
Why one or the other? GUNBLADE FIGHT!!
Is the gunblade more awesome than your average ninja pirate alien?
I have a hard time believing that you didn't just pass out onto your keyboard.
Is narcolepsy that common?
I told you to use the toilet before we left home! Now you'll just have to wait until we get to the next rest stop.
Now, are you going to sit still and behave, or do I have to turn this car around?
Turn the car around.
Didn't you know I'd challenge your authoritay?
Do what u want i got a bag....
Now wat do i do with a bad full of shit?
I figured this day would come, and that I'd have to kill you for trying to subvert my rule.
If you decide to challenge his authority, turn to page 4.
If you decide to wait until the next rest stop, turn to page 5.
But what if turning to page 5, but not making it challenges his authority. Does page 5 say, "go to page 4"?
No, page 5 says "you have died."
Why do I always lose Choose Your Own Adventure games?
Because you try to fuck every girl you come across. They may be japanese, but they still frown on gigolo play.
So any games where the protagonist does get to bonk every girl?
Most of the time, after getting all the endings, the game will unlock a secret harem ending.
Is this the secret headquarters of the Internet Hate Machine?
No, this is Patrick.
Remember when Spongebob Squarepants was funny?
Gaybob Queerpants was NEVER funny.
What the hell's the matter with you?
What the hell's the matter with Agent U?
He's mostly pissed off that he can't pull off Agent V's alliteration shtick nearly as well. There's too few words beginning with U that can be strung together.
What the hell's the matter with the Cabal?
They got assimilated by the Elitist Superstructure.
What will you do when the Elitists come for you?
I'm not into the whole Pax Tsukaru thing.
If all the people in Australia suddenly vanish from an IRC channel all at once, do we only have 12 hours left to live?
No, stingrays can't swim that fast.
What is your major malfunction?
A trick knee. The doctor said that if it ever festers, I'll be dead within a matter of minutes.
What is a pyle anyway?
It's like a heap, but smaller and neater.
Have you forgotten about Asia Carrera already?
no, I just needed to tell some different jokes.
What is the square root of Asia Carrera?
Asia Carrera.
Asia Carrera?
No thanks.
Can we never mention Asia Carrera again?
Asia Carrera.
What's Snacks's tripcode?
That's classified information.
My cat is currently coughing up furballs and stomach acid on regular basis, though I groom her daily. Can you recommend a dietary aid to reduce this?
Change her diet. Get her on more natural foods. Wellness brand worked for my cat.
Why are farm cats so uniformly scrawny?
They live an active lifestyle, enjoying fresh air and feasting on rodent protein. For all intents, they're on the Atkins Diet.
How do you get a cat to pee on the little paper strip?
Tape it to the cat.
Suppose a person found a fairly obvious way to circumvent the payment system for a wireless hotspot and set up a free relay for it. Is this morally wrong?
no since people who don't password protect need to learn their lesson somehow.
shold people password protect their butts?
No, as forgetting your password after eating bean burritos at Taco Bell could prove to be incredibly disastrous and embarrassing.
Worst sport ever: Gridiron or Synchronized Swimming?
Is Synchronized Swimming even a sport?
Yes. It's in the Olympics.
Are you allowed to answer the previous question and ask the next one at the same time?
Is that a rhetorical question?
Probably, as was yours, so I'm not going to pay attention to it.
So, >>195, did the change of diet stop the hairballs?
>>204 Not yet. Also, it's quite disgusting to step on a fresh hairball when you're only wearing socks.
Considering I spend over 40 hours a week in my office, how do I convince my boss I deserve an Aeron?
Kick him in the nuts with a steel-toed boot. While he recuperates in a hospital, switch his expensive dotcom-era Aeron for your shitty little kiddy chair.
Considering I don't like being brought to court for assault and battery, how do I convince the cops not to bust me?
Tell them it was a joke, and anybody who took it seriously is dumber than people who think Mortal Kombat video games are the leading cause of murder of youths.
When does the Nevada girl get out of prison?
It is unknown, but understand that when she does get out, she'll know how to make a shank out of just about anything and already knows well how to use it. Just a heads up, you pervert.
Is the NSA monitoring DQN? If so, what could they learn?
Yes, they are; results thus far have been inconclusive, but we have a 24x7 DQN monitoring section analyzing the posts.
Er... I mean... uh, I did say "they", not "we", right?
As one of the Elite five (Squeeks is back!), I cannot disavow your actions, Mister Three. Don't worry, the monitors will scrub these tapes removing your misstatements, except for the copy I stow away for blackmail purposes.
Why on earth was '' already taken? I thought it was an original joke.
It was probably purchased by an Indiana man.
Does Indiana make anything more important than corn?
Corn holes.
What's the best kind of pie?
apple pie made from real apple computers.
are there any phone numbers more popular than 867-5309?
555-5555 is, I believe, even more popular.
Where does that numbar go anyway?
it is a joke number that goes to nowhere.
Do phone numbers that were created for Japanese dating sims during the 1980s still work?
Do you have any Japanese dating sims from the 1980s that I could borrow?
Try MS-DOS instead; it's far more entertaining and user-friendly, and only slightly less erotic.
Why do Hollywood movies still insist on portraying all futuristic computer wizardry as either rudimentary and text-based or magical virtual reality cyberspace land?
Because watching real computers/hacking is about as visually interesting as watching painted grass grow.
Like how I mixed those metaphors there?
You get an "A" for effort, but I prefer more clever and original similes.
Just how close can I get to correcting minor nuances of the previous post without regard for context before being referred to the appropriate thread?
Not much closer.
Could someone please refer >>219 to the appropriate thread?
yes, I could but I wont.
have you read 1984 by george orwell?
Have you?
Maybe, but I probably tossed it down the memory hole.
Can I get a hallelujah?
Yes. The easiest way is by looking at pr0n of Asia Carrera.
Was that perhaps too predictable?
Slightly more than Gay Magic, which is somewhat remarkable.
What's the best way to crush a peanut?
An elephant works rather well, I'm told.
So, do you trust the internet?
No! The internet lies to me!
Should Hulk Hogan be elected presedent of asia?
Only Asia can answer that question.
Speaking of Asia Carrera, isn't she hawt?
Dunk her in a tank full of ravenous piranhas, and we'll find out.
Which ones are deadlier, Rio Sao piranhas or just the average Amazonian ones?
European Amazonian or African Amazonian?
>> 230 yes
What do we have for lunch today?
why, do you have a lunch fetish?
No, I have an Asia Carrera fetish.
Isn't this better than that old and busted "gay magic" meme?
No, not really.
Do I have what it takes to do two university courses at the same time?
I should hope so, otherwise you'd be really lazy.
What do you do if you really are lazy?
Spread the course out to 5-6 years.
Will there ever be another great social movement? A great stirring of the people, a great change?
Am I right?
Am I wrong?
Why is there no value to learning dutch?
Because it hurts the throat.
Then what's a good language to learn?
Elvish. You get to be khing, if only for a day.
How come, compared to hiragana, katakana is angular and creepy?
because you touch yourself at night
why is it so hard to sustain the tipsy feeling when your drunk!?!?
Drinking is a man's pursuit and not for silly college kids.
What's the best beer in the world?
Does anyone here have change for a dollar? The vending machine won't take quarters.
I only have rupies
How cool would ruby tipped bullets be
Not very. Corundums have a rather low thermal capacity. On the plus side they wouldn't be very hot either.
How come my touching myself at night is the reason for all my mishaps?
Because your mind is to occupied with Asia Carerra to remember anything else
If Asia Carerra cast a gay magic spell, what would happen?
Your testicles would explode into a fine pink mist. And then she'd finish casting the spell and you'd be T∴∵∴∵AN∴∵A∴∵S∴∵∴∵I∴N∵∴∵∴∵N
Is it too late to ask a question and salvage my dignity from thread-structure-terrorism?
Yes, depart before the burden on your soul grows too large.
How can I ever experience joy knowing that so many others suffer in the world?
why must you speak in moon language?
Nenhum obrigado, mim não estão com fome.
What happens if you drink only salt water with every meal?
the salt drastically alters the mineral balance of your body, leading to dehydration.
shouldn't the sea be clorinated in order to protect surfers from fish piss?
Fish piss is extremely healthy, and thus should be encouraged.
Shouldn't fish piss be served at more restaurants?
It is, it's called "Mountain Dew".
Why is /b/ so boring these days?
because the /b/tards got darwin awards.
what would be a /b/ user's most likely cause of death?
Dehydration and mineral loss from excessive bouts of meme regurgitation.
Where are my fucking keys?
Probably right where you fucking left them.
Do you think the Grandpa threads will go back to being funny?
No. He has been given several chances to improve, and have we seen results yet?! Grandpa needs Kervorkian.
Is any anime crappier than Yakin Byoutou?
I have no clue what that is, but science has proven that there is no logistical limit to the level of crappiness in Japanese animation.
What hasn't science done?
brought peace the to world without mindless destruction (fuck you)
why is my cat under the impression that knocking valuable shit on the floor and breaking it is a good thing?
Your cat is performing subtle experiments in gravitic manipulation as well as attempting to improve your rather shabby cleaning skills. Rather than complaining, you should be thankful.
Should I answer the phone?
No, you should let the answering machine get it and decide whether you should pick up based on the quality of their message.
How do I keep my girlfriend happy?
Introduce her to me and get the hell out of the way.
Was that too cold?
no, liquid nitrogen is too cold.
what percentage of people think all air conditioning chemicals are called freon?
what's a good way to make money without too much effort?
A printing press.
Is losing your other virginity to Bubba too much effort? I'm sure he'd be willing to do all the work.
Bubba's standards are too high. Cletus and Huck are not so discriminating.
Don't you know anything about cars?
I know which end to hold.
Is it going to rain all day today?
Yes, it is going to have been rained the whole day yesterday, which from your viewpoint was your today.
When will you pay me back the money you owe?
When you stop screwing my wife.
Why are you so far away from me?
Objects in mirror are closer than they appear.
What are you doing in the tree outside my window?
I'm watching you undress.
Why do you wear that stupid bunny suit?
It accompanies my bosom in an agreeable manner.
What do you say to someone when everything has already been said?
What the hell spawned that meme, anyway?
The Internet.
Is the Internet more like a big truck or a series of tubes?
It's like Schrödinger's cat. You never know if it's 404 until you look.
I'm looking for my cat, can a psychic help me?
They won't find your cat, but they'll help empty your wallet.
What color is the internet?
What sound does it make?
Imagine a million souls of all ages, races, and genders, screaming in pain and agony for an eternity. Now play it backwards, at 4x speed, so you're not sure whether you should laugh at or be disturbed by it. This is the sound of the Internet.
Can people copyright long strings of 1s and 0s?
Sure, even quite short strings such as 00001001111110010001000100000010100111010111010011100011010110111101100001000001010101101100010101100011010101101000100011000000, when converted to hexadecimal, are copyrighted.
Why are Reimu's armpits more erotic than anything on Earth?
Because that is as much ero as a Touhou fan can handle. No more, and no less.
Have you noticed the constant improvements in IOSYS's releases from C70 through C72? And why are they doing song parodies?
Because you touch yourself at night.
Why do the masturbatory habits of a single DQN have such an impact on this, and other world affairs?
Because you touch yourself at night.
What percentage of DQN didn't see this answer coming?
Because you touch yourself at night.
Was that a non sequitur?
Because night touches you at yourself?
This is not a question.
I'm not sure. Either way, this is getting quite silly, stop it.
How many years left before Python leaves general cultural knowledge?
Don't trust Python. The Delphic Oracle is much more accurate and reliable.
How do we prevent squirrels from crashing the internet?
By fapping to more Asia Carrera pr0n.
Are you with me?
Are you against me?
When you are against yourself, no, when you are for yourself, yes.
How can I persuade my most intimate lady friends to engage in sexual relations with me?
>>295 Have you tried the Ab-Abber 2000?
How can I come up with witty things to post in message boards?
Find witty things that other people have posted in message boards, and post them again.
Are there other ways?
there are not as many ways as there are tribbles.
Should I write a book?
No, but perhaps write a check instead. Address it to one Mr. ⊂二二二( ^ω^)二二二⊃. Leave the amount field blank, this creates suspense.
What defines a plant as a weed, other than it's hardiness and prevalence?
All about context, and whether people want it growing wherever it is or not.
Why is 300GET so much less satisfying than, say, 200 or 500?
Because you're not a true Spartan.
Where did it all go wrong?
It was the day we all became aware of stuff.
If ignorance is bliss, why are the members of the KKK so pissed off?
It is relative ignorance.
Why does no one respond to my threads?
Because you're not as pretty as Asia Carrera.
Why do my cats stare at me and make little cat noises in the night?
They're plotting to take over the wold.
Would you, for one, welcome our new feline overlords?
I'd do it for the fish.
Why is it that Ana Coppola has an Italian name and not British?
And also, why does Asuka Langley Souryu have a British name and not German?
That's 2 questions.
Which one should I answer first?
The one you understand best.
Why is Neon Genesis Evangeilion so loved by so many otaku?
Because of its deep psychological exploration of all the significant characters, something never previously seen in anime. Also, shy, depressed, borderline-hikikomori otaku feel a certain kinship with the shy, depressed, borderline-hikikomori protagonist.
Were you expecting a silly answer?
Considering how many of us are severely Wapanese, I believe he meant the question to be rhetorical.
How many people are still posting in DQN?
Evangeilion is gei.
Two or three, I think.
How does SAoVQ compare to DQN?
DQN > *
How many years will pass before people stop inventing Chuck Norris facts?
There are no Chuck Norris facts, Chuck Norris is a work of fiction.
How many of the Chuck Norris facts were originally Vin Diesel facts?
All of them except for one, but that one wasn't funny either.
Why do dicks get big?
Because they eat so much pussy.
Why do cocks stay so small?
Because you touch yourself at night.
What should I eat for lunch?
Which letter should I carry out?
C, because it is www.
I'm going through a mid-life crisis. What kind of motorcycle should I buy? I've never been on one before.
Most people carry out W; however, D, Q, and N are also fine choices. Give them all a try and see which one fits your needs.
Where are you carrying it?
To the repair shop, because vintage motorcycles leak oil.
What type of oil should I put into a vintage motorcycle?
>>322 Because the duct tape got wet, and lost adhesion.
Is there a better adhesive tape than duct tape?
Yes. Duck tape. It holds birds together.
Did you see that one coming down the Interstate?
Can't say I did.
I'm going to Yoshinoya tomorrow. What should I eat there?
Asia Carrera. Eat her softly but with resilience. Her outcries of ecstasy will quench your hunger, making it go to your loins, after which you can transfer it in between her thighs using firm and long thrusts of your hips. Its not on the regular menu, but seriously recommendable.
If I were to elaborate on that story, would you buy it?
No, but I might download it.
What kind of wine would go well with these hotdogs?
For the love of all that is good in wine: even the worst ramsj wine does not go well with hotdogs. Don't waste the wine, drink beer. Lager.
Anyway, do you eat goat cheese?
Only if it's smoked, nyoro~n.
Will you marry me?
Well, if you pay my family of VIPPERs enough, they might give access to a husband of VIP QUALITY.
Will you bury me?
Well, if you pay my VIPPER mortician enough, he might give you access to an eternal resting grave of VIP QUALITY.
Will you carry me?
Yes, if you are Asia Carrera. Especially if nude.
I'm really obsessed with this person, am'nt I?
Yes, posting that creepy face in every odd thread is rather disturbing.
If you were on death row, what would you choose to have for your last meal?
Something with lots of explosives in it.
Did you come to praise me?
Nay, I come with retribution on the palm of my right hand and a gross melted Baby Ruth in my jeans pocket.
If you knew you were going to die tomorrow, how many fig bars would you eat?
none. I'd eat beans, and not those fart-free beans for total pussies. I want to blow the lid off my coffin with a postmortem fart.
What is the coolest looking coffin ever made?
Must be one of those Egyptian sarcophagi. They certainly knew how to be buried with style.
Where should I go to purchase a large quantity of black-market ivory?
Where in Africa can I find a Starbucks?
Is you fucking?
A fucking is me!
Why am I so awfuly low? why do I feel a glow, just thinking of you, and the way you look tonight?
Because you'll never be as great a crooner as Frank Sinatra, no matter how many duets you sing.
Better name for your vagina: Malcom or Brian?
Mike Hunt
What is the best joke name in history.
Seymore Butts
Is school worth it?
It is if your IQ is above 95, otherwise, just be a bum.
Would you like fries with that?
I would say that the criminal record was worth it in itself.
How come so few people can spell "Seymour Butts" correctly?
Because it isn't hip to spell it correctly
Will my girlfriend like me for it if I take the effort to break up our relation, which we're mutually convinced is doomed to fail anyway?
we dont believe you have a relationship, but no.
why do i feel that everything that can be said has already been said?
cuz your an idiot
is correct punctuation worth using
Yes. This may end up saving your life when the grammarians and their punctuationist stooges finally seize power.
What is the punctuationist equivalent of Kristallnacht?
"Night of the Stabbing Semicolon."
Semicolons are useful, right?
Sure. An intestinal bypass is generally better than getting your stomach stapled.
Is lol really the equivalent of c++'s ';' ?
No, you're thinking of desu -- lol is the equivalent of the semicolon in C.
I've heard tuna can kill you from mercury poisoning. How much would I have to eat to kill myself?
Seven hundred thousand tunas. Less might work too.
How do I stop hating everybody else?
Start hating yourself and go from there.
Why did I buy a 12 year old e-book that no modern software can decipher?
You're a noob
Why threads like this are so goddamn popular?
Because cannot use people posting in it correct English syntax.
What is the ultimate one-hit-kill technique, and how do I master it?
Shot between the eyes. Buy a gun and practice, practice, practice.
Do guns kill people?
No, getting shot kills people.
Why do people keep asking this?
Because the truth exists beyond the gate.
Have you lost it?
Lost what? a television show that many people find entertaining.
Found a peanut?
No, just five boring dollars.
Why am I unhappy?
You haven't consumed enough.
Why am I fat?
You have consumed the bits that >>364 had not.
What are we talking about?
Whatever you want to talk about, baby.
Do you visit ii/wakachan too, or just 4-ch?
Just 4-ch.
Why do I keep visiting even though I never find anything for me here?
The jones kicked in. That's how it happens. You start small, think you can handle it, then the jones kicks in.
How do I get the monkey off my back without the shakes kicking in?
Shock the monkey.
Don't you know you're going to shock the monkey?
I've already shocked the monkey, thanks.
Would you like two free iPod nanos?
Not if I can have Asia Carrera instead.
Why is my cat whinier than usual tonight?
I'm certain it's an ill omen of impending tragedy, or the feline is hungry.
Why keep puzzling over the random and inexplicable nature of a cat when one could just get a predictable and emotionally unambiguous dog?
The cat comes with a free chocolate ice cream cone.
You aren't lactose-intolerant, are you?
Actually, I am, and it would punish everyone around me more than even myself to have real ice cream.
Do you know any good fart jokes?
No, that's an oxymoron.
Is there honour among thieves?
The older they are, the more honor there is.
Would you vote for Havelock Vetinari?
No, my vote belongs to Ron Paul
So, anyone beat the unbeatable game yet? The farthest I ever got was beating kuma and tanasinn
You just lost the game.
When is too much too much?
What kind of insect would you prefer to eat with your breakfast cereal?
Also, what kind of cereal would taste best with that insect?
Horseflies. Because I'm hung like one, and I believe in rhino magic.
How come some people have two questions, or zero?
Math is hard.
What should I do with all the old cheese in my refridgerator?
Throw it at some passing children.
Have you released YOUR mittens today?
My mittens are all free-range mittens.
Was Senator Craig arrested for being gay?
No, he was arrested for being fabulous.
Where does DQN keep it's spare change?
In its pocketses.
I've had a DJ Sharpnel song stuck in my head for six weeks. Is there a cure?
I haven't heard of any one in Tokyo, so it is probably true.
Who are the one, and what do you call an individual from that group?
The one are all, and there are no individuals.
What are fun things to do with a girlfriend besides sex?
How do I get this homosexual out of the tree in my front yard?
They can become dangerous when the nest is threatened; It's best to call animal control or your friendly neighbourhood Orkin Man.
If you could be stranded on a desert island with any type of undead, which type would it be?
Definitely zombies. Sure, they don't make for very good conversation, but they're reallBRAAAIIIIIIIINS
Overpriced junk.
Sony VIAO?
No, Sony doesn't have anything special in their PC category, excluding their ultra compact one.
Acer Ferrari?
Sure, why not. You can mail that crap to me within six weeks.
This is a written contract and I will sue you if you don't follow through.
Would you cover the postage for me, I left my wallet in my other pair of hot pants?
Certainly. I'm not a small man; I can cover nearly any small sum of currency with ease.
Stop playing bad browser games.
Why is dutch history so boring?
It's only boring if you consider their mercantile exploits uninteresting!
So, read any good books lately?
Yes. Yes, I have.
Who wants to know?
This is the FBI.
Is this your copy of The Anarchist Cookbook?
No. But the SJ Games sourcebook next to it is mine.
What's the matter, occifer?
The grammar police have a warrant out for your arrest.
Why is the superstructure made out of elitism and not steel?
It is made out of steel girders, but they are covered in elitism to fool impressionable people.
How long will the semanticops interrogate >>404 roughly?
That would require them finding him first (which they will be unable to do).
Does blood alone move the wheels of history?
WD-40 helps every once in a while.
Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
The hen was inspired to make the egg. The inspiration was a cock, who came first.
How complicated are simple things?
How simple are complicated things?
Was that perhaps too obvious?
Will you anwser my question by saying "Very."?
Does Buddha have the Jesus-nature, or does Jesus have the Buddha nature?
Can you draw a picture?
Very yes.
Can you prease dlaw us a pictule?
They're far superior to the Mets, whom the Phillies have been crushing with surprising regularity.
Should I pay a contractor $2100 to rewire my house, or risk fishing everything myself?
Pay the contractor. They at least understand that while fishes may conduct electricity in the short term, wiring your house with them is a really bad idea that has no good sides to it whatsoever.
Did you forget to say please?
I never forget.
How do I stay awake in my biology class?
clip a clothespin on to your genitalia underneath your clothes.
Why does kim chee taste so good nida?
Kim chee gives you superhuman strength.
If kim chee gives you superpowers, don't you wonder what the coreans would be like without it?
Not really, but maybe it would be much like Popeye after coming down off a Spinach binge.
If Korea is Popeye, Japan is Olive Oyl, and China is Bluto, which nation is Eugene the Jeep?
One of those pacific countries that's really more of a loose association of 3-tribe islands.
And in this arrangement, who is Swee'pea?
Swee'pea would be Laos or Cambodia. Constantly in danger, and usually forgotten about.
Now would decorating my room to look the Killing Field of Cambodia attract more strange pussy into my den of intrigue?
No, because they'd have to have been there already to know what it looks like.
Why do we cling to the past?
Static. You should use fabric softener during the rinse cycle.
How many people does Crown Prince Willem of Holland need to kill to claim the British throne?
Eight-Hundred Two members of European royalty (not including those skipped for succession) must meet the axe. Although he forfeited his succession rights upon marriage, so it may be necessary to hack up twice that amount and then perhaps wage a war of conquest.
Why did I bother researching that?
>>426 asked.
How can bath towels get dirty, if you're always clean when you use them?
>> 429
He actually looked like Osama bin Laden.
Why are Republicans so prone to sex scandals?
Because they are naturally in a prone position.
Where can a respected member of the U.S. Senate go for some glory hole action?
Woa... that's exactly what I was puzzled about. I have absolutely no idea. This question must be answered!
Because he is a douchebag.
Now why didn't the asshole above me ask a question?
You already answered yourself.
Should I sing you a song for your birthday?
I'd rather have money.
Why am I up so early today?
Because you couldn't sleep knowing that you left your DQN on the counter.
What was the last thing you drank?
How old are you in DQN years?
29. And at this rate, I'll be 29 forever. That's not exactly a bad thing, as my mother remained 29 until she graduated from college.
Do you prefer cinder blocks or milk crates to create modular dorm room furniture?
They are both way beyond my budget, so I make due with large rocks and piles of sod and sphagnum.
In what shape would you make a device capable of destroying the Earth, and where would you keep it?
I would cast it in the liking of my ex-girlfriend, and I would keep it as far away from me as earthly possible. There is a small chance that I have already done this.
Is the very act of saying "I'm not bitter" self-negating? I think it is, but I can't explain why.
Yes, It's a statement meant to absolve the speaker of anything they says before or after.
Other self-negating statements include:
Is there a word for embarrassment felt on behalf of another who should be embarrassed but is too stupid to feel as such?
What should I do with >>443's earthly possessions, now that he doesn't need them any longer?
No, your stuck with the toaster along with all his Larry the Cable Guy merchandise and his cock ring collection.
What should I do with the money gained from selling >>443's old crap?
Join a secret area of VIP Quality.
I'd like to become a true individualist. How can I make myself stand out from the crowd?
Join a secret area of VIP Quality. And maybe listen to some Simple Plan.
Will things be different if I move to the city?
It depends on a simple thing:
Is there a secret VIP club in that city?
Sometimes paying enough involves causing a secret VIP club to spring into existence where there was none before.
Would I still have to pay for access?
I think there's still an eternal FREE TRIAL WEEK going on.
>>452 Don't question it.
Why does five gallons of Drylock cost $92!?
Because you're getting the QUALITY that comes with DADDYCOOL brand!
Can you feel it?
◕ ◡ ◕
Who the fuck is that?
I'm not sure
Why won't you give our love another chance?!
Because what we had is over now. I'm sorry.
Now will you please give me my cat back?
The cat you had got ran over now. I'm sorry.
Will you at least leave me the cactus? I love it so much.
That cactus was left to me by my great-grandmother on the condition that it never leave the family.
Didn't you even bother to bring home the remains?
The cactus was destroyed in a game of Red Rover. I'm sorry.
Please tell me my pet cockatoo survived.
Alas, we've already interred the remains of the cockatoo at the old pet semetary here in Maine.
What is the proper way to address the Emperor of Ice Cream during state visits?
With a proper de-pantsing and a cheery rape.
Does he have sprinkles? I love sprinkles.
I don't understand your question.
What the hell are sprinkles?
Jimmies, you damn Bostonian.
lol arn't i so RaNdOm? ^____^
You are t3h Penguin of D00M! LOL ^_______^
Why is my ass bleeding so much?
Because there wasn't a question.
What's in the center of a tootsieroll?
A tootsie that died of suffocation.
What's in the center of a duckroll?
A duck that is cooked.
What is the meaning of life, non-numerical?
noun- the condition that distinguishes organisms from inorganic objects and dead organisms, being manifested by growth through metabolism, reproduction, and the power of adaptation to environment through changes originating internally.
What's the password?
The password is life, the universe, and everything.
What's the username?
Do you think it's time to resurrect the "Asia Carrera" meme?
God no.
Delicious flat chest, or giant boobs?
Asia Carrera has giant boobs, of course.
Was that perhaps too predictable?
No. I like big boobs.
Oppai, yes?
Yes, but only manageable ones - my favorite size is not too small but not too big. Maybe B-cup.
What's the best way to fondle a girl's nipples when she's not very sensitive on them?
Teeth, definitely the teeth.
If I practice Mongolian throat-singing for a decade, will I learn to bite and suck at the same time?
If so, you may be highly qualified for a wonderful career as a fluffer! Ask an Adult Variety Artist for more information about job opportunities in this quickly growing field!
Penny for the old guy?
Hell, here's a dollar.
Where's a good place to do a turnaround during a solo in Autumn Leaves?
At the 8 bar mark, skip ahead 4 bars, finish your riff, and then get back on the changes.
What is the deal with airline food?
Americans cook all of it.
Why am I so ronery ?
Because your posting on DQN rather than enjoying human contact, sirry.
Why am I so positive despite the hopelessness and triviality of human existence?
Because you know something we don't.
When was the last time you laughed?
Just now, when I saw the word 'boobs'.
But after reading your own answer, I am lost in existential thought and will be unable to laugh for some time.
When was the last time you cried?
when I saw the 2009 Nissan GT-R
Is there a more perfect car design than the 2002 GT-R NuR Spec?
Yes, but John DeLorean took it with him to the grave.
How did the Yakov Smirnoff version of this thread become more popular and humorous?
Because putting words in other people's mouths never gets old.
I have to give an advocacy speech on Monday. Any ideas for a topic?
Gay magic.
Why has it been since >>247 that gay magic was last discussed in this thread?
Because 4-ch has forgotten its roots.
What is the point of living?
Saves energy; committing suicide is a bother.
Is there something wrong with being lazy?
Not getting everything done at once.
How come "root" doesn't refer to sex with animals anymore?
Because fucking animals is passé now.
Why is fucking animals passé?
(″・ิ_・ิ)っ-̾ Everything has been done before.
Do you believe?
I believe in the magic
Do you wanna be a VIP Star?
I want to be a star of the gay magic.
Do you engage in gay Magic?
Who doesn't?
Can I have a dollar?
No, I gave my last shekel to daddycool.
Can I have a solid gold house and a rocket car?
Only if you are very rich or very short.
What happens when something sucks and blows at the same time?
The universe explodes.
If I'm going to ask you for something, are you going to ask the next poster for something instead of asking a question?
Yes. However, since only two people are participating in this thread, it works out anyway.
Did you want to ask me for something?
Yes, I wanted a panda.
Got any threes?
Go fish.
Got any threes?
Go fish.
Got any threes?
Yes, two.
Do you want them?
Not really.
What was the name of that song? You know, with the words and the melody? That one. You know the one.
'Starship Trooper' by Yes.
How do I get a date without hiding the fact that I'm mentally ill and indigent?
Did I leave the oven on?
Yes, but it's irrelevant because you also left the door unlocked, and now some jerk has stolen your oven along with everything else.
Would you like to buy an oven?
How much?
Six-hundred quataloos.
Do you have stairs in your house?
If by your box, you mean that hollow cube made of pure gold, sure thing!
Can I have fries with that?
No, you may not have fries with that.
What the fuck is your deal?
Seven card stud, high low, eight must. Of COURSE nothing's wild, you total wussbag.
Who forgot to kick in their ante?
I don't know, sorry.
Has eternal September settled over 4-ch?
Eternal? No, I'm pretty sure it started earlier this year.
If whales have whale song, what do mooses have?
The steadfast love of Mario's brother Luigi.
Do you think we should talk about Asia Carrera some more?
The cyberdemon is blocking the way to the BFG-9000 and I only have a pistol. What now?
ITT >>626 does it wrong.
Why does Asia Carrera still have so many fans, even though she no longer does pr0n?
Wouldn't it be cool to be named Mongo Lloyd?
Sure, if you're just a pawn in game of Life.
Should I go straight to work, or go to college?
Stop! Go directly to Jail. Do not pass Go. Do not collect $200.
Do you ever visit any other *chan boards?
No, I can't say I do.
What's a "*chan board"?
starchan boards are a deep secret held by the elitist superstructure, they feature trains and song threads.
because you touch yourself at night
where can i buy mittens
( ゚ ヮ゚) half the fun of mittens is knitting them!
( ゚ ヮ゚) Why do you look like a mongoose?
Because you touch yourself at night.
Why oh why oh why oh, did I ever leave Ohio?
Because you suck at the vidya.
Why does PS3 have no games?
because its essentially a dvd player.
it's a penis with 3 and a half stars attached to it.
Do I wanna try Pangya for the golf or the loli?
Why do I suddenly feel the urge to score a delicious hole-in-one into a loli ?
because you're a paedophillic golf player.
How many people are actually writing in this thread?
Both of us.
Why did I want one lucky drive before, when I would far prefer a thousand putts before sinking a long slow one?
Because you touch your gold balls at night.
So, come here often?
Very. Also, I think Asia Carrera is a pretty cool chick. She makes pr0n and doesn't afraid of anything.
See what you've done?
i've answered a question which could mean anything >_<
Do leeches burst when squeezed?
Yes, releasing a toxin that eats through skin.
Why does my kitten not like getting touched?
Your kitten has a history of being raped.
Why is the internet so distracting?
What consequences does Mr Asknoquestions face?
Mr. Buggerstick the convicted felon's cock penetrating his virgin anus without lube.
Whatever became of Jesus' foreskin?
We are sure to find out in the upcoming Indiana Jones movie.
What long-dead movie series will be revived next with the same aging actors?
When is it a good day to spell enemies?
Today, but when is today exactly?
I'd tell you, but I'd be lying.
What's the best method for leaving messages with a receptionist that will actually get a return call from a decision maker?
Ask for voicemail.
Why is the date on DQN sometime in 1993?
Why is the "General" section of 4-ch full of shit threads and nothing but?
Because everyone with any sense knows DQN has the answer to everything.
Why don't they use the same units for hat, shoe and bra sizes?
We don't want to encourage stuffing breasts into shoes.
What is dove?
I see what you're trying to do, but I'm not going to baby don't hurt me, don't hurt me, no more.
What is glove?
What the man who had 5 penises pants fit like.
What is to blave?
It is the bleating of sheep who have formed a conclave.
What motivates Papa Smurf?
Love, and a desire to share.
If I accidentally tap the foot of the person in the stall next to me in a public restroom, should I pretend nothing happened or apologize loudly, insisting I'm not gay?
Proceed to kick his foot firmly and yell at him, in an attempt to pass of your gay advances as being offended by his smell.
Should I ask Eirin to save me?
No, you can save yourself.
Should I go here or to SAoVQ?
Preferably, that should be done in a toilet.
What's that behind you?
A grue that I am likely to be eaten by.
What's that coming over the hill?
Another hill!
What should I eat for dinner?
Corn Pops.
Who's the black private dick that's a sex machine to all the chicks?
The new Corn Pops mascot.
Why can't I stop the pop?
Because only Asia Carrera can do that.
What's not to like?
Gay magic.
Why is Gay Magic so dislikeable?
Because practitioners of Gay Magic must wear bloodstained clothes. And bloodstained clothes is unacceptable in this society, oh no. The children will be scarred for life seeing blood, ignore the gay.
What is the proper technique for a straight punch?
Avoid the penis, and avoid grappling the penis.
Who would have guessed that the summers of yesteryear would disappear so quickly?
What are the emergency mittens used for?
What kind of a silly question was that?
The kind demanding an equally silly answer.
Can emergency mittens be used in any emergency situation?
Yes, except emergency situations near the event horizon of a super-massive black hole when, according to Stephen Hawking, they will transform into emergency tubi-grip with a risk that your fingers may become slightly numb.
What happened to the snappy come-back?
The jerk store called, they're running out of YOU!
Was that a satisfactory answer, or should I have tried harder to make it fit the question?
...but how did you frame the answer?
In a rather inexpensive frame from Ikea, I'm afraid. They're rather crappy, but I like the look of bare pine.
What can I expect to happen on New Years Eve?
Yes, and both taste better than drinking from cans.
Is the Squeeks in the box alive, or dead?
Depends on whether he's wearing choco-aisu or poo.
After you become tanasinn, then what?
Well y'see, it's a simple c∵se ∴f ∵∴∵∴∴∵∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴f∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴
∵∵∴∵∴∵∴∵∴∵d∵∴∵wi∴h a cat?
I bet you'd asking me whenever I'd go on a date with a cat! ...aAand I'd love to! doting up a cat is what I learned to always want to do back in my otaku years.
Why can't I own a Canadian?
They're not asking because of age, but because the very sight of you infuses them with an irrational hatred. They want to learn your name so they can begin stalking you on social networking sites and slowly ruin your life from there.
(The boring answer is that it's easier for them to just card everybody than take a chance.)
>>593, what the hell am I doing here?
What does it mean to truly be free?
You don't have to pay anything, you can just have it.
Which is better: glue stick, PVA or spray adhesive? (No other choices)
Spray adhesive is most versatile.
Why has everyone I know who writes fanfiction suddenly switched from complex, dark, 1990s mecha anime to "My Little Pony" as their preferred fandom?
Unfortunately, nobody watches complex, dark, 1990s mecha anime any more. I can't really answer the second part; I never saw the attraction with My Little Pony. Then again, I am a Touhou obsessive so I doubt I'm in any place to discredit it.
Should my next goal be to 1cc lunatic in one of the games I'm good at or 1cc normal in one of the games I suck at?
>>597 You should try and better yourself in some way by, for example, spending time with someone less abled than you or a sick relative or friend.
What did the petrified forest see to make the trees so scared?
A tin.
What is a philosophical value of my answer to previous poster's question?
Well, going by Nietzsche's philosophical idea of perspectivism, it's whatever you believe it is. More or less. In other words, I have no idea.
What should I attempt to program in Python?
An automated translator from Kanbun to modern Japanese.
How do I find my purpose in life?
oops wrong thread...
>>604 Why do you think I'm interested in the contents of a dokyun's wallet?
The desire to know if you have the same things.
How awesome is DoDonPachi?
>>606 see this thread
>>608 If you could steal a smooch from any celebrity, who would it be?
Tripcodes are completely unjustifiable. Anonymity is a messageboard's greatest virtue; why anyone would discard it - or practically deify others who do - is beyond me. Occasionally using names can be pulled off well (for example RedCream), but, in general, using a name just for the sake of having a name is unforgivable. I believe nothing would be lost by forced anonymity.
I always wanted to try crossdressing. Should I order a skirt from Ebay for £0.99?
>>613 For that price you may as well. You could try building up to it by wearing panties and pantyhoses under your clothes when you're out in public, you get a cosy feeling without people staring at you. I'm wearing my girlfriend's panties and my pantyhose just now (-o⌒)
>>615 Do you like Depeche Mode?
>>615 Yes you should! I just ate a pack just now! I hope you like them, they are one of my favourite sweeties. Do you get them in America? Also, it makes me happy to know you are also a depeche mode fan (´ε` )♡
>>617 Would you feel apprehensive about eating sweeties received in the mail from a fellow dokyun? I guess it is understandable...
I don't think a dokyun would poison them... I didn't die, and they were delicious! I really wish they sold them here... I haven't had any candies for a year or two now, and damn were they good. The idea of a dokyun grabbing them for me made them even sweeter. Could be a slow acting poison though. (If you're reading this now, >>447 from that other thread, I want you to know that you really made my month! <3)
What do you think about #seapunk music?
You said:
> いいよ。下手くそだけどどんな話がいいの?あんたは返事できないから一人で会話。寂しいけど日記もそうだね。じゃ、最近俺が悩んでることは恋人。彼女は遠くて俺が人生で全然進めない感じがしている。
If, as I might assume, you meant "What did I say translated into English?", then it was something along the lines of:
> Okay. Pardoning my extreme lack of skill, what shall we talk about? Because you can't reply, I'll converse with myself. Although it's lonely, diaries are like that as well, eh. Well, lately I have been troubled by my lover. She is far away, so I have a feeling that my life is not moving forwards at all.
What should I name my new USB? As inspiration, my previous one was called "Arbitrary" and my computer is called "Veronica".
What do you think about this song I just linked?
>>633 I'll certainly give it a go! It's great, but why are they dancing in the bushes haha. Kinda reminds me of - apparently the old man is rapping about how he used to be the internet 50 years ago or something
>>635 what's your favourite eurovision song?
I think this counts:
How much wood could a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?
We could all get tripcodes and frown upon tripcodeless vipsters and the opposition. On the one hand, this will establish one of the strongest forms of elitism - a circlejerk. On the other, this might destroy the foundation of our superstructure. As you can see, we are balancing on a thin edge here. This means that we should just stick with today's special.
How often do you pick on newbies of online forums, comments, videogames, etc? Why?
I don't pick on you very often, but when I do it's because you appear as a self-righteous renegade of remedial remarks, eschewing subtle humor and originality in order to brand each comment with your own style of personal projection.
If Johann Sebastian Bach were alive today, what band do you think he might play in?
Higher education is overrated almost everywhere in the world. It can actually be harmful to young people as they might end up as NEETs who have abandoned their hopes, their ideas, their ability to invent! Even if you don't, you might lose your creativity anyway! One thing for sure, you're going to lose a few years which you could use more productively.
Universities aren't able to keep up with the pace of modern technology. You can learn almost anything necessary by yourself faster than in university.
Another drawback is that student community is often lazy. This is why dedicated self-education might be a better way.
You should study job markets of bigger cities (and local as well). If I were you I'd look for WWW-related stuff or something obscure like programming on assembler for mobile devices. But everything depends on your interests and skills that you have or wish to obtain.
As a last measure, there is always online poker. I heard that some people earn enough money by playing all day long.
Come up with a conspiracy theory about jews and higher education.
>>655 He's not the only one complaining. I remember when you first started posting with your tripcode you said you'd only do it for a little while. I cringed then and I cringe pretty much every time you post, and I honestly don't really understand why you would here, other than deliberately trolling? I don't mind tripcode usage, it has a purpose, but not here?
>>657 If you could smell any smell right now what would it be?
>>659 Hmmm I'm in two minds about it. I'm extremely fortunate in that, looking back over my life, I've pretty much coasted through and good things have just happened to me, in my studies and my love life and other areas. But saying that, I did put the legwork in, I studied and stuff and earned my straight As but i don't feel like I made much effort, I didn't really think about studying or worry about if I'd pass, I've always lived with the assumption that things work out the way they're meant to, based on the fact that they always have in the past.
Hmm I'm rambling... I believe that people can and should do whatever they want, but whatever they choose to do, that's what was meant to happen anyway. And then everyone will die eventually.
>>661 I have two boxes. Box A is seethrough and you can see it contains $1000. Box B is opaque. You can either take the contents of both boxes, OR just the contents of box B. I have predicted already what choice you are going to make. If I was to predict you take both boxes, box B will be empty. If I was to predict you take only box B, it will contain $1,000,000. As I have already predicted your choice, the contents of box B have already been decided. Also, I am completely infallible as I am a superintelligent alien. What do you choose to do >>661, box A+B or just box B?
>>662 Would you rather wear a red leather jacket with looooads of tassles hanging down from wrist to wrist across the back, or a wooly jumper covered in loooads of trivial button badges, like for tractors and confectionary and magazine subscriptions? You'd have to wear it every day so choose carefully.
I was browsing the internet when I discovered this
I cleared Perfect Cherry Blossom's Phantasm stage for the first time. I was using Reimu A. In that one run I captured two spellcards I had never captured before, and, despite the fact it was my first ever clear, finished with two lives left over. I don't remember my exact score, but it was more than 500,000,000.
Does my splurging about Touhou bother you?
>>669 i did very well at school and university, I have lots of good friends and a lovely fiancé and have been extremely fortunate in all aspects of my life, yet i've still suffered from crippling depression for as long as i can remember, made worse by thinking that i really don't have anything to be depressed about. Maybe it's the pressure of living a double life, being a respectable successful person in my family's eyes but secretly getting underage girls pregnant and taking lots of drugs and getting arrested for vandalism. I'm also a kinky beast ;)
>>671What have you secretly always wanted to try? Maybe use this as an incentive to go out and do it, you'll feel really good!
I only eat fried dumplings delivered through a metal chute in the door
Apparently, the thread ends now.
>>683 Where would you go first if you woke up to find you were invisible, but when you lick your finger you find you are also made of infinite trees?
>>694 There certainly is, I love most of my fellow brothers and sister of this world, but it's also an important part of who I am and what I do to be romantically in love as much as possible, and now I can't believe how lucky I am to be so madly in love and be so madly loved back by this perfect young lady just now.
>>696 What picture do you currently have as your desktop background?
I took it earlier this month.
What's your favorite Internet Website for obtaining pornographic materials?
Mycology. I was always fascinated by mushrooms as a child and I took up collecting them in my late teens. The bitter irony of it however is that I hate the taste of most mushrooms so they're quite useless to have around. Maybe one day I'll find some Psilocybe and trip out. I fancy myself a bit of an artist though, and I plan to turn some of the spore patterns into art--somehow. It's a work-in-progress. Sans the work.
What unusual hobbies do or did you have?
>>714 Besides /dqn/ i love and regularly visit sovietrussia and 420chan, though i guess sovietrussia is pretty quiet, especially recently. /z/ is one of the best pages on the internet!
>>716 Have you ever been to
It's a tie between Debian and OpenBSD. I love the Linux kernel, but I dislike most GNU programs (I don't, for example, like the idea of `cat' being as complicated as it is in the GNU coreutils--less is more!). I've used both for over ten years now. Debian a little longer, since I became aware of Linux (or "GNU/Linux", if you prefer) first. I use them at home for everything I do, which mostly consists of trolling 4-ch and watching overly cute denpa videos.
If you could go back in time and alter one event in your life, what would it be?
>>729 I'm pretty open-minded and do my best to keep prejudices to a minimum, though last night my wife was saying she wishes she was Japanese because they're all thin and cute, and that I seem to have a thing for them. So I was showing her pictures to show her that wasn't true. When it comes to love, though I used to fancy a Chinese girl in my class I would never be with anyone other than my own nationality, not because of xenophobia or anything like that but simply because my accent is a turn-on.
>>731 What's your favourite accent?
Watching anime and reading manga has felt like a chore recently. I suppose that's the curse of being a NEET.
Though I did start watching Cardcaptor Sakura a few weeks ago since I only ever saw the god-awful dub. It's more cute and charming than I had imagined, so much so that thinking about it makes me completely unbothered by the fact I'm replying to a Tokiko post.
If you had to pick three must-watch anime, what would they be?
>>734 hehe I just started watching cardcaptor sakura not long ago too. I'm not massively into anime, I usually watch through a series an episode per meal. Hmmm three that I really enjoyed were Umineko No Naku Koro Ni, Panty & Stocking With Garterbelt, aaaand hmmm Macademi Wasshoi. There's a few others that I enjoyed, but I wouldn't call "must-watch".
>>736 where would you like to go on holiday?
>>743 I looked up the tracks, it was an interesting listen. I don't know much about classical but it was interesting to read from the comments that it was thought to be mocking Shostakovich's 7th Symphony which happens to be one of my favourite classical pieces (from the small amount I've heard). I'd heard World's End Girlfriend before and liked them, and this track is pretty cool too. I think the Frog Pocket one is my favourite, it's really cool, though the De De Mouse one is groovy too. Oh no wait, I wrote that as I was listening to them but I've just listened to the Utabi one, it's awesome! Overall my reaction would be "hmmm this guy's got pretty interesting taste in music"
>>745 Why would The Official Taylor Swift YouTube Channel be the 2nd result for searching "de de mouse station"?
How do I get a free copy of the SICP? I don't want to pay for paper and ink to print it myself and I don't want to buy one online. I was thinking I'd print one out at my college during lunch in the computer lab. There's a $25 technology fee when you sign up for classes and I would say that should make it ethically alright to print it. Give me some advice here man.
Early September 1993 (within the first 30 days or so), when AOL let a permanent and constant influx of retards in.
Some may think "oh no, it's more horrible now than ever" or "nah, the most horrible time was ____" or "the worst is yet to come", but it has essentially been the same ratio of horrible to users ever since that fateful time of auld.
Would you like a candy bar?
I'm quite partial to the sun, it's helped me out quite a bit throughout my life. Besides that I'm embarrassed to say that although I've seen lots of cool pictures of interesting space things, I never remember their names. I have the same problem with people.
How can I remember people's names?
>>782 Hmmm I had a megadrive and not a snes so I don't know many games for it, so they're all obscure to me. I'll say International Superstar Soccer Deluxe because I played it on an emulator and it was so much better than I expected it to be, it's really good.
>>784 What's your favourite obscure megadrive [genesis] game?
I'm a proud member. I have the books, a little card or something somewhere from ages back, and I use Slackware Linux. I'm even named ``Bob''.
What makes a religion any less real than any other? The poster twice above you seems to think that our organization is a mock religion, whatever that means.
What they are suggesting is that the founders - and possibly members - of your religion are insincere in their beliefs, and that their motivation is simply to parody those who do sincerely believe in similar religious systems. I don't think the religion is any less "real" than any other.
How do you feel about woodlice?
Well I think I'd have to go with Yuyuko, considering she's my waifu and all.
How much do you agree with the sentiment of this song?!/s/Plenty+More/4iYqaA?src=5
Sorry about that.
Where would you like to spend your eventual retirement?
>>814 My sister is a year younger than I am. She and I are (obviously) diametric opposites. She's a Glee-loving thespian/musician who befriends everyone and goes to a liberal-arts college. I am just a borderline-NEET misanthrope. Everyone can tell that we're siblings, though.
>>816 What's your opinion on incest?
Maybe not that similar, but...
NES: Mother
SNES: Zombies ate my Neighbors
It's hard to say because I don't watch much anime and I don't know much about terrible shows. Off the top of my head, I'd say Durarara!! just because I had high expectations for it and it let me down in many ways.
If you were a kitchen appliance, what would you be?
I've been posting in it. I think that someone beat you to it in reviving it...
These days, it's Mayo. I'm tired of ketchup, and never liked mustard.
>>840 Well, I woke up and felt a little down for some reason, then I had to go to the jobcentre and the man talked a lot about me getting into a callcentre, which made me feel eve lower, but then walking home I saw a cute girl walking along a wall by herself and it shone a few sunbeams into my heart. I guess I'm okay now.
>>842 do you believe in Jesus Christ?
You should apply for unemployment benefits in the meantime.
Oh wow, that's embarrassing. Well to make up for it, I should answer >>861.
Let's see, this morning I woke up feeling more energetic than normal because I actually went to bed early for once. It was raining so I got soaked on the bike ride to work. Work had some disastrous moments that stressed me out even though it wasn't my fault. I spent a good part of the day not on real work, but trying to solve various problems with my new EEE PC on which I recently installed lubuntu. For lunch I had fried fish, rice, salad and soup. At some point I replied in the wrong thread on DQN, which brings us to now.
What did you have for your last lunch?
I am. I wouldn't exist without them!
Why do people have to explicitly state the number of previous and next post? Look at the beginning of this thread, look at the previous thread! No one did that.
Humans naturally desire to question. Philosophy provides answers to those questions, or at least guidelines to finding the answers.
The desire to question itself is most likely an evolutionary impetus. Answering questions helps us process our environment and thus improve our quality of life and shape the future to our advantage. Of course one question leads to another, and soon enough the simple question of "how do I survive" turns into "why must I survive." Philosophy exists to assist us in grappling with these unanswerable questions.
What's your life philosophy, in general?
evelyn. I don't actively pretend to be a girl, however, and most people realize I'm not. But there's an ircop who once took a liking to me in his drunken stupor and proceeded to OP me in a bunch of random channels. It was rather annoying.
How long have you been using the internet? How has your experience changed? Would you say you spend inordinate amounts of time on it?
>>881 Hmmmm... we got BT dialup when I was in my early teens, and I used it to look up playstation cheats, download songs from the itunes store when i was given gift vouchers, and porn while my mother was at work and my brothers were upstairs. Now I'd say I have a er rich alternate life on the Internet, but I wouldn't go so far to say I live on it, I still have an active social life with many other pastimes, a lot of which are fuelled by the Internet though. I suppose my experiences have grown rather than changed, I now download shitloads of music, have a neatly arranged porn links folder for a range of fetishes, and am passionate about lots of things I wouldn't have heard about were it not for the Internet.
>>883 What was the last thing you masturbated to?
>>888 my company website is under construction just now (by me) but here is my tumblr
>>890 Go back five pages on my tumblr, what are your first impressions of me and the kind of person I am?
My first impression is that you are probably a 20-something netizen with a somewhat discerning eye but too much individualism. You occasionally have good taste and originality, but have yet to perfect the aesthetic. Sometimes you try too hard. If I knew you I'd probably be your friend but be secretly elitist about it.
How are your relations with your family?
My tastes are too wide and varied to pick out a favorite anything, really. At the moment, however, I'm enthralled with Finnish indie bands such as Rubik and Disco Ensemble. Also I recently got into the chiptune artists Starscream and IAYD.
List a favorite band from each of the genres you like.
Kind of a lot. In high school I even designed a machine whose sole purpose was to transport one safely to penguin-rich areas and insulate one from the harsh climate, allowing ample time to select one's penguin of choice and bring it home instantly. Actually, in middle school I also illustrated a series of comics based off the everyday adventures of Tux, the GNU/Linux penguin. I'm pretty sure my fascination with Linux over Unix and BSD back then was due almost solely to the fact that Tux was its mascot.
Thinking farther back, to elementary school nonetheless, I remember a small picture-book I had written for a class project. And guess who my subject was? That's right. Penguins. It was about how they got their sleek, tuxedo-like exterior. You see, a lot of male penguins were confused about the gender of their prospective mates, as every penguin was solid white in color. So they had a meeting and decided the best solution was to paint themselves in the spirit of suave manhood. Thus they contrived the tuxedo-feathering. Throbbing in success, they began to set their sights higher. Hollywood; the big screen; Broadway. And so they left for America, intent on fame and fortune, leaving their female counterparts to slave away in the bleak environs of the Arctic. I stopped there though and didn't give an explanation as to why female penguins are also partly black.
Is there any animal you have a particular fascination with?
You should waste your money on SEO and context ads.
What is a good way to increase the quality of life without too much effort?
There's a long and tired history of Espeon love/hatred. See for details. I don't like ignoring posts, but I think it's better than direct attacks. Those just end up filling the board with endless arguments that will never sway either side.
Why are we so meta here?
I'd prefer Vonnegut's Cat's Cradle! If there is an electric socket on a nearby tree, I'd also like Survive Style 5+ and Equinoxe by Jean Michel Jarre.
Are you going to ignore this question?w
>>951 I can play this by squeezing my ears
>>953 If I've based my life around the Katamari games, what else might I enjoy?
Perhaps other things quirky and Japanese? Such as maybe Juicy Panic music videos, or films by Hajime Ishimine, or little-known Japanese DS games like "Contact". I dunno, I guess it depends which part of the Katamariverse that most appeals to you, and what kind of media you're looking for. Sorry I couldn't give better recommendations.
What's your favorite alcoholic drink?
It's champagne!
Unless it's a bulk process champagne which is cheap and widely available (and therefore very popular in this country). I really hate this swill branded as "Sovetskoye Shampanskoye", "Rossiyskoye Shampanskoye". I also had quite a laugh when I discovered "Chateau Tamagne" sparkling wine. How should I put it... "French MY ASS", I guess?
But I'm missing the point here. I prefer brut!
How long will Putin rule this country? Will he retire after next 12 years?
<a href="">[Quantum theory] ITT we send the next poster to a parallel universe and they tell us about it [go]</a>. There are some fascinating concepts explored there!
What would your ideal home look like? Also, where would it be located?
You could've pretended that you misspelled german "Schreibtisch" ( and proceed talking about it.
What's you online weakness?
I'm fond of using a name on an anonymous forum. Not saying which one, but there are pictures on it. It's not exactly a weakness, but I know that it upsets some people to the point where they've tried to find my personal information and photographs on a number of occasions.
What's the point of ``doxing"?
I think it's "him" too, though perhaps making him feel important like this is a terrible idea. To be honest I feel sorry for him--of course I object to trolling, particularly when it's the lowest common denominator of trolling and very obnoxious, but nobody deserves to be stalked or bullied. Nobody!
What do you think of "cyberbullying"?
A blooming sakura. Or a bunch of new shiny gadgets. What suits you the best.
What is Buddha?
What is your favourite three digit number?
To be honest, I just use Google. I plug in the title and the words "ebook" and "torrent". Many false positives, but they have led to interesting discoveries, such as "Outies" by Pournelle's daughter!
Should the time I took typing the above lead to this post being >>983 (as it did with my Becket question abover), how best may I expiate my shame?
I am terrible with birthdays. I even forget my own birthday. I remember going to the dentist as a child and when they asked me my birth date, I cried because I couldn't remember. I haven't improved either. Just a few years ago I ordered some alcohol from an alcohol delivery service (really convenient, more places should do this) and the scary-looking delivery man asked for my ID. Of course I was old enough, so I wasn't worried. But then he asked for my date of birth to check it with me. I panicked and got the day and month backwards (I mentally see dates as numbers, e.g. 1993-09-6769). Needless to say, I ended up spending that night sober.
So to answer your question: nobody's.
What is the most embarrassing thing that has ever happened to you?