we've got you surrounded!
come drink your fig wine!
Another Tay, another Zonday
weird shipper lingo sure is magical
It's Friday?????
I love doomed women!
Monsieur Robert Berbils
I wish exhentai allowed videos natively so I didn't have to torrent all these bad JAV from galleries of screenshots of them.
at this point i'm like 90% sure that autogynephilia in men is caused by sexual frustration so if your husband troons out there's a pretty good chance that it's your fault, although it could also literally be the jews, i.e. excessively tight circumcision causing difficulty reaching satisfying orgasm
ohh, kanye became ye because jesus is 'ye'shua
Justice was served
im drunk off my mind off of some fuking dorm room 1 dollar 15 cent fanta and half a fucling hanbdle of smiroff of vodka but banki is apretty cool characeter, aslong with allo fth the characthers from toughoug i mean a fucking girl thats hot athntthat can remove her head HOW WOWO! i mean thats cool and what about Alice thast can make doolls or rumia that can contrla darkness or marissa that can do mahiic i meka n i can even fin igh the games I fucking suck btu teh lore sand characters ofh the gamne are really cool%%%& I love ///jb/becausie of that you hustys are cringe fometimes but i love yoall i alseo lov ehowu orginall the artowkr for touhou is so so cool im ean im really fruknl buty man I love 4chan im in college but i juist hide and really nowone reall y nknows that i ike this stuff i mean how the fuck dopo i explain this shit, oh yeah i really likle artwrk from this frinkg ing bullent hell shootesrs and this websiut s
HOEVER ill post a pictires that i love of some charachtersfrom touhoi I think my cavorite caharavterfrom touthou is Yachi evnt thoiuisgh this isnt a yachi thread i dont care
Hardly spoke to folks around him, didn't have too much to say
No one dared to ask his business, no one dared to make a slip
For the stranger there among them had his hormones on his hip
Hormones on his hip
"Is it better to be born good, or to overcome your evil nature?" -Wise Dragon who taught me how to deal psychic damage with a slur.
Footage emerged about a week ago of her swimming in the top ten feet of water straight up. The metaphor basically writes itself that this creature, who lives in a lightless benthic zone, saw the surface of the ocean as its final act after swimming for an untold amount of time straight up. This is something a very limited number of other anglerfish probably have ever seen in all of history.
People see it as a stand-in for a life of struggle, only to be rewarded in the end with something unimaginable. In that context it's got biblical undertones. It's even got elements of the hero's journey to it.
I learnt that running around in frilly dress with huge sword looks very lovely.
I'm trying to find the 4D chess in this whole thing but it's definitely sounding like we're siding with Russia here.
she would not wear something that skimpy with a smile on her face
It started out that TJLCers were objecting less to toplock itself than to the "Dark Fuck Prince" phenomenon. Basically, people running away with Sherlock's claim that he's a "high-functioning sociopath" and making him into this cold, dark, rapacious top who hits poor vanilla John's arse like a Category 5 sex hurricane. So what TLJCers were reacting to initially was what they saw as an out-of-character presentation of Sherlock -- a rejection/denial of the emotional vulnerability, and, for lack of a better word, gentleness shown by him in S3. But the vast majority of TJLCers now have their heads shoved so far up their asses that they think all toplock is DFP.
...Why do you have pictures of cats and food in the menu of your Doom fan game? what is even GOING ON
I would absolutely pay $50 for a picture with [Jim] Norton, but only if we both already had AIDS.
Congratulations on getting literally NO POINT that was made in this entire thread and responding with the biggest pile of non-sequitur nonsense I've ever fucking seen!
Take your shitty project down.
Stop selling other people's work.
Fuck you.
( EΦE) Hello everyone! My name is Clonepa.
@@@-]]- A
!@ !@l|,.iΙl_Ιj
i @§-]@|! i@The poop soup, to be precise.
_R .U@- Ιm @
@ @ / _ΙT
@@/__i |£!|
==@@@THE REI'S DINER@@@@==
@@@-]]- A
!@ !@l|,.iΙl_Ιj
i @§-]@|! i@We're going to sell your diarrhea to customers.
_R .U@- Ιm @
@ @ / _ΙT
@@/__i |£!|
==@@@THE REI'S DINER@@@@==
( E-E) Yeah, right. You never sell anything to anybody.
(E`E) Grandpa! I don't know what thread I'm in anymore!
Cute girl who cannot be stopped!
Cute girl girling you to cute.
Judith Butler deconstructing the heteronormative matrix of cute and girl while quietly seething over the fact she is not and never will be a cute girl.
Cute girl loudly seething.
Cute girl quiet quitting.
Cute executioner girl grinning at you as she locks you inside the San Quintin gas chamber before filling it with the toxic flatulence of an obese hairy prison guard.
Cute girl who has never felt any guilt or regret for anything she has ever done or not done.
Cute girl's sexy stare.
Cute girl's sexy stairs.
Cute girl, cute rovers — will they ever like each other?
Cute girl breaking into a college dorm room and raping seven other cute girls in rapid succession to the sound of Sakuya Izayoifs Lunar Clock theme.
I raise up
to only fall down
drown in the tears of the wallyb
for it is you that will have to be
I met a traveler from an antique land
Who said: a shitty queerbait ship
Stands in the desert. Near it, on the sand,
Half sunk, a shattered fandom lies, whose frown,
And wrinkled lip, and sneer of cold command,
Tells that its fans well those passions read
Which yet survive, stamped on those lifeless things,
The hand that mocked them and the heart that fed:
And on the pedestal, these words appear:
"My name is DESTIEL, King of Ships:
Look on MY website, ye mighty, and despair!"
No thing beside remains. Round the decay
Of that colossal wreck, boundless and bare
The lone and level sands stretch far away.
CHIM chim-i-ney, CHIM chim-i-ney, CHIM CHIM cher-ee!
I is what I yam, and I yam what I be.
CHIM chim-i-ney, CHIM chim-i-ney, CHIM CHIM cher-oo!
Dick van Dyke is so old he's outliven you.
You look like a monkey, and you smell like one, too.
I hereby grant you permission
to taste my chocolate emission
She's so kawaii so I try so hard to make her squee
She's so kawaii can't deny she's the one for me
She's so kawaii in her eyes I see my destiny
Why won't she wake up and notice me
Sou desu ne
Foetid foaming feces
Flatulent farts
I might be lactose intolerant
Would you believe
they put a man on the moon, man on the moon?
Could you conceive
there's nothing out there to see and nothing to do?
Jar-Jar Binks
kinda stinks
but give a chance to his
passionate jizz
First, Elon came for the wokes,
And I did not speak out—
For I was not woke.
Then Elon came for the leftists,
And I did not speak out—
For I was not a leftist.
Then Elon came for the Democrats,
And I did not speak out—
For I was not a Democrat.
Then Elon came for the scientists,
And I did not speak out—
Just try
Ciao bella, I'm Tomaso, addicted to tobacco
Mi like mi coffè very importante
No time to talk, scusi, my days are very busy
And I just own this little ristorante
Life may give you lemons when dancing with the demons
No stresso, no stresso, no need to be depresso
Mi amore, mi amore
Espresso macchiato, macchiato, macchiato
Por favore, por favore
Espresso macchiato corneo
Mi amoru, mi amore
Espresso macchiato, macchiato, macchiato
The shraiff don't like it. Lock the taskbar.
Anyone else think that matador is looking awfully goreable just now?
Because of the president's executive orders on transgender health I can no longer deboy. :(
You're still a she to me. <3
I'm firing my unitt.
I like my wine how I like my philosophical conundrums: mulled.
wutile clan aint nuthin ta fuck with
Dost thou mocketh me?
gib me the beans, boys, and free my bowels; the mess is gonna take a hundred towels.
For The Coins of the Jews, see
Sin literally pollutes the land with spiritual contamination. Blight resistant Chestnuts may be a sign of revival.
ru~ rp} uv uty q|u r~y {u
In a segment on ABEMA Prime, idol Suzuki Mob., a member of the idol group Nippon Wachacha, appeared as the self-appointed representative of the bathing cancel clique. In the segment, Suzuki argued for the numerous merits of not bathing, including that it saves time and itfs better for the environment. Suzuki says she only bathes or showers once every four days.
Suzuki says shefs bathed this way since elementary school. She makes sure, according to Sankei Shimbun, to bathe before meeting fans at concerts and meet and greets so that no onefs put off by her smell.
Even some celebs have joined the trend. According to Shukan Josei Prime, both fashion model Kogawa Yuna (gYuchamih) and YouTuber Fuwa-chan have made headlines for proclaiming they keep bathing to a minimum.
Throughout its lifetime, FidoNet was beset with management problems and infighting. Much of this can be traced to the fact that the inter-net delivery cost real money, and the traffic grew more rapidly than decreases caused by improving modem speeds and downward trending long-distance rates. As they increased, various methods of recouping the costs were attempted, all of which caused friction in the groups. The problems were so bad that Jennings came to refer to the system as the "fight-o-net".
Through subterfuge, might, and urine, the besieged city is relieved, and their residents are invited to invade the Dipsodes, who mostly surrender to Pantagruel as he and his army approach their towns. During a downpour, Pantagruel shelters his army with his tong
A Sandwich Killed My Mom
By contrast, real mammoths had only one tail each, and their tails were part of their vertebral columns — meaning they consisted of many smaller bones.
Painis Cupcake is a RED Soldier in appearance and what is known about him is that he is not at all civilized and is beyond human. Upon confronting his prey he will honorably introduce himself as "I am Painis Cupcake. I will eat you." Followed by an ominous and borderline disturbing smile. He will rarely say "Your painis is mine, do you understand that?!".
That chink a lame, that chink a bitch, that chink a pussy
We got Henny, we got shanks, we got cookie (yeah)
I fucked so much pussy, I might switch to bussy (what)
The bitch is Asian and I call her for some suki (hey)
medieval icelandic legal code
"abraham shinzo"
it's a big mistake to think you're the only one who can turn into a car
"Andries Wouters" "mata hari"
ray peat raw eggs
should I put my powerlifting total on my resume
"sardine thief"
"grouchiness due to inconvenient nap time"