[Contentless] ITT you post right now [ASAP] your current thought [Brains][Thinking][Personal][#47] (999)

1 Name: (´<_`  ) : 1993-09-10806 11:22

Bygone days:
#1 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1213916710/
#2 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1250275007/
#3 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1292544745/
#4 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1315193920/
#5 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1326391378/
#6 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1333279425/
#7 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1340196069/
#8 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1346800288/
#9 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1353182673/
#10 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1360549149/
#11a https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1367260033/
#11b https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1367260120/
#11c https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1367731900/
#12 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1372849946/
#13 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1368127055/
#14 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1395672319/
#15 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1409746601/
#16 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1420075161/
#17 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1430947686/
#18 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1440133389/
#19 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1447380051/
#20 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1454364216/
#21 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1462941578/
#22 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1473295155/
#23 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1480168637/
#24 [Cute Girls] https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1489339924/
#24 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1489348442/
#25 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1503631448/
#26 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1519019746/
#27 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1526013591/
#28 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1529348654/
#29 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1531317324/
#30 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1534535341/
#31 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1540327913/
#32 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1548736885/
#33 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1557010373/
#34 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1568931593/
#35 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1585935259/
#36 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1600126305/
#37 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1605618983/
#38 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1610604190/
#39 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1614086960/
#40 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1617481384/
#41 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1621434255/
#42 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1626512956/
#43 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1631851352/
#44 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1637948840/
#45 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1646142103/
#1069 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1489414596/
#46 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1655466244/
#46.1 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1666964970/

Times best forgotten:
[Mind Reading] https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1368114996/
[Individualism] #1 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1367742339/
[Individualism] #2 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1368083369/
[Individualism] #3 https://4-ch.net/dqn/kareha.pl/1489369957/

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850 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11045 10:18

Who are you quoting?

851 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11045 10:42

Benjamin "fucked your mom" Franklin

852 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11045 10:45

If this is a metacrisis, why am I in the work toilet trying to get warm by the radiator?

853 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11045 13:55

You bought the peak

854 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11045 14:00

There's too many AEW jabronis in NJPW now... OPEN THE DRAGON GATE

855 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11046 22:36

koko/nanahira/momobako venn diagram

856 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11048 07:27

I'm so tired.

857 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11048 09:57

Still, my guitar gently weeps.

858 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11048 11:27

I don't even know 'er!

859 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11048 14:19

Home Row guy vs. Hunt And Peck girl. Which one falls in love first

860 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11049 01:22

>>855 It's a shaking pink circle!

861 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11049 07:39

i want a flip phone

862 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11049 09:37

How do I tell my stalker that I'm genuinely into her now, and that she should just nut up and drop me a text on Signal (or an e-mail from a suitably pseudonymized provider) so we can hash it out and get to actual dating, cos she doubtlessly knows both my number and e-mail address but I've only got vapour, suggestion, and a dumb man brain? This isn't even a trick of any kind; she already has guaranteed success.

863 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11049 12:33

KaiOS makes them pretty much just stripped down androids these days

864 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11050 00:33

be careful not to signal your desperation too strongly, lest she loses interest again!

865 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11050 18:44

im not glad john lennon is dead but im glad hes dead

866 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11050 19:34

I'd like to make a post of gratitude. I grew up on these anonymous places pretty much. Whether it be some of the old imageboards or textboards like these. Most of ya may be weebs and dorks, but I love ya anyway.

867 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11050 23:29

868 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11051 04:11

bovine spongiform incelphallupathy

869 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11051 06:12

I am come of the seed of the people, the people that sorrow; who have no treasure but hope, no riches laid up but a memory of an ancient glory. My mother bore me in bondage, in bondage my mother was born, I am of the blood of serfs; the children with whom I have played, the men and women with whom I have eaten have had masters over them, have been under the lash of masters,
and though gentle, have served churls. The hands that have touched mine, the dear hands whose touch Is familiar to me have worn shameful manacles, have been bitten at the wrist by manacles, have grown hard with the manacles and the task-work of strangers.. I am flesh of the flesh of these lowly, I am bone of their bone I that have never submitted; I that have a soul greater than the souls of my peoplefs masters, I that have vision and prophecy, and the gift of fiery speech, I that have spoken with God on the top of his holy hill. And because I am of the people, I understand the people, I am sorrowful with their sorrow, I am hungry with their desire; my heart is heavy with the grief of mothers, My eyes have been wet with the tears of children, I have yearned with old wistful men, and laughed and cursed with young men; their shame is my shame, and I have reddened for it Reddened for that they have served, they who should be free. Reddened for that they have gone in want, while others have been full, reddened for that they have walked in fear of lawyers and their jailors with their Writs of Summons and their handcuffs, men mean and cruel. I could have borne stripes on my body rather than this shame of my people. And now I speak, being full of vision: I speak to my people, and I speak in my peoplefs name to the masters of my people: I say to my people that they are holy, that they are august despite their chains. that they are greater than those that hold them and stronger and purer, that they have but need of courage, and to call on the name of their God, God the unforgetting, the dear God who loves the people for whom he died naked, suffering shame. And I say to my peoplefs masters: Beware. Beware of the thing that is coming, beware of the risen people who shall take what ye would not give. Did ye think to conquer the people, or that law is stronger than life, and than menfs desire to be free? We will try it out with you ye that have harried and held, ye that have bullied and bribed. Tyrantsc hypocritesc liars!

870 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11051 09:50

>>864 that's implausible. If I've read things correctly she's been obsessed with me for several years, since her mid-teens, so at worst I'll scare her off. Spose all I can do is make myself accessible and await patiently.

871 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11051 12:34

How do you even end up in a situation like that?

872 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11051 13:06

>>871 tl;dr, distant nerd romance.

Quite a long time ago I did things relevant to a now small minority of computer gamers, and subsequently left a reasonably googleable trail of internet detritus in my wake. Mix with teenage fan love (as towards a celebrity) and lots of varyingly subtle iterations of notice me sempai, and here we are. (Also she hits all my buttons at once as though by deliberate choice. Might as well be witchcraft, if that were real.)

873 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11051 14:11


874 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11051 20:03

>>866 I'm only pretending to be weebs and dorks

875 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11052 14:34

reading articles about the NYC "safety shirts" all sounds very urban johannesburg

876 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11052 17:21

September 11111 = 5 planes flying into 5 buildings?

877 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11052 19:28

5 planes flying into 5 twin towers and 2.5 planes flying into 2.5 Pentagons

878 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11052 22:03

There needs to be a new word for the sub-type of "weeb" that has long tired of anime and things like that, but still has an enduring interest in the language and country, those are the DQN type of wapanese.

879 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11053 02:02

I've long since tired of Japan, but I still have an enduring interest in the Elitist Superstructure.

880 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11053 13:54

The Otaku Club was eternal rivals with the elitist Japanese Culture Club in high school and I am too emotionally DQN (retarded) to switch to the winning side 20 years later.
(They mostly did kimonos and chanoyu and had the occasional sword weeb from what I could tell; I never attended.)

881 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11053 22:02

Well, I don't even have an interest in weeb culture. I'm only here for the dankest of memes, just like back in 1993.

882 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11053 23:01

As for me, it's “d”g.

883 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11056 01:36

Should I blame anime for the whole "cartoons arent just for kids!" thing that has resulted in anglo adults getting psyopped into watching and liking actual baby shows

884 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11056 08:14

Birds Are Not That Unimportant

885 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11056 23:03

found sumaq.html
(at the local asian supermarket!)

886 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11057 10:27

Ehhh so ronery

887 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11057 15:57


888 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11058 02:33

anal prolapse porn deaths

889 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11058 05:57

and now. the police are
invovled. jesus chris

890 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11058 10:59

I'd really like nothing more than to travel back in time and bludgeon my younger self to death with a lead pipe.

891 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11058 11:48


892 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11058 22:09

I want to travel back in time and give >>890's younger self a good hug!

893 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11058 23:48

Chair of Human Wrongs

894 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11059 02:36

how would you translitterate ƒfƒ…ƒNƒV? "deuchsy"? "duxy"?

895 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11059 07:26

>>894 dyukushi? dykshi?

896 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11059 13:50

Deepl suggests duxie, which sounds a little more cutesy.

897 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11060 07:16

i hate this gay man in my voice call

898 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11060 12:51

When you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love. ~ Marcus Aurelius

899 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11060 14:06

ƒfƒ… is not standard language, so everything you try will be found wrong by someone with no life. This is typed in IMEs by dhu, delyu, dexyu, and the only reality these reflect is the need to type it sometimes. I transliterate liberally according to the needs of the medium. The potential inconsistency bothers only me, it seems.
Where I was in elementary school, kids say "doosh" for the same concept, but there are understandable reasons to avoid that as a translation.

900 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11060 20:37

hi, I am really looking for a good host that is ad free, allows adult content to be uploaded, and allows the installation of the emanon script, I am using metrohost.info, and it uploaded without any errors, but when I go to set it up, it says that access is denied, which sucks because I spent all that time uploading it only to have it not work, so if there is anyway I can find a better host, or even a host that has preinstalled emanon scripts, I just want to create my own textboard, something that has not been introduced into the textboard world..

901 Name: nerv!a3LMU3qR26 : 1993-09-11060 23:36

its really hot to fuck a twink fag woman if youre a fat hairy ugly lad

902 Name: nerv!a3LMU3qR26 : 1993-09-11060 23:37

>>900 what would you introduce to the textboard world, i'm curious.

903 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11061 10:35

I don't see why you should have to be ugly to have really hot fuck with twink fag woman

904 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11061 13:21

are you the twink fag woman or the hairy ugly lad in this equation?

905 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11061 19:10

>>904 fat hairy lad ("bear") ofc

906 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11061 21:43

It's a mighty sweaty feel when you're short the parabolic move and they keep asking Powell "When is rate cuts? Is rate cuts now? CAN WE PWEEEASE HAVE RATE CUTS 45 MINUTES AGO?"

Fortunately, JPOW was in no mood to say something unexpected just so some dweeb can have a juicy article nobody reads.

907 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11062 09:46

Papers Please has become a Rorschach for authoritarian ideologues

908 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11063 13:32

Using the Jolly Roger to represent English with a flag as a based/cringe rorschach test.

909 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11063 18:29

Death to all those who work in middle management.

910 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11063 18:30

Happy Birthday Terry Davis!
Terry was born on December 15th, 1969. He would've turned 54 today.

911 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11063 21:07

are sunglasses made of plastic called sunplastics

912 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11063 21:46

"My God! It's full of banana cream pies!"

913 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11064 05:17

You know something weird? I was looking at the TempleOS source code yesterday even though I completely forgot. And no, I hadn't seen anything about him recently before that. I guess it's just God talking.

914 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11064 13:08

Utterly flabbergasted that people decided to turn This Is What Middle Managers Actually (don't) Believe into one of the major religions of the world

915 Name: vc: goytness : 1993-09-11064 13:37

Man, on days like these I miss Hu Jintao

916 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11064 15:08

Hu Jintao got purged RIP hefll be in communist heaven soon

917 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11064 17:23

>>910 feel like pure shit just want him back

918 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11064 19:09

There should be a Korn parody band called Kornshell that does UNIX themed covers.

919 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11065 00:44

Itfs tummy time

920 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11065 05:46

How many times can people watch a fake ass be fucked from behind

921 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11066 14:07

I think I've got a few more watching a fake ass be fucked from behind in me.

922 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11066 14:43

A fake-ass bee.

923 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11067 14:59

A bear every yair

924 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11067 18:11

The internet is my fidget spinner.

925 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11067 21:25

The eternal guessing game of "shitpost or actual Buddhism?"

926 Name: ƒ[ƒŠ[‚³‚ρ !p9m3de0ojQ : 1993-09-11068 01:43

How to make changes pancakes

927 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11068 14:10

Hello, Parker

928 Name: "womeive" : 1993-09-11069 17:01

There is a lot made about the lack of diversity in information technology, but don't you think the amount of transpeople and desis in that field makes it up for as they're rarely seen in the numbers they have there in any other industry?

929 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11072 05:41

oh she burped and she farted and she shit all over the floor
and the wind from her ass blew the knob off the door

930 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11073 12:00

Santa doesn't cry. He sweats through the corners of his eyes.

931 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11073 21:30

@@@@‚’,,c'_Ɂ@@@^PM„‚n@ __l>o<l__
@@@c/E EM‚Α @ o,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,}@@_|__qʁr__|_
@@@ (''œ ''' )@@ iOƒΦO@j @ |///| |///|
@ @ O„¦Oƒm )δ[P‚ΔƒmP]δ[PPPP]
@@ „¨‚΅' @„Ÿ„Ÿ]@„Ÿ„Ÿ„Ÿ 3@3

932 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11073 21:42

Am I alone? Is this Christmas? Has any of this been the usual? Should I order today's special?

933 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11074 12:06

I-I... I didn't get any presents??? why? (╥﹏╥)

934 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11074 17:18

Just finished The Dark Forest... feeling some real dread for the future of mankind right now. I suppose it doesn't change anything for me immediately, but man everyone who lives after me is fucked

935 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11074 18:04

It is the mark of an educated mind to anticipate when the editors of the Wikipedia article didn't actually comprehend their cited sources.

936 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11074 19:47

the uncontrollable urge to stab people who begin a statement with "yeah nah"

937 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11075 05:12

(Ι_R) If humanity survives to that point.

938 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11075 19:05

aging furries who can afford a cheap monthly bill as a pillar of keeping the old school Internet online is going to fuck up the history books so bad

939 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11077 06:45

Japanese corporations are also curiously dedicated to keeping up very old web pages for products no longer being sold or aired online.

940 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11077 08:20

Wikipedia desperately needs a 'women in red' type campaign for all types of religious academics, especially on less popular religions where it is obvious a lot of the information came from laypeople

941 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11078 23:55

the aural vampire - dj technorch - paraoka trifecta

942 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11079 21:01

Surprisingly few Soviet Santa images on the Ded Moroz page--there should be more, considering there are lots out there in the public domain.
Also, if Santa not real, then why flying next to Soviet spacecraft all the time? Checkmate, Arianists.

943 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11080 04:34

Happy 1993 everyone!
Buckle up, because the next 30 years are going to be real shitty!

944 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11080 15:06

Now THAT'S what DQN is all about! (Gesturing at nothing in particular)

945 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11081 05:45

Not sure what convinced so many people that unreal blue skin is a kink, but I'm afflicted with this condition as well and it might be the least explainable one I got.

946 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11081 13:31

Reverse version of It's a Wonderful Life: a newlywed couple are about to start trying to conceive for a baby. An angel appears to the wife and shows her what unspeakable horrors her children will have to live through, culminating in her killing her husband and herself to prevent it.

947 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11082 04:31

I caved and ended up buying eighty bucks worth of used books when I still haven't finished half of what I bought last time.
Its over, I wish I could read from scanned PDFs without wanting to gouge my eyes out and just get rid of all my physical copies and have no urge to buy more.

948 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11082 13:43

Ian Terence Botham, Baron Botham, OBE (born 24 November 1955) is an English cricket commentator, member of the House of Lords, a former cricketer who has been chairman of Durham County Cricket Club since 2017 and charity fundraiser. Hailed as one of the greatest all-rounders in the history of the game,[2] Botham represented England in both Test and One-Day International cricket.

He played most of his first-class cricket for Somerset, at other times competing for Worcestershire, Durham and Queensland. He was an aggressive right-handed batsman and, as a right-arm fast-medium bowler, was noted for his swing bowling. He generally fielded close to the wicket, predominantly in the slips. In Test cricket, Botham scored 14 centuries with a highest score of 208, and from 1986 to 1988 held the world record for the most Test wickets until overtaken by fellow all-rounder Sir Richard Hadlee. He took five wickets in an innings 27 times, and 10 wickets in a match four times. In 1980, he became the second player in Test history to complete the "match double" of scoring 100 runs and taking 10 wickets in the same match. On the occasion of England's 1000th Test in August 2018, he was named in the country's greatest Test XI by the ECB.[3]

Botham has at times been involved in controversies, including a highly publicised court case involving rival all-rounder Imran Khan and an ongoing dispute with the Royal Society for the Protection of Birds (RSPB).

949 Name: ( ・ิω・ิ) : 1993-09-11082 14:18

Do you not find unlit e-ink readers tolerable?

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