#24 [Cute Girls]
Sit down and think on it, friend.
black penis
Quality BBC television
Kinda horny.
Can you say racial slurs on this forum? I have a racial slur I'd like to say, if that's okay.
Can you? Yes. Will you be regarded as a dumbass for it? Probably also yes.
Consume my rape seed.
When you pinch Wendy's pennies...
Satsuki ga Tenkomori feat. Koko (the gorilla)
poopy hiney
Don't beat a dead horse in the mouth.
absolute biscuit
Shouldn't you be busy raising your kids?
I must resist the urge to reinstall Skyrim.
Are you a Shang dynasty oracle? Cuz I've got a large bone for you to examine...
a statue of a dog giving a guy head
spunk cost phallusy
sea biscuit
Shouldn't you be busy raping your kids?
monkey rape
Sure reeks of VIP in here...
Oh dear, did I say monkey rape? Naturally, I meant Monkey Ape. As a good, upstanding Netizen I understand that rape should never be condoned in any way, shape, or form, even if the perpetrator and/or victim is a monkey.
Really cannot wait for this stupid AI fad to end already.
things i've experienced that are statistically probably not all that uncommon, but probably weird enough that most people haven't done them, especially all in the same person
had gay sex
had and been cured of cancer
had hair down to my tailbone as a male
used anabolic steroids
been extremely obese and lost over 150lbs
been molested by a woman as a child
Pimp A Chimp
>>26 NPCs discovering chatbots and getting stuck in a loop isn't new, but this time is a little worrisome, yeah
Kill another whale with your powers. Shoot a bunch of kids from a tower.
Reminded why I never fucking bother to report bugs in shit, it's always "no this completely illogical behavior is intended" or otherwise won't fix or at best it goes on a bug list and never gets addressed again.
jUsT fOrK iT
JuSt FiX iT YoUrSeLf
The bodice goddess, as seen in the frottage cottage.
We've rewritten the module in question from scratch, it’s in a branch that will be merged into main in 8 years, no we won’t check to see if the bug still applies in the new code.
Don't even get me started on the "we haven't done a proper version release in over a decade but the project is not dead, build it from the svn" types.
monkey escape
The Secret of Ape Escape
umber brume
have i been pronouncing bodice wrong all this time
We must bring back lolcats.
my inadvertent habit of not using doorknobs because my parents don't wash their hands has led to some unsightly patches on a couple of doors, this is gonna need at least TWO wipes
Oh, you didn't want to know about the banana? Well I didn't want to know wizards got schwifty!
But what about monkey banana?
Taoist Dokyun, do you think Lao Tzu was a real person?
If I can imagine him in my mind then he has some kind of existence if not corporeal existence. Was the Yellow Emperor a real person? Was Socrates? No. Walk on water? Nah neither did Jesus. Its a parable to turn readers into believers.
I sure am bad at programming.
This is absolute catwater (new word for something that's bad, but less bad and in a different way to dogwater).
"Arthur" (at least in the English-speaking world) has got to be the name that most perfectly sits at the weird balance point between "boringly ordinary name" and "evocative of legend". Someone is as likely to think "King" as "the aardvark" or the like.
Contrast "Jason" where "...and the Argonauts" probably isn't first or second on the list of what people fill in next ("...Voorhees" is probably higher on the list TBH). Meanwhile not many people are going around naming their kids things like "Hercules" or "Sigfried" (though I'm sure there are some.)
imagine thinking your kid would be better off named TRISMEGISTUS than Tristram
I wish my parents had named me Tristram instead of Andrew.
This battle is in the air.
salted semen
mfs really been waiting three hours for the tyson paul fight
That one vore comic where the final panel is a big heap of poop on the ground with the vored character's ghost wafting out of it.
penis hobbyist
what the fuck is a gawr
what the fuck is a kilometer
"shark bite to km conversion factor"
furious fartbeasts
favorite food discovered between ages 0-9: spaghetti bolognese
10-19: pho
20-29: butter chicken
30-??: three weeks ago I was convinced I'd decided what it was, and today I realized I've forgotten what it was, even drawing blanks on what it might have been
haha I'm probably aging like the guy who drank from the false grail haha...
glycine + NAC
ivermectin + mebendazole + fenbendazole
must not talk about him
must not THINK about him
rumors help him grow
don't think, feel and you will be tanasinn
Tried Lao Gan Ma for the first time and it really is as good as everyone says.
Worst throbber I've ever seen.
oy vey it's like another Shōwa
caress bingus
69ing is really overrated.
I bet caressing a bingus is not overrated though (although I have no personal experience thereof and at least one person who might or might not have had said experience likened it to touching an old man's ballsack.)
Please restrain your dog from attempting to copulate with the topiary sheep.
I kind of want to besmirch someone's good name.
>>69 It's better with a hefty fat lass, in the Summer
Take it home!
Optimizing bicycles for higher speed is lame. In order to ensure I'm getting proper training, I am welding my frame out of solid steel bars, and I am also replacing the ball bearings with plain ones (without lubrication).
OH and it's going to be pinku (that's Japanese for pink)
Oy vey, it's like another shota.
Kindness vs unkindness
Eat meat, be straight edge, be antipolitical, be a trपe Theravada Buddhist!
I wish yuri was real.
Theravada Buddhism is a lie. Shinto is the one true religion!
I've heard fake moon landing conspiracy theories before, so I suppose fake cosmonaut orbits aren't a stretch.
I'm basically a cat.
While I find the "Lovecraft named the cat what?" hand-wringing a bit tiresome after a while, given that there are in my opinion far more damningly racist things that Lovecraft wrote than just the appearance of a hot-button word in a story that otherwise had nothing to do with race, I do have to give certain props for cleverness to that one Lovecraft-based card game that named the cat card "Tigger-Man". It's both not a wholly unreasonable name for a cat (still a touch odd perhaps, but you can assume the kids were Winnie the Pooh fans), but also extremely "wink wink nudge nudge, if you know you know".
Birch trees are really pretty.
>>84 feel like absolute shit just want him back (picture of Uncle Ruckus crying)
A pair of feckin women's knickers
war of jenkins' 馘
Is the horse gonna step on his nuts?
in that case wouldn't it make more sense for her parents to have been republicans who were killed by the RUC or something
Come out ye black and tans
Come out ye black and trans
Come out and fight me like a man
Come out and fuck me like a man
pwning n00bs with my b00bs
Venn diagram of people who have been on TED(x) and Joe Rogan
a war torn european nation in the 90s, huh? yotsuba is clearly SERBIAN
Mildly amused by the phrase "growing smaller".
Probably won't do anything, but it's worth a shot at least? Just visit the boards directly for a few days.
"England and Portugal have an alliance going all the way back to the 14th century, now isn't that something!"
North Korea and Turkey: kek. qeqw, even.
Since Chinese fictional characters often ended up becoming actually worshipped gods irl, does this mean in 100 years there will be a temple to Reimu in Xi’an?
I think I've made a terrible mistake.
what's going on
it's actually pretty funny that a fricassee is basically what a lot of newbie cooks end up making accidentally while trying to make a chinese style stir fry, but on an electric stove in a western style skillet over medium heat
Speaking of newbie cooks, I can't believe I managed to pull off poached eggs on my first try.
in the not too distant future, there will be a treatment where they introduce microplastic-eating bacteria into YOUR BALLS, though I can't say whether this will have desirable effects
demons roots got an english translation that got super popular on steam and now i get to be the guy who's like "yeah well i played it in japanese before it was cool"
I don't give a FUCK!
Double suicide... for kids!™
a choppy black-and-white 🅱️ideo of somebody being stabbed in a parking lot
ON 3-D D ᴅ ᴅ
No static at all!
They don't make YOUR BALLS like they used to.
i really want a civic type R but reverse bodymodded to just look like an ordinary daily driver honda shitbox
as the owner of an ordinary 2013 civic in bad need of a paint job, your wish is correct
It's been a long time since I last got kicked in the 'nads.
so is the site hacked or is this just a ploy to make the spammers think it died
I'm so sad...
It's just on the off chance that it's actually feds doing the spamming. I've had the same image on the imageboard ban page for a while now, and while I don't have hard data it feels like the spam has decreased a little.
What they don't want you to know is that it is legal to kill all feds. You can just run them over with your car. You won't be punished.
What they don't want you to know is that it is legal to kill all feds. You can just run them over with your car. You won't be punished.
i think you could call the thing i'm feeling right now "horny" but i don't particularly want to have sex, i want a cute girl to hold against me and kiss her neck and lips and ears and run my fingers through her hair and listen to her heartbeat and inhale the smell of her sweat mixed with her perfume...
i'm a big fat butt
I'm not cute or a girl but I can give you a hug if you want
All Harpooners Are Bastards
Are most English speaking Vtubers drunk? They sure sound like it.
afaict the drunkspeak is a crutch that livestreamers use to keep the energy levels artificially inflated without having to come up with well considered words at an unsustainable pace
i haven't noticed it with non-streamers, but most EVTs want to be streamers
<- BAD person
assigned cop at birth
all males are bastards
Huh, I wonder if this website is a good place to bitch about Wikipedia.
> an obviously insane dude with a "f7u12" avatar is having an inscrutable argument with a dude with a "guinness world record soyjak" avatar
No, I think I can get that on Wikipedia already!
penis guillotine
automatic circumciser (robo mohel)
all cuties are boys
All crops are bountiful.
all clams are brackish.
In the absence of a True King the wicked call the shots.
Caught myself mentally accusing a youtube video of using an AI voice today, maybe that's a sign to log off for a while
(pretty sure the guy was using some sort of voice enhancer and/or editing out breathing and pauses or so)
I have become quite unimaginative at what I would spend money on if I had any. At this point just splurging on a hotel room now and then seems more pleasant than actually going somewhere.
Call the feds I'll just sUCK THEMOFF
You must die.
or else you will die!
>>148 I've done that. Sometimes it's just refreshing to have new walls around you for a bit.
bad stinky poopoop computer
The peanut fairies...
I wonder how many of the cooking follies that the Hannibal fanfic enthusiast was lamenting were due to people misinterpreting the underlying meaning of chicken "breast".
when I grow up I want to be King Kong banging on his chest
south east asian names be like: troon suc dong
IRC, but with tripcodes
I want to be molested by a hairy, fat, balding old man with terrible breath
I want to be molested by a smelly, fat, greasy middle-aged woman with terrible breath
every single SK president has been a total disgrace, but they harassed this guy into a premature any% jail speedrun it seems
what if I'm some kind of weird gross retard and everyone realizes it but me
come out of the cupboard ye black and tans
Maybe I'm just weird, but I'd actually rather not be molested by anyone, especially not someone with terrible breath.
plz Santa bring me a lover with huge fat ginormous moo moo milkers
toxic paint fumes make male lose penis
god please let the big one (future earthquake) only wipe out the absolute smuggest most privileged and degenerate deserving neighborhoods along the entire west coast in a suspiciously targeted looking way, it would be so funny
grown ass man using peach & goma gifs
grown ass-man
not-yet-grown ass man
It is important to imagine what a person looks like from how he or she is reported in text sources if it happens before you find his or her photograph. It says a lot about the quality of the reporting or your imagination, and only this sort of critique can improve either one.
My apartment smells faintly like dog poop now. I'm not sure if it's the paint fumes or if I stepped on something on my way home, and I'm not sure which of the two I should hope for.
Franz Kafka was undoubtedly a shitposter, the real question is on what site or board
I eagerly await the report on whether the fumes cause you to grow a penis
eject the scum
Thank goodness I'm not stupid.
That sounds exactly like what a stupid person would say!
You know what, the prodigal son's brother was right, it was bullshit that his father slaughtered a whole cow and everything over his brother but didn't do anything for him.
Wait until you read the story of Onan and realize that in context what you were told about it being about jerking off are kind of a stretch.
(Tangentially, someone has to have done an "Onan the Barbarian" joke at some point, right?)
fuck my soulful orientalist white boy life
It's disappointing how media almost never seems to show the moon as anything other than full or crescent. I get that the gibbous moon looks a little awkward and lopsided, but it deserves some love too, you know?
Columbus: uses astronomy to accurately time a lunar eclipse, definitively pinpointing his longitude
Also Columbus after that: just one more voyage bro we're almost at China maybe even India bro
As I recall "gibbous" was one of those weird words that Lovecraft seemed to really like but I think he might only have used it in the sense of "hunchbacked" and not in connection with the moon.
Man, when P2P clients allow browsing shares it's pretty uh interesting sometimes. Just saw a serve that was entirely focused around 1. pr0n, with a special emphasis on sissification, and 2. MUGEN games.
It's disappointing how media never shows the moon as over a loli, who is together with me.
I get that you look a little awkward and lopsided, but you deserve some love too, you know?
the six-planet megablast
That's part of the point it's making. Divine values and earthly values do not translate exactly even if you could call some by the same name (e.g. honor).
So in the case of the Lost Sheep it would be foolish for a shepherd to put the rest of the flock at risk, and to the Vineyard Laborers it would not make sense to accept that job offer again the next morning. Thus with the prodigal son, mercy and grace are not justice.
The usual interpretation is that the faithful brother represents those Jews who really have kept the commandments. If you were a part of his target audience that had put in real efforts to be good, you might have reasons to feel indignant on being exposed to other incompatible but perfectly true views: e.g. that the scope of righteous behavior is limited to a secret/ethnic club is silly, or that moral+nicemaxxing isn't actually ideal ethical behavior (like who doesn't hate that guy?).
voyage to Pen Island
Nimravid rave party
Things that remind me of Hokkaido:
The snow level in Mario 64
Greater Israel conspiracy theory (Nile to Euphrates interpretation)
Band indicator on price chart
From the river to the other river...
Giraffe Interchange Format
zoomer biochemist: catechol ahh mines
This place is birdtastic!
Alternate universe where the famous Touhou song is called Bad Egg instead of Bad Apple.
I don't understand the actual physics behind all of those old 60s/70s American land barge sedans that had these huge ass fuel-chugging V8 engines and then got like 105 HP. How do you even physically get so little power from so much fuel? Where was all that energy going instead?
Not a single human being in these United States thought about fuel economy between 1946 and 1973.
Ahh~ I want Rumia to devour my flesh, innards, and gonads!
My lolicon nutrients being absorbed by her small loli intestines into her cute loli circulatory system, from which they’ll reach every single part of her loli body, including the capillaries in her cunny.
plz don't let the shoggoths devour my precious kitten
>>203 I'm stunned less by the efficiency/fuel economy aspect and more by the "how is it even physically possible to burn a half gallon of fuel in a 390 cu. in. 6L V8 engine and have the result be a 41 second quarter-mile"aspect. It wouldn't be that weird if burning all that fuel in such a huge engine at least put an equivalent amount of power down on the road but dudes back then were driving around on the equivalent of a riding lawnmower AND measuring their fuel consumption in gallons per mile...
"You're all in on nothingburger. Rebels are playing Half-Life in Assad's tunnel and leafing through his family photos, and you're all in."
just eat your slig meat, don't think too much about where it came from
I will never not be amused when I think of how the relevance of Chronicles of Gor tanked pretty much overnight as soon as 50 Shades of Grey replaced it as BDSMers' collective hate target. Being constantly told about how awful it was seems to have been the series' primary source of curious new readers (and, in some cases, fans-to-be).
Try. Try. お嬢様
the Flag of the Most Serene Republic of Venice gloriously refuting US nuflags
Who wants to see my caged tiger impression?
It's a pretty universal desire. Eventually you'll be burned up and have the leftover waste removed by her loli blood cells and deposited in her loli big intestine and solidify into her dark loli vampire shitlogs before she squats and slowly poops you out curling into a loli shitpile on the floor for her maid to dispose of and lick clean from her loli ass.
dutch racists be like "totaal negerdood"lmao
self-explanatory death note parody called brown note
theistic simulation theory: what if we're actually just god's tulpas
don't forget the ghost wafting out of the poop pile
just had "i'm the sensitive midwestern white boy version of a hood nigga from the bronx" as an intrusive thought and i'm not even american
but Rumia is not a vampire at all
There should be a viking vampire named Norseferatu.
Thinking of starting a wikipedia vandalism livestream
Kinda gay, kinda dead.
"We're living in a simulation" is already tantamount to saying "we were created by god(s)" just with a more sci-fi trapping. Although when you consider how people in our world act playing The Sims it does raise some interesting thoughts regarding the old pagan age when gods were thought to actively screw with mortals on a frequent and often somewhat arbitrary basis, versus more subtle action / "the gods have abandoned us". I can picture a gradual realization outside the computer of "you know, I think our Sims might actually be conscious, maybe it's not ethical to fuck with them just for fun".
Feeling the call of the monastic life again.
comic books skipping the shower scenes so they don't have to show you Peter Parker's peter
I want to do a deep dive on one a confession, commentary, or systematic theology, but I'm a little tossed up which ones are even candidates, because I'd want to start from the closest to what I believe, but what I believe doesn't commit to an opinion on most of the big infighting shitfits.
Love a dove.
Like a dyke.
Korean Dokyun, is the South doomed? (As a democracy?)
Holy smokes.
that fucking frog
King Exit isn't nearly as good...
>>226 I think about this a lot, but it depends on what you mean by “simulation” and “god”. The concept of a “simulation” wouldn't need to be “sci-fi”, it wouldn't need to involve a big computer - fire drills, earthquake and terrorist attack rehearsals and the like are simulations, but not in the computer simulation sense. We live in a real organic world which follows the laws of physics, but there's nothing to say there was or wasn't an entity which set the wheels in motion. I can think of many phenomena of our existence which could be valuable to understand, but difficult to really study since 1) we're living inside it, and 2) there are many many many variables. As a narrow anthropocentric example, think about how love works, how political ideologies compete, how humans behave in relation to the laws of the land they live in, morals and ethics in different situations, how life evolves. The creation of the universe could be a way of arranging various scenarios to see how things react to each other. For what reason, I humbly admit that what might be valuable for a higher being to study is unfathomable to the puny humans we are. I guess I can think of some possibilities.
Sometimes atheists like to poke holes in what the Christian bible says, and use that as evidence that there couldn't be a “God”. I think of this simulation idea as a possible description of the universe which was “created” but doesn't involve religious magic. Is “God” completely synonymous with “creator”? If it's just a scientist doing an experiment in a lab who created the universe we live in in a petri dish, but he isn't omnipotent or omnipresent, is that really the same entity described in the holy books? If there was some way we found proof of that, would that mean the end of all religion?
I'm not saying this is what I think the true picture is, it's one of many possibilities I entertain to varying degrees.
To be fair I am operating under the assumption that "simulation" in these contexts means a structured program of complex rules and variables like you would program into a computer, regardless of whether it's a literal "computer" as we know it or a wizard orb or whatever else, and that whoever created or otherwise has access to the "code" of the program can check/change variables, tweak rules, undo events, etc. etc: a being that exists unbounded by the simulated universe and with unlimited power over it, thus from the perspective of the sims, effectively a god. I'm inclined to think that fire drills etc. might be called simulations but are a different thing even if the same word is used, but I don't have a firm "why" on that beyond that I don't think they're the sort of situation people are invoking when they talk about the universe being a simulation.
Now sure, outside the simulated universe maybe it's a scientist or some computer nerd or even Roco's Basilisk or whatever. If you bring in arguments that there's even another level of creation/creator above the universe that the simulation was created within, or that there has to be one "True God" above everything else or otherwise hold that "god" can only apply to a being that has superhuman powers in every universe and not just Some Guy who can only control his own pet sim at will, then "demiurge" might become a more appropriate word for the simulation-programmer in some situations. I would argue that such distinctions are only genuinely relevant to sims if there exists some mechanism by which they can "break out" from the simulated universe to observe or exist in a higher order one (so Gnosticism or the like). Otherwise the knowledge (if it can be known, which is doubtful) is purely academic.
As for the continued existence of religion in the face of a revelation like that, I'm confident that even if our universe was programmed by some computer nerd in a higher reality and they sent down an avatar to tell everyone that it was so and that the whole thing was just an experiment done for kicks, short of rewriting their minds there would be plenty of people who, regardless of any other demonstration made, would just say it's a demon trying to trick the faithful, or whatever other explanation need be made to consider it false, and keep on keeping on with what they believed before.
Ultimately these kinds of discussions have a tendency to fall into "turtles all the way down" philosophical wank about things that have no humanly knowable answers, and this is a podunk jokey board on the butt end of the Worldwide Web (or so it is here perceived), and I spent more time on this post than was probably worthwhile to, so you know.
YouTube can gargle my entire nut sack
For the next 20 or 30 years at least. Aside from the usual gripes of cults and companies running countries (which they do in many places) I don't know how anyone can really fix women and men hating each other to that extent and so many people having Autism.
I can't help but feel a sense of impending doom watching from afar, like I'm looking at the ugly future of many places.
Jerking it lonely style.
Remember 2011? Those were dark times indeed.
i want to get married i want a wife i want to kiss her hands and make her breakfast in bed and tell her she's beautiful every single day and love and be loved please please please please god please
if i'm not married or engaged by 33 i'm either killing myself or castrating myself and joining a monastery
Coming from someone who learned Japanese first:
-Chinese practice of creating slurs by adding 鬼 to the name of a race/occupation/etc (e.g. 黒鬼, 酒鬼, 鬼佬) unintentionally makes the thing you're trying to disparage sound cool as hell
-Chinese practice of using 子 as a nominalizing suffix to create a handily parseable two-character compound (e.g. 靴子, 梅子、瓶子) unintentionally makes random nouns look like Japanese women's names
You have been presented a distorted view of things, I think.
Korean men and women have hated each other this much for many centuries, they can fucking keep doing it forever. Plus you seem aware that "democracy" is whatever superpowers with a stake say it is, and SK can keep going that way even if China basically edges out CIA/Mossad (which is what seems likely in the short run).
Like 4B isn't a thing. It exists in the same sense KJVO Independent Fundamental Baptists exist in the US. Okay if you're looking for the absolute most miserable motherfuckers that form some kind of influence it's a thing, you can find thousands I guess. But it isn't A Thing. It isn't Going to Happen. It isn't all over the Korean news even though they're basically CNN-like in their outlook. Like seriously look how long this is:
(this reminds me of the half-truth going around that Abe's popularity precipitously dropped after his assassination--silence actual Japanese person with a nuanced take, a quarter-blood Occupy Democrats-reposting sansei from Portland is speaking!)
Most Chinese pronunciations of 鬼 are fucking raw compared to "ki" which only bolsters your point.
Like if you think 鬼畜 sounds pretty un-bouba, wait till you hear reconstructed "kjwɨjX trhjuwk"
Also I was wondering for a moment if 瓶子 was 餅子 because that just shows you how serious my kanji study has been.
The hug offer is still standing by the way!
fat tittesss
tenderly caress my scrotum
virgin Bible Gateway vs chad Bible Hub
what if communism was actually real and if we'd just endured through the dictatorship of the proletariat stage we'd be living in utopia by now
Scrotum has got to be on the top ten least caressable body parts if you ask me.
give me attention
listening to old yuanshen arranges at the gym pretending i'm training to be a better jiangshi for seiga when i finally die
romance for women: taken by the 6'4 billionaire vampire CEO: can a plain jane with glasses and a ponytail like me really find love?
romance for men: what if there was a woman who was nice to me and at least moderately attractive and not insane
(both love interests are equally fictional)
Sling Blade and Gran Turino are basically the same movie if you think about it really deeply for a minute and then stop thinking about it
romance for men: what if I were a super nice guy always ignored but then the super cute girl top of the beauty in class suddenly noticed I helping someone find their lost paperclip and then she fell in love with me and then my sister also fell in love with me and the teacher and now I have a harem of women all in love with me because I'm such a very nice guy
>>258 every single otome game is a genderswapped version of what you just described except all the men are also 6'4 jacked billionaire werewolves or whatever
the call is coming from inside the house, femcel
>search google for very specific tap & die combo
>local model airplane webshop sells exactly what I need
>it's the only tap & die combo in the catalogue
this song is very moe
apathy from america 🇺🇸
I love anime harem women so much it's unreal
>>256 I don't fuck with lowercase posts.
Romance for trans: what if we were both lesbian demonic magical girls who traveled in time or dimensions to fight some vague apocalyptic threat that is kinda inspired by some exotic religion but not really and during this we fight both the chuds and our mental issues
Romance for >>262: What if we both had functioning shift keys
"I don't give a crispy aromatic fuck!"
Romance for centipede-people: what if you jerked off onto the floor alone and then a day later a cute girl came and found your spermatophore and inseminated herself with it.
Romance for Trons: ay bby u wan smsh wall END OF LINE
>and that whoever created or otherwise has access to the "code" of the program can check/change variables, tweak rules, undo events
I went into further detail about this but deleted it cos it got a bit rambly, but this is one of the varying degrees I mentioned. The creator setting the wheels in motion and observing what happens is one possibility, and then them having access to it and having the power to change things on the fly is an extension of that idea which I'm open to, but not necessary. That creates the possibility that supernatural events described in the Bible were real examples of the creator interfering with the system as it's running. Similar to your Sims idea :) But, things like that could also happen in way that's undetectable to the beings within the simulation, it would be accepted as the way it always was. Whether the creator has these extra powers is what I meant when wondering if this creator has all the same attributes that define what a “god” is.
>fire drills etc. ... I don't think they're the sort of situation people are invoking when they talk about the universe being a simulation.
That's precisely my point, I think people get hung up on a “The Matrix”-style 1s-and-0s simulation when they talk about this, I'm saying it can be a carefully orchestrated scenario with certain variables without being computer-generated. Or maybe I'm thinking a narrow definition of “computer”, I can't imagine what kind of apparatus would be involved in the creation of a physical universe.
Good point about people thinking it could be a demon. I was thinking of some concrete undeniable proof direct from God to each individual, like if every single person came across their own “burning bush”, and were just as convinced as the examples in the Bible. But maybe the open-ended belief and conflict between differences is one of the variables worth studying in this simulation.
>I spent more time on this post than was probably worthwhile to, so you know.
Well, I appreciate your thoughts, thanks for your time and effort o口(・∀・ )
Gundam: Jelqing
If you truly loved me, you'd ejaculate inside me.
Learn Koine Greek, problem solved
There are innumerable ways I do not wish to go out, but "assassinated by poop knife" is relatively high on the list.
Put me back in the dungeon please.
my colonists are eating raw rice and getting mad about eating raw food when there's a fueled up stove right there
feeling the kind of horny that makes a guy give a speech to a group of soldiers about how we need to overthrow the postwar government and reinstate the divine absolutism of the emperor and then kill himself
I'll take your word for it, but do you also want your totally-not-boyfriend to do an absolute-monarchical botch job finishing you off?
No hope for anyone! Yay! <3
evil chet hanks be like: black girl winter
Imagine how cushy of a job it is to be one of the guys at the Académie Française who does nothing but sit around and chain smoke and decide that the French word for "iPhone" is now "La Téléphone Mobile du i"
They should invent a way to masturbate your heart to make the yearning go away
"Schkwerl! Ok now you try saying 'Eichhörnchen'"
playing an arctic dwarf named Tjörnthor "the Hill" Björnsson in my next tabletop campaign
Zoomer reform member be like: 🗣️TORY BLUD REALLY THINKS HE'S PART OF THE TEAM 🔥 🔥
If I had a catgirl maid, I'd treat her right.
Why are so many zoomer trolls 'ironic' pedos, not in the UOOOOOOH lolicon way either
I'm kind of impressed and disappointed at the same time that the sample was just Jay-Z saying "Rockefeller" pitched down enough that you can't exactly make it out (always sounded like "wrecking sumos" to me).
Can't wait for the days to start getting longer again.
every obvious catfish out there i have wisely avoided
but it has summed up to a lingering regret that i never tried catching one just in case
attn Ray Peat fans: progesterone is only anabolic in women. The potential contribution of progesterone to muscle growth is the way it creates an environment of net anabolism by suppressing cortisol. It also suppressing the HPG axis doesn't matter to women in this particular case (and otherwise may contribute to its healing effects in estrogen-dominant women) because women do not have testes or leydig's cells; the trace amounts of androgens in a woman's body are produced in the adrenal glands and aren't naturally present in high enough amounts to contribute meaningfully to muscle growth. In men, progesterone has the potential to cause a state of net catabolism despite its anti-stress, cortisol suppressing effects by suppressing the release of the much more anabolic androgens. Testosterone has a similar anti-catabolic effect via suppressing cortisol as progesterone does, but unlike progesterone, also has directly anabolic effects by inducing muscular protein synthesis, encouraging glucose uptake into skeletal muscle, stimulating erythropoeisis, etc.
when i see an ampersand in japanese i read it in my head as アンド
Don't see a lot of demotivational posters around anymore... I forgot the line you're supposed to attach to statements like this, somebody please help.
"Sic transit gloria mundi."
huh, i have heard men with my particular circadian rhythm disorder usually have above-average progesterone, although the relevance of it isn't understood, much less the mechanism
I really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really really don't want to.
Roughly 20, 000 years ago the first humans evolved
With the neurotypical trait, genetic oppressive
Eye contact, groomed hair and clean skin
Socializing apparently was a sin to the original man, Anime fan
So the mutants left behind the non-procreator
Called Normalfags later, the first 'tism haters
100 girlfriends that really really really really really really really rape you.
guy who'll do double the speed limit on the highway but still uses a turn signal when changing lanes
what? why would raping the main heroine lead to a a bad end(;´Д`)
"ranma one two"
"ranma twelve"
>>300 If this is about the game I think it is then it's because if you just play for like literally 10 more minutes you get to have consensual sex with her anyway
vc: inpush
Remember being in love?
>>300 maybe this is the kind of game where the word that is literally "rape" shouldn't be translated idiomatically as "fuck" as is usually the case, but literally "rape".
gamer webcomic iceberg
"I don't even really want to have sex that much, can we just lay down next to each other and you touch my head and tell me you love me and I'm doing a good job"
"Uhhhmmmm that's fucking patriarchal bullshit how dare you expect a woman to perform your emotional labor for you"
sees an attractive woman god i wish she'd hug my head to her chest and shove her fingers in my mouth
it is 1997 and you are making an entire visual novel interface from scratch in adobe flash
Bulding my own textboard, brick by (exceedingly realistic looking) brick
Sort of like how the terms "left wing" and "right wing" originate from the French Revolution and have little to do with their original meaning, I wonder if in 230 years people will be calling them the "based wing" vs the "cringe wing".
A "the author's barely disguised fetish" run in Rimworld is taking shape in my head...
I'd be amused if it eventually mutated to "right wing" and "wrong wing" just to see the more neurotic among the population really wanting to be wrong, but not in any obvious way.
I'd be amused if it eventually mutated to "right wing" and "wrong wing" just to see the more neurotic among the population really wanting to be wrong, but not in any obvious way.
damn, I am the king of double posting these days.
left wing, right wing, chicken wing
Inside you are two wolves, one is a trap, the other is a 2hu
AI slop channel that basically does the news in the style of the Praeco from HBO's rome, even having an uncanny avatar doing the chironomia and everything
Oh right, it should be blatantly a bougie ho for whoever's in power, that's an important part of what made him amusing. It wasn't just the dramatic delivery.
Oh, baby, chill with the bread
"I'm God's busiest beaver"
You look at the egg in front of you, and a profound sadness fills your heart.
Enclitic isn't a dirty word.
"In Việt Nam, my handwriting is considered pretty bad." (it's the most beautiful, legible sample of penmanship you have seen this year, perhaps ever.)
that time i mentioned Celadon City playing pokemon at a tender age and Mom insisted I was talking about Shirou Ishii
thanks for the completely needless childhood trauma ig
Fukumaru Coitus
I just LOVE cock!
I really like cock but I don‘t know if I'm ready to love again.
38 year old gf who just now read about the "psych ward grippy socks footjob" thing and ordered some online to try it with you and she's honestly kind of bad at it but she's really funny and cute when she tries to be hip with what the kids are doing on "the bird site"
Hidamari SEX
Merry Christmas to every corvid. <3
Check em!
JUMP in the air and enjoy life
Merikuri DQN
rip yukio mishima you would have loved "merry christmas mr. lawrence"
spirit please, i'm a christmaspilled jollycel, i'm no longer scroogemaxxing
>>338 i fucked up by making my family watch conan the barbarian, now i have to convince them that mr. lawrence is actually a good movie and is worth watching
>>341 if they didn't like conan i can't imagine they'd like "ryuuichi sakamoto is so gay for david bowie that he commits suicide by military tribunal"
( 'ω')_ I'll watch anything with people cutting off bad guy heads with swords.
your honor
genshin impact
Conan the loli/bestiality artist
Taking andrewgens to become more Andrew.
man named "man"
referring to a guy with long hair shaving his head as "choosing to die with the philistines"
i'm pooping and reading dqn on my phone at work!!!!
the chinese amazon sellers who sell shitty polyester touhou cosplays with google translated names like "nightbloom sixteen nights"
jacking off to collarbones again
music that makes you stab middle schoolers if you listen to it
Programming in assembly is like giving a deepthroat facefuck, when you get the hang of it it feels powerful and damn good, but you always have to keep in the back of your head that if you fuck something up, the person on the receiving end is in the perfect position to bite your dick off.
It's really funny how many of the PCT meds, ancillary drugs, and AAS themselves that bodybuilders take were originally developed as breast cancer meds
bodybuilders [handshake emoji] 61 year old women with breast cancer
exemestane, tamoxifen citrate, drostanolone
Sad girls in the snow
Under the moon, loli to issho
Like whoa
Tanasinn dot info
It's snowing... that's so sad...
I had wondered at the time why he put the stress on the last syllable of "Jenova", but on second thought, maybe he knows Hebrew, but not in the way his name sounds like he'd have acquired it.
for cultural anthropology 101 we watched Holy Ghost People (a 60s documentary about an appalachian snake-handling church) and someone tried to be appropriately respectful in the discussion by describing them as in some ways "admirable", but the word that slipped out of this student's mouth was "adorable" and nobody in the room could really stifle the chuckle
"No I'm not a Christian Nationalist, how does that even work?"
> for half a second, the President nonchalantly eyes a photo of his golf course on the desk, the music becoming louder and more ominous as it fills the frame and becomes clearer that the Scottish flag is in fact a Covenanter banner
so kaban was a human frenzu, right
Claudius should have instead swapped the letters 'e' and 'i' and saved considerable ink, paper, and time over the next almost-2000 years.
This world is but an oyster.
The world is a blimp with blinking text on the side
King Arfer and the Knights of the Hound Table
Save the planet, man! (rolls away in a VW bus)
God, save the Huns!
feels great to independently arrive at basically the same opinion of the Hebrew language and alphabet as Prof. Tolkien (image: Gigadowns)
put something like"fuck the jim to your pam, i want to be the gomez to your morticia" in your tinder bio and watch the goth girls line up
Ape King
I'm a masochist so I love it when women scold me, but I'm also a feminist so I hate making women mad, none of you can understand my pain
I'm looking for a beater bible, it cant be varod (that's Hebrew for pink) or any girl color.
Women getting upset are all the same these days, short this, scrote that...zzz....
I'm starting to really hate cats because and people who post pictures of them as 'memes'
Why does he look like Trotsky now?
>>374 Honestly "scrote" is funny enough that I can't really be mad at it even though it's pretty much anatomically and functionally equivalent to calling a woman a cunt, it feels like when black people try to come up with slurs for white people but they best they can come up with is shit like "mayo monkey." Nothing they can come up with can match the raw power of the word "nigger" but it's cute that they're trying...
Scrote is pretty good insult, it sounds repulsive. No different than incels calling women roasties. If it feels "weak" it's just because you don't care what they think which isn't the insults fault.
cook up a dish of delicious scrod
Smoking and masturbation are apparently the top "hobbies".
happi new year
What New Year? It's still september
How did I get hungover from one glass of wine.
>>378 It's an elementary school-level insult where I'm from
It's been a fair year, thanks for being a part of it.
"burr hurr i don't get zoomer humor"
(屮゚д゚)屮 it's the same shit with different expressions, you just don't have time to care about kids' in-jokes anymore
Shijiazhuang Donghua Jinlong unironically curing my worst health issues
Just not doing it.
I did it.
You are gay.
must destroy furniture tommorow
Weird beard-beast apes
Gooned at work then cleaned said bathroom
I'm like 90% sure this woman will attempt suicide if I leave
Feeling like part of a secret club when you see something like "supported languages: Chinese (simp.), Chinese (trad.), Japanese, English"
"Can I please translate your game to Portuguese/Indonesian/Russian/other thirdie blackskin language?"
"As of right now there are no official plans to support any language besides English and Chinese, however if demand is high enough Korean language support may be added in the future."
The guy taking this down: (´・ω:;.:...
Amos: "Woe to them that are at ease in Zion, they lie upon beds of ivory, they sing to the sound of the viol, they drink wine in bowls!"
Rich hedonist bastard chilling on a bed of ivory with an experimental new instrument, a dish full of lamb and veal, a bowl full of wine, and a bottle of ointment, trying real hard to ignore the coming invasion and the plight of the poor: "Hahaaaa, great show!~♪"
If a recipe says to use 40 cloves of garlic you can always increase it to 80 or 120 cloves.
Jet, you can't call it 40 Cloves and a Chicken if it has 120 cloves.
the many attempts of Nature to evolve the exact same looking guy, that's how he keeps getting away with it, HTH
annotated paizuri imageset in lieu of a gamefaqs walkthrough
>series named milky holmes
>all the girls are washboards
An unctuous quest.
Star Shrek: The Ogrenal Series
>>403 Who are you quoting?
That's cringe!
>>403 uhhhhh you're forgetting the character whose massive fucking milkers are literally a plot point???
>>406 <font face=Comic Sans MS>whoof want to know?</fnot>
although i genuinely get the attraction to a premium bible (just feel that genuine leather full yapp around the Word, mmmm makes you trevvely feel like one of the Elect when you can manhandle the outside without concern and lay this smyth sewn bad boy down flat on any page you want), I settled for a spiral bound one with very wide margins,
since the point this time is to leave notes on the inside instead of leaving everything pristine like my usual custom.
so i did splurge on nice leather for bigass kettlebell study bibles i won't be marking up, and the text i'll be stumbling through for the next few years will actually be greek+hebrew reader editions, which is totally unnecessary but that's just how i do
anyway, >>410, you should just make symbols in the margins of $6 pew hardcover with numbers that point to a LUT in your notebooks, which in turn point to page numbers in said notebooks
i would have been the best housewife ever but instead i'm a 6'4 hood nigga from the bronx
my expensive tea set is migrating piece by piece back to the center of the dining room table after being banished to my study by my bitch wife
Woah-oh, I'm an alien, I'm an evil alien
Why is it so difficult for retards to start a sentence with a capital letter?
No opinion.
>>415 <font face=Conic Sams MS>whoof want to know?</fonp>
Lowercaseposting is a time-honored tradition and DQN quality (or dqn quality, if you will).
Pouring one out for the Tom Hiddleston threads on /tv/ and the two (?) guys who actually posted in them. Hope they're doing well.
I'm a little tired of the same 11 guys pissing on fake asses, I think pörn needs a new meta. I probably can take a couple more years of the faux-BlackedRaw style though
Bring back naming dudes Anselm!
>>424 you are using it like one, in a thread that is constantly at the top of the thread list and is probably the most active on the board, because you are a retarded nigger
Give it up. I have already depicted you as the midwit soyjak and myself as the 40/160IQ trog/sage in my head.
Modern day parents seem to have a strange and particular cognitive dissonance where they want a name that stands out but also sounds normal, which sublimates itself into giving children common names with bizarre spellings ("Kaightlynn", etc.) I wish more of them would just lean into the unusual side and choose unashamedly weird names like Anselm. I have a weird historical name and I love it, I get compliments about it all the time and it's a good conversation starter!
piss, puke, or poop
Bumholio Jones
My girlfriend has a brother named Jefferson. I think it's badass tbh
I wonder if naming a white child 'Siddartha' or something like that will fuck him up at all or if it'd be a simple 'My name is Sid. My dad's just a weirdo'
I thought they did that because spelling it correctly would remind them of a bitch they hate.
I have a distant 19th century relative named Decius Octavius, who named one of his sons Marcus Lafayette, who named one of his sons Decius Octavius. The younger, apparently, went by 'D' (despite the relatively fanciful names in that branch, all their occupations read like Midwestern stereotypes... Kansan horses bearing bucketloads of my cousin D's seed and feed, imagine).
farting in a shitty thread
Darting in a ditty dread
Sometimes I realize just how unpleasant most of you really are.
The sky is so beautiful.
I appreciate you. (≧∇≦)/
I try to keep it pleasant online, in fact, precisely because I am rather unpleasant in person.
ranting in an inactive thread
Please speak to me (not you).
hot women are hot i wish they were real
I will crush my enemies, see them driven before me, and hear the lamentations of their fat blue-haired women.
coffee should be thicker
have you considered adding some gelatin?
or mayonaise?
But we're unpleasant in a cool 90s way, like MTV cartoons or those Pepperami adverts
book scans
but with word wrap
huhhh huh huh huh, hey Beavis, this guy says we're cool, huh huhh
Captain Manlove
is so awesome
and really really really really really gay
he's not a real Captain
but if stuff happens
you know he'll be there to save the day
Captain Manlove
my autistic step daughter is in the garden screaming about the number of things she is unable to cut, again
Going scaredmode.
On one hand, Diamond is Unbreakable was (imo) the best part overall, had this really nostalgic Earthbound-like atmosphere of just some schoolkids goofing around until suddenly they find themselves saving the world; but on the other hand, I can no longer reveal that I have a fetish for women's hands without being compared to Kira Yoshikage, so I hate it.
Having a hand fetish sounds pretty classy to me, although I guess objectively it's not much different to a foot fetish.
What really used to weird me out is how brazen the foot fetishists would get in polite settings.
(they still do, but there are much bigger degens to fry these days, gotta maintain healthy cringesterone levels 'n all)
Speaking of foot fetishes some of the Sega Master System game box covers were uh, "interesting".
"Could you not shit yourself (in public)?" is a controversial request at furry conventions, ww
Fu Manchu woke reboot
mega milky moomoo mammaries
Dating app woman: "I'm not religious, but I do believe in the soul."
"That's weird, I'm religious, but I don't believe in the soul."
"You can't just throw the hoes headfirst into the Pali Canon man, you have to ease into that shit"
I find almost every part of the female body arousing, because I am 1) heterosexual and 2) so pent up and sexually frustrated that I might actually spontaneously combust
I hope the stupid tranny reading this has a nice day today. <3
"Yes I believe in fate, determinism, and predestination. Sorry, you must be held responsible for your acts of 'free will'. I will not explain."
> so pent up and sexually frustrated that I might actually spontaneously combust
sounds like the nofap life is really serving you well!
It's actually just been so long that jacking it does nothing anymore
Don't equate loneliness problems with sex problems.
That's more philosophically embarrassing than holding a belief in mind-body dualism that wildly contradicts everything else you believe.
You wouldn't do that, would you?
Oh fuck yeah, I love playing with blocks.
Did they have to name it 'Doki Doki Literature Glub'?
Narcissist: "But it's a perfect [goodthink] allegory!"
> look inside
> gnostic allegory
An animated GIF of Genghis Khan.
I'm farting into the toilet right now.
The way Haitian Creole often uses a w where in the cognate French word there'd be an r makes it look like some kind of femboy OwO language
Kinda want to ride a cute boy's dick right now.
poop insanity
>That's more philosophically embarrassing than holding a belief in mind-body dualism that wildly contradicts everything else you believe.
I'm reminded of the annoyance I feel every time certain places start up with their "it's mental health awareness day/week/month/whatever" posts, and crossing over with the "wouldn't say this if it wasn't an anonymous board thread" but putting it here since it's a response:
IMO the biggest hurdle to better "mental health" care is the notion that "mental health" is some sort of separate thing from a concept of whole-body health.
Yes, "mental illness" is real in so far as, like any other organ, the brain can have deformities or chemical imbalances that interfere with it working the way it's supposed to, and being the brain, the symptoms of those malfunctions tend to manifest as strange behavior. And sure, treating those issues is as sensible as treating any other organ malfunction and probably improves the quality of life of people with real health problems.
On the other hand, "mental illness" is often just a convenient excuse for the powers that be to pathologize behavior they don't like. This is very convenient for them, since suddenly you're not a malcontent being persecuted, you're "sick" and need "help", and forcing someone into "treatment for medical reasons" tends to allow sidestepping all the court proceedings that would normally go with trying to jail someone (in countries that have such checks, but even in those that don't the "helping someone who is sick" excuse is good for garnering sympathies from others who might otherwise object). Rather than go with the predictable example that usually gets invoked and leads to the predictable flamewars, have this instead:
Between that, and the persistence of "mind = spirit" type conceptions where it's basically a weird reskin of old beliefs about demonic possession and exorcism, is it really any wonder that "mental health" has a stigma attached to it?
Unlimited genocide on the 3rd world
(specifically SEA internet sweatshops)
Janny here, I'm having a meltdown. Please bear with it for a few more days.
(´・ω・`) You okay, buddy? Should I proy?
Today I learned that the celebrated Tang/Wu Zhou dynasty official and chancellor Di Renjie's name is pronounced in Cantonese as "Dik Yan-kit"
I'm having a good laugh at the expense of my parasocial pals who definitely hate the people The Algorithm believes to be similar to them (The Algorithm is definitely wrong, but not entirely).
the WOKE MOB is after me for being an eepy little kitty
"You are my sleepiest soldier"
Cute girl having a current thought.
I wish there was more anime with state-enforced homosexuality
You know, that Chinese emperor with the fireballs makes a good point
Imagine thinking things are going pretty well with a guy, maybe you're even picturing a future together, then one day he gets down on one knee and pulls out the fucking Amazon Basics engagement ring
using this as my wedding vows if I ever get married
I wish I was a bisexual French slut.
I hate to be the guy that uses work experience as authority, but you mostly feel this way because you don't work in healthcare or healthcare adjacent fields, the reason mental health messaging is popular is because it's very hard and often impractical to get people to live holistically healthy lifestyles these days, so physically healthy people often participate in sort of biohacking. People take shitloads of supplements instead of eating balanced, nutritious meals, they exercise on a treadmill instead of playing football with their friends outside while socializing, etc. People are often not having all their needs met emotionally and being educated and reminded to prioritize their wellbeing sometimes can help, you have to remember we live in an age where there's adults who seriously need to be reminded by their social media to drink water, people are thought to live in a sort of haze now. I do agree that in particular depression is often a lifestyle disease of those in poor physical health though.
It has had some unintended consequences though, like somewhat turning young people into emotionally incontinent empaths who trauma dump at parties or getting so good at seeking help and escalating their problems that diagnosis data often needs to be filtered through third party statistics firms before it can be used by academics. I think we're on the verge of a revolution regarding human behavior though with all the strides currently being made in neuroscience.
"That guy" or not it's a well-reasoned response that warrants thought.
The problem is precisely that almost all "pro mental health messaging" and pro health messaging in general gets hijacked and coopted by "remember to drink water and take your SSRIs" heckin wholesome chunguses and basically no one on the internet besides rightoid twitter grifter dipshits is out here telling people that they do in fact have some level of control over their own health and that they should lift weights and drink milk and go outside sometimes. Every other supposed pro health space on the internet is a masturbatory pity party of people who want to think they have the bad brain gene that gives them bad brain disease and the only treatment is to take bad brain pills their entire life because admitting that they have at least some control means admitting that they fucked up somewhere and that mainstream healthcare is largely designed to serve the interest of pharmaceutical company shareholders and not patients.
Cartesian dualism has been a disaster for Western medicine
There should be more stimulants that are legal and don't lead to immediate death and addiction
Thinking about that one "funny kid schoolwork" thing that went around where "broccoli" was misspelled as "brogle".
Said rightoids, knowingly or not, follow the Machiavelli school of medicine, viz., trust experts, but only the ones you asked, even to utter absurdity, since it is of utmost importance to maintain your seat as Il Principe of your own health.
It's droll that a lot of bad mindsets to have, that I know of, have generally accepted names, and that most of them are caricatures of the famous heresies in Christianity. In theory, this latter point should be adiaphorous (thats English for 是非もなし) but that fact alone will bias people to the a poorly reasoned conclusion of whether or not I'm right about it. (‘No, we are not “all gonna make it”’: local hyper-Calvinist)
Anyway, >>1, what this all really means is that you should try a bright light therapy visor to get some cortisol pumping in the mornings, before trying psychoactive substances.
Slightly funny how as Stardew Valley has gotten more updates the character of Mr. Qi has progressed from "slightly eccentric rich guy" to "bored trickster god".
Photos of politicians making unflattering facial expressions has got to be my favourite subgenre of news photography.
Real shota rape has never been tried.
I'm an autist. I'm a performance autist. No one hires me to fulfill their fantasies. I am no one's deep dark fantasy.
I've changed my whole entire house into a dungeon, in more ways than one. I am not the master.
I feel kind of sad right now. I don't know why.
I've really got to do something about my posture.
For what it's worth, a lot of medical professionals do not agree with the helplessness and frankly, medicalizing daily life as a way to remove responsibility for their lives and that the reason a lot of spaces for mental health are the way they are is partly because the topic has been politicized the way it has (aside from the distrust in authority seen across the political spectrum with the exception of status-quo accepting neoliberals, for example, depressed people want to wallow with other depressios and being told by a professional to seek talk therapy is seen as classist, ditto with not accepting self-diagnosis with almost everything else) alongside the demand far outweighing the supply of quality mental health services resulting in amateurish therapists taking on patient loads they have no business caring for, sometimes resulting in them becoming prominent on social media. The mental health industry is kind of in a catch 22 in this current mental health crisis, some subcultures think it's completely bunk and refuse to engage with it when it really could help them and others see it as the solution to all their problems and have gotten so 'good' it it's starting to affect the data around certain diagnoses. There likely wont be quality mental healthcare for everyone unless English-speaking society's attitude changes around it but I think you're throwing the baby out with the bathwater.
While it's right to be skeptical of capitalism, I also feel like too many people attribute malice to the entire industry when that's just not the case. It certainly exists but many go into healthcare to live a life of service and compassion to others and genuinely care about you. Also, the learned helpless you observe online is a very online thing that is indicative more of a specific subculture, particularly the chronic illness, neurodiversity and disability activist and malingering communities which are often at odds with medicine as well. Just look up 'medical gaslighting' on Instagram. I really wish things weren't like this but is this just life with social media and extreme political polarization.
This is what I'll miss the most about Shinzo Abe...
fucking unbannably anonymized bots everywhere
>>509 The healthcare industry is a lot like the postal service in that on the small-scale, individual level, there's a lot of hard working people who are there because they care about people and want to make a difference, but the higher up you go the less of a fuck about anything but stock prices the people you find give. Nothing but respect for the majority of the workers and nothing but scorn for the industry itself.
I'm passionpilled, I'm a kleshamaxxing Maracel
Chinese/sinophile dokyun, opinions on the burger invasion of REDnote / Xiaohongshu? (Which I'm surprised they could sign up for anyway)
It has been disappointing to me, the gold that usually appears when netizens interact with westerners isn't appearing. That's the thing I'm the most bitter at tankies for ruining (or maybe that every site that is dedicated to making fun of america eventually devolves into defending the Kim family)
burn penis
I just think it's funny as hell. The whole thing with XHS sounds like something that people in the 2000s would do for 'the lulz' (the laughs).
Show tummy.
scritch tummy
First as tragedy (world2ch), then as farce (xiaohongshu)
God I love it when women are just a little bit scary and unhinged please step on me and call me a good boy
first as parody, then ass farts
You have failed your quesadilla quest.
Tommy's Show
monkey mans
jumping ussa
Hey girl, I hate your guts!
I feel like we've reached the point where people complaining about people complaining about progressives complaining when it is not relevant to anything is becoming annoying, and that eventually we're gonna start seeing anti-anti-anti-sjws and we'll keep having layers of anti-anti-anti-anti-sjws and anti-anti-anti-anti-anti-sjws until the generations that care about these things age out of social media, christ.
> This is like ten levels of irony removed from the original joke.
Every single day God ribs me for having ever read Homestuck. Today you are merely the unwitting messenger.
saw a thumbnail-sized drawing of a woman in a burqa sucking dick
it took me a while to realize it was woman in a burqa and not the spy from tf2 with some weird lip stretch thing going on
not much, what's rapedog with you?
Who's Steve Jobs?
trying to get japanese weightlifters to use 皿 as a counter for 20kg plates
my skin may be white but my yamato damashii is as yellow as the rising sun!!!
j'vais asteur fryer une barbue
piano with pitch bend (it's a huge mechanism that stretches all the strings at once)
if the worst criticism you can make against a $10 game is that the gameplay loop gets stale after 100 hours then it's a pretty good game, right
Mid-20s gamer boy brewing his liter of coffee in the morning & sitting at his computer periodically refilling his cup from a whole ass thermos flask.
Just had one of the worst poops of my life.
last time I had sex was two presidents ago award
I'm going to copy that floppy.
the oddly common interpretation that in the event of an apocalypse, the hedgehog (qippod) is prominent among the anthropomorphic creatures that will inherit the earth
I'm SO horny!
Accidentally posted my current thoughts in the Wikipedia thread, because I'm a drunken incompetent. Sorry...
Ooo, you want to clean up your act and get a job, you want to be around and meet people, you want to go on dinner dates...
So like three times I've spotted the translation error of は clearly meaning "at least [X many]" and the translator not getting that, but most references are genuinely defective for not giving any hint that this is a fairly common use of it.
imagine how good it feels to be mystia lorelei and have a cute buddhist dog gf and be cute and stupid and be berated by women who could easily kill you into making food for them
What day is it?
parsing "kill you into making food for them" similarly to "kill yourself out of /jp/"
yt-dlp still works...
The boyslut of my dreams is out there somewhere.
I would look for him now, during this dumbass 'femboy' trend (I only put quotation marks because most people who call themselves this are very unfeminine)
Wellp, thanks to the wonderful posters on this site I've gone and learned what "safe horny" is about and I think my life is slightly worse for knowing this. I'm also reminded of yet another reason why I stopped following modern gaming circles ages ago.
Ahhh so! Oriental Adventure, for the honolable D&D prayer
4-ch matchmaking service
It carries out, but it no longer is as w as it was before
I wonder how Lil Jorgan's doing!
"it is what it is" is basically English for "仕方ない"
それはそうとしても、changing the topic with a polite-ish tautology to discount uncomfortable realities is just such a common human foible on this sinful earth
'the school shooter is a black sharty user' was not on my bingo card [laugh track]
He is a 764 member/Groyper falseflagging. He knew what he was doing and was trying to get a lot of people in trouble
I'm such a piece of shit!
No, you feel like a piece of shit. What you are is a big fat butt, sower of shit.
Freedom Fries on the beach at the Gulf of America
I'm such a big fat butt, sower of shit!
dark souls boss text Big Fat Butt, Sower of Shit
women are great, i love women, women eating food, cute delicate little hands and slender wrists, high heels HR woman loudly girlbosswalking down a tiled hallway, cute girl knitting a scarf, cute girl paying taxes
i am desperate for the approval of women please notice me or i will injure myself!!!!
pretty girl's neck and ears eroi
Bahrain or Russia's east coast?
himedanshi snopes dot com: actually it's 53% of lesbians who've ever experienced partner violence, mostly at the hands of men
Every woman I've seen who's worked in HR wears a blouse with flats and is a not-sexy type of fat
Link-sharing sites slowly losing the OP–TFA distinction
I wonder what the total number of words I've ever written is.
I have in fact never really fantasized about penetrative sex and only done it reluctantly with most of the women I've dated, it's always been about closeness and intimacy to me, I would much rather kiss and cuddle and cling to her and eat her out than insert p0n0s...
thanks "incel wiki", I'm basically a butch lesbian in a man's body, I enjoy my masculine appearance and physicality but I'm girl-brained as hell and never really enjoyed or desired the company of other men
If you're reading 'incel wiki' you are not girl brained
If you're reading 'incel wiki' you are not brained
I prefer the term "retard lights".
The fat horse from the Bugs Bunny opera episode joining the MLP cast as Fat Pride Pony
Guy going back to once hidden, now unblocked and unmaintained old tumblrs that were spam for Russian dating scams because the guys who were uploading scantily clad models to pinterest are getting fooled by utterly defective AI
I really think a cute boy fucking my brains out would fix me, at least temporarily.
>>579 I hope when we die we have access to our life stats life this. Anything you can imagine...
Now I'm thinking of that episode of Beavis & Butt-head where Beavis has a near-death experience and gets bored when St. Peter is listing off his sins and gets to the part where he starts jerking off every day.
Trump isn't the American Gorbachev, he's the American Milošević
>>588 I think when you die you get a roguelike character dump and then you get the option to either restart with the same build or retire your character
This is actually the afterlife, you're playing through the dungeon you created in fortress mode.
I'm committed to beating Touhou games before moving on to the next one, which is basically why I only know of my intellectual peer Cirno
Would anyone online even still know what it meant to be called a "spider expert"
Cuddles Giles Hoover, you weren't there for that meme
Excited to see what the next pandemic will be like.
maybe it'll involve spiders this time
I miss old ZUN art.
--that's okay, I'll still keep drinking that garbage.
"Sloppy Joe" as a regional indicator of contained ingredients similar to a Collins drink, e.g. a "Sloppy Juan" being made with taco sauce, "Sloppy Yusuf" being made with harissa, etc.
Been getting really into BBQ sauce.
It isn't chocolate, nor is it poop, it's SHIT
Cute girl suggesting that the focal point of the original comment was the word "consuming"; that low-status people imagine high-status people "consuming" philosophy the same way that one might "consume" a Marvel movie or an Assassin's Creed game.
Lavender pairs well with tannic drinks, but don't go overboard
Local middling bureaucrat responds with dead-eyed uncomprehending stare upon being called "obsequious mandarin," is instead beaten with sticks, clubs.
Bugs Bunny Nips The Nips
Grand Apemaster
Golgi complex? I find it quite simple, actually
I don't give a SHIT about FUCK
"EVERYONE expects the Jesuit casuists! Our weapons are worldliness, sophistry, and friendly fire."
Pronouncing "eroge" as if it were French
mega monkey meat
Think I need to start Peating again from square one
( ゚ -゚) Had liquid diarrhea in the shower.
better than liquid diarrhea in your pants
Penguin, grant me strength.
"I've been Peating."
"Gelamaxing, or GOJAD?"
I don't understand why I keep getting so dehydrated.
I smell the cum of an Englishman
"Neither, drinking coke and doing cocaine and anabolic steroids"
God, I hate western individualism, glad young people don't like it as much
Welcome to Tuna World.
when you have normalfag friends and racist friends and you have to triple check the filename of like a funny dog picture to make sure it isn't titled heil_hitler_rape_niggers.bmp before reposting it between chats
anyone who remembers eternal september and was in college for it is like 50 now
You are doomed.
I know.
>>630 Think that through again...
anyone who remembers eternal september and was in college for it is like 18,250 days now
Nooo Dailymotion has recently updated to use some newer technology, joining the list of websites which no longer work on my old browser (ToT) It would be good if they could be like yahoo and facebook, when they detect an outdated browser they switch to a basic version (which is often quicker and less bloated) so it can still be used.
I've been through this cycle a few times with my tech that (thank God) refuses to die, and had to bend the knee to bloat once again last year. It's all so tiresome....
this song is pretty good
For me, it's Miyawaki Mangetsu-chan!
shitlibs love to say something disgustingly misogynistic and then make it "ok" by specifying "white women" instead of just "women"
Showed a girl Steely Dan and she thought it was neat
I'd like to shop for pencil boards without getting crippled by a wave of anime-boomer nostalgia for shows I didn't even watch but nobody talks about anymore and it makes me sad, thanks.
it sounds gross, why would you ruin perfectly good girljuices with sake
I still think about that WACK HISTORY MONTH post.
I need to drive to California in a $3,000 car about this
Life, Liberty, and the Fursuit of Happiness
Thomas Jefferson was basically an Internet autist, and with his frequent inconsistencies, there's really no way he wouldn't have been both a degen furry and a foaming rabid anti-furry at different points.
I'll store the Fursuit of Happiness next to my Armour of Nigrous Nincompoopery.
And for my third wish, I wish that men were capable of tender erotic violence too.
ON THE 11,479th DAY OF SEPT 1993
I think I've understood another level of what irony poisoning means; there's a specific "type of guy" who's so terrified of experiencing an emotion that he not only refuses to engage with anything on a serious level, but refuses to believe that it's even possible to do.
Man I wish fake leather covers were actually good, but IME they're just a time bomb on your shelf.
Time to leech off of taxpayer money forever!
"please don't jack off to this"? I ain't gonna let no stinkin' tag tell me what to do
a lot of people want to fuck and eat their clones
is the entire joke in PCB that "spring" basically means sex
I need a simple honest man to fuck me missionary style every night so I can bear him lots of strong sons to inherit the farm.
>>658 Despite the probabilities, the passage you're probably talking about doesn't support it when left untranslated.
a furry dressed in an old-fashioned military uniform, named Nipple Lion Boner-part
List of furries with ED articles
The Teaching Feeling dev seems to have released a new game a few weeks ago that's basically the same game but with some kind of horrifying undead eldritch goddess...
Erectile Dysfunction, Eating Disorder, or Encyclopedia Dramatica?
My shadow, it speaks.
At least I'm not a podcaster.
I hope the guy who genie wished for the site to be more active is happy.
Nendos are art, not idolatry. Funkos, on the other hand....
Feeling extremely normal today.
bang bang seki seki banki
our fine four-headed friend
Tummy hurts :(
Would that be something like "Under the moon, adult woman to issho"?
Can I rub your tummy? I have a sexual fetish for giving tummy rubs and it will arouse me deeply.
DQN could be improved with the addition of a snapchat stories feature
No, it's apparently "muscle mommy" and/or queer shit (because being attracted to standard sexy women is "misogynistic" and unacceptable).
So, it's complicated. Not that you have the wrong idea in summary.
The guy who coined it (I have no idea why I have cyberstalked him for 9 years since I do find him kind of repugnant) meant quite literally "socially acceptable" lewdness. Socially acceptable to whom? Stereotypical game journalists and their sycophants, who have arbitrary (but consistently insufferable) criteria for what they will consider good taste in fanservice, as a weak defense to their constant attacks on actually good fanservice.
Hence, it's not truly generalizable to purely objective principles. But he does hate "reddit sexuality" (dominant/muscular w*man and all that), and of course absolutely hates that of the large spectrum of Internet leftoid cliques that hold a belief that you are morally obligated to find whatever pedestrians think is hideous to be beautiful.
For instance, he included Cammy's SF6 stretch pose in the mix, because he doesn't like it and game journos did (yes, it's just that important as a factor; also, he has a beef with Capcom for dumbing down Monster Hunter and is willing to be brazenly hypocritical or contrarian on lots of topics, because he's a bored NEET who picks Internet fights), whereas most people who accept the term would not, because nah that's pretty hot.
One gag he does now and then that I find amusing is to say "this wasn't me btw" to "South Australia Man" news items.
Are you going to imagine me pregnant while you do?
No. My pregnancy fetish is sourced from my tummy fetish, not the other way around (I think).
>the large spectrum of Internet leftoid cliques that hold a belief that you are morally obligated to find whatever pedestrians think is hideous to be beautiful
This whole thing is starting to be a little more muted because transwomen often love p0rn and defend conventional beauty though, and the general defense of sexuality and sexual content a lot of the LGBT do albeit usually not in the realm of video games, which is why the right-leaning gamers who like sexual content should form an alliance with that crowd in my opinion
thinking about Uncanny Cat Golf
Personally I blame all problems in society on Ready Player One
>>682 This alliance exists. Those in it often feel it doesn't exist, but those outside it have a strange animosity for us.
It is a forever uneasy Dao with shifting bounds and many spazzes (oh, all of our most prominent representatives are, that is how they appoint themselves such) who keep entering and leaving it in disgrace, but the Huizingan Magic Circle itself is antifragile like the ouroboros. The enemies of the Circle try to rewrite the Pattern, but the Circle is an intrinsic part of Creation; it does nothing and wins.
It is like how the TTS Gamer Presidents seemingly can't stand each other, but are in fact the Three Vinegar Tasters trapped (heh) in a karma, having once experienced rays of the bliss of trve gaming and knowing its rather arcane subtleties. To the outsider, they must seem more like the blind men arguing about an elephant. But to the insider, they are like Talmudic sages coming up with arguments from fanciful, completely unwarranted directions that yet sometimes, somehow reveal something amusing about reality.
(Oh, what are my beliefs? "Why yes, I read and subscribe to the theology of the literal Puritans; how could you tell?" In other words, explaining myself on this gets overly wordy and more unpopular the longer I explain. I'll leave it at, my tolerance for art extends very, very far if it's in service of the holy--we have an erotic sacred text, mind you--but not so much when it's an earnest invitation to idolatry, heresy, sin, etc.)
In hindsight, I kind of like it when a series takes a really weird turn that it really ought to try, and then doesn't revisit it because there's no point.
Like how Morte Darthur gets to the Quest part and becomes more of a fever-dream and theological, or TDKR being inferior as an action film exposed that yes the trilogy always only served "realism" in extremely narrow senses in service to its strange Christian-ish allegory, or how fighting game series have a dark future theme for one (usually the third) installment.
I liked some of what Bioshock Infinite was trying to be, but the actual thing was basically the opposite of this.
I like marshmallows!
Genuinely unsure if this is a sincere post by Philosophy Major Poster (as I've come to nickname that personality) or if it's a parody diss on Philosophy Major Poster. So, good job, I guess?
Friday morning coffee shits, yeah boyeeee.
Why does everything I drink suddenly taste like cheese?
Who wants to be sick with me?
Shibboleth: N-A-A-C-P vs. N-double-A-C-P
Nothing in this world is better than distorted kicks.
Judge Holden as a ranttuber
the malacose school bully vs. the faithful furry-Jesus worshipper
how DO you clean a couch
Shame! Shame!
"putting loctite on wood screws"
I must have played dozens of massage parlor simulator osawari eroge but somehow only just now found one that lets you massage the girl's feet
Seriously, looking back on Adventure Time, I feel like the show was to humiliate boys who are too nice to girls
Cute girl with chubby thighs and frumpy glasses wno never smiles and struggles to make eye contact with strangers
I'm thinking way too hard about what to post in this thread.
>>705 Posting is a lot like shitting, you shouldn't strain yourself!
get the fuck on!
I think this is a pretty good book, but it needs music, western movies, troll entries and LGBT books that resonate with the queers on this side of the internet
All heterosexuals must die.
West Hollywood has fallen, millions must stimulate their prostates
Come on and slam
And wet your shimapan
For more representation of fine LGBT literature, may I suggest "Hogg" by Samuel R. Delany and "The Wasp Factory" by Iain Banks?
Western fetish artist drawing Rei inflation being forced to specify in the title that sheVs been aged up to 25 to avoid outrage directed from the minors looking at his fetish porn feeling groomed.
The catgirl sat on the matgirl.
>>708 For music, denpa, lolicore, and DQN Electronics/Digital compilations
I want a combination of urban and rural comforts that are ultimately mutually exclusive. Taṇhā/epithymía will fuck you up like that.
Don't want to post anything in wiki thread because wikidick will be racist to me again.
"Bro, have you even read Plato?"
"Bro I've read SICP."
"Bro." (genuflects)
The Philosophies of Play-Doh
ordered $420 of ESV bibles the day before Crossway updated the text award
I'm always buying books if they're cheap and I have spare change on me
The falcon copypaste reminds me of that article where the guys running some park in Africa were complaining that the lions had learned homosexuality from the tourists.
vc: hairable
Make it good!
for the RW bodybuilder
starting strength is not a bodybuilding program!!!!
wifesharing program
Why did I listen to livin' la vida loca again, surely I should've known it would instantly get stuck in my head.
That was probably my least proud fap
[to the tune of I love rock 'n' roll] I love olive oil!
put another garlic in my frypan, baby
Is olive oil on ice cream still a thing? I like it.
words of Christ in offensive Jewish accent
(oy oy oy this meshuggener thinks he kept all the mitzvot? Donate all your gelt so it won't weigh down your chariot to Heaven next week why don't you!)
Why am I even paying into a pension, there's no way society won't have collapsed in 35 years.
Key lime yoghurt, yeah boyeeeeeee
It still pisses me off that "for 32-bit Windows" and "compatible with Windows XP" are somehow not synonymous. Who the hell is using a post-XP Windows on 32-bit hardware?
I wish I had feathers.
unbearably horny in a way that masturbation has ceased to fix, might juice my prostate like a grapefruit and then kill myself
Can the anitwitter adjacent DQN help me? I'm looking for a substack (?) story by one such personality, about a pianist hired to play at a rich people party, ending along the lines of
All sex should be illegal, except yuri sex. Male homosexuals should be put to death. Make heterosexuals should be jailed and chain ganged. A scientific commission should be set up to insure two girls can somehow reproduce without heterosexual intercourse.
^ Most trans current thought ever posted
^ Most cis current thought ever posted
Are yurifags trans? We must set up a commission to investigate this important question.
I'll get you next time, Gadget...
Imma beat my meat now.
Imma beat your meat later.
glob of homogenized milk
It's one third straight male anime fans looking to coom or just appreciating gay romance one third trans agps and one third obese manhating lesbian TERFs
Self proclaimed himedanshi here, I'm a cisgender, approximately Kinsey-2 man, I enjoy yuri but rarely masturbate to it. Lesbian sex is just closer to what I want out of sex with a woman than heterosexual sex is, for me sex is about closeness, physical and emotional intimacy, pleasing my partner and expressing my love for them and "getting my rocks off" is secondary to the point where I kind of have an unreciprocated orgasm fetish. I was also sexually abused by multiple women as a young boy and despite being tall, strong, muscular, having a big full beard, basically being very traditionally masculine looking, I've never really desired the company or friendship of other men, I basically want them to praise and admire me and then fuck off.
Closeted trans women doing closeted trans woman things such as building miniature scale fully functioning steam locomotives to ride on their garden railroad
looping and pooping
heh, stupid zoomers, falling for obvious propaganda if I add phonk to it
(falls for obvious propaganda set to butt rock)
19th century engravings just hit different, especially in a fancy reference work where you know they could have picked or paid for practically any picture they wanted because it's got those, and instead they went like "Nah, this is perfect. This is the one."
Azur Lane girls loaded with seamen
Moonlight on loli.
Black weebs are kinda cute.
Jkid is the opposite of cute
I'm in a loving and mutually supportive and healthy relationship for the first time in my life but the old feelings of worthlessness and inadequacy keep coming back up and I also kind of want her to spit in my mouth and step on me and put out cigarettes on me until I cry, how do I reconcile this
hyperventilating thinking about sweaty smelly unwashed idols
I wish armpit hair was a more popular fetish in JAVs. I wonder if there's any amateurs who cater to this. I know it's become popular in China for women to grow out their armpit hair!
Pink, pink, pink!
.ape audio
lmao listening to a metal album and recognizing that they mixed in sound effects from Civilization 2 as the battle sounds
I suppose if I wanted to resurrect my game dev career from the ashes, I'd pivot to CGDCT Except Meticulously Researched Historical Fiction
Lord Balls
I've played like 3 different eroge recently where the mind-numbingly sexy chubby heroine suddenly loses weight like halfway through the game and I'm sick of it!!!!
Pornographic experience has taught me that when the cute chubby girl loses weight, she usually acquires some rather deflated-looking tits and becomes considerably less cute. Curious that the eroge you mention omit that.
They should bring back using "wizard" to mean "really cool".
Roko's basilisk except it detects typos and grammatical errors and basically won't let you use the Internet until you fix them
The above, but with serious Scunthorpe problems.
If things continue like the present I might become religious.
>look inside
>woman (woman)
well bugger me blubber
Huh, this album kinda sucks.
Rationalism except it's not just the bad parts of Abrahamic religion dressed up in academic language to appeal to psued bronies
parappa le rapper
Come on, man.
Cum on man.
>cum inside
>man (fetus)
Luigi says, yeetus that fetus
I hate computers.
Cum in my bum.
woke: queen vix was a woman
broke: queen vix was a transvestite
bespoke: queen vix was an astronaut
ejaculating penes
One VIPPER dead, two VIPPERS dead, three
It's another "water tastes great" day, huh.
we've got you surrounded!
come drink your fig wine!
Another Tay, another Zonday
weird shipper lingo sure is magical
It's Friday?????
I love doomed women!
Monsieur Robert Berbils
I wish exhentai allowed videos natively so I didn't have to torrent all these bad JAV from galleries of screenshots of them.
at this point i'm like 90% sure that autogynephilia in men is caused by sexual frustration so if your husband troons out there's a pretty good chance that it's your fault, although it could also literally be the jews, i.e. excessively tight circumcision causing difficulty reaching satisfying orgasm
ohh, kanye became ye because jesus is 'ye'shua
I wish I wrote more.
Trying to ERP with AI Ranni but the model is playing her empyrean form instead of the doll form
Gabber with a hard R
I'm so glad I stopped reading the news.
Cute homeless girl who smells like cheap beer and stale sweat,has greasy, tangled hair, and a 12 month unshaved bush with coagulated chunks of menstrual blood in it
We've lost contact with the control tower. Every day for a month.
People with earnest "fuck it one struggle" opinions don't deserve my respect, but have it nonetheless.
Feeling a little bit liminal today.
"You got crypto scam in my Prosperity Gospel!"
"You got Prosperity Gospel in my crypto scam!"
(it's already been done, this observation is not new, just new to me)
Piss Shitman's Fuck World
Less tits, more ass.
Big steps forward
Pri-on! Apply directly to the milkshake!
pooping anus
I just don't care.
shake it in the air
vc: yayeth
> download a download manager due to ISP suckage
> download of download manager stuck
I feel like all the ads McDonald's Japan is doing is really perverse
I'm red.
On the bright side, I plumb forgot how handy download managers are. I fear to think how much time I wasted on dragging and dropping in the past decade... (probably a whole hour)
I feel like a solid 20-30% of the posts in the cute girl thread are just the poster's fetish.
I seem to coincidentally share fetishes with a concerning amount of fellow textboard posters.
>>824 I feel like it's only 20-30% that aren't the poster's fetish
jerking a cute girl's bean while licking her armpit
Baltimore, huh.
My captcha is goy and it would be so easy to make an anti-semitic joke in the captcha thread but I still have a heart and would feel bad about it.
But like, I still want it known that I could've done it rather than just refreshing the captcha. So maybe I'm a shit person after all.
alt timeline where bin Laden Boeing'd the Baltimore WTC (which is both a WTC and a pentagon)
I think I've had that one come up multiple times in the captcha vocabulary.
they really named her ellen degenerate
>>829 Why would you feel bad? It needn't be antisemitic
praise for The Art of War isn't just about the text proper but includes a multi-century tradition of commentary clarifying contingencies and interpretations that translators have no choice but to make a definitive decision on, but noooo Internet Dumbass is telling on himself that he read the $3 bargain bin version without a single trace of Dr. Giles' priceless notes
/general/ used to be DQN Lite but at the present moment it is significantly more DQN than /dqn/ is
I used to be DQN but now I'm just /general/
Born on a farm and raised by a heneral
This is racist against Frenchoids who are limited in the ways they may peruse the wise words of Monsieur Souen Tseu
I am sick and tired of """gay""" zoomers who masturbate exclusively to femboy art but have no interest in sex with actual men.
I'm neither gay nor a """""zoooomer""""" and I'm not attracted to hairy grown men only cute boys. How hard is this to understand? I would sodomize a cute twenty something male but not a 30+ year old man.
The individuals I condemn are not into "cute twenty something males," they are closeted heterosexuals attracted to heavily stylized cartoon art and nothing else.
Just die?
Just in!
Just dance!
hmm today I will read some Dooyeweerd (clueless)
Who's being so erotic?
In defense of complex world-building, if it leads to truly clever problems and solutions, it won't be boring to everyone. Just... most people. Don't mistake mass-market advice for art advice or vice versa, basically.
"You can tell a lot about someone's character by how they act once they're a powerful undead."
New browser, new me.
Yaoi sound a lot like YHWH.
'In the distant future, individuals who adore the old way of life live in Kowloon Walled City—a slum city that serves as a refuge for those who long for the Hong Kong of the past.'
I think places like this are going to exist eventually.
> The facility closed on 17 November 2019.[3]
Spiritually, I am starting to think we really are hairless apes on a spinning ball of rock in outer space.
I've been reading a lot about biology, neuroscience and anthropology recently. I'm starting to think that there is nothing. That all of the spiritual events in the past are the product of like tripping out on Fly Agaric or something. We are literally just hairless apes that emerged from the backwater slums of some intergalactic void.
I was making progress with Buddhism but I did drugs and got an existential crisis and now I can't shake the feeling there's nothing after (which could work with Buddhism I suppose).
I still won't commit to anything though, and may try to find God because this seems like what Christians mean when they talk about blind faith against all odds. Or the Buddha was right and I was close to escaping samsara in this lifetime but now I've ruined it.
I am so consumed by fear of death that I can't enjoy daily life anymore. I am 24. My cope is that the more I fear nonexistence the more likely it's gonna be some weird plane everyone was wrong about, and that many annihilationist Atheists will be disappointed by. I think that eventually in infinite time something will happen even with nonexistence.
Having a reading diet heavy in spiritually ill-nourishing writings is probably worse for existential dread than living under active persecution. I've read boring economics texts that have more devotional value than typical works in the fields >>856 named.
But seeing as I am commanded by my lord (whose return I await any day now) to preach the gospel to every creature, including presumably the mitochondria in my cells and the malignant bacteria on my hands, I do hope you have a calling, and that if this is not it, that it comes soon.
(read more puritans, mwufufu)
Corny to use an anime clip, I know, but it's relevant here
also if it's to the point you can't do anything you may have a medical condition you are confusing with spiritual malaise
sigh you guys are so concerned with the spirit and the afterlife but all I want is for mpreg to be real
give it 20 years, calling it now women will be more upset than the religious
>>856 I reached a point where the Buddhist idea of non-souled reincarnation was the ONLY thing that makes sense, Greek metempsychosis is similar in observed effect but logically untenable. The best metaphor I can think of is more like playing a video game, finishing it, then turning off the game and starting a completely different video game as a totally different character. Your real world self is the mindstream that preserves the continuity between these two otherwise completely unrelated incarnations. In a cyclical cosmos with an infinite amount of time stretching before and after the present moment, basically every sentient being is a Boltzmann brain, and at some point during the infinite expanse of time that lies in the future will be spontaneously re-created. In a cyclical universe that is continually destroyed and remade Buddhism is actually the only thing that makes sense, but if the universe is linear then both Islam and hard atheism make equal amounts of sense.
Y'know what, fair enough. I take it as a given people try to exhaust the scientific remedies, but I ignore that doing so is just as sisyphean as exhausting any subject.
I used to think I was a NEET and bad at video games because I just had to try harder; that's what people tend to say in our culture / my family. Turns out I'm seriously disabled, just not in any obvious way (sleep disorder comorbid with fatigue just hitting whenever). It was and will be impossible to hold steady employment without a cure or being part of a Mars mission, neither of which sounds likely. The lengths I go to to get kind of normal sleep seem more appropriate for someone twice my age.
I commend the puritan writings specifically because they defy their stereotype--severe and devout, yes, but also humorous, empathetic, and scientific in their own way (just, uh, extending the medieval esteem of theology as the queen of the sciences). While being kings of cope in a time of hateful wars and horrible medicine, they were not utterly skeptical of the scientific revolution and its applications; a few were early adopters of heliocentrism and vaccination, and the movement as a whole was keen on IT innovations like printing and bullet point outlines.
Good intertitles go so hard, I'm glad lamers don't even know how to attempt doing them correctly.
Buddhism helped me so much, but I'm afraid the Abrahamics are right that this is my ONE chance to go to not-Hell whereas if the Buddha was right I can try I can again I guess. Both Jesus and Buddha were great men and are still remembered and revered to this day for a reason I think.
Also, all this being said life is amazing despite it imperfections. Do exercise, eat well and take care of yourself, nigga!
You're all too young to be interested in what happens after death, and since you're in your 20s and 30s, actually read a book or listen to a talk by a real clergymen about and turn the Redeemed Zoomer videos off! On the other hand, do not become so consumed with this it becomes life-denying in a Nietzschean way, enjoy your life niggas!
I love you all
I will be reborn in BBC THUGARHTHA when I die after going FULL KARABOGA
this is not up for debate
that one time my dad watched me play a wheel of fortune video game and pretended not to know the answer to "the shah of ira_"